Woven Vinyl Flooring Suppliers

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 Introduction to Woven Winyl Flooring 


where to buy woven vinyl flooring?

Material composition: 70% PVC, 30% high-strength polyester yarn

It is a special textile produced by a shuttleless loom. The warp and weft are all
composite yarns with a special covering structure, namely PVC sheath-core yarns.
The core body is made of high-strength polyester industrial filament, and the skin
layer is polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material that is resistant to aging and ultraviolet
radiation. The polyester yarn is stretched and covered, and it is drawn and cooled to
form a smooth, water-proof, oil-proof, non-toxic, composite yarn. The warp yarn is
made into a weaving shaft by an intelligent warping machine, without sizing, the
surface net is directly woven on the flexible rapier loom, and then processed into the
final product.

Base material:

One-time forming of PVC hot melt bottom.  woven vinyl flooring suppliers This

production line is a comprehensive production line that can produce full foam bottom
(1.7 kg/M2), semi foam bottom (2.4 kg/M2), woven carpet manufacturers non-foam
bottom "hard bottom" (3.0 kg/M2) )


1. It has a special weave pattern, design creativity and artistic texture;

2. It has the characteristics of waterproof, abrasion resistance, sound reduction, etc.

3. Easy to clean, can be washed directly with water

4. Moderate hardness, comfortable feet

5. There will be no dust mites


Suitable for use in public places, such as offices, shops, restaurants, museums,
theaters, exhibition centers, banks, fitness centers, woven carpet manufacturers uk,
spas, hospitals, etc.

Woven carpet installation and cleaning instructions Buying a house, buying a house,
decoration forum, real estate forum 9 s. \\3 j( K$ [, R

Installation Notes woven vinyl flooring manufacturer

"^, }7 ?0} Sina Leju Sina Leju) n1 Bs" p

1. Ground installation instructions

: m4 S. r0 D5 t\' H+ d(一) woven carpet market in india Floor inspection.com.cn, L: v-


1. Use a thermometer and hygrometer to check the temperature and humidity. The
indoor temperature and the surface temperature should be 15℃, and the construction
should not be below 5℃ and above 30℃. The relative air humidity suitable for
construction should be between 20%-75%.

. A+ E) O+ .com.cn2, use a moisture content tester to detect the moisture content of

the base layer, the moisture content of the base layer should be less than 3%. Home is
2 z- ^& o\' H2 m! B7 h+ V

3. The strength of the base should not be lower than the requirement of concrete
strength C-20, otherwise suitable self-leveling should be used to woven carpet price
strengthen the strength.

/ G)\' Z! X+ _1 L8 J# D+ m

4. For the construction of BAYBREAK woven carpets, the flatness of the base layer
should be less than 2 mm within the range of a 2 meter ruler, otherwise suitable self-
leveling should be used for leveling. "@" O+ d6 |( `9 f; w

(2) Floor pretreatment, house purchase, house purchase, decoration forum, real estate
forum) O9 OV- U7 y{

Deal with the problems found in floor inspection.

& G3 P0 `, d! B1 F Real Estate Forum, woven vinyl boat flooring Decoration Forum,
Owner Forum (3) Self-leveling Construction

# [1 m- ?- `$ .com.cn1. Refer to the cement self-leveling construction process

according to the site conditions (such as the original ground reconstruction, the
construction process can be deleted according to the specific situation)

/ k3 U3 e; z5 U[Buy a house, buy a house, decoration forum, real estate forum 2.

Please close the site immediately after construction is completed, walk is prohibited
within 5 hours, avoid heavy objects within 10 hours, and DAYBREAK carpet can be
laid after 24 hours . Jiajiu

3. In winter construction, carpet laying woven vinyl marine flooring should be carried
out 48 hours after self-leveling construction. p; V; k. M1 i: ~

4. If self-leveling is required for fine grinding and polishing, it should be done after
self-leveling and drying. (b% b: V0 v. T

(4) Carpet paving-pre-laying and cutting

(A) E4 Q/ k; Q Buying a house, buying a house, decoration forum, real estate forum 1.
Whether it is coiled material or block material, it should be placed on site for more
than 24 hours to restore the memory of the material and the temperature is consistent
with the construction site.

8 P8 sf- m Buying a house, buying a house, decoration forum, real estate forum 2.
When laying the blocks, there should be no joints between the two materials.

. x/ L, {(五) Carpet paving-paste.com.cn% @\' e+ Q& o; a;?

1. Choose the corresponding glue and professional tools suitable for BAYBREAK
weaving carpet. 3 q! T& Q7 x8 N/ ?7 x

2. When paving the block material, please turn the block material up from the middle
to both sides, and also clean the floor and the back of the carpet before applying glue.
Home: d) J: s9 A

3. Different adhesives have different requirements during construction. For details,

please refer to the corresponding product manual for construction.

