Omegas Plus: Software Manual

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7.0 F2 Vehicle Configuration
7.1 F1 – Gas Change-over


The templates that have the name of the set-up in grey represent parameters preset by Landi
Renzo SpA that cannot be modified by the user in this version of the program.

Engine Type:
Select Aspirated or Turbo based on the vehicle (motor) type.

Number of Cylinders:
Displays the number of motor cylinders. This version of the program calls for only the
recognition of vehicles with 3 or 4 cylinders.

Fuel Type:
LPG or CNG; select the system installed.

Injector Type:
This parameter is grey and cannot be modified as it is preset by Landi Renzo. The
injectors that are currently manageable are Landi Renzo and Matrix.

Ignition Type:
This must be set according to the number of cylinders in the converted automobile. The
software accepts: Single coil, Dual coil, Tachometer 3, 4 Cylinders.
This information is used by the ECU to identify correctly the motor range starting from the
period read on the rev input.
Select SINGLE COIL if the vehicle has one coil for each cylinder and the signal is taken
from the negative or from the coil drive (transistor).
Select DUAL COIL if the vehicle has one coil driving two cylinders and the signal is taken
from the negative or from the coil drive (transistor).
Select TACHOMETER 3 if the wire is located on the original vehicle tachometer with a 3
cylinder motor.
Select TACHOMETER 4 if the wire is located on the original vehicle tachometer with a 4
cylinder motor.

Change over Type:

Allows the determination of performing the petrol / CNG/LPG conversion during
acceleration or deceleration. The selection can be determined based on the vehicle
characteristics or on special request by the vehicle owner.

RPM Threshold to Change over:

Number of revolutions above which the change is performed. A default of 1600 RPM is
set. This allows setting values between 0 and 9,000 motor revolutions.

Water Temp. Thr.:

Allows the motor coolant temperature to be set. This parameter, along with the RPM
threshold, must be checked to perform the petrol-CNG/LPG conversion. The value can
be set between -20 °C and 100 °C.

Gas Temp. Thr.:

Along with the RPM threshold for the transmission, this parameter must be checked for
the petrol–CNG/LPG conversion. The value can be set between 0 °C and 90 °C.

Overlapping Time:
This is the time that the petrol fuel injectors and gas fuel injectors are open
contemporarily in order to allow the gas to fill the injector-manifold and to deplete any
post-change transients in order to avoid causing the car to jerk annoyingly. The value can
be set between 0 and 2 s.
We recommend not exceeding a value of 0.4 s in order to avoid an excessively rich mix.

Max Tinjb for Change over:

The default setting is 10 ms. This parameter represents the maximum time for petrol
injection beyond which the conversion to gas is inhibited. It is used to avoid jerky
passages to CNG/LPG when accelerated.

Enable Emergency CNG/LPG Ignition:

This flag is enabled by default. It permits performing direct CNG/LPG ignitions.
Turn on the instrument panel
Press the switch inside the passenger compartment for at least 5 seconds
start the motor immediately, without turning off the instrument panel.
When this flag is disabled, the function described above is deactivated.
Take note that it is possible to take advantage of emergency CNG/LPG ignition only if the
ignition fuel feed is fixed or if the ignition timing is greater than the entire time for the
procedure indicated above.

Delay in petrol-gas switch with Twater:
The delay in petrol-CNG/LPG conversion is delayed based on the vehicle coolant
temperature measured by the sensor on the regulator heating tube or directly at the
original motor sensor. This delay can be managed using a string that can associate a
delay time between 5 and 300 seconds to each specified temperature. The ECU detects
the instantaneous coolant temperature when the ignition is on, enabling the petrol-
CNG/LPG conversion once the set delay has passed and the conditions for the type of
conversion and RPM threshold are met.

Delay petrol-gas switch with Tgas:

If the coolant sensor is not connected, the petrol-CNG/LPG conversion delay takes place
based on the CNG/LPG temperature read by the CNG/LPG sensor on the injector rail (for
Landi and Matrix systems). The ECU detects the instantaneous CNG/LPG temperature
when the ignition is on, enabling the petrol-CNG/LPG conversion once the set delay has
passed and the conditions for the type of conversion and RPM threshold are met.

Type of O2 Probe:
It is possible to select the type of O2 Sensor using the list of models in the pull-down

Tank Level Sensor Type:

Allows the selection of the type of CNG/LPG level sensor installed. The following level
sensors can be selected:
0 – 90 ohm
Landi Renzo
Just reserve

Number of O2 sensors:
It is possible to set the number of pre-catalyser O2 sensors (1 or 2) to display their
corresponding signals.
WARNING: To obtain this configuration: the grey cable on pin 41 if the cabling connector
must be moved to pin 40.

The lower section of the page is the Status Bar. It remains visible in every "Vehicle Configuration"
window and allows the following variables to be kept under control:

RPM: Engine revolutions

Vinj: Feed voltage expressed in volts
Engine: Identifies the motor state
Twater: Engine coolant temperature expressed in °C (degrees Centigrade)
Tgas: CNG/LPG temperature measured on the injector rail in °C (degrees Centigrade)
Pgas: CNG/LPG pressure measured on the injector rail in bar
Pdiff: Value in bar of the differential pressure between the injector rail and intake header (P
Petr. Tinj: Petrol injection expressed in milliseconds
K Coeff: K Coefficient used based on the petrol injection times and the number of revolutions
Gas Tinj: CNG/LPG injection time expressed in milliseconds
MAP: Intake header pressure in bar (can be viewed by setting MAP on page F3 – MAP – Tcoolant
under F2 – Vehicle Configuration)
O2 Probe: O2 Sensor voltage expressed in volts
Gas Level: Provides the reading of the CNG/LPG level in the tank
Percentage window (the light blue bar on the side): Numerical indication of carburetion control
Vertical light blue indicator: Carburetion Control Bar

