Overview of Microwave

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(Phase I) : Fundamentals of Transmission





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1.0 The following Digital Microwave schemes are working in DOT Network.

1. 13 GHz 34 Mbps Digital Microwave Systems.

2. 7 GHz 34 Mbps Digital Microwave Systems.

3. 6 GHz 140 Mbps Digital Microwave Systems.

1.1 13 GHz 34 Mbps Microwave System is used for junction working and in this
system, each RF channel can carry 480 Telephone channels.

1.2 7 GHz 34 Mbps system is used for thin route applications and each RF
channel can carry 480 Telephone channels.

1.3 6 GHz 140 Mbps Digital Microwave System is used for trunk route
applications and in this system each RF channel can carry 1920 Telephone
channels. The present capacity of the system is 3 plus 1 radio channels and
ultimate capacity is 7 plus 1 radio channels. But we will be able to utilize (5+1)
chls only because chls 1 and 8 have been reserved for satellite working. The
system operates in upper 6 GHz band (6430 MHz 7110 MHz) and employs
16 QAM modulation. The equipment is supplied by M/s Fujitsu and is installed
and commissioned on the following routes.
(The route line diagram is shown in Fig.1 for all the routes).

1. Bombay–Madras 3+1 configuration, 33 hops with Back–to–back

terminal stations at Panjim, Mangalore, Mysore and Bangalore.

2. Dhulia–Nagpur 3+1 configuration, 12 hops with Back–to–back

terminal station at Akola.

3. Sambalpur–Jamshedpur 3+1 configuration, 8 hops with Back–to–back

terminal station at Rourkela.

4. Jamshedpur–Calcutta 3+1 configuration, 8 hops with Back–to–back

terminal station at Kharagpur.

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Fig. 1
Route Line Diagram

2.0 Frequency band

The CCIR upper 6 GHz frequency plan as shown in Fig.2(a) and 2(b) is
employed in these systems.

fo : 6770 MHz
lower half of band : fn = fo–350+40n
upper half of band : fn' = fo–10+40n
n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8

Fig. 2(a)
Radio Frequency Channel Arrangement

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Lower half band Upper half band

RF CH No. Radio frequency (MHz) RF CH No. Radio frequency (MHz)
1 6460 1' 6800
2 6500 2' 6840
3 6540 3' 6880
4 6580 4' 6920
5 6620 5' 6960
6 6660 6' 7000
7 6700 7' 7040
8 6740 8' 7080

Radio Frequency Channel Arrangement
(U6 GHz, CCIR Rec. 384–3, 6, 4 to 7.1 GHz)

The RF channel occupy 6430–7110 MHz, accommodating 8 both way RF

channels with 40 MHz spacing between adjacent RF channels.

The radio frequency channels assignment for Bombay Panjim route is shown
in Fig.3 as an example. Polarisation employed (V/H) at various stations is also
depicted in the figure.

3. Transmission Capacities Available on the Radio Systems

The transmission capacities available on digital radio systems are, of course,
integral multiplies of PCM hierarchical bit rates and are classified into small, medium
and large or high capacity systems. Specifically this categorisation covers :

Low capacity – 704 kbps, 2 mbps and 8 mbps

Medium capacity – 34 mbps
High capacity – 140 mbps

Some manufacturers and some administrations have used some other

integral multiples also such as 2 x 8 and 2 x 34 mbps systems but these are not
being considered in the Indian network. The 704 kbps system is not otherwise a
standard system but has been proposed in the Indian network context, because for
the rural network it is found that a 2 mbps system corresponding to 30 channels was
too large and wasteful of frequency resource. This 704 kbps system corresponds to
capacity of 10 channels, which is quite adequate in the rural network of the country.
The hierarchical build–up of these systems is given in Fig.1.

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4. Frequency Bands
The Frequency bands and the capacities which are proposed to be used by
digital microwave and UHF systems in the country are given below :

Nomenclature Bit rate No. of chls. Frequency band

Small capacity 0.704 10 658–712 MHz (UHF)

Small capacity 2.048 30 400 MHz band (UHF)

520–585 MHz (UHF)

Small capacity 8.448 120
622–712 MHz (UHF)
2 GHz band (M/W)
Small capacity 8.448 120
(2.0–2.3 GHz)
7 GHz band (M/W)
Medium capacity 34.368 480
(7.425–7.725 GHz)
13 GHz band (M/W)
Medium capacity 34.368 480 [12.75–13.25 GHz band
4 GHz band (M/W)
High capacity 139.264 1920
(3.3–3.8 and 3.8–4.2 GHz)
6 GHz band (M/W)
High capacity 139.264 1920 (5.925–6.425 GHz : Lower)
(6.430–7.110 GHz : Upper)
11 GHz band (M/W)
High capacity 139.264 1920
(10.7–11.7 GHz)

5. Comparison Between Digital and Analogue Radio Relay System

With reference to radio relay systems in particular, digital systems have
certain advantages and disadvantages. The major advantages include :

– The ability to regenerate at each repeater with the result that circuit
performance becomes essentially independent of length.

– The plentiful capacity for data traffic and the ability to support an IDN
and subsequent potential involvement into an Integrated Services
Digital Networks (ISDN).

– A higher immunity to noise and interference which amongst other

things allows operation at higher carrier frequencies and in
metropolitan areas.

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Associated with the use of higher frequencies for digital radio are reductions
in spectrum congestion and equipment size making such equipment easy to
transport and install.

On the other hand, DRRS have certain disadvantages. These include :

– The sensitivity of high capacity systems to frequency selective fading

which can result in reduction of the effective fade margin by some 20
dB below the flat fade margin for typical analogue hop lengths. To
restore such systems to acceptable performance, it is necessary to
add various combinations of combining space diversity, adaptive
equalizers at IF and/or transversal equalizers.

– The absence of sub–baseband which makes it more costly to drop

and insert small numbers of circuits typically used for wayside traffic.

– Higher power requirement when compared to currently available low

drain IF or RF repeating analogue radio–relay equipment. Making it
uneconomic to power by solar cell arrays.

Most of the disadvantages of high capacity DRRS are being eliminated with
the second generation of equipment coming onto the market. Major power drain
reduction has occurred, more powerful equalizers have been incorporated as a
standard part of the equipment and additional drop and insert capacity is being

The salient characteristics for the analogue bearer are that the basic noise
and intermodulation noise from each hop are cumulative, the voice frequency (VF)
channel signal–to–noise (S/N) ratio depends on the received input signal level and
more particularly, on the carrier–to–noise (C/N) ratio and that co–channel carrier–to–
interference ratio of 30 dB makes the circuit quality unacceptable. The salient
characteristics of the digital bearer are that the performance is uniform over a wide
range of receive input levels and deteriorates rapidly over a small range of C/N ratios
near the threshold. In addition, the introduction of even a 30 db C/N ratio has only a
marginal effect in worsening performance near the threshold.