; O! f3 e/J Home Furnishing (6) Carpet paving-exhaust, rolling house purchase, house
purchase, decoration forum, real estate forum (u. ]\' o; [; [: m9 r! \\0 A
1. After the carpet is pasted, use the cork block to push the surface of the carpet to
level it and squeeze out the air.

# @0 _# x% |- {4 t2. Then use a 50 or 75 kg steel pressure roller to evenly roll the

carpet and trim the warped edges of the splicing in time. 0 LI8 q& W2}

3. Excess glue on the surface of the carpet should be wiped off in time.

: i9 m/ k( \\; ~* A home furnishing, wall installation instructions Sina Leju) e- Z5 P&

s; X

(1) BAYBREAK woven wall jewelry process Sina Leju 6 M+ F; D (u2 Q

Clean the base layer, fill in the gaps → paste the joint tape, patch putty, sanding paper
at the joints of the gypsum board surface → scrape putty, smooth → apply moisture-
proof agent (interface agent or varnish for wallpaper) → wall elastic line → wall
decoration Cutting, mounting on the wall, patchwork, lap joint, registration →
pressure adhesive bubble → trimming. Real Estate Forum, Decoration Forum, Owner
Forum $ E7 B9 Ft

(2) The main points of the construction of Bonaz wall ornaments

H! U- c1 o* R8 Y1 .com.cn1. When the base layer is processed, it must be cleaned,

smooth and smooth. The moisture-proof paint should be applied evenly and not too

"j. D8 _- a5 }House purchase, house purchase, decoration forum, real estate forum u

2 p% @# b$ y4} Real estate forum, decoration forum, owner forum Concrete and
plastering base: sweep the wall clean, and level the surface cracks and potholes with
putty. Scrape the putty again, smooth it, and decide the number of times to scrape the
putty as needed. Home is 3 p7 ^/ A" G! y. q0 r, O) _

uHouse purchase, house purchase, decoration forum, real estate forum (Q6 m& I5 Z7
w( X

Wood base layer: The wood base layer should be planed, without burrs, stubble, and
exposed nail heads. Fill the joints and nail holes with putty, scrape the putty and
polish it smoothly.

) |. S9 C; ?5 N7 B. [* {Buy a house, buy a house, decoration forum, real estate forum

, Y( z? Sina Leju gypsum board base layer: gypsum board joints are treated with
caulking putty, and the joints are taped firmly. The surface is scratched with putty.
.com.cn1 S$ `) |8 K4 X

2. In order to prevent wall ornaments from falling off due to moisture, apply a layer of
interface agent or varnish instead of laying on the paint layer. Buying a house, buying
a house, decoration forum, real estate forum 4 | 8 T, K, m$ M5 @# Y

3. Play the vertical and horizontal lines to ensure that the wall decoration is horizontal
and vertical, and the pattern is correct. .com.cn\' q) F7 \\, w8 br

4. After pasting, press on the wall decoration adhesive to avoid air bubbles.

0 k3 G. a& m-N Home Furnishing 5. It is recommended to use professional wallpaper

builders for paving and installation. The tools used are the same as those for
professional wallpaper paving.

# t" o/ Q, F\' Z/ a% @4 U% np" k* {" u

# B9 e\' {; |/ ^Buying a house, buying a house, decoration forum, real estate forum
(three) matters needing attention. com.cn# p- I7 k) {# a

1. The moisture content of the wall base layer should be less than 8%. Sina Leju 8 hw(
q& S

2. The flatness of the wall can be checked with a 2m ruler, and the height difference
should not exceed 2mm. Sina Leju; J* V: {

3. When stitching, align the patterns first, and then stitch them together to make the
upper and lower patterns coincide.

8 F* x, v\' B$ y$ B4. It is forbidden to sew at the outside corner, and the wallpaper
must be more than 20 mm over the outside corner. Buying a house, buying a house,
decoration forum, real estate forum 5 y) G# z5 l* e( Z: n

0 _0 A: ^3 u* s house purchase, house purchase, decoration forum, real estate forum

cleaning manual

. g+ u) `- B) N Real Estate Forum, Decoration Forum, Owners Forum

5 B1 z% w\' C4 x Home is one, carpet cleaning and maintenance. w8 T2 Z4 e1 B6 ~

(1) Precautions for buying a house, buying a house, decoration forum, real estate
forum; M2 j, w# f

1. BAYBREAK woven carpets are developed and designed for indoor places, and are
not suitable for laying and using in outdoor places. .com.cn5 U. \\" b- ~6 ?5 l+ S

2. Please use neutral detergent for regular cleaning and maintenance according to the
method recommended by the manufacturer.