7.2 F2 - K insertion

This is the main carburetion map. The three main variables are:
RPM: RPM on the abscissa
Tinjb: Petrol Tinj on the ordinate
K Coefficient MAP: In the mapping cells

The equation for calculating the CNG/LPG injection time is:

Tinj_gas = (Tinj_benz - Tmorto_benz ) * K 1 (Tinj_benz RPM) * (1 + K 2 (Press) ) * (1 + K 3 (Tacqua ) ) * (1 + K 4 (Tgas ) ) + Tmorto_gas

128 100 100 100
Tinj_petr: Petrol injection time
Tdead_petr: Petrol injector dead time
K1: (petrol injection time/rpm) K coefficient from map
K2: (pressure) pressure compensation
K3: (T_coolant): Coolant temperature compensation
K4: (T_CNG/LPG): CNG/LPG temperature compensation
Tdead_CNG/LPG: CNG/LPG injector dead time

The Start Calibration lever is used to start or end manual point-to-point calibration when it is
moved into the Start position. Interpolation between adjacent cells is deactivated. If you press the
Switch button, you can immediately convert to CNG/LPG from petrol, and vice visa, without
waiting for the times called for during normal operation and set in the "CNG/LPG Conversion" tab.
Once manual calibration, or the conversion from petrol to CNG/LPG (or vice versa), is complete it
is necessary to move the lever back to Stop.

When you use the mouse to double-click on the boxes with the RPM and the time for injection, you
can change the break points of the respective mapping for:
RPM: (from 0 to 8000)
Petrol Tinj: (from 0 to 40 ms)
To modify the abovementioned values, we recommend using the "ABSOLUTE" mode and to
ignore the Linear and Percentage options.
A double click of your mouse on an individual cell allows you to change the value mapped,
When "Absolute" mode is selected, the number typed is the number that will appear in the cell.
When "Linear" mode is selected, the number typed is added to the current number in the cell.
When "Percentage" mode is selected, the number typed is added the increase in percentage that
will be added to the current number that appears in the cell.
Using the SHIFT key on the keyboard, together with the up / down arrows, you can select more
than one cell. It is possible to perform the same operation by holding down the left mouse key and
moving the cursor to the final position desired.

"K Correction Up" allows the percentage corrections to be modified in their relative strings for the
following parameters:
Gas pressure: CNG/LPG pressure in bar
Gas Temperature: CNG/LPG temperature value read by the sensor
Water temperature: Coolant temperature value read by the sensor
Differential Pressure: Value in bar of the differential pressure between the CNG/LPG injector rail
and intake header

The values of these parameters are set to default and can be modified only with the assistance of
Landi Renzo Spa. Technical Service.

7.3 F3 Map - Twater


Time of Low Pressure for Change-back to Petrol:

This is the time that a Pdiff value lower than the set threshold (if MAP is present), or a
pressure lower than the value set in the Low Rail Pressure string corresponding to the
current petrol injection time (if MAP is not preset), must last until automatic change-
back to petrol is enabled.

MAP Sensor
* Not Present: It is possible to set the parameters in the LOW RAIL PRESSURE bar
based on the injection times and the CNG/LPG pressure values.
- Low Rail Pressure (bar): The pressure values can be changed based on the petrol
injection times. Both parameters can be modified.
* Present: The LOW RAIL PRESSURE bar is no longer displayed. Instead, 3 parameters
appear that must be set:
- Offset: This variable is set to the default value and normally is not changed. Contact
Landi Renzo Service prior the making any changes to this parameter.
- Slope: This variable is set to the default value and normally is not changed. Contact
Landi Renzo Service prior the making any changes to this parameter.
- MAP Automatic learning:
The procedure for MAP sensor automatic learning is as follows:
1) Start the motor with the switch in the petrol mode. Open BLUE and connect to the
2) Select "MAP Present" on the "F3-MAP-Tcoolant" tab in the Vehicle Configuration
3) Press the "MAP Automatic Learning" button ONLY ONCE.
4) Turn off the motor and wait at least 5 seconds, but not more than 20 seconds.
5) Turn the vehicle back on and convert to CNG/LPG
6) Wait at least 10 seconds at idle (stable condition between 600 and 1200 RPM). The
self-learning LED should change from green to red.
7) Disconnect the tool and reconnect it.

At this point, the offset and gain parameters will appear in the "F3-MAP-Tcoolant" tab of
the Vehicle Configuration window. If not, repeat the procedure from the beginning.

A different Automatic Learning procedure is available in the self-calibration mode with

the related firmware (See "APPENDICES" on page 67).

- DIFFERENTIAL Pressure for Change-back to Petrol: This is the pressure value that
indicates the minimum pressure differential below which the system will perform the
change-back to petrol. This will occur only if the specific diagnostic control is enabled.

Use car Twater sensor

* If you should want to use the vehicle’s original coolant temperature sensor, you can
proceed with the parameterization of the signal using a diagnostic tester (OBD) and a
voltmeter. These tools can be used to determine the points the characteristic
Temperature/Voltage of the sensor. If the original coolant temperature sensor is not
used, rather an "LR" coolant sensor, this item does not need to be flagged. The
software will automatically use the external sensor parameterization preset for the
default in the program.
NOTE: If connection to the original vehicle sensor is absolutely necessary, enable the
flag for this item. Otherwise, in addition to its incorrect reading by the CNG/LPG ECU,
the petrol ECU will read a significantly lower value than what is real, with repercussions
on the carburation and activation of the motor cooling fans.

When this selection is enabled, the following bar appears:

- Motor coolant sensor characteristic: This bar is formed from 16 cells in which the
previously acquired values of Temperature/Voltage must be entered.

7.4 F4 Injectors


Main Petrol Injections

Maximum Injection Time: If the acquired petrol time exceeds this threshold, the petrol time is
saturated at this value.
Dead Time: This parameter is related to the injectors. It is used to compensate the opening
and closing transients of the petrol injector.

