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Chapter Assignment: How to Read Literature like a Professor

Directions: Rather than reading the entire book, you will be responsible for teaching the class the important
concepts from one chapter of How to Read Literature like a Professor .
After reading the assigned chapter carefully, (1) create a short presentation and upload to the TEAMS file
labeled "HTRLLAP Project" (linked below) and (2) create a helpful infographic.

Your presentation should... Your infographic should…

• be located in our MS TEAMS Files

◦HTRLLAP Project .
• briefly summarize the important concepts from the
chapter • be submitted on MS TEAMS
• include examples from commonly known books, • succinctly remind your classmates of the key
stories, or movies to concept(s) of the chapter (We will use these
• last no more than 5 minutes illustrate the major infographics throughout the year!)
points of the chapter (not necessarily the examples • be formatted as a PNG file
from the book)
• show organization, clarity, rehearsal, and expert

Helpful hints for presentations... Helpful hints for infographics...

• Less is More: Key ideas should be prominent and

• Less is More: Don’t put too much on a slide (it’s ok to
• Visuals are Powerful: Lean into visuals that can
have more than one slide) and use concise bullet
convey meaning.
points (not complete sentences or paragraphs).
• Continuity improves Recall: Try to create continuity
• Visuals are Powerful: Have color/images, but be
between your presentation & infographic.
careful of choices for readability.
• Readability is Imperative: Limit word use to only the
• Continuity improves Recall: Try to create continuity
most necessary, but make sure it’s understandable and
between your presentation & infographic.
a clear reminder.
• Readability is Imperative: Everything should be
• Proofread!
legible on a small screen (be careful with font type
• Tech Recommendations: is a great tool
and size).
for creating infographics! You can also use MS
• Proofread!
PowerPoint or Google Slides. Any of those options will
allow you to download the image as a PNG.

Chapter Assignment Rubric

Success Criteria Points Earned Points Possible
Chapter Summary: Demonstrates a clear understanding
of the chapter’s thesis.

Examples: Makes apt and specific connections between

the thesis and relevant examples. Examples are familiar to
students (not necessarily from the text). Explains how the
examples illustrate and reinforce the thesis.
Presentation Quality: The presentation is well focused and
Infographic: Provides a clear, memorable reminder of the
chapter’s thesis. 

Total Points Earned: 100

Chapter Presentation Date Student
Introduction: How’d He Do That? 

1. Every Trip Is a Quest (Except When It’s Not) Monday Clarissa Ovalle
September 14th
2. Nice to Eat with You: Acts of Communion

3. Nice to Eat You: Acts of Vampires Alondra Salinas

4. If It’s Square, It’s a Sonnet Aileen Murillo

5. Now, Where Have I Seen Her Before? Christian Davis

6. When in Doubt, It’s from Shakespeare... Wednesday Demian Chavez

September 16th
7. ...Or the Bible Sean Orr

8. Hanseldee and Greteldum Sahid Palacios

9. It’s Greek to Me Esteban Garcia

10. It’s More Than Just Rain or Snow Britney Bernal

Interlude: Does He Mean That?  September 21st Marissa Murga

11. ...More Than It’s Gonna Hurt You: Concerning Violence Alyssa Gomez

12. Is That a Symbol? Jeric Ruiz

12. Is That a Symbol? Willy Morales

13. It’s All Political Arath Mora

14. Yes, She’s a Christ Figure, Too September 23rd Janeth Aguilar

15. Flights of Fancy Jovan Guzman

16. It’s All About Sex... Luka Aguilera

17. ...Except Sex Melitza Tirado

18. If She Comes Up, It’s Baptism Oriana Farmer

18. If She Comes Up, It’s Baptism Carlos Fernandez

19. Geography Matters... September 28th

19. Geography Matters...

20. ...So Does Season Ameli Navarrete

Interlude: One Story Laisha Saenz

21. Marked for Greatness Brianna De La Cruz

22. He’s Blind for a Reason, You Know Kirsten Wood

23. It’s Never Just Heart Disease... September 30th Mia Griffin

24. ...And Rarely Just Illness Hannah Macias

24. ...And Rarely Just Illness

25. Don’t Read with Your Eyes Diana Hernandez

26. Is He Serious? And Other Ironies Carlos Salcido

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