7 |2 |$ a0 S Sina Leju 3. Avoid high-concentration solvents such as toluene, banana

water, and strong acids. Pour strong alkaline solutions on the surface of the carpet.
Avoid using inappropriate tools and sharps to scrape or damage the carpet. surface. 4
uY/ G8 w; _3 {$ y

4. It is forbidden to use hard and rough cleaning tools (such as steel wire balls,
scouring pads, etc.) to prevent sharp objects from colliding with the elastic carpet.

\'P) r) s& v: H\' [Buying a house, buying a house, decorating forums, real estate
forums 5. It is strongly recommended to place rubbing mats at the entrances of public
places with intensive traffic to prevent dirt, sand, etc. from tarnishing and scratching
the carpet . (U9 )7 H% T% r, t% R: Z

(2) Procter & Gamble.com.cn, K( u( H5 ^)

2.1 Clean and maintain the carpet after laying/before use

# x% Q0 L- f+ ]5 A. Buying a house, buying a house, decoration forum, real estate

forum 2.1.1 First remove the dust and debris on the surface of the carpet, and then use
a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust.

8 u+ K}) w/ f( n For household appliances, 2.1.2 is changed to use a carpet cleaning

machine for cleaning, the cleaning agent is a neutral cleaning agent, and then the
water is absorbed.

% Y& @9 m3 I9 Y. g Sina Leju Cleaner: powerful general cleaner

9 E1 n6 F+ B2 z Buying a house, buying a house, decorating forums, real estate

forums Tools: carpet cleaning machine, water suction machine, vacuum cleaner for
household use) d, P\' q\' k

2.2 Daily cleaning and maintenance

4 l# g7 u\' e5 B# d8 d Buying a house, buying a house, decorating forums, real estate
forums 2.2.1 Push dust or vacuum cleaner. (Pour the mopping dust agent on the
mopping, dry it and push the dust.)

: B: ^9 O Real Estate Forum, Decoration Forum, Owner Forum 2.2.2 Wet Mopping.
(Use the floor cleaning polish to dilute with water at 1:20, and mop the floor with a
semi-wet mop.) If necessary, you can also use a floor scrubbing machine with wash &
shine to clean at low speed.

/ ]8 B& n; F# [.com.cn Cleaner: mopping dusting agent floor cleaning polish Sina
Leju 1 e& k/ ~( q1 \\$ t3 f

Tools: dust push mop

# O# A6 u2 o) P! P 2.3 Regular cleaning and maintenance of home 7 ?* i+ T* C/ T0 t

Sina Leju. k/ q% I

Carpet cleaning machine cleaning can be carried out once or twice within a year. If
the use environment is harsh, the time and frequency of carpet cleaning machine
cleaning can be determined according to the actual situation.

m& t+ o! R0 L3 G cleaner: carpet cleaning polish

, o$ t1 g\' Wk7 h Household tools: dust pusher, vacuum cleaner, carpet cleaner, water
suction machine

6 R# nM0 C Buying a house, buying a house, decoration forums, real estate forums
2.4 Treatment of special dirt at home: P8 d# S6 u, C9 a

2.4.1 Black offset printing, glue or chewing gum, etc.: For local pollution, pour the
stock solution of the water-based degreaser directly on a towel or wipe it with a soft
brush, and then soak up the water. ; For large areas of oil, dilute the Vite water-based
degreaser at 1:10, and clean it at low speed with a scrubber and a red polishing pad or
a soft brush. Home Furnishing/ _9 F$ X" H4 u4 c2 f

. C, |+ c5 u Real Estate Forum, Decoration Forum, Owners Forum 2. Cleaning and

Maintenance of Wall Decoration Materials

# E9 o: S5 nSina Leju (1) Note:

3 A* M9 n6 M1 T\' R1 r% .com.cn1. Prevent the wall from being soaked in water for
a long time, avoid high concentration solvents and strong acids, and strong alkali
solutions poured on the decorated wall; buy a house, buy a house, Decoration forum,
real estate forum\' G# _& m! @9 y

2. Use improper tools and sharp tools to scrape or damage the decorated wall. It is
forbidden to use hard and rough cleaning tools (such as steel balls, scouring pads, etc.)
to clean the decorated walls. y) u6 p

(2) Clean

; tZ\' .com.cn1, you can directly use a wet towel to clean the dust, or use a vacuum
cleaner to clean the dust; Sina Leju "N% H& o$ B9 a

2. The stubborn dirt can be cleaned with the designated detergent; the household will
be (}+ I& P) E

3. According to customer needs, if you want to pursue higher gloss, you can wax and
plan on the decorated wal

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