Petrol Extrainjections
Extrainjection Maximum time: Based on this time, the ECU is able to recognize an
extrainjection for time lower than the set value.
Dead Time: When referring to extrainjections, this parameter relates to the petrol injectors. It is
used to compensate the opening and closing the injector.

Gas Main Injections

Maximum Current Time: This is the time for which the peak current is supplied
Injector Minimum Opening Time: This is the minimum opening time for the injectors. If the
calculation generates a time less than this, this value is used.
Injector Minimum Closing Time: This is a safety time used to take into account the effective
closing time of the injector.
Dead Time: This parameter is related to the CNG/LPG injectors. It is used to compensate the
opening and closing transients of the CNG/LPG injector.

Gas Extrainjections
Injector Minimum Opening Time: This is the minimum opening time for the injectors during
the extrainjections. If the calculation generates a time less than this, this value is used.
Injector Maximum Opening Time: This is the maximum opening time for the injectors during
the extrainjections. If the calculation generates a time greater than this, this value is used.
Dead Time: This parameter is related to the CNG/LPG injectors. It is used to compensate the
opening and closing transients of the CNG/LPG injector.

7.5 F5 Injection Strategies


Questa maschera presenta diverse funzioni come descritte di seguito :

Enrichment and leaning of the accelerations and/or decelerations

This strategy has the objective of changing the stoichiometry of the mix to compensate for the
effects of the missing fluid film layer of petrol during the transitions (accelerations and
decelerations). Previously called "Wall-Wetting Compensation", this strategy is normally
actuated by the petrol motor control to correct the injection times due to fuel deposits in the
intake conduits. To obtain the same amount of injected petrol as in a "clean" conduit, the ECU
lengthens the injection times so as to supply the same about of petrol to the "dirty" conduits. As
"CNG/LPG does not foul the conduits, this strategy is used to correctly compensate for the
variation in petrol injection times due to the phenomenon described above.
The four values that can be set, correlated to each other, are:

Enable filter t_inj

Upper RPM Threshold (region 1):
Threshold below which the strategy is active.
Lower RPM Threshold (region 2):
Threshold above which the strategy is active.

K Filter for Deceleration:
This is the enrichment or leaning of the mixture during a decrease in the petrol injection
times (for example during deceleration) when the strategy is active (a set value of "128"
indicates no compensation; a lower value leans the carburetion whereas a higher value
enriches the carburetion). K = 128, no correction; K > 128, enrichment; K < 128,

K Filter for acceleration:

This is the enrichment or leaning of the mixture during an increase in the petrol injection
times (for example during acceleration or when returning to idle accompanied by a
temporary increase in the petro injection time) when the strategy is active (a set value of
"128" indicates no compensation; a lower value leans the carburetion whereas a higher
value enriches the carburetion). K = 128, no correction; K > 128, enrichment; K < 128,
Tinjp variation for filtering:
Petrol injection time variation above which this strategy is activated.

Enable RPM Filter

The objective of this strategy is to avoid that the motor turn off when below normal running
conditions following a drop in the RPM (a negative variation of the RPM).

Upper RPM Threshold:

Number of RPM below which this strategy will intervene
Enrichment Coefficient:
Represents the enrichment coefficient (expressed in 128ths) with which the CNG/LPG
actuation time is modified after this strategy intervenes. The formula used is as follows:

Tinjg = Tinjg * (1 + EnrichCoeff / 128)

(example: enrich. coeff. = 64 Æ enrichment of 50%)
RPM Variation for Filtering:
Variation in the RPM above which this strategy will intervene (appropriated value –
100). To ensure that this strategy perform during deceleration (drop in RPM), the
entered value must be NEGATIVE.
No. PMS to Calculate Variation
Number of consecutive Upper Dead Points from which the variation in the motor
revolutions is determined (appropriated value 2).

Previous Injection Strategy

When the strategy is enabled, the CNG/LPG injection time is calculated based on the
petrol injection time relative to the previous motor cycle, detected on the same cylinder.

Enable Petrol Change-Back:

Petrol Injections Number
Minimum number of petrol injections prior to converting back to CNG/LPG
RPM to switch to petrol
Number of RPM below which the vehicle will convert to petrol
RPM to return to gas
Number of RPM above which the vehicle will re-convert to CNG/LPG

Cut-Off Exit
This is made up of three parameters that can be configured:
Gas Tinj Percentage: Leaning or enrichment of the mixture when exiting the cut-off
phase: values less than 100 lean the mixture (ex. setting a value of 85% causes a
leaning of 15%); values greater than 100 enrich the mixture. When a value of 100 is
used, there is no variation.
Upper RPM Threshold: The strategy functions only up to the upper threshold. Beyond
this threshold it does not work.
Injections Number from Exit: Number of CNG/LPG injections for which the strategy is

In advance back to Idle From Cut-Off

The objective of this strategy is to facilitate a gradual return to idle during the cut-off
phase in order to avoid the motor suddenly turning off due to a rapid drop in the running
RPM Cut-Off/limiter Driving: Threshold below which the strategy is activated due to
early return to idle from cut-off or limitation in CNG/LPG pressure in the injector rails.
Gas Injectors Activation Time: When the strategy is activated, the CNG/LPG
injections occur contemporarily (full group) for the activation time set.

Pressure Limiter
This strategy is used to stabilize the pressure in the injector rail to a safety value in
order to avoid the risk that should the injectors not open there be excess pressure (ex.
during prolonged cut-offs). This function cannot be managed by the customer. The
parameters displayed in grey (Maximum Pressure Threshold / GAS Injectors
Opening Time) are optimal values pre-set by Landi Renzo SpA.
Gas Injector Warm-Up
This strategy is used to allow the CNG/LPG injectors to be preheated while awaiting the
optimum operational conditions (ex. coolant temperature = 40 °C) This function cannot
be managed by the customer. The parameters displayed in grey (Actuation
Frequency / Injectors Opening Time) are optimal values preset by Landi Renzo SpA.

