EXAM II - Math 5350/6350 Applied Functional Analysis - Fall 2017

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EXAM II - Math 5350/6350

Applied Functional Analysis - Fall 2017
Due Wed, Dec 13, 5pm

No team work!! Turn in the solution of each problem on a separate page.

• Exercise 1
(a) Show if X is a Banach space and Y a normed vector space, then a bounded linear op-
erator T : X → Y is invertible if and only if T and T ∗ are bounded below.

(b) Show that if X and Y are Banach spaces then R(T ), the range of T , is closed if and
only if R(T ∗ ), the range of T ∗ , is closed.

(c) Let T be a bounded operator on a Hilbert space. Show that T is one-to-one if and only
if the adjoint operator T ∗ has dense range.

• Exercise 2
Let H be a Hilbert space.
(a) Suppose that fn → f weakly in H, and kfn k → kf k. Prove that fn → f strongly in H.

(b) Show that every orthonormal sequence in H converges weakly to zero.

• Exercise 3
Let X, Y be normed spaces, and T : X → Y a linear operator with the property that if a
sequence xn converges weakly to 0 in X, then T (xn ) converges weakly to 0 in Y . Prove
that T is bounded.

• Exercise 4
Show that a non-empty, closed and convex subset of a Hilbert space has a unique element
of minimal norm.

• Exercise 5
Let X be a normed space and Y a subspace of X.
Let x ∈ X and denote d the distance from x to Y , i.e. d = d(x, Y ) = inf y∈Y kx − yk.
Prove that there exists a bounded linear functional f : X → R such that
f (x) = d, f (y) = 0, for all y ∈ Y and kf kop ≤ 1.

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