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IN THIS UNIT YOU LEARN HOW TO: + tak obouta wide ange of objects | Dee rineaae dees pert nomn + use suftnes end prefs beter | + describe problems with things + glve advice and express regrets SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. + What do you think the men in the photo are trying to fx? Why? How? + Are you any good at fixing things? + Can you remember what you fixed most recently? + What problems connected withthe things below ddo you know how to fix? cars computers _bieycles houses or fats + What tools have you used? How well did you handle them? + Have you ever tried to fix something only for it to all go terribly wrong? When? What happened? Cee os VOCABULARY Useful things 1 Look at the pictures in File 11 on page 188 and discuss the questions. + Are there any things you've never used? Why? / Why not? + Which of tne objects do you use: all the time / regularly /now and again / hardly ever? + Do you have any of these things on you now? ‘Whieh ofthe things do you have at nome? + Which of the things dla you NOT know in English before? 2. In groups, add as many of the things on page 188 as you can to the categories below ‘without looking at the pictures. Which group can remember the most words? + the office / study: + the kitchen’ + clothes: + DW: + frst al 3. Work in pairs. Take turns to test each other on the vocabulary from page 188 by asking the questions below. Student A: look at File 11 on page 188. Student B: keep your book closed. Student A: ask: What do you need + tote things together? + to put upa poster or a notice? + towash and hang up your clothes to dry? + Ifthere's a crack in your roof and its leaking? + so you can mend a ripin your clothing? ‘Student B: look at File 11 on page 188. Student A: keep your book closed. Student B: ask: What do you need + to keep papers together? + to put up a pleture on the wall? + tomake holes in the wall? + ifyou knock over a cup and it smashes on the floor? + s0 you can see better in dark places? GRAMMAR Explaining purpose using So, if and to 4 Look back at Exercise 3. Notice how so, if and to ‘were used when explaining purpose. Which was followed by: ~ an infinitive (without to)? =a subject plus verb? ~ the problem you want to solve? ‘Then complete these sentences: A ET NARA oe as 2 Ineed some ape ut us a poster onthe wal Cont have a cloth can wipe the abe? € Its. thing you can put on your heel__ your shoes rubbing ETE 5 Why would you use or need the following things? Think of one common and one less ‘common purpose for each. [abandage abucket ailgmer anal aneedie For example: a cloth You use it to wipe the table after youve had dinner Ifyou can't open the top ofa Jar, you can put a cloth over the top so you can grip it better. DEVELOPING CONVERSATIONS 6 REET Listen to two conversations. Which of the things in the picture below are they talking about? 10 " 7 Think of four things you don’t know the name of in English. Use some of the language in the box below to explain them to a partner. Your partner should check they have understood and draw ‘what you have explained. i Sear Explaining and checking Look atthe ways the speakers explained things: A: Thot stuff IS abit ike chewing gum or something. A: They have a sort of cp thing that opens and shuts. ‘You can check you understand by using these pattern: 8: Wet? You mean Blu-Tock? 8: What? You mean the thing you use to connect yourself ‘0 the rope? LISTENING ERK Listen to a man asking for something. Answer the questions. 1 What does he want? 2 What for? 3 What does he use instead? 4 What else does he need ~ and why? ERED Work in pairs. Try to complete the sentences you heard. Then listen again to check your ideas. 2 | don’t think there's one here eife? You need a stick Would a penci twouten't be What about a wooden spoon? handle ee 10 push it down, the t Yeah, do. 4g Don't worry about it These fh You might want to rub some salt into that shirt ot SPEAKING Work in groups. Discuss the questions. + Can you think of situation where you didn't have the things you needed and you had to improvise or make do? + Do you know any ways of removing these kinds of stains? coffee: gress ol pat. = wax CONVERSATION PRACTICE ‘You are going to take turns to ask for different things and to solve different problems. Student A: look at File 18 on page 191, ‘Student B: look at File 14 on page 189, ‘Then use this guide for each conversation. Have you got. \( Sony... What do you wantineed it for? [Explain situation \ Offer alternative: Wo... 0? / Cant you use ..? ‘Accapi—or explain why not ‘Continue the conversation until youu find a good solution, Unit 3. Things youneed 27 SPEAKING 1 Write six questions you could ask the person who collected the cameras in the photo, How dia you get into collecting them? ‘Think about something you collect or used to collect, Take turns to find out about your Partner's collection. If you've never collected anything, imagine you're the owner of the collection inthe picture! READING r 3. Read the blog post about a man called ‘Mr Trebus and answer the questions. 