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6. Performance Requirements of Digital Microwave System in

Comparison to Analogue Microwave Systems
The performance requirements for digital and analogue microwave systems
differ because the definitions of quality differ in the two cases. In the case of analog
microwave systems, the quality is measured in terms of the signal–to–noise. For
digital microwave systems, the quality is measured in terms of bit error rate (BER).
For digital microwave systems, the S/N does effect the performance, but the bit by bit
faithful reproduction (which is the ultimate objective) is also influenced by other
parameters such as coding, modulation scheme, inter symbol interference properties,
etc. Thus, a knowledge of S/N alone may not be adequate to determine the actual
BER of the system.

As already mentioned in Section 5, for an analog microwave system the

quality is more or less a direct function of the fade, i.e., as fade increases, the S/N
deteriorates. On the other hand, in the case of digital microwave system, as the fade
increases the quality of the equipment, i.e. BER remains nearly constant upto a value
close to the threshold at which point the BER rises rapidly and the system
performance collapses.

In view of the above, different definitions of the quality, the CCIR definitions
for the performance of hypothetical reference circuit (HRC) for analog system and
hypothetical reference digital path (HRDP) for digital system are as follows :

Analog System
Following noise figures are not to be exceeded for the time percentages
indicated :

(a) 7,500 pwop for more than 20% of any month.

(b) 47,500 pwop for more than 0.1% of any month.

(c) 10,00,000 pw (unweighted, with an integrating time of 5 ms, for more

than 0.01% of any month).

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Digital System
Following BERs not to be exceeded for the indicated time percentage as
given below :
(a) 1 x 10 BER for more than 1% of any month.
(b) 1 x 10 BER for more than 0.5% of any month.

For actual paths which differ from the HRDP in composition or are much
smaller in length the performance criterion under consideration by the CCIR is as
follows :

When a path is established over a link which is less than the HRDP (2500
kms), but greater than 280 kms and which differs in composition from the HRDP, the
allowable time percentage should be proportional to the link length L (kms) of the
(a) 1 x 10 BER for more than (L/2500) x 1% of any month.
(b) 1 x 10 BER for more than (L/2500) x 0.05% of any month.

When a path is established over a link which is less than 250 kms, it is
proposed that BER not to be exceeded for the indicated time percentage as given
below :
(a) 1 x 10 BER for more than (280/2500) x 1% of any month.
(b) 1 x 10 BER for more than (280/2500) x 0.05% of any month.

Note : This takes into account fading, interference and all other sources of
performance degradation. It does not include BER greater than 1 x 10 for periods
exceeding 10 consecutive seconds. This condition is included in the availability
criterion. The high BERs caused by switching operations are included in the above
criterion, but not the ones caused by scheduled switching for maintenance).

Availability criterion is 1 x 10 BER (measured for 10s time interval) not
exceeding 0.3% of a year.

It is important to note that during the conditions of fades well above the
threshold margin, the system is almost perfect. In interpreting this statement, it
should be kept in mind that threshold margin does not necessarily imply flat fade
margin. This will be amplified further when the effects of propagation on digital
microwave systems are discussed.

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The Project activities that take place in Planning and execution of a

Microwave route can be broadly classified as follows :

(1) Clearance

(2) Preparation and Demand and Justification for the route and proposal
for the route.

(3) Survey and feasibility of the route.

(4) SACFA sanction of Project Estimate.

(5) Preparation and sanction of detailed estimates.

(6) Acquisition of land and formation of approach–roads where


(7) Placing of orders for tower materials, equipment, battery, power plant
and engine alternator, antenna, W.G., etc.

(8) Construction of building and tower–foundation including electrification

of buildings.

(9) Obtaining power supply to building and water supply where required.

(10) Erection of tower and hoisting antenna.

(11) Installation of Power Plant and Engine alternator and testing.

(12) Installation of battery and charging.

(13) Equipment installation and waveguide hoisting.

(14) Acceptance testing of power plant, battery, engine, equipment, etc.

(15) Proving–in and make over.

(16) Release of completion reports.

We shall now see the various activities in Microwave Installation in detail :

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1.1 Proposal for Provision of Microwave Routes

Based on the requirement of trunk circuits and the requirement of STD
network, the territorial circle proposes the demand. The interstate routes and the
routes linking the metropolitan cities are initiated from Directorate level itself. As a
general policy, Microwave routes are planned as alternative routes for coaxial
mediums connecting major cities. The demand for Radio bearer channels may be
from Door–Darshan Department also for their network. Digital networks for data
working may be required between major cities. The proposal for inter circle UHF/NB
routes are put up in RTPC meetings, based on which G.M. Projects of the concerned
area take a decision regarding the type of Microwave System required and orders for
the survey of the MW route concerned.

1.2 Survey and Feasibility Report for MW Routes

Different criterias are followed for the survey of different types of MW systems
like UHF, Narrowband and WB analogue systems and digital systems. The table
below indicates the channel capacities of different types of MW systems.

Table 1

S.No. Type of MW Systems Channel Capacity

1 UHF (400 MHz) 60
2 NARROWBAND 2 GHz 120/300
4 WIDEBAND 4 GHz 1800
5 WIDEBAND 6 GHz 1800
1. UHF 400–700 MHz (2&8) mb/s 30/120 PCM chls.
2. NB 2 GHz (2&8 mb/s) 30/120 PCM chls.
3. NB 7 GHz (34 mb/s) 480 PCM chls.
4. WB 6 GHz (140 mb/s) 1920 chls.
5. NB 13 GHz (34 mb/s) 480 chls.

Before the survey is undertaken, the type of system, the terminals and
intermediate dropping stations are predecided. The possibility of utilizing any existing

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Microwave tower is also studied. The various specific data to be calculated while
surveying and the input data for calculating them are listed in the Table below :

Table II

S.No. Input Data Data to be Calculated

1. Height above MSL Tower Height/Antenna Height
2. Latitude Free Space Loss
3. Longitude Feeder Loss
4. Direction of True North Antenna System Gain required
5. Beam Direction Received Signal level
6. Frequency of operations S/N ratio
7. Hop distance Interference level, if any
8. Critical point distance Noise burst study

A good survey is one which takes into account not only the technical
requirements like line of sight, received signal level, interference, etc. but also the
cost economy. For instance, while locating the repeater station on a hill top, a cost
compromise should always be struck between the following :

(a) Saving in cost due to : (b) Increase in cost due to :

(i) Reduced tower height. (i) An approach–road on hill

(ii) Cost in tower foundation
civil works. (ii) Increased cost of
construction of on hill tops.

(iii) Cost of leading–in cable, if


(iv) Increased cost of Mtce in

the long run.

(v) Extra cost in obtaining

power supply and water
supply on a remote hill
It is to be noted that the cost of tower (including foundation cost) increases
more than in direct proportion as the height of tower increase. Hence, the tower

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height is normally limited to 100 metres. In view of the fact, that line of sight is the
prime consideration in route survey, in some hilly areas it may be necessary to
provide the tallest tower (100 M) on the hill top, in which case, a sacrifice has to be
made in cost in lieu of technical requirement. There are three types of towers
available in Indian Telecom. Dept., namely Light Weight (LW), Heavy Weight (HW)
and Special Heavy Weight (SW) towers. They are respectively used for light, medium
and heavy traffic routes depending upon the number of microwave systems (and
hence, the no. of antenna).

