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Corrosion behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel

Jeffrey A. Platt, DDS, FAGD, a Andres Guzman, DDS, b Arnaldo Zuccari, MD, DDS, b
David W. Thornburg, PE, c Barbara F. Rhodes, BGS, a Yoshiki Oshida, PhD, a
and B. Keith Moore, PhD a
Indianapolis and LaPorte, Ind.

The corrosion behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel was compared with that of AISI type 316L
stainless steel. The 2205 stainless steel is a potential orthodontic bracket material with low nickel
content (4 to 6 wt%), whereas the 316L stainless steel (nickel content: 10 to 14 wt%) is a currently
used bracket material. Both stainless steels were subjected to electrochemical and immersion
(crevice) corrosion tests in 37 ° C, 0.9 wt% sodium chloride solution. Electrochemical testing
indicates that 2205 has a longer passivation range than 316L. The corrosion rate of 2205 was
0.416 MPY (milli-inch per year), whereas 316L exhibited 0.647 MPY. When 2205 was coupled to
316L with equal surface area ratio, the corrosion rate of 2205 reduced to 0.260 MPY, indicating
that 316L stainless steel behaved like a sacrificial anode. When 316L is coupled with NiTi, TMA, or
stainless steel arch wire and was subjected to the immersion corrosion test, it was found that 316L
suffered from crevice corrosion. On the other hand, 2205 stainless steel did not show any localized
crevice corrosion, although the surface of 2205 was covered with corrosion products, formed when
coupled to NiTi and stainless steel wires. This study indicates that considering corrosion resistance,
2205 duplex stainless steel is an improved alternative to 316L for orthodontic bracket fabrication
when used in conjunction with titanium, its alloys, or stainless steel arch wires. (Am J Orthod
Dentofac Orthop 1997;112:69-79.)

A u s t e n i t i c stainless steel (e.g., AISI type stainless steel should be maximized to control the
316L stainless steel) is the most commonly used nickel ion release from the alloy.
orthodontic bracket material. It typically has a com- It has been reported that up to 21.5% of the
position of 18 weight percent (wt%) chromium, 8 population may exhibit allergic reaction to nickel on
wt% nickel (Ni), 2 to 3 wt% molybdenum, and a low patch testing? Case studies have indicated hyper-
carbon content. 1 Its mechanical properties, such as sensitivity reactions to nickel, stimulated by expo-
ductility and wear resistance, make it attractive for sure to orthodontic brackets. 4-8 It has also been
this application. shown that the quantity of nickel exposure is critical
The corrosion resistance and appearance of if hypersensitivity symptoms are seen. 9
stainless steel brackets are relatively good. However, The 2205 stainless steel, a duplex (or dual) phase
this material is challenged by the hostile environ- stainless steel, is being investigated as a material for
ment in the mouth, as it is susceptible to localized orthodontic bracket fabrication. Microstructure of
corrosion in a low pH environment containing chlo- the duplex stainless steels is a mixture of austenitic
rine ions. and delta-ferritic phases. TM The delta-ferrite is hard
Austenitic stainless steel exists as a face-centered and relatively less ductile. Austenite is softer and
cubic crystalline structure, formed by heating the more ductile. The combination of these phases
alloy above 912° C. 2 To maintain this structure when results in steel harder than the single-phase aus-
cooled, nickel is added to stabilize the austenitic tenitic stainless steel (316L) and more ductile than
phase. To minimize the risk of hypersensitivity single-phase ferritic stainless steel (430). The auste-
reactions from nickel, the corrosion resistance of the nitic structure exhibits corrosion resistance because
both chromium and molybdenum are soluble in the
aDental Materials, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Indiana Univer- matrix. Chromium adds to the overall resistance
sity School of Dentistry.
bprosthodontics, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Indiana University through a passivation process by forming a complex
School of Dentistry. spinel-type passive film, (Fe,Ni)O(Fe,Cr)203 .11 Mo-
cTP Orthodontics, Inc. lybdenum increases the ability of stainless steel to
Reprint requests to: Dr. Yoshiki Oshida, Dental Materials Laboratory, resist the localized corrosion including pitting and
Indiana University School of Dentistry, 1121 W. Michigan St., Indianap-
olis, IN 46202-5186.
crevice corrosion, particularly in environments con-
Copyright © 1997 by the American Association of Orthodontists. taining chloride ion. 12
0889-5406/97/$5.00 + 0 8/1/75384 The duplex stainless steels contain much less
70 Platt et aL American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 1997