1 What did Mr Trebus collect? 2. How does the blogger say he is similar to Trebus? 3 What reasons are given for Trebus ang the blogger keeping things? 4 Are you at all similar to Trebus and the blogger? Correct these sentences about Mr Trebus. Look at the blog post again if you need to, His house became a fre hazara, He was 2 veteran ofthe Vietnam Wat He was 8 navy commander, The trauma of his father's death caused his obsession. He settled in Birmingham after the war. 1 He sorted the junk into ples of different colours b d He acquired a number of valuable paintings. The neighbours complained about infestations of cockroaches, I He resisted arrest by the police. ‘Write at least two words or phrases that you associate with each of the corrected sentences in Exercise 4, His house became a health hazard: 10 ‘Work in pairs. Compare your ideas and discuss how each of your words or phrases are connected to the sentences. a UNDERSTANDING VOCABULARY ee Word families Suffixes ~ word endings = often inccate a particular word ‘orm. For example, the Suffix er often indicates @ noun ‘a tank commander, o writer, a teacher. All these kinds of, Jobs have connected verbs: command, write. teach. When ‘you learn connected wore forms, try to also learn the Collocations that go with these words. In groups, think of words ending with these suffixes and then answer the questions below. ¥ 1 Which o 2 What kinds of words do these other suffixes form? 95@ suflxes normally form nouns? Look at the underlined words and find the noun forms in the blog post. Complete 1-8, 1 he's obsessed have an 2 they tied toevict him face 3 he's cautious show great 4 Im afraid overcome my oftying 5 he'swelkintentioned have good 6 Tm very optimistic be full of. 7 he's really mean ies pure 8 he's pessimistic despite the. In what ways are Mr Trebus and/or the blogger: 1 obsessive? 2 optimistic? 3 wellintentioned? 4 pessimistic? 5 cautious? 6 meant Do you - or does anyone you know — have the characteristics in Exercise 9? How do these characteristics affect your behaviour? Give examples, ‘My brother has an obsessive personality. He gets really ‘obsessed with things quite easily. Recently, i's been this online computer game he's discovered. He stays Lup al night playing It sometimes! SPEAKING 11 Read the comments on the blog post. Decide how far you agree with each point - and which you like or agree with most. Discuss your ideas with a partner. Eten FLAG BLO 1AM ... MR TREBUS Some years ago, an 80-year-old Polish war veteran it the headlines when the local council tried to force him out of his own house in London because i had become a health hazard. Mr Trebus, who'd had to leave his hometown, in Poland after Germany invaded at che beginning of the War, later served as a tank commander in the British ar the trauma of what he last when he left Poland that caused ‘who knows? bur afer he settled in London, be began collecting all kinds of things. He would tour the local neighourhood recovering things from bins chat others had seen as mere rubbish, He then took this junk home and sorted it imto piles of similar things: a room packed with vacuum cleaners a comer fr old doors, another for windows. He also managed to acquire practically every record Elvis Presley ever made However, as he filled his house, his wife let him and the neighbours increasingly complained about ra infestations, By the time the couneil ‘came to evict the old man, he had just a tiny space in his kitchen to ive tn, surrounded by stacks of old newspapers and childrens toys, Yet he resisted eviction, accusing the local couneil of acting like dictators and arguing tha everything he kept was useful He was clearly over-the-top, but ets face i, there a it of Mr Trebus in most of us. How many collectors do you know? Personally, boxes of old comics in the attic, which { don't read, but can of, Who hasnt made some Impulse purchase, which has then been let Tying in some cupboard for years? How many of you have a drawer like mine in the kite wer full of caution and lea, stulled with good intentions (albeit unfulfilled) packed with optimism and meanness and of course, all rubbish? In my drawer, there are a number of instructions ‘and guarantees for things I've bought over the years, just in case they eak down or I forget how to use them. Considering one of these was for a char, that shows a good deal of pessimism ~ mean, what can go vvrong with «chai? There are also a large number of dead batteries which Ive been meaning to take 1o the recycling centre and a number ofaflets | AM. one about loal gym L sill havent joined, THREE about sponsoring Barack Obama ‘heman ata a child in a developing country and several adversng local takeaway Frankenstein ‘ustomercall ‘which has now closed down. There ae various odd screws, nals