8.0 F3 Data Acquisition
8.1 F1 - Acquisitions


This page can be used to set:
- Under frequency, the period of sampling. We recommend keeping this value as low as possible.
- The blinking "GREEN" LED (1) indicates that the program has started the acquisition procedure.
The parameters for acquisition can be chosen from:

Motor Motor: Indicates the operational state of the motor

Gas Level 8 bit variable that associates a value from 0 to 255 to the level of CNG/LPG in
the tank.
Gas Tinj CNG/LPG injector opening time
K Coefficient Instantaneous value of the K coefficient found on the main map
MAP Value in bar of the vacuum of the intake manifold
O2 Probe Value in volts of the O2 Sensor( read using the PURPLE wire)
O2 Probe 2 Value in volts of the O2 Sensor (read using the GREY wire)
P. Diff. Value in bar of the differential pressure between header / CNG/LPG
Petr. Tinj Petrol injector opening time
P. Gas Value in bar of the CNG/LPG pressure fed to the injectors
Revs Motor revolutions
T CNG/LPG CNG/LPG temperature value read by the sensor
Tinj1 petr. Petrol injector opening time read by CAB "A"
Tinj1 petr. Filt. "Filtered" opening time for the petrol injector read by CAB "A"
Tinj1 CNG/LPG CNG/LPG injector opening time driven by CAB "A"
Tinj2 petr. Petrol injector opening time read by CAB "B"
Tinj2 petr. Filt. "Filtered" opening time for the petrol injector read by CAB "B"

Tinj2 CNG/LPG CNG/LPG injector opening time driven by CAB "B"
Tinj3 petr. Petrol injector opening time read by CAB "C"
Tinj3 petr. Filt. "Filtered" opening time for the petrol injector read by CAB "C"
Tinj3 CNG/LPG CNG/LPG injector opening time driven by CAB "C"
Tinj4 petr. Petrol injector opening time read by CAB "D"
Tinj4 petr. Filt. "Filtered" opening time for the petrol injector read by CAB "D"
Tinj4 CNG/LPG CNG/LPG injector opening time driven by CAB "D"
Twater Coolant temperature value read by the sensor
Key On Value in volts of the voltage when the ignition is switched on
Split-Fuel Petrol injection with the objective of lubricating/cooling the valve seat
Vinj Feed voltage expressed in volts

In order to remove one or more items from the list, acquisition must be stopped. When stopped,
click twice on the item you wish to remove.
Press the "START / STOP" (2) button to start and end the acquisition procedure. Save the data
acquired, giving it a name according to your personal criteria.
All of the items in the pre-loaded list can be eliminated using the "X on the grid" button (3) on the
lower left-hand side of the screen.

8.2 F2 Graph

The "Graph" window allows you to display graphically the current data being acquired or data that
has been previously saved.


4 5

When the "Load" (1) button is selected, the "Open" (2) window appears and the folder where the
previous acquisition was saved is opened.
Select the file you want to open and press the "Open" button.
"Name" (3) is the key for the graph. It indicates the colours of the graphed variables and the scale
The "Start/Stop" button (4) starts or ends the display of the graph during "real-time" data
acquisition, or that of a previously saved file.
The "X on the grid" button (5) will eliminate all of the items loaded (6) (7).
The 7 buttons (8) located on the lower-left of the black screen are:

"Arrow" – used to display of the coordinates

"Zoom" – used to zoom the selected area
"Hand"- used to manually move the window
"Bar" – used to display the data for each sample/frequency acquired
"Globe" – used to eliminate the zoom, returns the graph to the starting conditions
"Grid" – used to display a grid to facilitate reading the values on the graph
"Screen" – used to display a full-screen graph

To enlarge a specific data point or sampled frequency acquired on the graph:
1) Press the "Bar" button
2) Position the white bar on one of the points of the graph that you want to read
3) Use the magnifying glass to enlarge the point where the white line intersects the graphed curve
4) Use the mouse to move the white bar to the left or to the right in order to view the numerical
value of each individual data point for the sample or frequency acquired (see the image below).

a) The acquisition period set determines how often the samples shown on the graph are taken.
b) If the white bar should disappear from the area of display when the graph is enlarged, you must
press the "Bar" symbol to make it reappear.
c) If the screen has a lower range than the acquisition frequency chosen, the program will not
display the white reference bar.

9.0 F4 Diagnostics
9.1 Diagnosis


The Diagnostic page displays any malfunctions of the components or the system that may occur
during CNG/LPG operation.
The "START" button starts the display of the diagnostic errors.
If an error is displayed, once the problem has been resolved that caused the error message it is
possible to perform a reset using the "RESET" button.

All of the components/sensors for which the Omegas Plus ECU performs diagnostic controls are
listed in the "Diagnostic Controls" column.

The "Error Codes" column displays the associated error code for each error detected. This code is
used by Landi Renzo Technical Service to identify the specific type of malfunction detected as a
few errors have the same nomenclature.
Clicking twice on a cell in the "State" column accesses the diagnostic control. There is a pull-down
menu for each component/sensor that indicates the type of diagnosis that can be detected and
sets the corresponding action for reset in the "Reset Actions" column.
The reset actions that appear in the pull-down menu in the final column are:

None: conversion to petrol is not enabled if diagnostic data is detected.

Switch to Petrol: conversion to petrol is enabled if diagnostic data is detected.

Only Petrol: When a diagnostic data is detected, conversion to petrol is forced and the vehicle
remains in this state even if the diagnostics return within acceptable values the next time the
ignition is turned on. A diagnostic reset is required to reset the CNG/LPG conversion.

10.0 F5 Memory Reset

This function is only operational when the ECU is connected. This function restores the parameters
of the ECU that is connected to the default parameters set by the program. When the "Perform
Reset" window appears, when you click on "Yes" the "Download Calibration Parameters" bar will
appear. If you click on "No", the current parameters loaded on the ECU are maintained.