The Survey Division has to study the feasibility of the route and location of
Microwave routes in respect of the following points also in addition to the line of sight
requirement :

(i) Availability of land.

(ii) Suitability if soil for civil works like building and tower foundation.

(iii) Interference from co–routes and satellite earth stations.

(iv) Availability of power supply and water.

(v) The local tie cable length required from the terminals and dropping
repeaters to the exchange building.

(vi) The feasibility of connecting the existing link to nearby town/city

when traffic warrants at a later date.

(vii) Addition of higher capacity system in the same route (without any
additional infrastructure) when traffic warrants at a later date.

The Survey Report furnishes the complete details of the proposed site like the
location with latitude and longitude, its survey no., ownership, altitude above MSL,
distance from a reference point, etc. It also furnishes all technical details as given in
Table II. The Survey Report for interstate routes whose cost does not exceed one
crore is approved by the concerned G.M. Projects. The other reports are approved by
the Directorate. The Survey Division also takes action for filing applications for
SACFA (Standing Advisory Committee on Frequency Allocation) Clearance. The
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Central Board of SACFA consists members from other Departments. Using

Microwave systems like Railways, Civil Aviation, Defence, etc. in addition to Dept. of
Telecommunications in the Ministry of Communications. This organisation takes care
to see that there is no interference from one system to another system among
various operating agencies.

The Dept. of Telecom. has decided to go in for Digital Systems for all new
routes and also for the routes where the equipment has not been ordered. The path
loss and fade margin criteria for digital routes are stringent. The calculation of various
data for both analogue and digital routes are cumbersome and requires the use of a
computer for easy and speedy results. In fact, the Southern Telecom. Project is
already employing a mini–computer at its survey Division in Madras.

1.3 SACFA Clearance

As stated in the previous paragraph, all the user Departments, like Railways,
Civil Aviation, Defence, Telecommunications Department, etc. are members of the
SACFA Board. There is a Central Board at Delhi and Regional Boards at Madras,
Bombay and Hyderabad, etc.

The main objective of the function of the SACFA Board is to investigate the
interference possibilities, etc. and allot the frequency and spectrum for new routes.
All types of Microwave routes should be cleared by this body as far as the frequency
to be used, the location, the height of tower are concerned. This body takes the
safety aspect from Aviation point of view (of civil as well as Defence flights) also.
Hence, while clearing the licence for a new route, this Body specifically mentions
whether night warning or both Day and Night warning are to be provided for the
Microwave towers. Night warning is by means of aircraft warning lamps and day
warning is by means of painting the tower with alternate bonds of international
orange and white. The SACFA Board also considers the distance of tower location
from the nearby Airports and ensures that the specified minimum distance is
maintained from the airport. The SACFA Board takes the individual clearance from
the member Departments, before clearing a particular Microwave route. In Project

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Organisation takes up the responsibility of obtaining SACFA clearance for MW routes

for telecommunication Department.

In addition to the above, the Regional Boards liaison with local bodies like
Municipalities and Corporations to ensure that taller buildings are not permitted for
construction which may cause near end obstruction to the Microwave beams once
the route is commissioned. The user Department should complete the erection of
tower within the licensed period which is normally 3 years, otherwise, should intimate
the fact to SACFA and get the licence renewed. The user Departments should also
monitor whether any tall structure is raised in the path length of the MW route after
the route is commissioned and should immediately bring it through Regional Boards
to the notice of Municipality/Corporation for necessary action.

1.4 Preparation and Sanction of Project Estimate

After the formal approval of the Survey Report, the Project Estimate is
prepared. It mainly comprises the expenditure of the Project in respect of the
following major items :

(1) Land

(2) Buildings (Technical buildings and Staff Qtrs.) including Electrification.

(3) Tower foundation and tower materials.

(4) Power Plant, batteries and engine–generator set.

(5) Equipment (Radio and MUX).

(6) Requirement of vehicles for Project work.

(7) General Administration cost for execution of Project.

(8) Provision of air conditioners.

The above items are described in detail below :

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1.4.1 Land
The extent of land is decided on the basis of type of Microwave building, type
and height of tower, the soil bearing capacity of microwave site location, the
requirement of staff quarters, the extent of approach–road from the main public road,
etc. The probable cost of land is indicated in the Survey Report. Based on the cost of
land and the area of land required, the land cost is worked out.

1.4.2 Buildings
Table III below gives the type of building and where they are used. Since the
cost of foundation of the building depends upon the soil bearing capacity and number
of floors of building, these factors should be taken before the cost of construction is
arrived at. Table IV gives the standard for type and No. of quarters to be provided for
various types of microwave system. The cost provided under this item should include
compound wall/fencing, internal and external services, approach road and

Table III

S.No. Type Plinth Area Where Used

1. Z Type 136.575 Sq.m. UHF/NB Repeaters (Non
2. Y Type 266.921 Sq.m. UHF/NB (Terminal) WB Rptr.
3. X Type 435.781 Sq.m. WB Terminal

1.4.3 Tower Foundation and Tower Materials

The cost of tower foundation depends upon the type of tower, height of tower,
height of tower and bearing capacity of the soil. Table IV and V gives the cost of
tower foundation for varoius type of towers and soil bearing capacity. This figure
relates to 1997–98 Costs index. Provision should be made for transport of tower
material from the factory to the site and also for tower erection and painting if
required :

As per Directorate's instructions, tower heights have been standardised as :

LW : Light Weight 60 M
Light Weight : 100 M

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HW : Heavy weight 100 M

SHW : Special Heavy Weigth 100 M

Cost of Tower foundation :

60 M LW Rs. 4.8 lakhs
100 M LW Rs. 5 lakhs
100 M HW Rs. 6.5 lakhs
100 M SHW Rs. 8 lakhs.

Cost of Tower Materials and Weight :

Tower material cost : Rs. 32,000/– per M.T.
(the cost is being revised yearly by Tower Factory, Jabalpur)

Weight of Tower Materials :

60 M LW : 30.51 MT
60 M HW : 30.95
100 M LW : 76.83
100 M HW : 89.73
100 M SHW : 150 MT

Table IV

S.No. Tower Height Soil Bearing Capacity

1. 50 20 MT/Dry
2. 60 20 MT/Dry
3. 70 20 MT/Dry
4. 80 20 MT/Dry
5. 90 20 MT/Dry
6. 100 20 MT/Dry

1.4.4 Power Plant, Batteries and Engine Alternator

The capacity of power plant is decided on the basis of the equipment load
and also the future requirement if any. Normally for new stations, the standard of
power plants provided is as shown in Table IV, where large transmission complex
with variety of terminal and MUX equipment are involved. The power plant capacity is
decided on the basis of total equipment load.

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Table V

S.No. Type of Scheme Power Plant Provided

1. UHF Repeater (30+40) A 48 Volts
2. UHF Terminal N/B Repeater (60+40) A 48 Volts
3. W/B Repeater (60+90) A 48 Volts
4. W/B Repeater with MUX (150+100) A 48 Volts

Directorate has laid down that all transmission equipment shall be designed
to work off with 48V power supply. Hence, wherever, the earlier versions of
equipment working off with 36 and 24 V are available, suitable dropping (DC–DC
conversion) arrangements are to be made to make them to work off from a single
48V source.