• , T M A wire
"l'i Ni wire
SS wire

1 block, 3 1 6 L SS

t f ~7~ 2 2 0 5 SS

/ J
/ Fig. 2. Immersion test sample couple for crevice cor-

i Table I. Chemical composition of a dual-phase 2205 stainless

steel and a single-base 316L stainless steel 13

Element 2205 (%) 316L(%)

C 0.03 maximum 0.03 maximum
$.$. "~ k 2205 [ Ni 4-6 10-14
S.S. Cr 31-23 16-18

1 Mo
Fe balance balance
Fig. 1. Sample configuration of coupled test sample.

nickel than austenitic stainless steels, as seen in mens (approximately 5 × 5 × 12 mm) were cast in a
Table I. 13 If the corrosion resistance of the duplex "Christmas tree" pattern and separated with separating
stainless steel is equal to or better than the aus- disks and air coolant. Mechanical polishing was per-
tenitic stainless steel, the risk of nickel hypersensi- formed with wet SiC papers up to grit No. 800. After
tivity should be reduced. The use of duplex stainless mechanical polishing, any samples with casting defects
steels in other industries in highly corrosive environ- evident on the surface were eliminated from the study.
ments would suggest that the corrosion resistance of D e n s i t y ( g / c m 3) of each polished sample was calculated
these materials is good. and, if the calculated specific density was less than 99% of
The purpose of this study is to compare the the averaged value, the sample was also eliminated from
corrosion behavior of 2205 stainless steel with that of the study. The averaged value of density of 316L stainless
316L stainless steel through electrochemical polariza- steel was 7.949 -+ 0.076 g/cm3; whereas that for 2205
tion studies and immersion crevice corrosion tests. stainless steel was 7.953 -+ 0.068 g/cm3.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Microstructural Observation

Materials After additional polishing with a suspension of 0.05
All specimens of 316L and 2205 stainless steel used in ~m alumina, one surface of each material was chemically
this study were supplied by TP Orthodontics, Inc. Speci- etched with "aqua regia" at room temperature for 5
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Platt et aL 71
Volume 112, No. 1

2205 in NaCI (0.9%) N 2 saturated


• run 1
• run 2

• /
E~or, (run I) *, /
. -0.2 /
E,o= (run 2)

= ==

10-5 104 10-3 1 0 -2

Log current density mA/cm z

Fig. 3. Tafel slopes of polarization curves of Fig. 4.

2205 in NaCl (0.9%) N 2 s a t u r a t e d


1.8 -- • run#1
• run #2

o 1.0-

_> 0 . 8 -

c 0.6-
o. 0 . 4 -



-0.2 • •


10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 10 o 101 102

Log current density mA/cm z

Fig. 4. Polarization curves of uncoupled 2205 stainless steel.

72 Platt et al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 1997

2205 type stainlesssteel

316L type stainlesssteel

Fig. 5. Optical microstructures.

seconds. The microstructure was photographed at a mag- metal) reaction when the couple is exposed to the oral
nification of 250X, with an optical microscope. environment. To form a corrosion couple, the rear sur-
faces of 2205 and 316L stainless steel samples were joined
Corrosion Tests by spot-welding a thin sheet of 316L between them. This
Electrochemical corrosion tests--uncoupled." Two sam- spot-welded couple was embedded into epoxy resin in
ples of mechanically polished 2205 stainless steel and two such a way that polished surfaces of each material were
of 316L stainless steel were subjected to potentiodynamic exposed to the electrolyte, but the spot welded contact
polarization tests in a 0.9 wt% NaC1 solution, nitrogen was entirely covered by resin (Fig. 1).
purged, at 37 ° C, to simulate the oral environment. 14 A An important factor in galvanic corrosion is effect of
scanning speed of 1 mV/second, over a potential range of the ratio of the cathodic and anodic areas. An unfavorable
-400 to 1500 mV for 2205 and -700 to 1200 mV for 316L area ratio consists of a large cathode and a small anode.
stainless steel was used. The resulting data curves were For a given current flow in the galvanic cell, a smaller
plotted as corrosion potential in V referenced to a SCE anode results in a greater current density and hence a
(saturated calomel electrode) versus log current density greater corrosion rate. a5 On the basis of the results of
(mA/cm2). individual polarization curves of uncoupled 2205 and
Electrochemical corrosion tests--coupled: If two dis- 316L, it was found that 2205 material behaves cathodic
similar metals are in contact with each other, the more with respect to 316L. To study the surface area effect of a
noble material will behave in a cathodic (noble)) 5 When 2205/316L couple, three different ratios of surface areas
a 2205 orthodontic bracket is combined with orthodontic between 2205 and 316L stainless steels were tested: (1) 1:1
arch wire, there is the possibility of a galvanic (dissimilar (i.e., both materials had equal exposure area), (2) 1:0.5
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Platt et aL 73
Volume 112, No. 1

316L in 0.9%NaCI saturated with N 2


run 1
0.8 _ r


~ .2

~_ 0.0

-0.2 •

-0.4 , • .