11.0 F6 Save Configuration

When the calibration procedure has been completed, it is recommended that the data acquired be
saved in a file.


When you press F6 "Save Configuration" from the start-up screen, the window "Comment Insert"
will appear. In this window you can enter any notes regarding the vehicle and its system. Press
"OK" to save the comment. Press "Delete" to not save it. In both cases, the window "Save
Configuration" will appear. On this page you will be able to enter all of the data relative to the
vehicle (model, displacement, year, etc.), the type of fuel (ex. M for CNG or G for LPG), the motor
code, injector type (ex. M, K, L), the firmware used, and the revision index (00 is the index for the
first issue). When the information is saved to file, the last two digits are replaced with the Revision
Index (00 for the first release).

There are two possibilities available:
3 By pressing OK, the configuration is saved in a pre-defined directory
4 By pressing "Cancel", the window "Save As" appears. Using this window it is
possible to safe the configuration that has just been performed in a different folder
than that usually used by the program, and with a different name than that which is
automatically created when the fields in the window for saving are filled in.

12 F7 Load Configuration


When F7 – LOAD CONFIGURATION is pressed, a window appears that allows previously

configured files to be uploaded to the CNG/LPG ECU.

13.0 F8 ECU Programming

To perform the firmware "programming procedure", it is necessary to create the following

1) turn on the motor or simply turn on the ignition for un-timed ignitions.
2) Press the F11 button (ECU Programming)
3) Select the "|o|ocom" button in the PCLOADER LC02 window. In the RS232 Configuration
window set the Baud Rate and Serial Port (respectively the communications speed, 9600 for LC01
and 19200 for LC02, and one of the items "com1, 2, 3..." that correspond to the port of the PC
used as input for the ECU interface cable). Complete the operation by clicking on "OK".
NOTE: If a connection is made with the CNG/LPG ECU prior to performing the operation described
in Point 2, the software will automatically set the COM port and the correct communications speed.
4) Select the "file " button in the PCLOADER LC02 window.
5) In the window "Select File", choose the firmware that is suitable for your programming needs
with the ".hex" extension. Then click on "Open".
6) Press the button "Start" button to start programming the ECU.
7) when the programming has been completed successfully, press "Exit".

1) The "About" button will display limited information regarding PCLOADER LC02 that are
not required by the user for the operations that will be performed.
2) To program the ECU all of the connections between the personal computer and the
ECU must be in place.

14.0 F9 Select ECU

The BLUE 3.2.0 program can be used for ECUs LC01 and LC02.
When it connects to the ECU, the program automatically detects the ECU model.
Without connecting to another ECU, it is possible to follow this sequence of windows to create or
bench-top modify the calibration file of the vehicle corresponding to the firmware version selected.
If you should want to change the set-up of the current ECU compared to the last ECU connected:


- Press "F9 – ECU Selection"

- On the first window, click on "Yes"
- Select the type of ECU based on which the file will be to created or modified
- Select the suitable firmware version
- When selection is complete, press "OK"
It is now possible to create or modify the calibration files for the ECU based on the firmware
version selected.

15.0 F10 Exit


To exit the program, press the "F10 Exit" button, or press the white "X" on a red background
located in the top, right-hand corner of the window.

Buttons F11 and F12 correspond to additional and optional functions that can be used regardless
of the complete cycle called for by the program. This function must be stopped using the "F10 Exit"
key, allowing the user to finish his operation in complete autonomy.

16.0 F11 Palm PC Programming

When the "F11 Palm PC Programming" button is pressed, a window with the same
name, "Palm PC Programming", opens that permits three functions to be activated:
1) ECU Firmware Loading: Allows the language file of the Palmtop (.bin file
distributed together with the .s19 file descried in the following paragraph) to be
updated, and allows the LC01 and Omegas Plus ECU firmware to be loaded on the
Palmtop (one for each type of ECU). This permits the Palmtop to be used as a tool for
programming the ECUs.
2) Palm Updating: Allows the Palmtop software to be updated when a new version is
available; the files for selection have the .s19 extension.
3) Cancel: Stops the palmtop programming procedure.


When the "ECU Firmware Loading" function is activated, a "PC Utility" window opens
containing the following buttons:
LANG: Allows the language file to be loaded on the Palmtop to be selected (for ex.
HTLang_LandiRenzo_02050.bin). WARNING: To enable loading of the selected file,
the checkbox located next to the LANG button must be checked.
FW LC01: Allows the LC01 ECU firmware to be copied into the Palmtop memory to be
selected (for ex. WARNING: To enable loading of the selected file,
the checkbox located next to the FW LC01 button must be checked.

FW LC02: Allows the Omegas Plus ECU firmware to be copied into the Palmtop
memory to be selected (for ex. AM202025G24.hex). WARNING: To enable loading of
the selected file, the checkbox located next to the FW LC02 button must be checked.
START: Starts the loading procedure which can be monitored in the Current and
Global status bars.
STOP: Interrupts the loading procedure.
COM cfg: using the "RS232 Configuration" window, this allows setting the number of
the PCs Serial Port to be connected to the palmtop (using the provided USB cable) for
programming. It also allows the Baud Rate (communications speed) to be set; this
value must be set to 19200).
About: displays information about the version of the PC UTILITY application in use,
which is not required by the user for the operations that will be performed.
Exit: Allows the user to exit the "Load ECU Firmware" function at the end of

When the "Palm Updating" function is activated, a window will open that contains the
following buttons:
COM: using the "RS232 Configuration" window, this allows setting the number of the
PCs Serial Port to be connected to the palmtop (using the provided USB cable) for
programming. It also allows the Baud Rate (communications speed) to be set; this
value must be set to 19200).
Clear: Annuls the operations performed.
File: Allows the new software for the palmtop update to be selected (for ex.
HT2LR02050.s19). Once a selection is made, the "Space Used" bar will display the
percent of the palmtop memory that the file selected for programming will occupy.
Start: This button is activated once a file is selected and is used to start the
programming procedure, which can be monitored using the Download status bar.
About: displays information about the version of the PC UTILITY application in use,
which is not required by the user for the operations that will be performed.
Exit: allows the user to exit from the "Palm Updating" function at the end of the
programming operations.

