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Principles of Forensic

Structural Engineering

Timothy J. Dickson, P.E., S.E.

Dickson-Schaefer, Ltd.

ISEA Spring Conference

March 2, 2017
• Definition of Forensic Engineering
• Methodology for Forensic
• Case Studies of Structural Failures
• How Forensic Engineering
Information Is Used In Litigation
• Questions / Discussion

Who Needs This Service
• Attorneys
• Insurance Carriers
– Property
– Liability
• Building Owners
Typical Issues
• Collapse/Failure Analysis
• Construction Defects
– Construction Documents
– Building Code Requirements
– Industry Standards
• Design Errors
– Standard of Care
• Storm/Fire Damage Assessment
Historic Failures
• Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse

(Source: Pfrang and Marshall, 1982)

Historic Failures
• Ronan Point Apartments

(Source: The Daily Telegraph, 1968)

Historic Failures
• Hartford Civic Center

(Source: Connecticut Historical Society)

Methodology for Investigation
• Visual Inspection
• Remote Visual Inspection
• Destructive Evaluation
• Load Testing and Instrumentation
• Non-Destructive Testing
• Material Testing
• Document Review
• Structural Analysis
• Report Preparation
Visual Inspection
• Always the first step of an
• Take all steps necessary to prevent
spoliation of evidence
• For collapse investigations, use the
final location of failed members to
provide evidence of the sequence of
• You can’t take too many photos
Visual Inspection
Remote Visual Inspection
• Borescope
– Rigid or flexible
– Good of looking inside walls
• Sewer cameras
– Readily available
• Unmanned flying vehicle
– Drones can be useful, but legal issues
currently make it very difficult
Remote Visual Inspection
Remote Visual Inspection
Destructive Evaluation
• Attempt to determine how components
of the building were constructed
• All interested parties need to be
present during destructive evaluation
• Beneficial to develop a protocol to
establish how the destructive
evaluation will be performed
• Document any evidence retained and
maintain a “Chain of Custody” log
Destructive Evaluation
Destructive Evaluation
Destructive Evaluation
Destructive Evaluation
Load Testing and Instrumentation
• ASTM E196 – Standard Practice for
Gravity Load Testing of Floors and
Low Slope Roofs
• ACI 318 Chapter 20 – Strength
Evaluation of Existing Structures
• ACI 437.2 – Code Requirements for
Load Testing of Existing Concrete
Load Testing and Instrumentation
• Due to high cost, usually a “last
resort” to evaluate structure
• Must determine how to safely apply
– Hydraulic jacks, water, air bags, etc.
• Must consider how to maintain
stability of structure if failure occurs
• Strain gages, extensometers,
LVDT’s, accelerometers, pressure
gages, load cells, etc.
Non-Destructive Testing
• Pachometers

(Photo courtesy of Proceq)

(Photo courtesy of Proceq)

Non-Destructive Testing
• Ground Penetrating Radar

(Photo courtesy of Proceq)

(Photo courtesy of Proceq)
Non-Destructive Testing
• Schmidt Hammer

(Photo courtesy of Proceq)

Non-Destructive Testing
• Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity

(Photo courtesy of Proceq)

Non-Destructive Testing
• Thermal Imaging
Non-Destructive Testing
• Thermal Imaging
Non-Destructive Testing
• Thermal Imaging
Non-Destructive Testing
• Thermal Imaging
Non-Destructive Testing
• 3D High-Density Scanning
– Method to accurately document the
configuration of an accident scene
– Point cloud create using laser scanner
– Allows for the development of computer
model of the scene
Non-Destructive Testing
• 3D High-Density Laser Scanning
Material Testing
• Determine actual material properties
as opposed to design properties
• More realistic results if actual
material properties are known
– Compressive strength
– Tensile Strength
• Petrographic Analysis
• Metallurgical Analysis
Material Testing
Material Testing
• Petrographic Analysis
– Microscopic Analysis of Concrete
Material Testing
• Metallurgical Analysis
Document Review
• Construction Documents
• Maintenance Records
• Reports By Other Experts
• Complaint Filed with a Court
• Includes Interviewing People
Structural Analysis
• 3D Computer Modelling
– Finite Element Analysis
• More realistic results if actual
material properties are known
• Different approach if trying to provide
analysis for failure rather than
investigating a code compliance
Report Preparation
• Know your audience
• Use photographs or sketches effectively
• Be concise
• Present opinions in an organized
• Can be written in first person
• List references or information used to
develop opinions
Report Preparation
• Typical Report Sections
– Background Information
• Include the applicable Building Code
– Documents Reviewed
– Observations
– Discussion
– Conclusions
– Recommendations
How Forensic Information Is
Used In Litigation
• Examining the Nature of Post-Failure
• Presenting Forensic Engineering
Information as an Expert Witness
Examining the Nature of Post-
Failure Disputes
• Putting Parties on Notice
– All parties must be given the opportunity to
perform their own cause and origin
investigation at the same time
• Filing of the Complaint
– Lawsuit is filed
– Notifies defendant of action and
opportunity to defend
– Lawyers work with Experts to respond
Examining the Nature of Post-
Failure Disputes
• Discovery
– Cause and origin investigations by all
parties at the same time
– Various technique by attorney to reveal
details of the claim
– Interrogatories
– Depositions of parties and experts
• Experts questioned about details in written
Examining the Nature of Post-
Failure Disputes
• Mediation/Arbitration
– Alternate dispute resolution
• Trial
– Rules of Evidence dictates evidence that
will be admissible at trial
Presenting Forensic Engineering
Information as an Expert Witness
• Expert Qualifications
– Daubert Standard
– “Junk Science”
– Established Rule 702
Presenting Forensic Engineering
Information as an Expert Witness
• Expert Qualifications
– Rule 702
• A witness who is qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience,
training, or education may testify in the form of an opinion or otherwise
• (a) The expert’s scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will
help the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact
in issue;
• (b) The testimony is based on sufficient facts or data;
• (c) The testimony is the product of reliable principles and methods; and
• (d) The expert has reliably applied the principles and methods to the
facts of the case.
Presenting Forensic Engineering
Information as an Expert Witness
• Deposition Testimony
– Used to determine the qualifications and
opinions of the experts
– Occurs during the Discovery phase
– Testimony is given under oath
• Trial Testimony
– Expert does not have Attorney/Client

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