I I I ~ I I I
10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 10 0 101 10 2

Log current density mA/cm 2

Fig. 6. Polarization curves of uncoupled 316L stainless steel.

22051316L, No Mask,
in NaCI (0.9%) N 2 saturated


1.2 = run 3
• run 4
1.0 • run 5
• run 6
.m 0.4

"6 0.2




-0.6 I I I I ~ I I I I I

10 .5 10-4 10-3 10.2 10-1 100 101 102 103

Log current density mA/cm z

Fig. 7. Polarization curves of coupled sample with equal surface area.

74 Platt et al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 1997

2205/316L, No Mask,
in NaCI (0.9%) N2 saturated



run 5
43 L

* run 6 •

LU • •A ~&
> •0 • • •• •

-0.4 • 0 • • •



• • • A"••
% •. %
-0.6 J t i illtj J i i ==ll I i i J p ~lll I I i =

10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2

Log current density mA/cm 2

Fig. 8. Tafel slopes of polarization curves of Fig. 7.

T a b l e II. C o r r o s i o n r a t e s (i.e., half of 316L stainless steel was masked), and (3)
1:0.25 (i.e., three quarters of 316L stainless steel was
Icorr Corrosion Figure
Maten (vJl/cm2) rate (MPY) no.
masked), as seen in Fig. 2. Masking was accomplished
with plastic tape. The corrosion potential was monitored
2205 run i 0.8 0.370 5, 6 and recorded. Then the coupled samples were subjected
run 2 1.0 0.462 5, 6 to scanning polarization testing in the same manner as the
Average 0.416 +- 0.065
uncoupled samples.
316L run 1 1.5 0.693 7 Estimation of corrosion rates: Referring to Fig. 3,
run 2 1.3 0.601 7
Average 0.647 --- 0.065
which is enlarged from the cathodic and anodic polariza-
tion portions of Fig. 4, the corrosion current, I ..... is
2205/316L run 3 0.45 0.208 10, 11
(1:1) run 4 0.55 0.254 10, 11 related to the slope of the plot through the following
run 5 0.50 0.231 10, 11 equation16:
run 6 0.75 0.346 10, 11
Average 0.260 ± 0.060
I .... = [3a[3C/{2"3([3A + [3C)} × 8E/8I (1)
2205/316L run 1 1.5 0.693 12
(1:0.25) run 2 0.9 0.416 12
run 3 1.0 0.462 12 where gE/gI is slope of the polarization resistance plot,
Average 0.524 -+ 0.148 13A, 13c is anodic and cathodic Tafel constants, and Ico,~ is
2205/316L run 1 0.9 0.416 13 corrosion current 0xA).
(1:0.5) run 2 1.2 0.554 13 The corrosion current, I ..... can be obtained graphi-
run 3 1.5 0.693 13
cally as seen in Fig. 2 by finding an intersecting point of [~a
Average 0.554 -- 0.139
and [3c slopes. The corrosion current can be related
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Platt et al. 75
Volume 112,No. 1

22051316L,314 MASK,
in NaCl (0.9%) Nasaturated


1.2 -- o run 1
run 2
1.0 --
run 3

0.8 --

oog 0 . 6 -
._~ 0 . 4 -


0,0 --

-0.2 -

-0.4 - o o [] o ~t,~

o ~~;~
-0.6 I I
10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103

Log current density mA/cm =

Fig. 9. Polarization curves of coupled sample when 3/4 of 316L surface was masked.

