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The Giant Lantern Festival or Ligligan Parul in Kampangpangan is held in December

(Saturday before Christmas Eve) in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

It features a competition of enormous lanterns.

It celebrates the start of Christmas season in the Philippines.

Brief History:

 1762 – 1764 – the British invaded the Philippines and La Naval Fiesta was originated
from victory in naval battle where lanterns where lighted in Bacolor City.

 1900 –the tradition of “Lubenas” was continued after the Provincial Capital of Pampanga
(Bacolor) was transferred to San Fernando (August 1904).
- The Lubenas which is a religious activity was the predecessor of the Modern day
Giant Festival. They did this during Simbang Gabi (December 16-24).
- The parade of lights started in Bacolor with people joining the procession around
community before going to church.
- Then these paruls were brought around each barrio in procession to their village.
- And before the midnight of Christmas Eve, the lanterns were delivered to town
church together with the barrio patrons symbolizing the Bethlehem’s guiding star
on that Christmas Eve.

 1928 – The historical convention of parol-making was credited by Francisco Estanislao.

- He created the classic parol, a 5-pointed star symbolizing the star of Bethlehem
that guided the wise men to Baby Jesus.
- The trend caught on in Pampanga and soon several artisans followed his footsteps
in creating innovative designs.

 1931 – Electricity was introduced to San Fernando lantern.

- During this period, the lights were controlled by individual switched that were
turned on and off following the beat of music.
- At that time, Pres. Manuel L. Quezon made Arayat his rest area and turned Mount
Arayat into a tourist resort. So as a show of gratitude to the effort of Quezon, the
Fernandinos held the First Giant Lantern Festival to honor him.

The lanterns of San Fernando are different from the other lanterns because of its 4 distinct
main parts:

 Tambor – inner part

 Siko-siko – star-shaped
 Palimbon – surrounds the main star
 Puntetas – the most-outer section

The tradition continues to evolve as it became bigger and the designs are more intricate. In
addition, more innovations were introduced:

 Colored plastics replaced traditional Papel de Hapon.

 In 2010, fiberglass and handmade paper make their first appearances on the lanterns.
 Large steel barrel called ROTORS – substituted the hand-controlled switches to
manipulate the lights.
ROTOR – is the most valuable piece in the lantern. It is operated by stirring
wheels that create magnificent display of colorful hues.
 Lanterns have grown in size approximately 20-feet (tall as the average adult giraffe).
 Light up by about 3,500 – 5,000 light bulbs.

Later, one big lantern was made for each barangay which was created through a cooperative
effort. Each resident contributed to its construction, from the concept and design to the materials
and labor. Each barangay has a unique way of showcasing the best lights and music together
with the meaningful message about Christmas.

The festival signifies the diverse but united communities of Pampanga. The lantern
symbolizes the unwavering hope of the Filipinos. The interplay of colored lights assures the dark
and cozy night of Christmas Season and the warm ecstatic expression on the people’s faces.

Due to the popularity of festival that showcases the crafted work of arts through
hardwork, creativity, and teamwork of Kampangpangan, the city has been known as the
“Christmas Capital of the Philippines”.

 Video presentation
 Song (Kumukutitap bumubusilak… hahaha nalipat ko sng title basta dungan na sila
appear sng Lantern).


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