and pins watmaniatking to «San Td have to buy new packs iI did keep them), a broken cup (Umi oe Mark Zuckerberg Jaci aes le ee ee eats ee ee might be collectors items one day, they might be valuable!) COMMENTS Redyellowblue Come on! Get life! Just throw it all out! Dani79 Nice post. On top of my cupboard, theres a box of stulf [did when T was at primary school, Tread your blog and I thought ‘wnat do I need it for” But then I looked at those cute drawings, my funny handwriting and TTcoulknt get rid of it and put the box away again. Don feel guilty about it! TimR1975 So we're all bic like Trebus, but its dificult co sympathise when you lve with someone lke my flatmate, who has 300 pairs of shoes, Are you suggesting I should just pat up with i? Proshrink ‘ama psychologist and I read your pos with interest. Think youire very brave to admit that you have something in common with Mr Trebus, and | hope your admission helps afew more people think about the issue. Actually, around fein twenty people has a problem like this. Research suggest th at least partly genetic, but sf were honest, we're all potential hoarders, We all want to keep chings we think we may one day ‘eed ~ and we all want things to stay 25 we remember them too Its avery fine line. Greengoddess —_Ticbus showed how wasteful human beings ae! Unit 3 Things youneed 2 VOCABULARY How things go wrong 1 Match these items with the problems in bold in 4 the sentences below. a desk Jeans shoes atop | facecteam _akettle tablet awatch | ieee ket ee 1 When itatived and | put it on tdi’ fit 2 When | took it out ofthe box, | found the screen was scratched, 3 When Itried to put it together, I realised it had a bit missing 4 Itwas supposed to be for sensitive skin, butt gave me spots. When Ifild ithe fist time, I realised it had a leak, llonly wore It for a week and the strap came off ‘They fell apart after @ month. The soles came off! ‘When I got home and ted them on | realised the back pocket was ripped. PRONUNCIATION 2 EMME Listen to the sentences and repeat them. Notice how words can link around pronouns. 3. Take turns to think of two more items that can have one of the problems in Exercise 1. Tell your partner the items you are thinking of. Can your Partner guess the problem they might have? ‘A: boot and a pipe can have this problem. B: OK. They con both have a leak. LISTENING EET Listen to part of a radio show about consumer rights and a problem a listener had. Answer the questions, 1 What problem did Fei heve? Which of tne following happened when he complained about the problem? They didnt believe him ‘They said it was his feu, ‘They gave him a refund. They gave him a replacement. He had to go back move than once, ‘They offered a git as compensation, They sorted it out eventually, He had to talk to several people. 3 Why do you think Fe! left a comment on the programme's website? Work in pairs, Discuss the questions. + Do you think Fel did the ight hing? What about the ‘company and its employees? + Do you think Fei was treated differently because he was a visitor? Why? / Why not? + What advice would you give to the company as an expert on Customer Care? Why? (ERED Listen to the second part of the radio show. Find out how John Squire from the Institute of Customer Care would answer the questions in Exercise 5. 10 u 12 7 EME Listen again and complete the extracts with three words in each space. 1 given _, the company hasn't ‘achieved anything by i. ‘we also know that this can be because of a the company, ‘3. That then stops the assistant listening to the issue 2 GRAMMAR Look at these sentences from the radio show. ‘Then work in pairs to answer the questions below. should and should have (should've) 2 He should have checked the shoes at te point of sole b Clecrly, Fey shouldn't have been treated ike thot. You should start trom the view thot they do have @ old point. conor ie acpi wy — 41 Which of the sentences give general advice or suggestions? 2 Which show a criticism or regret about a past action? 3 How are the two forms different? Cc == ‘Work in pairs. Use should / should’ve to say what advice you would give to: 1 Fel 2 the shoe company. 3 assistants working in a shoe shop. Use should / should've to add criticism, advice or suggestions to sentences 1-5. 1S your bithdy today? You should have told me ‘earler We should go cut and celebrate! 1 You'te never going to get anyone to buy that ar. 2 We were stupid to have moved here! 3 It's your fault we haven't got any money. 