directly to the corrosion rate through the following equa- process that causes severe localized corrosion readily
tion, visible at 40X magnification.
This test was repeated twice, resulting in four mea-
corrosion rate (MPY) = 0.13 X Ico~ x E.W./d (2) surements for each combination of two bracket materials
where M P Y is milli-inches per year, E.W. is equivalent (2205, 316L) and three arch wires (TMA, SS, NiTi).
weight of the corroding species (g), which is equivalent t o Corrosion product analysis. To identify the crystalline
the atomic weight of the corroding element divided by the structures, corrosion products were collected and sub-
valence of the element, d is density of the corroding jected to transmission electron diffraction (TED), because
element (g/cm3), and I .... equals corrosion current density the amount of collected corrosion product was not large
(~A/cm2). enough to conduct x-ray powder diffraction.
The acceleration voltage was held constant at 100 kV.
Immersion crevice corrosion tests. Twelve blocks of
The d-spacings of the corrosion product were calculated
316L and 2205 were polished on all sides. As seen in Fig.
from the diameter of the diffraction rings. 14
2, three types of arch wires were sandwiched between
pairs of 316L and 2205 blocks: titanium-molybdenum
(TMA), stainless steel (SS), and titanium-nickel (NiTi). RESULTS
Two assemblies were prepared for each stainless steel and Microstructural Observation
each type of arch wire. The assemblies were held together
by plastic clips and suspended in 0.9 wt% NaC1 solution at Optical microstructures confirmed the mixed
37° C for 5 weeks. structure of the duplex stainless steel (2205) as
Each specimen was examined for the presence of c o m p a r e d with the austenitic single-phase 316L, as
visible general corrosion and examined under a stereop- seen in Fig. 5. In 2205, delta-ferrite (marked pools)
tical microscope for evidence of crevice corrosion, a is precipitated in the primary gamma-austenitic ma-
76 PIatt et aL American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 1 9 9 7

22051316L,1/2 MASK
in NaCl (0.9%) N2saturated


o run 1
1.0 o run 2
run 3
O9 0.6
-~ 0.4



-0.2 °O ¢Zx
0 O
-0.4 []

-0.6 I t I F I I I I I

10 -6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 10 0 101 10 2 10 3

Log current density mA/cmz

Fig. 10. Polarization curves of coupled sample when half of 316L surface was m a s k e d .

trix. In 316L, carbide (i.e., Cr23C3)is precipitated in beyond this point, 316L stainless steel showed
the single gamma-austenitic matrix phase. earlier transpassivation than 2205 stainless steel,
although a clear passivation stage was not identi-
Corrosion Product Analysis
fied in either steel. In the transpassivation regime,
Before estimation of corrosion rate, the term the oxide (passive) film starts to dissolve, indicat-
E.W. (equivalent weight) in the equation (2) must be ing that the metal substrate is no longer protected
known. To do so, the corrosion product must be from the environment by the passive film. To find
identified. The corrosion products collected from both the corrosion current (Icorr), the cathodic to an-
steels were reddish brown and had the same electron odic transition was replotted, as seen in Fig. 2 for
diffraction patterns. All diffraction lines were identified 2205 steel. The calculated corrosion rates in milli-
as belonging to FeO(OH). 17This result is expected for inches per year (MPY) are listed in Table II. It
Fe-based alloys subjected to a relatively mild aqueous was found that the corrosion rate of 2205 was
corrosive environment. Hence the value of E.W. = 0.416 +_ 0.065 MPY, which is superior to 0.647 +_
M/n = 55.85/2 = 27.93 (g), and density of iron, d, = 0.065 MPY for 316L.
7.86 g/cm3. Electrochemical corrosion test--coupled. 1.
Electrochemical corrosion test--uncoupled. Figs. Equal surface area ratio of 2205/316L couple: Figs.
4 and 6 show the polarization curves of 2205 and 7 and 8 show polarization curves of a 2205/316L
316L, respectively. It was found that (1) cathodic couple having an equal surface area ratio. Referring
and anodic polarization behaviors of both steels to Fig. 8, it was noticed that the anodic Tafel slope,
are very similar to each other up to the current [31, is larger than the cathodic slope, [3c, suggesting
density of 0.1 mA/cm 2 (at about 400 mV), and (2) that the corrosion process is controlled by the
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics P l a t t et al. 77
Volume 112, No. 1

Table III. R e s u l t s of c o u p l i n g c o r r o s i o n tests

Material General corrosion Crevice corrosion

Block l~ ire Block 1 Block 2 Wire Block 1 Block 2

316L TiNi 1 1 1 -- --

1 1
2 2 1 -- --

2 2 1 -- --

316L TMA 1 1 1 + +
0 0 1 -- --

2 2 1 -- --

0 0 1 + +
316L SS 2 2 2 + +
2 2 2 + +
1 l 1 - +
1 1 1 +
2205 TiNi 1 1 1 -- --

0 0 0 -- --

l 1 l -- --

0 0 0 -- --

2205 TMA 0 0 0 -- --

0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 -- --

2205 SS 1 0 1 -- --

0 0 0 -- --

0 1 1 -- --

l 0 1

For general corrosion:

0: no corrosion observed.
1: corrosion evident in isolated areas.
2: corrosion evident in multiple areas.
For crevice corrosion:
- : no crevice corrosion.
+: crevice corrosion present.