As per the same explanation above, the batteries are to be 48V. But their
capacity is decided by the three factors : (1) Frequency of power failures, (2)
Duration of power failures, and (3) The connected load. The normal practice is to
provide two sets of batteries simultaneously on float. Suitable size of cable/copper
busbar is to be provided so that the total drop from battery terminal to load point for
full load current shall be less than IV.

Majority of the power plant supplied currently work off from 3–phase supply.
Hence, the engine–Alternator to be provided at the MW station has to cater for this
requirement. For UHF repeaters and terminals 12.5 KVA, 3–phase set is sufficient
whereas 35 KVA sets are provided for W/B stations and N/B terminals, where the
MW station is located in the existing telecom. Complex with more number of
equipments (Tml. and MUX) then a suitable higher capacity set is to be provided.

1.4.5 Equipment
This shall contain the cost of radio equipments including supervisory (this
may be imported to indigenous), antenna, waveguide, pressurisation equipments,
multiplexing and testing instruments.

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1.4.6 Vehicles
Types of vehicles required for carrying out the installation works are to be
provided for. If full vehicle cost is not justified (for instance if UHF routes) then part of
the cost of vehicle is debited and remaining cost in other estimate could be shown.

1.4.7 General Administration

Most of the posts of officers and staff in Project Organisation is considered
temporary and is justified against various sanctioned project works. Hence, the
G.A.S. cost against the establishment charge are borne in the Project estimates.

1.4.8 Air Conditioners

The normal practice in Indian Telecom. Department is to provide
airconditioning to terminal and MUX equipments. Suitable provision is to be made for
the number of airconditioners required.

The Project estimates up to one crore are sanctioned by G.M. (Projects) and
above that limit is forwarded to Directorate for sanction.

1.5 Preparation and Sanction of Detailed Estimate

After the sanction of Project Estimate, the copies of sanctioned P.Es are
forwarded to concerned Director and D.E. of the Microwave Project. On receipt of the
sanction Project Estimate, the Divisional Office prepares detailed estimates under
various heads like LMW (Lands), BMW (Buildings and Roads), BMWEL (Buildings
and Roads), BMWEL (Building Electrification), APMW (equipments, power plant,
battery etc.), MAMW (Masts and Aerials, Tower Foundation, Tower materials,
erection, etc.) and DMW (Cables). These are submitted to Director/G.M. (Projects)
for the sanction after which only the works could be executed.

Land Acquisition and Formation of Approach Road

As soon as the Project estimate is sanctioned, the various sites approved as
per survey report are inspected jointly by officials of survey divisions and the

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concerned Project Division. To identify the sites and pegmark them, a joint statement
is signed by both the parties for having correctly located the site selected by survey

Afterwards, the Project division takes the initiation for procurement of the
required land for building, tower, staff quarters and approach road. The ownership of
the land can be broadly classified under :

(a) Private
(b) Govt. Promboke (the ownership rests with Revenue Department
(c) Endowments Land,
(d) Other Govt. Department's Land.

As far as the land under category (c) and (d) are concerned, it is not possible
to acquire them. It is possible to directly purchase the endowments land at the rate
fixed by Revenue authorities. If the other Govt. Department is willing to dispose their
land as surplus, it is possible to transfer them through Revenue Department, at the
rate fixed by them.

The Private land can be acquired whereas the Govt. land can be alienated. Of
all the above categories, the Govt. land (b) is the easiest one to get. Private land can
be acquired for MW purpose using urgency clause dispensing with Sec.5(A) of the
L.A. Act. In spite of this provision, the land acquisition proceedings are lengthy and
time consuming and takes minimum of a year or more to get the land from the date of
filing the L.A. Application. Provision is also available to get the land on advance
possession from the owner immediately subject to payment of interest on the land
value plus solatium, provided the land owner agrees to dispose this land at
acquisition rate. But this is a rare case and majority of the private land owners do not
agree since the market value of land is much more than the acquisition rate. If the
land owner is not willing to give his land on advance possession pending acquisition,
then it is possible for the District Collector (Revenue authorities) to give advance
possession till the award is passed. As per the amendment of LA Act in Oct. 1984,
the interest is fixed at 9% up to one year and 15% for the period more than one year.

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Hence, it shall be clear that the land acquisition application shall be filed as early as
possible to avoid delay.

Alienation of Govt. provoked land could be done by similarly filing a LA

application. In this case also, advance possession can be demanded and no difficulty
is experienced in getting them early before finalisation of land value and award. But
in all cases, constant pursuance at all levels of Revenue Department is necessary to
get the land at the shortest time possible. In the absence of such pursuasion, it may
even take 3 to 4 years or more for the revenue department to finalise the land cases.

However, one does not wait for finalisation of layout and preparation of
Detailed Estimate till the land is actually made over to Project authorities. The
estimate preparation, layout finalisation are done side by side with land acquisition
proceedings so that no time is lost after getting the land to start the work.

1.6.1 The Approach Road

The approach road construction is decided (the slope better than 1 in 14) and
the detailed estimated for approach road is prepared and got sanctioned. As soon as
the land is taken over, suitable tender is floated and approach road formed. When
the approach road work is in progress, the soil testing for determination of SBC of the
site for deciding the suitable foundation for building and tower, is completed and
tender is floated for the building and tower foundation. These formalities are
completed by the time the approach road is ready so that the building and tower
foundation ca be started. The normal size of MW site is 50 x 50 mt. and is just
sufficient to locate the MW building and tower. Hence, it is advisable to award both
the building and tower foundation work to the same contractor so that the space for
stocking building materials like sand, aggregate, bricks etc. may not be a problem
and so both the works could be started simultaneously. This practice is not followed
by some sections of Civil Wing and the two Contractors are allowed to stagger their
work. This is one of the reasons for the delayed execution of Civil works by Civil

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Placing of Orders for Tower Materials, Equipment Battery, Power Plant,

Procurement of stores is a major item in the execution of MW Schemes,
whereas the order for equipment, tower materials, waveguide/antenna, power plant
and batteries are placed by the Dte. The engine alternator and airconditioners are
ordered by G.M. Projects (Director, MWP concerned orders on behalf of
G.M.Projects). The latter items are available on DG, S&D rate contract and could be
obtained easily. If the radio/MUX equipment requires to be imported, then the MMD
section of the Dte deals with them. The indigenous MUX orders are placed on MS
ITI, whereas the power plant and batteries are ordered through G.M. Telecom
Stores, Calcutta. To name a few, the tower materials manufacturers are :

The Directorate orders the tower materials on any of the above factories.

The order for all the above items are placed subsequent to project estimation
sanction and are processed at various levels. The DET, MW Project being the
ultimate consignee of the various stores, organises the godowns, watch and ward
etc. and keeps track of the materials despatched from various factories. Any loss or
damage of the stores are taken up with the appropriate transport/insurance agencies.
If the equipment is imported, the customs/port clearance is arranged, equipments
verified and any claim is raised before the expiry of the marine insurance period.