4 Don't blame me for the fact your life isa disaster! trating Sis atin s sree 4 Your instutes procuced on QED 5 Wel thnk hot an 6 In Japan, they are often made in. ‘SPEAKING Improving # ewe rather than soaR Aa) Slstescrle tes bait a tus wien compensation. + you bought or had something that went wrong. aiieia Spee erry Improve products and services, they may have additionally language abilities ‘Work in pairs. Discuss what you think the pronouns in Exercise 7 in italics refer to, 8 their ‘Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. What do you think of John Squire's advice? Is there anything else he could have sald? Wat's customer care ike In your country? Does ‘everyone get the same treatment? Why? / Why not? + Which companies have good or bad reputations for customer care? Why? + Do you ever have to deal with complaints? Who ‘rom? What about? How do you deal with them? 4 + you took something back toa shop. + you complained about something Decide the following: + Was anyone at fault? + Why? /Why not? + Were you satisfied with the resuit? ‘Work in pairs. Use language from the Vocabulary and Grammar sections to explain ‘what happened. Unit 3 Things youneed 31 You'l regret t! oR You're going to regret i! ‘Arrangements ‘To talk about activities we have arranged with other people inthe (near or foreseeable) future, we prefer the present ‘continuous, but can also use be going to. Tm meeting 0 fiend later oR 11m going to meet a friend later We're returning to the UK next year. oR We're going to return to the UK next year. Exercise 1 ‘Complete the sentences with the word in brackets using ‘one of the forms given in each space. 1 will/ present simple AA: What time you work? (nish) B: About five, most days. 1 OK. Well | you outside your office around ‘quarter past, then. (meet) 2 present continuous /be going 10 ‘A: |_Mary later. Do you want to come? (meet) B: No. Ive got an exam tomorrow, $0 some revision tonight (do) 3 present simple / will/ present continuous ‘4: |__some friends after the cinema, Why don't you Join us? (meet) B: I might do. What time the fim 2 (end) A: Half eight B: Right. Wel, ook, |__ way oF the other, OK? (text) 4 be going to wil present continuous ‘A: im so excited about this tp. I can't walt. Paris ‘amazing (be) 8: When you 2 leave) ‘A: Thursday. That reminds me, actually. need to book a cab to the aipor before | forget B:1__you there, ifyou want. I's not a problem. (rive) 5 wil be going to ‘A: 'm quite red now, so | ofthe day! be) B: You ‘anyone. (survive) Things we don’t think will happen To talk about things we don’ think will happen, use be not key to oF be (highly unlikely to. ‘She's not lkely to change her mind. I's highly unlikely to make any diference. Things we see as (almost) inevitable To talk about things we see as (almost inevitable, use be. bound to - or be key to, Its Bound to be sunny in July. We're quite likely to lose, Hoif our side is inured, Things that we expect to happen Use be due to talk about the ties that things should happen. The bus is due to arrive) in five minutes. When isthe boby due? you later to confirm one »xhausted by the end Im sure. A bit of hard work never kiled Exercise 2 In each sentence, decide if both options are possible. If not, choose the correct option, 1 Fm working 17m quite likely to work late tonight, but I call? 1m calling you when 'm done. 2m going to go / go and do the Maracana stadium tour tomorrow. | booked it ontne 3 Turn the gas down. The food bums / is going to burn! 4 I's going o ts bound to cause problems ifthey go ahead With the redevelopment plan. 5 don't think hell / He's highly unlikely to accept the offer, but | guess i's worth asking, 6 M1give Im due to give you a it tothe airport. if you lke. 7. He's going to / Bound to fall. He just hasn't dene enough Work this term to pass, 8 We hove /are having alte get-together at our place on Sunday, ifyou fancy coming ‘9 Fim due to fy /'m flying to Rome on March the 6th to attend a conference. ERIE EXPLAINING PURPOSE USING SO, IF AND TO Use s0 to show thatthe second part of the sentence is @ potential result of the fst. The word that can be added after 50, but doesnt have to be. DID You KNow? ‘So Qhat) is often followed by can. Do you want to borrow a torch so (that) you can see where ‘you're going outside? ass me a cloth $0 (that) I can grip the lid ofthis jor better We use ifclauses (f+ noun + vetb in present tense) to talk ‘about possible situations in which certain things might be necessary, This Is useful stuf to have Ifyou need to remove stains. Hang it up with « nail fyou ean’ fn anything else. We use to + infinitive (without fo) o explain the purpose of doing things, why we need something or what something Is for DID You KNow? You can also say in order fo + infinitive (without fo), This is more ‘common in formal wring, 1m just going out to buy a few things for the house. A cable ls required (In order) to connect the device tothe computer Exercise 1 Complete the sentences by adding so, ifor to. 1 Have you got a dustpan and brush Up this mess "ve made? 2 I must buy some wire wang this up with, 3 you want to put those shelves up properly, ‘youll need a dr 4 You'll need an adaptor. ‘your laptop inthe States. 