Name: Course & Year: Bsac2

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NAME: Jian Mervin R.


1. His mom would teach him not to put his fingers inside his mouth
2. He was touching all sorts of different things, making his hands dirty
3. His mom would give him a little spank on the wrist whenever he tried to do so

1. He accidentally dropped his dad’s keys on the toilet bowl. His dad got furious and sent him to bed
without eating his dinner
2. When he was in elementary school, he was part of the basketball team. Every time they won a game,
his parents would treat him and his friends to his favorite ice cream parlor
3. His parents would also take him to the movies whenever he finished cleaning up his room.

1. He was surprised when a boy from his class came to him.
2. He wanted to make friends so badly that he offered to buy all of them lunches.
3. Simon thought this was very kind of him so he agreed

1. He followed his mother’s wishes as a sign of honoring his parents’ deaths
2. He felt that they were going to be proud of him even in the afterlife.
3. Med School was not going to be easy so he followed all of the rules and studied as hard as he could.

1. Simon’s parents were killed in a car accident which meant that he had to stay with his uncle, who lives
in the southern part of the country
2. Simon’s mother would have wanted him to become a doctor. Even if he wanted to become something
3. Simon made it his life’s mission to save as many children as possible from Kony even if it meant that
he is putting his life at risk.

1. He began having a different perspective in life and changed most of his ways according to what is
ethical and right.
2. He joined the Doctors Without Borders, a non-profitable international medical humanitarian
3. Simon has become the village hero, as he has saved more than 100 children and managed to bring them
back to their families.

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