1.8 Construction of Building including Electrification and Tower

The construction of MW building and tower foundation can be done directly by
Project Organisation or through the Civil Wing. The procedures involved in the two
cases are described below :

Directly by Project Organisation

The layout for the specified type of building and tower foundation are
prepared by DET/Director and approved by G.M. Projects. The layout of site with
staff quarters or in Telecom. Complex should have the concurrence of the Regional
Architect also. After the sanction of the detailed estimates for building and tower
foundation, the tender schedule for them is prepared by DET, MWP and after the

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opening of the tender, the same is scrutinised and a comparative statement is

prepared. A tender approving committee comprising the Director, MWP, as
members, finalise the tender and there upon the DET MWP acts on Department side
on behalf of the President of India, for matters relating to the Tender. An agreement
is executed after the payment of the required security deposit by the successful
tenderer, between the DET MWP (on behalf of the President of India) and the
successful tenderer and work order is issued to the contractor.

In the meantime, DET MWP obtains the local body

(Panchayat/Municipality/Corporation) approval for the construction as per the layout.
He also takes permission from the National Highway/State Highway authorities for
formation of any branching point and culvert from their roads to the site entrance.
The normal time taken for the tower foundation work is 4 months and for building
about 8 months. An activity chart for completing the tower foundation and building in
the above period is obtained from the contractor and a close watch is kept on the
progress of the work as per the activity chart. Any delay is brought to the notice of the
Contractor so that the overall time taken for completion of the civil works will be the
one specified in the contract. When the delay is beyond the control of the contract
agency extra time may be permitted. In all other cases where the period of
completion exceeds the specified period in the contract, a penalty is imposed on the
contractor which can be up to 10% of the estimated cost depending upon the period
of delay. Part payments can be made to the contractor up to the quantum of work
completed on submission of running bills. The running bills are settled in DET's
office, whereas the final bill is settled in Director's office. The Security deposit is
released after the completion of specified period after the work is completed as
specified in the agreement. Any repair has to be attended free of cost during this
period if the same is due to bad workmanship.

The main activities of tower foundation work comprises of the following

activities :

(1) Excavation in foundation trenches.

(2) Laying of levelling concrete.
(3) Placing and binding reinforcement steel.
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(4) Raft concreting.

(5) Placing and adjustment of templates and anchor bolts.
(6) Stem and Tie beam concreting, and
(7) Refilling earth.

The activities of building include the following main items :

(1) Excavation in foundation trenches.

(2) Construction of foundation.
(3) Construction of superstructure.
(4) Root casting
(5) Flooring and root finishing works.

Some salient points to be noted in the execution of tower foundation and

building construction are explained below :

1.8 (a) Tower Foundation

(i) Right from the time marking is given for excavation till completion of
foundation, care should be exercised to maintain the distance Y and Z in their
limits of + 3 mm (p) (See Fig.1). This is very important since the base–plate
holes are given only that much minimum clearance and any deviation beyond
the limit shall land us in difficulty at the time of erection. This check also
ensures the maintenance of square shape.

(ii) All the four legs of the tower foundation should maintain the same level with
reference to the bench mark. Any deviation in this will adversely affect the
verticality of the tower.

(iii) There should not be any rotational tilt of the stems. This means that all the
diagonals of the stem should fall on the diagonal of the tower base.

(iv) Correct size of template should be used for fixing the anchor bolts and the
correct size of anchor bolts for the specified tower (size and type) should be
used. Any mistake in this respect will result in irrepairable damage and the
rectification is possible only by dismantling the foundation work.

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(v) Suitable type of foundation design based on the SBC of the soil and soil
analysis results should be adopted. The competent authority to decide the
tower foundation design is Civil Wing.

(vi) The settlement of Tower foundation allowed, to keep the verticality within
limits is 12 mm absolute and 16 mm differential. Foundation design should be
done taking this into account and for a maximum wind speed of 200 km/hr.

1.8(b) Building Construction

(i) Suitable foundation should be adopted depending upon the type of soil and
SBC. For sand soils, load bearing wall can be adopted and for medium soft
and loose soils column foundations or pile foundation can be adopted. The
foundation should be got designed by Civil Wing. The foundation design also
depends upon the number of floors to be constructed either immediately or on
a later date.

(ii) A certain minimum distance should be maintained between the nearest

footing of the tower foundation and building foundation, so that the pressure
on tower foundation shall not be exerted and transmitted to building
foundation. This distance is normally 3 M and can be reduced to 2 M if the
soil is rocky.

(iii) The type of electrical wiring whether surface pattern or concealed should be
decided before the starting of the building, so that suitable conduits scan be
burried, if necessary. It is also necessary to finalise the underground ducting
(piping) arrangements much in advance so that the pipes can be laid at the
appropriate time of execution of civil works. These ducts are necessary for
AC mains leading interconnection for dc leads between battery, power plant
and equipment earth wires, etc. These ducting arrangements have been
standardised for the various standard buildings like Z, Y, X, special Y and
special X buildings.

(iv) The type of floor for equipment room is Mosaic floor and for other rooms
cement concrete floor.

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(v) The position and type of engine foundation should be decided and should be
completed before taking up flooring in engine room.

(vi) The position and number of exhaust fans in battery room should be decided
and suitable holes provided in the wall.

(vii) The location of fans should be decided and suitable fan hooks provided at the
time of roof cacting.

(viii) The highest flood level be decided.

(ix) Suitable internal approach road and gates to be provided.

(x) Wherever, water supply is available easily, (from local body or through
borewell/open well) toilets are to be constructed with suitable external
services. Where water supply is scarce, the toilet room shall be used as a
store room and shall be constructed accordingly.

1.8(c) Electrification of Building

When this work is executed directly by Project, the following course of action
should be taken. While the civil work is started, parallel action should be taken for
procurement of electrical items required for the electrification work. These can be
procured through suitable tender. Certain items like tube light fittings, ceiling fans are
available on DGS and D rate list also. The electrical items should be available ready
by the time the finishing work for building is completed, but before painting. The
electrical layout drawing and wiring drawings for various type buildings are
standardised and is available readily. The installation work can be done through
labour contract or directly using the services of technicians.

1.8(d) Construction of Building and T.F. Through Civil Wing

As per the earlier case the layout of the Microwave site is finalised through
Architect, approved by Director and G.M. Projects Office. Afterwards, the concerned
Civil Circle is addressed for preparation of preliminary estimates for the civil works. At
this time S.E. (Civil) concerned is intimated by Director, MWP about the requirement

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like vertical expansion, if any, internal and external services, if any, staff quarters
required, compound wall if required and internal approach road, etc. Simultaneously,
DET MWP coordinates with E.E. (Civil) concerned for assessment of SBC and site
survey particulars. These details are submitted to S.E. (Civil) and E.E. (Civil). The
SEC's office decides the type of foundation for tower and building and prepare the
preliminary estimate and submits to Director, MWP for according AA and ES, SE(c)'s
office prepares the tender schedule and sends it to EEC's office for floating tender.
EE(c) floats tender and after opening, forwards to SE(c) for approval. SE(c) confirms
the approval and issues the work order to the contractor whose tender is approved
and, thereafter, the work is commenced and EE(c) supervises the work and makes
payment of bills in his office. The procedure is similar for electrification work done by
the electrical wing of the Department.

