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8th standard-English-Prose-1

The heavenly parasol

I . Glossary :
Parasol = light umbrella used to give shade from the sun.
Lure = attract or invite.
Exquisite = extremely beautiful or delicate.
Cast = spread, act of throwing Something.
Sovereign = person holding highest power.
Dazed= Confused, surprised, bewildered.
Portent = sign or warning of an unpleasant feature event.
Impose = try to make somebody to accept.
Expedition = journey or voyage with a particular aim.
Weary = Tired.
Wood = Small forest.
Slain = kill violently.
Agitation = Disturb state of mind.
Brandish = display, show.
Barbarian = primitive, coarse or cruel human being.
Victim = living creature killed and offered as religious sacrifice.
Cringe= move back or lower one‟s body in fear.
Incredulity= showing disbelief.
Vanished = disappeared.
II.) Answer the followings
1.What was the name of beautiful princess of Pragjyotisha?
Ans.The name of the beautiful princess of Pragjyotisha was

2.What was arranged for her, what she attained the age of marriage ?
Ans :When she attained the age of marriage a swayamvara was
arranged for her.
3.Who was Meghavahana ?
Ans : Meghavahana was the great grandson of a former king of a

4.Why did priest cry out in surprise?

Ans : The priest cried out in surprise, as he saw the parasol of god
varuna had cost it‟s shadow over prince Meghavahana.
5.What was the uniqueness of Parasol ?
Ans : The uniqueness of the parasol was that it was a beautiful,
dazzling white parasol with exquisite decorations on it.
6.Why did Kashmir‟s ministers of court make an offer to
Maghvahana to be their king ?
Ans :Ministers of the Kashmir court were dissatisfied with their
present ruler as he had devoted Himself to a life of prayer and
neglected the affairs of the kingdom. So they made an offer to
Meghavahana to be their king.
7.What was the law imposed by Meghavahana in his kingdom ?
Ans : When Meghavahana become the king of Kashmir he
imposed a law against the killing of living beings in his kingdom.
8.What did Meghavahana want to conquer the island of Lanka?
Ans :Lanka was a land of demons and needed to taught the way of
peace so he wanted to conquer the island of lanka.
9.What did Meghvahana witness in the middle of wood ?
Ans: Meghvahana witnessed some sort of human sacrifice in
progress on the steps of a temple.A man laid on the ground, his arms
raised for mercy , and the barbarian stood over him brandishing his
9.Why did the barbarian want to kill an innocent man ?
Ans : The barbarian son had fallen prey to some disease and was on
his death bed. So to save his life, he was killing the innocent man to
please the gods
10.How did Meghvahana rescue both the victim and the barbarian‟s
son ?
Ans .To rescue the both victim and the barbarian’s son, the king
Meghvahana himself was ready to offer his life as sacrifice.
.11.What happened,when Meghvahana was about to strike
Ans : When Meghvahana was about to strike himself , his head was
covered with divine flower of Exquisite colour perfume , and
someone held back his arm
III.) Answer the following in 150-200 words.
1)Describe the incident of how Meghvahana got heavenly parasol ?
Ans : The parasol of lord Varuna cast its shadow over the prince
Meghavahana as he was married to Amritprabha. The priest
exclaimed that he was favoured by the gods.The king also
ascertained that the divine parasol castes shadow only on the
sovereign of the world and that he was destined for glory and
brilliance, dazed by these portents
Meghvahana brought his bride and the parasol back home.
2)How did Varuna the lord of the seas testy Meghvahana‟s
ability of mind ?
Ans : Lord Varuna created an illusion to test the nobility of
Meghvahana‟s mind. In the illusion, a human sacrifice was in
progress in a temple of Chandika .A man laid on the ground begging
for mercy and a barbarian stood over him brandishing his sword.
Meghavahana was shocked at the sight and
Tried to prevent the killing. But the barbarian begged not
to interrupt.
Meghavahana moved with compassion for the victim and the child.
And to save both their life’s.He drew out his sword to strike himself
as soon as he lifted his sword his head was covered with divine
flowers and someone held back his arm. The king turned
around in surprise and saw heavenly appearance. Mean while the
barbarian, the victim and the child Vanished.
IV.)Read the following statements and answer the questions given
1.“ it casts its shade on none else but
of the whole world”.
a)Who said this?
It was said by the king.
b)Who was it said to?
It was said to prince Meghavahana.
c) When was it said ?
It was said when the parasol of lord Varuna casts it shadow
over the prince Meghavahana.
2.“ You wretch”! you dare to threaten another‟s life in my realm”
a) Who said this ?
It was said by king Meghavahana.
b)To whom was it say ?
It was said to the barbarian.
c) Why was it said ?
Because he was killing an innocent man.
3.“ If you cannot bring yourself to strike at me, I will use my own
sword for the purpose.”
a)Who said this ?
It was said by king Meghavahana.
b) Who was the listener ?
The barbarian was the listener.
c) What meaning does the sentence convey ?
This sentence conveys the message that the king was ready to
lay down his life as a sacrifice.

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