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BRYAN: Hi my friends. How are you…??

TANNYA: Very well thanks and you

BRYAN: Well….!!! Would you like to come?
TANNYA: Yes, I think it's a good idea
Which one do you recommend???
BRYAN: The news horro film it's called the conjuring
TANNYA: The conjuring ...!! I have heard that it is very good, but I think it is created based on
real events
KAREN: I ‘m sorry friends I don’t like watching horror movies I don’t Know we can do something
TANNYA: oh ... OK !!! I get it. So what do you think if we see a fiction for example avatar or
BRYAN: I'm not a big fan of science fiction films, sorry
KAREN: I think it's a good idea to go see the avengers, but if we better go to the theater today a
musical is premiered that I would love to go see what do you think?
BRYAN: It's sounds interesting, something a bit different so what time does it start?
KAREN: the show is time at 7 at night you are going to love it
TANNYA: The truth is, I don't like the idea because I'm not very interested in theater, it seems a bit
boring to me.
What do you think if we better watch a comedy films, so we could all have fun, do you agree ... ??
KAREN: Yes I like the idea
BRYAN: It sounds good for me, I like comedy films, so What time does is star?
TANNYA; the show is time at 6 at night
BRYAN: Great, see you there !

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