However, when the Civil Wing executes the civil works DET MWP concerned
keeps liaison and coordinates at all levels so that the salient points, explained for
tower foundation and building. In the previous paragraphs are followed strictly. He
shall personally check up the anchor bolts fixing so that no mistakes are made at this
stage. After the completion of the work, the tower foundation, building including
electrification, staff quarters, if any, are made over to DET MWP for taking further
installation works.

1.9 Obtaining Power Supply and Water Supply

1.9(a) Power Supply

Irrespective of the fact, whether the electrification of the MW building
(including staff quarters) is done by electrical wing or project, the power supply
connection is arranged by project organisation only. As soon as the building work is
initiated, DET MWP applies to the authorities of concerned State Electricity Board for
extension of Power supply. In the case of staff quarters, separate service connection
is required for each portion. In the case of power supply to MW buildings, we need 3
phase supply for the power plant input. In some states like Andhra Pradesh where
the tariff for commercial use and lights and fans of commercial buildings are same, a
single supply of 3 phase connection is required and the energy meter is common.

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States like Karnataka, charge different tariffs and so a separate single phase supply
for lights and fans of the MW building and a 3 phase supply for power plant have to
be obtained. A model calculation for required power supply is shown in table. The
State Electricity Boards of some states demand for payment of voluntary loan
contribution by the consumers to the extent of the estimated cost of providing electric
supply. In this connection, the survey division has to make careful study of availability
of LT power supply easily to the MW site chosen. Otherwise, the cost of providing
electric supply mounts from a few thousands to more than a lakh also and this
amount is to be deposited to the S.E.B. as advance (to be repaid to the Dept. of
Telecommunications after 5 years with nominal interest). The common mistakes
committed by Survey Division – In this respect is failure to identify the nearby electric
alignment as high tension or low tension. While it is possible to extend supply
through a transformer from the 22 KV line, the other extra HT lines like 110 KV, 220
KV and above are not available for direct distribution of supply to customers. Hence,
if there is no 22 KV distribution line within reasonable distance (say 1 or 2 Km >, then
Survey officials should study whether it is worth shifting the site. In this connection,
the paragraph under survey and feasibility report for MW routes may be referred to
where the cost economy study on various factors is explained. Wherever the factors
like line of site, availability of land, etc. force the location of MW site in a remote place
where electricity is not available in the nearby area, then there is no other way except
spending a little more in obtaining the electric supply. The Electricity Department
while preparing their estimate for cost of provision of electricity, takes into account
that they will get back their investment in 5 years time. This means that 1/5 th of the
estimated cost is fixed as minimum guarantee and the consumption of electricity per
annum in the MW stations. Concerned should be the differential amount to Electricity
Department towards minimum guarantee. This aspect also should be taken into
account while site selection and calculation of load particulars for the MW station.

The S.E.B. registers the application form and issues a serial No. in the waiting
list. Unless the building including electrical institution is ready by the time the turn for
the particular connection comes, then the priority lapses and the serial number will go
down in the waiting list. To avoid this perfect coordination between S.E.B. autorities
and the MW building construction, agency is required. The Telecom Department has
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to pay Security Deposit and Service Connection Charges to S.E.B. before the actual
connection is effected.

The leading in arrangement normally followed by SEB is by aerial cables. But

this is not a good practice since the aerial cables dangle due to wind and is likely to
cause loose connections. Hence, it has been standardised to lead in the 3–phase
power supply through underground electric cables. The project organisation has to
arrange for this and for this purpose, the location of Transformer or LT pole should be
known. This is done in coordination with SEB authorities.

1.9(b) Water Supply Arrangements

All attended terminal MW stations and intermediate stations with dropping
facility are to be provided with water supply. The unattended repeaters are provided
water facility, if the same are available easily either by underground source or others.
But where they are on hill tip, the water facility is normally not provided and the toilet
room in such cases are made as store room and are constructed so.

The source of water supply may be of two categories namely, (1) Municipal
water supply, and (ii) well water. Wherever, the well water is potable, the same is
provided either by means of open well or borewell. If they are not potable, then
Municipal water supply can be arranged. Wherever the staff quarters are provided in
the MW compound itself, it is essential to arrange for Municipal water supply. The
attended MW buildings are provided with over head tank and running water facility for
the toilet. The repeaters (unattended) are not provided with running water facility,
though water supply facility is provided.

As for electricity supply, Municipal water supply also be to applied for with
local body well in advance before the completion of the building and pursued by
Project Organisation at DET's level. Open well/borewell facility can be done directly
by project or through civil wing as the case may be.

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1.10.1 Erection of Tower

The tower erection is done by project divisions through tenders. It is essential
that by the time the erection is to be commenced, the tower foundation should have
been completed in all respects and the complete tower materials should have been
received. The time of tendering for tower erection is scheduled after monitoring these
two items and the work is awarded only when both of them are complete in all

The tower materials for a given tower can be classified into three categories,
viz. (i) Materials for super structure, (ii) for ladder and waveguide racks, and (iii) for
antenna fixtures and platforms.

Before the commencement of erection, the above materials should be

transported to the erection spot and verified panelwise as per the erection drawing
and DODL (Design Office Drawing List). It should also be ensured that all the bolts
and nuts are also available.

If the tower site is situated in a congested city area, then adequate

precautions should be taken by displaying warning bolts, permission should be taken
from appropriate authorities if the supporting ropes need to cross the public roads,
etc. If the supporting ropes have to cross the electric alignment, then the matter has
to be taken up with Electricity Board authorities for the required power shutdown.
Public in the surrounding area should be warned not to gather in the erection area
since any material like bolt, nut, etc. accidentally falling from top may be fatal.

The following is the erection procedure laid down by the Department :

(i) After erection of base plates over the stem, the legs for the first panel
is fitted and bolted. Each panel is of 10 M height. Then the belt and
scissors members of first panel (0 to 10 M) is fitted and bolted. After
all the members of superstructure in first panel is fitted, all the nuts are

(ii) Then the second panel members are fitted and after completion of
this, the first panel members bolts and nuts are fully tightened.

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(iii) After the members of third panel is fitted and bolted, the second panel
is fully tightened. This process is continual till the superstructure is
completed. Afterwards, the ladder, waveguide rack and antenna
fixture and platforms are erected.

At every stage, the verticality of the tower should be checked using a

theodolite. This should be checked on any two sides of the tower to ensure perfect
verticality. The limit prescribed is that the deviation in the verticality should be within
25 mm. for a 100 M tower. For other heights, the proportionate value is taken.

Wherever, the SACFA clearance specifies for Day and Night warnings, action
should be taken for painting the tower with international orange and white colours in
alternate bands. The night warning is by means of aviation lamps. The total number
of lights used depends upon the height of tower. It is always in odd numbers with top
position of tower fitted with single light, and in other levels in two numbers (one on
each diagonal legs). For 100 M tower, a maximum of 5 Nos. of aviation lights are
used (Please refer Table VII).