To update the palmtop completely, perform the following steps in the order shown:

1 Connect the palmtop to the PC using the supplied USB cable and wait for the
Palmtop to complete the start-up test phase.
2 Using the "Palm Updating" function, set the Serial Port and Baud Rate parameters
(COM button), select the file to be programmed (File button), and press the Start
button. Once programming is complete (the Download bar reaches 100% and turns
green as shown below) the palmtop will once again perform the test phase. Wait for
this test phase to be completed before moving onto the next step.


3 Using the "ECU Firmware Loading" function, select the language file using the
LANG button, check the related checkbox (highlighted in red in the image below),
and press the START button. If you also want to copy LC01 and/or Omegas Plus
firmware (optional operation that enables the palmtop to be used as a tool for
programming the ECUs) in addition to the language file (required for update), first
press the START button, select the desired firmware using the FW LC01 and FW
LC02 buttons, and check the related checkboxes.
4 One loading has been complete (Current and Global bars are both at 100% as
shown below) press the EXIT button. If an "ERROR" message appears in the dialog
window during loading, the Serial Port and Baud Rate (COM cfg button) must be
reconfigured, and step 3 must be repeated.


17.0 F12 Automatic Updatings

This function allows the BLUE software installed on your PC to be updated through a guided
Updates are usually issued by Landi Renzo in a compressed file with a ".zip" extension. This file
must be decompressed in an easily traced file on your PC (we recommend the Desktop). The file
now available contains the desired update.
Select the F12 button from the BLUE 3.2.0 start-up page. The following window will appear:

Find the folder you want to use, select it, and press OK.
The update procedure will start automatically.


Description of the self-calibration procedure:

A) Insert the relative data for the motor that are indispensible for performing the self-calibration.
These can be entered using the F1-Vehicle Configuration / F2-Motor Parameters tabs. If this data
has not already been entered, enter it and press the "Enter" button to confirm the data.
The data to enter is: motor type (1), fuel type (2), injector type (3), ignition type (4), number of
cylinders (5), displacement (6) and injector size (7).
Parameterize the MAP sensor (see "Pressure sensor on header" in the appendix for this
If the self-calibration procedure is restarted after the data has been entered, it is not necessary to
re-enter the data, not even after the vehicle has been turned off since this data is saved in the
ECU's memory.


Condition: Motor started, petrol fuel.
Press the "Reset All " button (1). This operation will delete any data previously recorded or
acquired by the ECU.
B) Exceed 2000 RPM (2) to initiate the petrol zone acquisition phase. If you access this phase
after restarting the motor you do not have to press this button again, nor do you have to exceed
2000 RPM again.

Fig. 48

C1) Perform a city trip with the vehicle under petrol fuel (1). Try to simulate the most situations as
possible by varying the motor RPMs and load (use the RPM and MAP indicators in the "Motor
Data" window (2); for further information, see the paragraph regarding recommendations for
driving). The motor zones are characterized by different RPM values and MAP sensor, and the
greater number the number of zones acquired (3) provide a better initial estimate for calibration.
The zones entered are displayed in the "Acquired Zone Map" grid (4).

Fig. 49

C2) To complete this phase the time bar, "Acquisition Duration" must be complete, at least 6 areas
under petrol must have been acquired (visible on the "Acquired Areas" counter) (1) and at the idle
area must have been entered at least once.
At the end of the acquisition, the message "Acquisition under petrol terminated" (2) is displayed.
This phase lasts approximately 2 minutes 20 seconds.

Fig. 50

C3): If b y 90% of the minimum acquisition time, the idle area has not yet been acquired, the
message "Put the motor into idle" (1) will appear. To make this message disappear and to end
acquisition under petrol, the motor must be taken into the idle condition.

Fig. 51

C4) If not enough motor areas under petrol have been acquired by the end of the minimum
conversion time the message "Insufficient number of areas" will appear. To make this message
disappear and to end acquisition under petrol, at least 6 motor areas must be acquired under

Fig. 52

Once acquisition under petrol is complete, values will appear in the cells of "A corrected" and "B
corrected". These values will change when the next CNG/LPG acquisition is performed.

D1) Convert to CNG/LPG fuel, as requested by the message in the text box (1) and perform a city
drive similar to the one performed under petrol while attempting to enter the same areas acquired
under petrol. When the self-calibration is complete, the values "A corrected" and "B corrected" will
be listed in the cells "A actuated" and "B actuated".

Fig. 53

Correction Window (2)

The values indicated in the "Cruise Correction", "Idle Correction" and "Open Loop Correction" cells
are the values entered in "Vehicle Configuration (F1) - Corrections (F3)". The carburation
corrections performed in "Vehicle Configuration (F1) - Corrections (F3)" influence the values
recorded in "A actuated" and "B actuated". The value of "A actuated" is directly proportional to the
"Cruise Correction" value. The "B actuated" value is inversely proportional to the "Idle Correction"
value. The "Open Loop Correction" does not correspond to any of the values in this table.

See "Use of Corrections" and "Plausible range for self-calibration parameters" in the appendix for
this paragraph.