5 Putsome cream on the sun 66 What are those things you wear on your knees. you do skateboarding or something lke that? can clean you're going to use protect yourself from 7 You should put a plaster on your foot stop "your shoes cutting into your skin, 8 Can! borrow your stepladder. Ian change the ight bulb in the hal? 9 Have you gota clip or something keep these papers together? Grammar reference 16 Exercise 2 ‘Complete the sentences using s0, for to and the ideas in brackets. You may need to add some extra words. 1 Weneed some matches or something ______ the stove. (ight) 2 Maybe you should wrap some tape round where there's 3 crack. (i/not Teak) 3 You'll need wire cutters scissors. (you / want cul) 4 Have you got something I can stand on ‘his light bulb? (|/ can / change) 5 Can't you just use some string ‘together / and / make /a handie/ you! cary) SHOULD AND SHOULD HAVE (SHOULD'VE) We use shouldnt / never) + verb to give general advice, suggestions or crtcism about a present station. You should see complaints as an opportunity to improve. We should never give teroiss what they want We should go ond try that new pizzeria that’s Just opened! round the comer We use should ot / never) + have + pest participle te show a caiticism or egret about a past action. He should have / should've checked the shoes a the point of sole. They shouldn't have parked here. They've blocked me i. Exercise 1 Complete the two dialogues with the correct form of should and the verbs in brackets. that — not ie eit You" bowling with us. We had 2 great time. (come) 8: Well, you? me sola. 'couldn't rearrange things (tel) ‘A Lknow. Sorry. Maybe we ? sometime. (Go) next week ‘A: The neighbours kept me awake lastnight again B: Really? Maybe you * them next time. (report) ‘A Ihave already, but the police didn’t want to do anything. 8: They* ‘them at least. (come and warn) ‘A | guess they fet they had more important things to do. B: Did you tel them how often I's happening? ‘A: Not realy. Maybe I* 0 calm when | spoke tothem. (be) B: Yeah, maybe. A Idon't know. Maybe we 7 (dust move) 8: Yeah, but you Its Just wrong! have to) DID You KNow? Use should be «ng to refer to a current unfinished situation ‘Stop alstracting me. We should be working not chatting. Use should have been «ing to refer to an unfinished / Interrupted action in the past. Iewas his own fault he crashed. He shouldn't have been driving so fast! Exercise 2 Choose the correct option after should. 1 The new system has been a disaster. We should ‘have tested / have been testing It properly before we introduced i 2. With so much unemployment, the government shouldnt ‘cut /be cutting jobs ike tis. 170 3 Apparently, she was sacked because she was seen in 3 shopping mall when she should have worked / have been working. 4 I's his own fault he got into trouble. He shouldn't have texted / been texting while the teacher was talking tothe class. COMMON MISTAKES: We should te go. We're late. | should traveling be troveling there now, but I missed my bus. He should teak have taken it back tothe shop sooner. They should of have had it fixed by 0 professional Always follow should witha form of the infinitive (without fo) Exercise 3 Rewrite the sentences, correcting the mistake in each, 1 Tm sorry it's a bit late. | should rang you earlier, but forgot 2 They should of try to sort it out instead of blaming me. 3 When you take it back, you should to ask for some kind of ‘compensation 4 sometimes think | should never go to university because | ‘didn't enjoy it much and | have a huge debt now. 5 I's terrible! have to work tonight. | should celebrating my birthday with my fiends! RISER secession SO AND SUCH In the part ofthe sentence describing the cause, use so before an adjective or an adverb or before words lke few, itl, much ‘or many. Use such before @ noun, an adjective + noun and before @ fot of + noun. Remember that you don't have to start the result clause with that - especially in spoken English twas 80 expensive in Moscow, we couldn't stay there long There's so much troffi it's uicker fo walk sometimes! ‘So few people had bought tickets that they decided to cancel the event. They did s0 badly inthe elections that ther leader resigned, ‘twas such a surprise that |just didn't know what to say! The ride was such a laugh that we went on it six times. There's such o lot of rubbish on the streets, it makes me ongry. DID You KNow? FFew and many go before plural, countable nouns (geople / {families etc) and much and ite go before uncountable nouns (crime I damage, etc) There's far too much crime ond too few people doing anything fo change things. Exercise 1 ‘Choose the correct option in sentences 1-8. Then match them with a-h at the top of page 171. 1 Oursituation sometimes looks so/ such bleak, He was involved in so / such a terrible public scandal, ‘The government have lied so / such many times, Food prices have gone up s0 / such quickly, ‘The earthquake caused so / such widespread damage, ‘So Such few women are having babies these days, ‘They've got so / such poor hospitals, ‘There's s0/ such ile crime nov,

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