anodic reaction. A precipitated film is formed on

anodic areas because of the anode control type
polarization. 18
As seen in Table II, for the coupled data with
equal areas, the calculated values of corrosion rate
for runs 3 through 6 agreed well. The corrosion rate
of 0.260 __ 0.060 MPY for 2205 in the 2205/316L
couple was much less than 0.416 _+ 0.065 MPY for Fig. 11. General view of crevice corrosion tested sam-
uncoupled 2205. It is suggested that the less noble ples.
316L stainless steel serve as a sacrificial anode to
protect the 2205 stainless steel.
2. Unequal surface area ratio of 2205/316L cou- the surface area effect.15 One of the possible reasons
ple: Fig. 9 shows polarization curves of 2205/316L for this might be the fact that the surface of the 316L
couples when the surface area ratio is 1:0.25; stainless steel at the edge of the masking tape was
whereas Fig. 10 represents polarization curves of cou- severely attacked by localized crevice corrosion. Con-
ples when the surface area ratio is 1:0.5. The results of sequently, a majority of corrosion current was concen-
calculated corrosion rates are also listed in Table II. It trated on these crevice corrosion sites rather than
was found that there is no significant difference in distributed over the uncovered surface.
corrosion rates for both unequal surface area ratios
(i.e., 0.524 _+ 0.148 MPY for surface area ratio of Immersion Crevice Corrosion Test
1:0.25 and 0.554 +_ 0.139 MPY for 1:0.5). This finding Fig. 11 shows typical general views of crevice
does not agree with the generally accepted concept of corrosion test couples with wires. After dissembling
78 Platt et aL American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 1997

area covered with wire holes, gasket surfaces, lap joints, surface deposits,
and crevices under bolt and rivet headsJ 5 It is
believed that crevice corrosion results from differ-
ences in metal ion or oxygen concentration between
the crevice and its surroundings. Under the deposit
area, oxygen depletion takes place. After oxygen is
depleted, no further oxygen reduction occurs, al-
though the dissolution of metal continues. This
tends to produce an excess of positive charge in the
solution that is balanced by the migration of chlo-
ride ions into the crevice. This results in an in-
creased concentration of metal chloride with a pH
value as low as 3 to 4 within the crevice. As the
corrosion within the crevice increases, the rate of
oxygen reduction on adjacent surfaces increases.
This cathodically protects the external surfaces.
Thus during crevice corrosion, the attack is localized
within shielded areas, while the remaining surface
suffers little or no damage. 15
The right column of Table III shows the results
of crevice corrosion with " - " and " + " notations.
None of the 2205 samples exhibit crevice corrosion,
whereas the 316L specimens did, as seen in Fig. 12.

The use of 2205 duplex stainless steel in place of
316L appears to result in lower corrosion in a
simulated oral environment. However, a corrosion
couple alloy may dramatically decrease this benefit.
In particular, NiTi in contact with 2205 produces a
Fig. 12. Crevice corrosion on 316L stainless steel, as reduction in corrosion resistance.
marked on Fig. 11. The results of the uncoupled electrochemical
corrosion tests are consistent with previous findings.
Cigada performed electrochemical corrosion tests
on several stainless steel wires containing Cr, Ni,
the test couples, the extent of general corrosion was and Mo in physiologic solutions at 40° C. 19 Duplex
evaluated and scored in three ranks, as indicated in stainless Steel exhibited a passivation range from
Table III. The 2205 stainless steel exhibited better -200 to 650 mV, results very similar to those ob-
corrosion resistance in the immersion corrosion tained in the current study.
tests. After sampling the corrosion products, both As seen clearly in Fig. 7, the 316L stainless steel
surfaces and wires were cleaned with alcohol and did not show a clear passivation under the current
distilled water. It was found that the surface of 2205 testing conditions and it is obvious that 2205 stain-
was contaminated with corrosion products formed less steel exhibits much better corrosion resistance
from the wire materials, with little evidence of against 37° C, 0.9 wt% NaCI aqueous solution.
corrosion of the 2205. Then the surfaces were If two dissimilar materials are in electrical con-
examined for crevice corrosion. Fig. 12 was taken tact, the materials should behave differently than
from the area marked with an arrow mark on Fig. when they were exposed to corrosion media sepa-
11. Fig. 12 shows crevice corrosion of 316L on areas rately. It is also generally believed that the magni-
where the arch wire was in contact. Intense localized tude of this galvanic corrosion depends on the ratio
corrosion frequently occurs within crevices and of exposed surface area of the two materials. Hence,
other shielded areas on metal surfaces exposed to tests in this study were designed to simulate the
corrosives. This type of attack is usually associated exposed surface areas in contact when an arch wire
with small volumes of stagnant solution caused by lies in the slot of an orthodontic bracket.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Platt et al. 79
Volume 112, No. 1

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