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CLASS; MBA (1.5)






Illiteracy rate
Illiteracy is the inability to read to write. The number of people incapable of reading or writing in
a certain area or country is known as the illiteracy rate. Literacy is an important indicator of
education because its improvement is likely to have an impact, in the longer run, on other
important indicator of welfare.

The province Khyber PakhtunKhwa has 25 .the province has 13 percent of the total education
institution in Pakistan in the year 2018-2019.the ratio of male and female were 13 percent and 12
percent of the total education institution respectively (Government of Khyber
PakhtunKhwa).Education is a fundamental need of all known beings and crucial to any country
develop. Illiteracy is not only an individual disability but also has an impact on society.


Every children, youth, man and women has the right to education, training and information.
Education is a key to national development. No nation or society can progress without education.
Education is a basic human right and a significant factor in development of children,
communities and countries. But unfortunately in Khyber PakhtunKhwa especially in district
Torghar the ratio of literacy is low (33%) as compared to other districts. And the net enrollment
ratio in 2019 is 6% (KPESED) also lowest compare to other Khyber Pakhtunkhwa districts. As a
policy Advisor the following strategies and policies should be taken to improve and minimize the
literacy rate.


The education system in Pakistan comprises a mixed blend of public and private schools of
multiple types and shades. Resultantly there are some schools which are providing quality
education, whereas many other bravely meet the desired standard of education. Due to prevailing
low literacy rate and poor economic conditions, parents often prefer to send their children for
earning their livelihood rather than sending them to schools.

Literacy is a major indicator of economic development of a country. Literacy has slow down
socio economic growth. Large increase in population and poverty both of which continue to have
significant negative impact on the literacy rate.

In this regard by improving the literacy rate various stockholders involvement should necessary,
like student and parents at macro level, teacher and supervisor at school level, educational
administration at local government(Municipal/District),and the national level represent by the
ministry of education at the most macro level.


The process of education is incomplete without education .the secret of development of all
developed countries is that they directed their resources to provision of education to their by improving literacy rate in district Torghar, should need to be enhance awareness
mean educating the community(Torghar), regarding the importance of quality education.
Communication is one of the tools to aware the community..

The other most important factor to help in leading of literacy rate is to enhance enrolment ratio,
also should need to increase enrolment provision of teachers, improvement of physical
environment ,should stipend to female students are some of the catalyst to enhance, and would
play role in improving of literacy rate. The old curriculum should need to be revisited. On the
other hand Children should be provide only the basic subjects in primary schools ,and in the
secondary level they should be given choice of selection of courses on their own ,of course
teacher can serve as guide in this matter but subject should not be imposed on the student.

In addition, every parents have also is the responsibility to ensure that their children are
educated, so that they can raise the literacy rate and ultimately improve the country's situation
and status if parents and society should help in delivering education to their children. For
developing countries, improving (girls and boys) education promotes contributes to the
productiveness of the workforce and the health of the nation. On the other hand gender inequality
has been experienced in participation. Girls were provided with less participation opportunities
as compare to male.

As a policy advisor the large well community of religious leaders and opinion makers are also
need to be taken into confidence, because education is the right of both male and female,
because no one country is developed until they provide equal education to both male and
female. Developed countries are developed because those countries focus on gender equality in
education. So because if we don’t provide equal education to both male and female, our nations
cannot progress.


Improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so that
recognized and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in
literacy.However, the reforms in primary grade learning in KP over the past few years have laid
the foundation needed to start working on quality of secondary schools. Professional
development programs, assessment systems and governance mechanisms required to impact
quality of teaching and learning have been put in place at the primary level. While this provides a
roadmap of sorts for improvements in quality in primary schools.

Education reform from the standpoint of social integration aim to bring up a national identity and
citizenship’s among the nation’s people through education. On the other hand Children enroll in
school in (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) very late. Nearly 26% of respondents from the recent
household survey said their reason for not sending a school-age child to school was that they felt
they were too young. While this results in low primary participation in 5-9 year old children,
international evidence shows that late enrolment may hamper a child’s ability to excel in school

Primary education is should need to be compulsory for both male and female at primary level,
with this effort every child will be provided free and fair access to quality education with equal
opportunities to discover the full potential of their talents and wisdom with dignity and

dedication for the betterment of society.

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