1.10.2 Antenna Hoisting

On receipt of antenna and after completion of tower erection, the hoisting of
antenna is commenced. The feed horn and tie rod assemblies for antenna are
received as loose items from factory and they should be assembled on the ground
following manufacturer's guidelines before hoisting. Some manufacturers like M/s
NEC supply antenna reflector itself in segments and they are to be assembled using
suitable torque wrenches. The antenna hoisting should be done in the presence of
DET, MWP who shall be personally responsible for the safety of antenna and men on
the work. It is advisable to ensure to select a day with better weather conditions for
hoisting and avoid rainy days with wind velocity. The hoisting rope, 'D' shackeles,
pulley, etc. should be inspected by DET to ensure safe hoisting. Sufficient number of
guide ropes should be used to avoid tilting of the antenna while in the process of
lifting up. The perfect seating of the mounting bracket with antenna mounting pipe
and full tightening of all bolts and nuts should be ensured. While fixing the antenna to
mounting pipe, it is kept facing in line with the beam direction by using theodolite.

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This will ensure a course orientation at the time of fixing the antenna itself. Any
further orientation at the time of fixing the antenna itself is done afterwards. Adequate
supports (stay rods) should be provided to the antenna after hoisting, to prevent
oscillation due to heavy wind force. The rear side of the feed horn should be sealed
temporarily till wave guide is terminated to avoid the entry of rain water or moisture.

1.11 Installation of Power Plant, Engine Alternator and Testing

The indoor installations like power plant, battery, equipment, etc. and the
outdoor work like tower erection, antenna hoisting can be done independently
(parallelly) and need not be done in serial order. Since the building construction takes
more time than tower foundation and indoor installation and testing takes more time
than outdoor installation, it is essential to start the building work as early as possible.
In fact, that will reduce the overall project time. A study of the PERT chart for MW
Project work will emphasize this fact.

As soon as the building work is completed in all respects, the physical

installation of power plant and engine alternator could be commenced. Once the
engine alternator is tested on load then it is possible to test the power plant with
engine alternator supply, even if the AC mains supply to the MW building is not
obtained. The salient points in the installation and testing of engines set and power
plant are explained below :

1.11(a) Engine Alternator

The layout of the engine alternator including the diesel tank control panel and
exhaust pipe line, arrangement for the particular type of MW building is
predetermined and standardised. Based on this standard layout, the engine
alternator plinth foundation is done at the time of construction of MW building itself.
So the physical installation comprises only of mounting the set on this plinth, suitably
supported by suspension mounts to avoid transfer of vibration to the floor, connection
and insulation of exhaust pipe lines, mounting of tank and laying fuel line, installation
of control panel and extension of connection to the alternator and the load and
connection of starting battery.

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After the physical mounting, the set is started on. After satisfying its
performance on no load, the load testing is done. An artificial load (variable), a
tachometer and a thermometer are required for this test. The over loading test, if any,
should done as per manufacturers instruction only.

The power plants are available in two categories depending upon the
capacity, namely (i) two–unit type, and (ii) 3–unit type. Power plants up to 200A
capacity are available in 2–units, comprising (a) float cum battery charger, and (b)
Auxiliary cubicle. Depending upon the type used, the layout is predetermined and the
physical installation is done. While doing so, it is essential to maintain their relative
physical positions since the interconnection cables/busbars are supplied by
manufacturers accordingly. Then the electrical connections on the input and output
sides are completed.

After the physical installation, it is essential to check the entire power plant for
any possible loose connection or disconnection during transport and handling. After
ensuring this, the input supply is switched on following the instructions given by
manufacturer on "installation and commissioning". The output voltages for various
modes of operations of the power plant are checked and if necessary adjusted. Its
regulation for variation in input voltages is tested using an auto transformer of
suitable capacity. The various alarm conditions are also tested.

Then the power plant is tested on load using artificial load. This can be made
of resistive coils or by means of water load. The power plant is tested for fractional
and full loads on the both equipment and charging terminals of the output, thus
ensuring its satisfactory performance for simultaneous loading of equipment and
battery charging. The alarm pertaining to loaded condition are also tested.

Only when the engine alternator set and power plant set gives satisfactory
performance of load conditions for continuous duration of 10 hrs or more, then the
charging of battery sets should be undertaken.

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1.12 Installation of Battery Sets and Charging

The standard capacities of batteries available in the market are 200 AH, 600
ah, 1000 AH, 2000 AH, etc. They are usually provided in 2 sets. The actual capacity
of battery to be provided in a particular station is decided as explained under the
heading "preparation and sanction of detailed estimates".

On receipt of batteries, they should be checked for damage and shortages

and the defects got rectified through the agencies of the company. Suitable size of
battery stand is manufactured and painted with acid proof paint (black) before the
physical installation. It is also essential that the required no. of stand and cell
insulators are made available. The layout for batteries are predetermined depending
upon the type of building and capacity of the set. The physical installation is done as
per the approved layout and also in adherence with manufacturer's instruction. The
electrical connections are extended to the power plant by means of suitable size
cable/busbars, through adequate capacity fuses.

Before the first charge the following should be ensured :

(a) Provision of correct grade sulphuric acid confirming to the

specifications as regards quality.

(b) The power plant should have been tested for full load and its
satisfactory performance ensured. All the HRC fuses used in power
plant should have been provided with spare. The spare control cards
of the power plant should be in good condition and is available readily.

(c) The engine alternator should have been tested for full load and its
satisfactory performance should be confirmed. Adequate stock of
correct quality of fuel oil for the set to run it for the entire period of
charging is to be provided. This is necessary to ensure, that there will
not be any interference of charging even if there be a total failure of
commercial mains.

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(d) It is to be verified from the electric company/board authorities that

there will not be power shut down during the proposed initial charging
period. If there by any, the charging period can be suitably changed.

(e) Artificial load for discharge of batteries should be kept ready.

The prepared acid should be cool enough before filling into the cells. The
cells should not be filled too early before the commencement of the charge. It is
preferable to fill up during day time and start the first charge during the immediate
night following so that the cells will not become excessively hot. It may be necessary
to use air circulators to keep the temperature of the acid while charging within the
limits specified by the manufacturer. The vent holes on the cap of the cells should be
clean and free from dust to let off the acid fumes freely without building pressure
inside the cell.

During charging the specific gravity of the acid, temperature and cell voltage
should be noted every hour. Normally after forty hours of charging, a little rest is
given before continuing the charging. But this depends on the manufacturers
instructions on first charging and this should be followed strictly. If there be a power
failure from commercial mains, immediately the engine generator set should be
started and charging should be maintained as per manufacturer's instructions. After
the first charge is completed, then a specified rest is given before the discharge
through artificial load is commenced. The discharge rate is limited to 10 hrs. and
during discharge also, the specific gravity and cell voltage are noted hourly.
Discharge should be stopped where the specified specific gravity or cell voltage is

This should be followed by recharging again and discharge. This cycle can be
repeated twice or more, till such time the specified capacity of battery is attained on
discharge. The battery should never be left in discharged condition for long. After the
final charge, the battery is ready for use and could be floated with the power plant
and load.

