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8A GRAMMAR simple past: regular and irregular verbs

a Complete the conversation with the past tense of the verb in the parentheses.
Be careful with + , – , and ? .

A new life
Detective Granger OK, Mr. Thomas. Please just relax
and tell me the problem.
Mr. thomas It’s my wife. She 1went (go) out
yesterday evening. And she
2 didn't come (not come) back.
Detective Granger When 3 did you see
(you / see) your wife for the last time?
Mr. thomas Yesterday evening, at about nine thirty.
Detective Granger Tell me what happened
yesterday. 4 did you do (you / do)
anything unusual?
Mr. thomas No, it 5 was (be) just a
normal day. We 6 woke up
(wake up) at seven. I 7 had (have) breakfast. Then I 8 drove (drive) to work. My
wife 9 didn't have (not have) breakfast. In the morning, I think she 10 went (go)
shopping. She 11 came (come) home at lunchtime. I don’t know what she 12
(do) in the afternoon. She probably 13 made (make) dinner.
Detective Granger When 14 did you come (you / come) home?
Mr. thomas I 15 arrived (arrive) home at about seven thirty. I 16 sat (sit) down and
17 read (read) the newspaper, and 18 checked (check) my email. We 19 had
(have) dinner at about eight. After dinner, I 20 watched (watch) TV. I 21 went to sleep
(go to sleep) in my chair.
Detective Granger 22 Did you speak
(you / speak) to your wife at all? What
23 Did she say (she / say) to you?
Mr. thomas We 24 didn't talk (not talk) during
dinner. After dinner she 25 said
(say), “This isn’t a life. I need to go out.” She
called (call) a taxi.
I 27 heard (hear) the taxi about fifteen
minutes later. She 28 took (take) her
bag and her coat and
closed (close) the door. She
didn't say (not say) goodbye.
Detective Granger I see, sir. I think I know why
she 31 leaft (leave).

b Read the story again. Then cover it. Can you remember five things that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
did yesterday?

American English File 2nd edition Teacher’s Book Level 1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 183
8B GRAMMAR there is / there are, some / any + plural

a Write the questions and short answers.

1 shower / bathroom? Is there a shower in the bathroom? Yes, there is.
2 pictures / hall? Are there any pictures in the hall? No, there aren’t.
3 double bed / bedroom? Is there double bed in the bedroom? Yes, there is
4 DVD player / living room? Is there a DVD player in the living room?

5 plant / study? Is there a plant in the study no, there isn't

6 dishwasher / kitchen? Is there a dishwaser in the kitchen

7 cupboards / bathroom? Are there any cupboards in the bathroom? Yes, there are
8 chairs / bedroom? Are there any chairs in the bedroom? No, there aren't
b Write + or – sentences.
1 table / kitchen There’s a table in the kitchen.
2 plants / living room there are some plants in the living room
3 mirror / hall There is a mirror in the hall
4 books / living room There aren't any books in the living room
5 desk / study There is a desk in the study
6 clock / kitchen There isn't a clock in the kitchen
7 fireplace / living room There is a fireplace in the living room
8 shelves / study There are some shelves in the study

c Test your memory. Look at the picture again for 30 seconds. Then A (picture face up) ask B
(picture face down) five questions about the house. Then change roles.
Is there a in the ? Are there any in the ?

184 American English File 2nd edition Teacher’s Book Level 1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013
8C GRAMMAR there was / there were
a Complete the sentences with there was / there wasn’t, there were / there weren’t, or Was there /
Were there …?

A 1Was there a supermarket in your town when you were a child?
B No, 2 there wasn't .3 there were a bakery and a
small store.
A4 Were there any Italian restaurants? I love pizza!
B No, 5 there weren't , but 6 there was a cafe.
And 7 there were two restaurants!

A We stayed in a great hotel in Spain. 8 there was
a huge TV in our room!
B Wow! 9 was there a swimming pool?
A Yes, 10 there were two, and 11 there was
a fantastic gym.
B 12
Was there a good restaurant in the hotel?
A Yes, the food was delicious!

A 13 There was a very old castle in the town I lived in as
a child. People said 14 There were secret rooms in it.
B Really?
were there ghosts in the castle, too?
A Yes, 16
there were . My aunt saw one once. She said that
suddenly 17 there was a strange light and then she
saw a face looking in through the window – but she was on the
second floor!

A Did you get anything nice at the sale?
B Yes, I did. 18 there were some cool sweaters. I got two.
A Great! 19 were there any jeans?
B Yes, 20 there were , but 21 there weren't any in
my size.

Work with a partner. Say three things that there were on the street or in the area where you live
but are not there now.
American English File 2nd edition Teacher’s Book Level 1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 185

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