D2) The procedure ends (1) after a variable time (usually in the order of 3 to 4 minutes) with the
requirement to enter the CNG/LPG area at least 3 times. The calibration parameters that are
corrected each time are visible in the "A corrected" and "B corrected" data fields (2).
If the trend of the estimated correction is unsatisfactory, this phase can be restarted without the
acquisition under petrol needing to be performed using the "Reset" button (3) in this sector. If the
results of the estimate are satisfactory and you do not want to wait for the end of the correction
under CNG/LPG phase, you can push the "Stop" button (4) and immediately move to the next

Fig. 54

E) If the at the end of the correction the calibration performed gives the result of a mixture that is
too lean or too rich, the estimate can be corrected using the "Vehicle Configuration (F1) -
Corrections (F3)" window of BLUE. There are three corrections (1):
- Cruise Correction: This correction is effective in all of the motor areas. However its
influence is most evident in the medium-high load area, or Cruise
- Idle Correction: This correction is also effective in all of the motor areas. The area of most
significant influence is in the low load area (above all in the idle area); while it is almost
undetectable at higher loads.
- Open Loop Correction: This is the enrichment correction in the full power area (area
identified by a minimum MAP load and minimum RPM running). It overlaps with the other
two corrections but does not replace them. It represents further enrichment in the Open
Loop area. It is not used when the MAP values are 0 and the RPM are at the limit.

A positive value of the correction indicates that the mixture is enriched; whereas, a negative value
indicates that it is leaned. After indicating the value of the correction using the "up" and "down"
arrows (4), confirm the correction on the ECU by pressing the "Enter" key. The calibration values
effectively applied, together with the open loop area thresholds can be seen in the "A applied" and
"B applied" fields in BLUE's status bar and in the Java interface. Once this phase has been
completed, the procedure is ended and the vehicle is calibrated and can be used.

Fig. 55

Description Of The Manual Calibration Procedure:

At the end of the manual calibration procedure, you must select the "Manual Mode" check box that
gives its name to the relative sector of the self-calibration interface. Selection of this box makes the
"Petrol Data Acquisition" (1) and "CNG/LPG Correction" (2) sectors inactive; but the "Vehicle
Configuration (F1) – Corrections (F3)" window in BLUE remain active.
To perform the calibration you only need to set the parameter values in the text box "A set" (3) and
"B set" (4) and then press the "OK" button to confirm the values.
WARNING: Use of the "Manual Mode" allows the self-calibration times to be reduced so long as
the parameters entered are based on past experience or acquired on similar motors.
Once the values have been set, it is possible to convert to CNG/LPG immediately, skipping the
petrol acquisition and CNG/LPG correction phases. Setting the parameter values can only be
performed while the motor is under petrol and not under CNG/LPG. In this phase the estimate set
can be fine-tuned using the corrections present on the "Vehicle Configuration (F1) - Corrections
(F3)" (5) window of BLUE.
Once the manual mode has been selected, it is possible to return to the automatic mode. To
perform a new automatic estimate of the parameters, however, it is necessary to reset the
procedure by pressing the "Reset All" button (6) in the "Petrol Data Acquisition" sector.

NOTE: the manual calibration mode does not require installation or connection to any
sensors, MAP, or TPS.

Fig. 56


MAP Automatic Learning:

The presence of a signal relative to the header pressure is absolutely indispensible for the
automatic calibration procedure. It is therefore necessary to parameterize the sensor in
question as required prior to initiating this procedure.
As of the beginning of the phase that uses the corrections the MAP signal is no longer
require. Any external sensors used for this procedure can therefore be removed.

The first of the procedure consists in making certain that the MAP input of the ECU is connected to
a MAP sensor (the vehicles or an external sensor).
Thereafter, based on the firmware, AM or LR, the procedure differs.
If an external MAP sensor is used, use the characteristics for the sensor used.

Procedure for standard firmware (LR):

The procedure for MAP sensor automatic learning is as follows:

1) Turn on the vehicle, open BLUE, and connect to the ECU

2) Select "MAP Present" on the "F3-MAP-Tcoolant" tab in the Vehicle Configuration window.

3) Press the "MAP Automatic Learning" button ONLY ONCE.

4) Turn off the motor and wait at least 5 seconds, but not more than 20 seconds.

5) Turn the vehicle back on and convert to CNG/LPG

6) Wait at least 10 seconds at idle (stable condition between 600 and 1200 RPM). The self-
learning LED should change from green to red.

7) Disconnect BLUE and reconnect it.

At this point, the offset and gain parameters should appear in the "F3-MAP-Tcoolant" tab of the
Vehicle Configuration window.

Procedure for self-calibration firmware (AM):

The new procedure for self-learning of the MAP sensor is very similar to that used for the firmware
that uses the classic calculation process, with the addition of two phases that must be performed
with the vehicle fuelled by petrol. These allow an initial estimate of the petrol injectors regardless of
the fact that calibration has been completed or not.
The AutoMAP procedure is set using the special strategy flag. It cannot be activated if the idle
injection time has not been measured (as otherwise it would not be possible to convert to
Should it be desirable to learn the sensor characteristics during the self-calibration procedure, the
timer is blocked during the MAP sensor learning so as not to waste useful time for acquiring petrol
data points. On the other hand, it is possible to convert to CNG/LPG regardless of the state that
the self-calibration algorithm has reached if the MAP sensor is being learned. In this case, the
procedure for MAP sensor automatic learning is as follows:

1) Turn on the vehicle, open BLUE, and connect to the ECU

2) Select "MAP Present" on the "F4 MAP - Tcoolant" tab in the Vehicle Configuration window.

3) Press the "MAP Automatic Learning" button ONLY ONCE.

4) Wait at least 6 seconds at idle (stable condition between 600 and 1200 RPM).

5) Turn off the motor and wait at least 3 seconds, but not more than 10 seconds.

6) Turn the vehicle on again under petrol and bring the motor to a stabilized state at about 3000
RPM (stable condition between 2500 and 3200 RPM) for at least 3 seconds.

7) Convert to CNG/LPG

8) Stay in the stabilized stat, at about 3000 RPM, for at least 4 seconds.

9) Convert to petrol and go below 1500 RPM. The self-learning LED should change from green to

10) Disconnect BLUE and reconnect it.

At this point, the offset and gain parameters should appear in the "F4-MAP-Tcoolant" tab of the
Vehicle Configuration window.
To proceed with self-calibration, just convert to petrol.