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1.13 Installation of Equipment and Waveguide Hoisting

The physical installation of radio and MUX equipment can be commenced
simultaneously with power plant and battery installation, so that no time is wasted in
energising the equipment as soon as the battery is ready for use. But the waveguide
hoisting could be taken up only after radio equipment installation, since it has to be
terminated immediately.

1.13(a) Equipment Installation

The layout for various equipments are finalised and got approved by the
competent authority. In some case, the manufacturer of equipment themselves
specify the layout pattern. In some cases of imported equipment, the installation
materials like supports, runway racks, wiring and clamping materials are supplied by
manufacturers along with installation drawings and instructions. The installation in
such cases is simpler and one has to follow the installation instructions only. In other
cases, where the installation materials are not supplied, like the cases of ITI
equipments, the installation materials have to be designed and fabricate before
commencing the actual installation. After the physical installation of equipments, the
inter bay, inter suit wiring and power supply wirings are also completed.

1.13(b) Waveguide Hoisting

The waveguide are supplied to the specified lengths of the requirement
neither more nor less. Hence, adequate care has to be exercised to find out that
whether the W.G. Drum supplied actually pertains to that station concerned. After
ensuring this, the waveguide drum is opened and tested for any physical damage. It
is advisable to take a VSWR measurement after terminating one end, to ensure that
no dents are caused in between the coils of the drum. The waveguide is flanged only
at one end when supplied in the drums and the remaining flanges are supplied loose.
Sometimes, both the waveguide runs of a given station is supplied in one drum. The
manufacturer supplies the hoisting stockings for lifting the waveguide. The following
accessories are required further for waveguide hoisting :

1. A jack for supporting the drum, so that it can rotate freely.

2. Hoisting ropes of sufficient length and size.
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3. Pulleys.
4. Jute ropes to tie the waveguide with hoisting rope.
5. Flanging tool supplied by the waveguide with manufacturer.
6. Accessories like hacksaw knife, insulating tapes, scale, etc.
7. Petrol for cleaning during flanging.

Waveguide Clamps Supplied by Manufacturers

The already flanged end in the drum is uncoiled first and tied to the hoisting
rope through hoisting stockings. At periodical intervals, when the waveguide is
uncoiled from the drum, the W.G. is tied to the hoisting rope with a piece of jute rope
so that the entire weight of W.G. is distributed to the hoisting rope instead of
concentrating at the lifting point thereby causing necking while doing this, the W.G.I.
should be a little loose between two consequent points of tieing so that the weight of
W.G. will be carried by the hoisting rope and not vice versa. As the hoisting rope is
pulled slowly, the w.g. is paid carefully. At suitable intervals people are kept to guide
the W.G. without hitting the tower members. After the top end reaches, the antenna,
sufficient extra length is paid suitable to form the W.G. in the specified radius of arc.
The flange is then connected to the feeder and tightened. Then, it is clamped to the
rack using the clamps supplied by the manufacturer at an interval specified by them.
While doing so, it should be ensured that the W.G. is straight and free from bends.
Suitable length to reach equipment at the bottom end is left and then the. W.G. is cut.
Then the bottom end is inserted through the hole in the wall, flanged and terminated
to equipment. While terminating at equipment and pressure window should be
inserted to stop air leak. Soon after this, the W.G. should be pressurised to avoid
entry of moisture.

After the completion of equipment installation and W.G. hoisting, equipment is

energised and tested for its performance. When the next repeater/terminal station is
also ready, then orientation of the antenna is done to receive the signal as per the
surveyed level.

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J.T.O. (Phase I) : Fundamentals of Transmission

1.14 Acceptance Testing of Power Plant, Batteries, Engine Equipment

Before offering the power plant etc. for A/T, it is essential that Project
Organisation should satisfy itself that their performance shall be as per the
specifications laid down by A/T standards. So thorough testing of the equipments for
the local tests as well as for thorough test is necessary before offering for A/T. The
A/T results of power plant, battery, engine and MUX equipment are approved by the
competent authority of T&D circle of M/W medium is sent to DTE for approval and
issue of proving–in orders.

1.15 Proving–in and Make Over of the System To MTCE

After receipt of proving–in order from Dte, the medium is observed for its
performance. The medium is taken over by the Mtce Organisation, but the tests are
done jointly and any rectification of faults, deviation of panels from line up values are
to be attended by Project Staff. If at the end of proving–in period which is normally
two months, if the system's performance is satisfactory, then it is deemed to have
been commissioned and thereafter, Mtce. Organisation assumes full responsibility.

The making over of the system comprise of the following items :

(1) The details of lands acquired/purchased with its original records.

(2) The details of building and tower foundations like foundation drawing,
the layout drawings, etc. with details whether building has provision for
further vertical expansion or not.

(3) The earthing details of various earths like tower earth, equipment
earth, AC earth, etc. This should be accompanied by drawings
showing the location, type and layout of different earths. The ring
earth position also should be indicated.

(4) Equipment layout drawings.

(5) Electrical layout drawings. The electrical circuit, drawings and drawing
showing the conduit positions if it is concealed wiring.

BRBRAITT / MAY-2002 253

J.T.O. (Phase I) : Fundamentals of Transmission

(6) Details of drawing showing the L.T. panel wiring including the loading
in arrangement of AC mains.

(7) The D.C. busbar/cable arrangement details.

(8) The agreement in original between Electricity Authority and Dept. of

Telecommunications regarding minimum guarantee, etc.

(9) Details of water supply arrangement, layout of water mains, etc.

(10) Complete details of power plant, battery engine alternator equipments

alongwith copy of A/T report.

(11) Guarantee details for power plant, battery, engine set and for any part
of equipment like TWT and etc.

(12) Any other detail which is important from maintenance view point.

The above paragraphs does not mention about the staff quarters for Mtce
staff. It is worth mentioning here that the Project Organisation takes the responsibility
of providing the staff quarters to Mtce Staff, the details of land for staff quarters, the
staff quarters including its electrical and other inventories are also made over to

1.16 Release of Completion Reports

The responsibility of Project does not cease with that of making over the
commissioned system to Mtce. The working expenses for each detailed estimate is
monitored and after completion of the work, it is seen whether the expenditure is
within +10% of the sanctioned cost for every detailed estimate. If not, with the
reasons thereof, the revised estimates are prepared and sent for sanction of
competent authority. After sanction, the completion reports for the detailed estimates
are released. In the same way, the local expenditure for the Project is checked, to
find whether it is within the sanctioned Project estimate cost. If not, it is revised with
reasons thereof and got sanctioned by the competent authority. Only when this is
done, with clearing of any pending audit para on the project concerned, it can be

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J.T.O. (Phase I) : Fundamentals of Transmission

assumed that the Project work for a particular MW scheme is completed in all


Calculation of Power Supply Requirement

1. Lights and Fans X K.W.

2. Power Plant Y K.W.

Y = (total output current A x output volt V)/(efficiency of power plant)

3. Air Conditioners Z K.W.

4. Pump Sets (if any) P K.W.

Total X+Y+Z+P K.W.

K.V.A Required X+Y+Z+P K.V.A./0.8.

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