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2 ++ WORKAND LEISURE IEE Leisure activities ‘See the DVD-ROM forthe t6lassory. Working and relaxing Ros Pomeroy Watch the om Ol Complete the leisure activities below using words from the box. ‘Sometimes more than one answer is possible. [qoingt6 tering to playing watching 1 playing colt 7 sn fotball 2 wv 8 the gym 3 restaurants 9 concerts 4 music (on my iPod) 10 ceoows te guitar 5 temis u ovos 6 thecinema 2 computer games Talk about your Leisure activities, Use the verbs in box 1 and the time phrases in box 2. Tlove running at the weekend. Tlike going te the cinema on Friday nights 1 lve 2 atthe weekend tke on Friday/Saturday night cuit lke In the summer, winter don't ke In August/December in the morning afternoon evening listen tothe first part of an interview with Ros Pomeroy. foes she like mast about her job? 49 cbi.22 Listen again and complete these notes. Ros can be: Wiinmewa . aworkshop ora : © Inher own. ‘in front of a * screen = onthe. : 40.c01,23 Listen to the second part of the interview and answer these questions. 1. What two things sometimes make it.difficultto find enough time for Leisure? 2. Overall, does Ros have enough time for Leisure? In pairs, predict what Ros likes doing:to relax. 49.c0i.24 Listen to the final part and check your answers. In pairs, discuss what you like doing to relax. UNIT2. ++ WORK AND LEISURE ‘© Weuse adverbs of frequency with the present simple to say how often we do things. never sometimes often usually always + They often g = before the main verb: Kara sometimes works from home — after the verb to be: Jam never at work before 9 o.m: Adverbs and expressions of frequency ‘© Expressions of frequency can go at the beginning or the endof a sentence. Two nights aweek, he works late at the office, He works from home ance a month. SB page 146 Write the words in brackets in the correct place in these sentences. usvall; she gets up early. (usualy) ‘They start theit first meeting at nine o'clack. (always) 1 2 3 Weare late for meetings. tnever) 4 Lam busy in the afternoon, (often) 5 ‘The office closes at 3 p.m. (sometimes) [E_ Read these pairs of sentences. Cross out the incorrect word in sentence b) l ‘of each pair. 1 a) He reads the papers every day. b) He always /somesimes reads the papers. 2 a) Weeatin the company cafeteria four times a week. b) We usualy /sometimes eatin the company cafeteria, 3. a) Iwork late once a month. b) tasuatly /sometimes work late 4 a) ‘The managers don't go to business dinners at the weekend 1b) The managers never /sometimes go to business dinners at the weekend. 5a) The Company Director travels an business twice a week 1b) The Company Director always /often travels on business. interviewer asks three people about their typical day. Complete this ta ‘Mark Isabelle: ‘Dan What do you do when you get towork? Say hello to colleagues, check e-mail Where do you have lunch? ‘How often do you travel on business? ‘What do you do at the weekend? ewe Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise C. [i Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions, Add your own questions. How often da you 1. play sports? 5 entertain at home? 2 usea mobile phone? 6 go on business trips? 3 diivetowork/college university? 7 0 abrond on holiday? 4 gotoagym/ fitness centre? 8 buy newspaper/magazine? UNIT? + WORK AND LEISURE Talking about work and leisure Wateh the conversation on the DVD-ROM. Match the questions (1-6) to the answers (a-f). 1. Whatdo you do pereee Usually about scare 2. Whatdo you like best about your job? “—b) Imanageaweb team at an T company. 3. How many hours. week do you From time ta time, We sometimes. work study? :g0 for a meal 4 When do you finish work? 4) Iplay golt Do you meet your colleagues after work? ¢)_ work flexible hours, which is great. 6 Whatdo youdo in your free time? 1) Between 30 and 36 hours. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise A. 4101.28 Listen to a conversation between Pat and Tim. Ti questions and answers from Exercise A that you hear. (the +4 co1.23 Complete the extract below from the conversation using the words from the box. Then listen again ta check. ested into teve lowe playing really watching | Pate What doyoude in your fee time? Tim; 1 love "sports L..” Uke Mand | ME xtc really... in] rts I Mdontt.........° natching a for example, Pat: toate es jaz Mike a. like. the {i rm es ES. Work in pairs. Tell your partner how you feel about your work or stu Use phrases from the Useful language box below. Treelly enjoy having flexible hours. don't enjoy doing overtime: Tike my boss/colleagues. I don't ike long meetingt Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about what you do in your free time. Use phrases from the Useful language box. A: What de you de at the weekend? 8:1 usually visit fiends Change partners. Tell your new partner about your first partner's likes and dislikes. Joha likes playing football an Saturdays, He doesn't like Writing e-meils ASKING QUESTIONS EXPRESSING FEELINGS two Jn your studies? itkejtove don't ke suring the day? Veal it, Fm not int. Whatdoyoudo VOU heetine? Pimkeen on Heiisn'really keen on atthe weekend? Ireallyenioy__—_ She doesntenjoy after work? Ymvinterested ins We arent interested in inthe evering? Do you ike? Yes, da, / No, don't How often do you. ..? HUDSON DESIGN INC. Cc uu EL se Pees ae eed cnc Cee nes ee nee eee eee ea) in an expensive area of the city. tis on the 20th floor, and staff have a beautiful view of New York, ae eee a eed Pen ere ect ert ete er ora Coen ee OU een ee ee eee ‘43 co1.29Listen to 2 member of Human Discuss what the employee likes and dislikes about his work. In your opinion, how should he solve his problem? 1 Work in pairs. Student A Student A: See right Interviewer (Human Resources) Student B: Turn to page Interview a staff member and ask Read yourrole card and prepare for the interview. Do the interview, ‘Meet as two groups: interviewers and employees. ‘Make allist ofthe problems and decide which coarebopertien Glow often # breaks?) (When and where / have lunch?) Feelings about job: (What / like / not out job?) Meet as one group and choose three working conditions to change at Hudson Desi Ws ET tt: Sa) 24

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