NOTE: For vehicles with timed ignition, as the ignition turns off immediately when the motor stops,
there is a risk that the pressure with the motor off does not get acquired. To resolve this problem,
when the motor turns off, IMMEDIATELY turn the ignition back on, not to the first click, slightly
more, so as to power the ECU for the very sort time needed for acquisition.

Method for Using Corrections:

Corrections are performed by controlling the enrichment or leaning of the mix before idle, and then
with a load greater than 700 mbar, keeping a number of different parameters under control. For
EURO 3 or later vehicles, it is preferable to observe the following parameters using an OBD palm-
top to establish the mixture title:

- The value of the O2 sensor

- The slow and fast corrections of petrol control
- The value of the Fuel Trim (FT)

The procedure to follow is the following:

1) observe the differences between the petrol corrections at idle, first under petrol and then under
CNG/LPG (use the fast conversion button), F1 Vehicle Configuration, F3-Corrections.
2) observe the differences between the petrol corrections at idle under city load (MAP greater than
700 mbar), first under petrol and then under CNG/LPG
3) If the largest difference is detected at idle, use the IDLE correction. Vice versa, if it is detected
under city load, use the CRUISE correction.

- If the petrol corrections > CNG/LPG corrections => set a negative correction (leaning)
- If the petrol corrections < CNG/LPG corrections => set a positive correction (enrichment)

Then repeat the procedure until the smallest difference possible in the OBD corrections are
obtained when converting from CNG/LPG to petrol and vice versa.
If an OBD palm-top is not available, or with vehicles prior to the EURO 3 norm, rather than the
OBD corrections, refer to the petrol injection times following the procedure below:
1) observe the differences between the petrol injection times at idle (Tinj Petr), first under petrol
and then under CNG/LPG (use the fast conversion button and observe the variation bar of Tinj)
2) observe the differences between the petrol injection times under city load (MAP greater than
700 mbar), first under petrol and then under CNG/LPG
3) If the largest difference is detected at idle, use the IDLE correction. Vice versa, if it is detected
under city load, use the CRUISE correction.

- If "Tinj Petr" under petrol > "Tinj Petr" under CNG/LPG => set a negative correction
- If "Tinj Petr" under petrol < "Tinj Petr" under CNG/LPG => set a positive correction (leaning)

Then repeat the procedure until the smallest difference possible in Tinj Petr is obtained when
converting from CNG/LPG to petrol and vice versa.
The tare for the Open Loop correction is the same in both cases:

1) perform a brusque acceleration to full power to detect any torque losses or drops in power under
high running conditions
2) if there are any anomalies in the behaviour, set the "Open Loop Petrol Injection Time" and
"Open Loop RPM" lower thresholds so that the strategy will intervene at slightly lower RPMs and
petrol injection times then where the problems were detected
3) Set the OPEN LOOP correction to the percentage correction that resolves the problem and
maintains a low difference in Tinj Petr under petrol and CNG/LPG operation

Recommendations for Driving during the motor area data acquisition phase:
In order to acquire the greatest number of motor areas and to avoid that the motor turn off during
CNG/LPG correction, and to improve the calibration estimate, we recommend you reach a variety
of situations with stable injection times for a certain value . It is therefore recommended to bring
the motor into a variety of stabilized states under different motor RPM running conditions, and if
possible, under a variety of loads. These situations include prolonged and constant accelerations.
Obviously, in order for the area to be acquired, it must fall within the following range of validity:

- MAP signal between 0 and 800 mbar

- RPM between 0 and 4600 RPM

These driving recommendations are especially important when problems acquiring motor points
are encountered.

Recommendations For Resolving Fuel Carburation Problems

At the end of the correction of parameters A and B, the carburation in the stabilized areas is
correct. Problems may be encountered in the acceleration transition, above all when the
accelerator is fully depressed, under high running conditions and during transitions returning to
idle. These effects are particularly evident in vehicles with CNG system, and LPG systems may
also encounter problems of this type.

- Acceleration Transitions: The classic problem during acceleration transitions is represented

by the wall-wetting correction, rather by an additional enrichment of the mix from the
beginning of the transition, indispensible for petrol carburation, but damaging for CNG/LPG
transitions that are thus excessively "rich". This has tangible effects on the drivability (loss
of power and unstable torque). To resolve this problem, it is sufficient that BLUE be used to
tare the injection time filter (filter on t_injp). The reduction of the acceleration coefficient
compensates for the enrichment due to the wall-wetting correction and allows a good
degree of drivability to be restored. This strategy can be set from the "Injection Strategies"
(F6) tab in the "Vehicle Configuration" (F1) sector. Regardless of the wall-wetting effect,
this problem can often appear due to an excessively lean estimate of the idle. If this
is the case, the IDLE correction must be modified so as to return the idle title within
the functional limits, thus eliminating undesirable effects on transitions. Another
approach that may resolve the problem is that of activating or deactivating the "Previous
Injection" strategy.
- Other Running Conditions: If unstable torque is detected, it is good practice to activate the
"Previous Injection" strategy, if it is not already activated.
- Return to idle: The problems encountered during the return to idle are due to an
excessively lean mixture due to excessively prolonged cut-offs. In these cases, the solution
is to activate the early return to idle, setting the various parameters in an empirical manner.
This strategy can be set using BLUE from the "Injection Strategies" (F6) tab in the "Vehicle
Configuration" (F1) sector.

If the use and tare of these strategies is not sufficient and poor stability of the motor's performance
continues even under stationary running conditions, access the "Vehicle Configuration (F1) -
Injectors (F5)" tab in BLUE and set the maximum time for extrainjections of petrol to 0. This should
stabilize the behaviour of the motor, both during transitions and in stable states.

Plausible range for self-calibration parameters:

The plausible range for the estimate of the two parameters is the following:

- A: (from 1 to 6)
- B: (from 0.1 to 1.2)

Method for saving the calibration file:

In order to save the calibration file obtained at the end of the self-calibration or manual calibration
procedures, the calibration must be closed. Then press "Save Configuration" F5 in BLUE.


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