Psa Poster Assignment and Rubric

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Group Names: Period: ____ Date: ____________

PSA Poster Rubric

CATEGORY 10 8 6 4
Use of Class Time Used time well during Used time well during Used some of the time Did not use class time
each class period. each class period. well during each class to focus on the project
Focused on getting the Usually focused on period. There was some OR often distracted
project done. Never getting the project done focus on getting the others.
distracted others. and never distracted project done but
others. occasionally distracted
Graphics - Originality Several of the graphics One or two of the The graphics are made No graphics made by
used on the poster graphics used on the by the student, but are the student are
reflect a exceptional poster reflect student based on the designs or included.
degree of student creativity in their ideas of others.
creativity in their creation and/or display.
creation and/or display.
Grammar There are no There is 1 grammatical There are 2 There are more than 2
grammatical mistakes mistake on the poster. grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes
on the poster. on the poster. on the poster.
PSA Elements Student has chosen a Student has chosen a Student struggled to Student did not choose
relevant social issue relevant social issue find a relevant issue a social issue/message
and displays a clear and clearly displays and the message is is unclear or non-
message and theme message. somewhat unclear existent.
that demonstrates
exquisite effort and
understanding of
Slogan PSA contains a PSA contains a PSA contains a slogan PSA slogan is copied
meaningful, creative meaningful slogan that that is somewhat from an existing
slogan that clearly and clearly and concisely confusing or not clearly campaign, not present,
concisely explains the explain the message of related to the message. or inappropriate for
message of the PSA. the PSA. Demonstrates Slogan is unoriginal. content. Message is
Demonstrates a high solid effort and time in Does not have a clear inappropriate for target
level of thought and though. Shows target audience in mind. audience.
care and thorough understanding of target
understanding of target audience.
Use of Text Text choice is varied Text choice is Text choice is obvious Text is absent from the
and creative. Text is appropriate and or inappropriate for PSA.
used to enhance the deliberate. Text is used content of the PSA.
meaning of the PSA to compliment the
and adds to the overall meaning of the PSA
message of the PSA. and enhances the
overall message of the
Photo manipulation Photo is clear, with no Photo is clear with Photo is blurry and still Photo is nonexistent or
and cut out extra material; looks as some extraneous contains numerous was not cut out or
if the picture is naturally material from the cut elements of the original clearly edited for use in
apart of the poster. out, fits with picture that were not the PSA. Photo is blurry
Photo is realistic and background, is clear deleted or edited. Photo and detracts from the
appropriate to content and appropriate to does not mesh with the overall message of the
and adds to the overall content, adds to the background and looks PSA.
message of the PSA. overall message of the detracts from the overall
PSA. message of the PSA.

Total Score:__________________

Group Names: Period: ____ Date: __________

Public Service Announcement Poster Assignment

For this assignment you will be working in groups of 3 to 4 to create a PSA poster in
which you will choose an original idea and design a poster that conveys your message to
your target audience. In addition, you will research other PSAs and analyze the
advantages and disadvantages of using the techniques they did.

You must turn in this completed checklist with your project by the due date announced in
class. DUE DATE: _ .

Planning Phase:
 Selected a topic/issue
 Taken a stand on that topic
 Viewed at least 2 PSAs on your topic AND 2
additional PSAs on other topics
 Collected information/data (survey questions) on the
topic and at least two quotes you could use
 Planned the emotions you want your audience to
 Thought of a slogan to use in the PSA
 Thought of pictures and graphics you could create
 Approval Sheet signed by Mr. Payne

Research Phase:
Now choose ONE of the PSA posters you found and answer the following questions for
analysis.  (Create your own analysis sheet, to be glued to the back of your poster)

 Subject of PSA?
 Author or group promoting PSA?
 Medium (e.g. Poster, web page, commercial, magazine ad, etc.)
 What is the main message presented in the PSA?
 What technique is utilized by the text creator in promoting the message?
 How effective is this PSA?  Explain with specific detail the advantages and
 Would this PSA affect you personally?  Why or why not?
Group Names: Period: ____ Date: ____________

Creation Phase:
You may draw, paint, or use collage to create your poster.
Your poster must contain:
 an original slogan with a clearly stated positive message
 an original image/drawing or set of related images
 persuasive elements that grab the viewer’s attention
 an analysis sheet glued onto the back
Your poster should be:
 either all color or only black and white
 attractive and easy to read
 neat and free of pencil marks
 free of spelling or grammatical errors
 school appropriate
 creative and original
Final Check:
 We followed every step in the above checklist to
complete our work
 We evaluated our PSA according to the rubric and
we are certain to get the best grade possible
 Everyone in our group agrees the project is finished
and is ready to be graded
 We completed the teamwork assessment

Approval Sheet
Social Issue/Topic: _______________________________________

Target Audience:__________________________________________________________
Images, colors and other strategies I can use to reach my target audience:


Approved by Mr. Payne on :__________________

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