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Chemical Engineering Universitas Pertamina 2017


 Draw & label the flowchart

 Ensure all mass & compositions are known (use material balance/phase equilibrium
relation like Raoult’s law etc, if needed)
 Choose reference state & define specific enthalpy (or internal energy) for each
component in each stream
 Fill in the inlet-outlet enthalpy (or internal energy) table
 Calculate ∆𝐻ሶ (or ∆U or ∆H), and complete the energy balance calculation

Sensible heat
Energy balance
for non reactive
Latent heat process Heat of reaction
Heat of mixing
Energy balance Heat of formation
for reactive
process Simultaneous mass &
energy balance
Table B.1 Felder

Physical Property Data

Heat capacities (table B.2 Felder)
Heat of solution (solid/gas & liquid)

Heat of mixing (liquid & liquid)

 Reference: 25oC, 1 atm

 Function of r (mol H2O/mol
෡𝑠 is per mol of solute not
 ∆𝐻
per mol of solution
A stream containing 10% CH4 and 90% air by volume is to be heated from 20 C to 300 C. Calculate the
required rate of heat input in kilowatts if the flow rate of the gas is 2.00 x 103 liters (STP)/min.
At what rate in kilowatts must heat be transferred to a liquid acetic acid at its normal boiling point to
generate 1500 g/min of saturated acetic acid vapor?
An equimolar liquid mixture of benzene (B) and toluene (T) at 10 C is fed continuously to a vessel in which
the mixture is heated to 50 C. The liquid product is 40.0 mole% B, and the vapor product is 68.4 mole% B.
How much heat must be transferred to the mixture per g-mole of feed?

A gas stream containing n-hexane in nitrogen with a relative saturation of 90% is fed to a condenser at
75oC and 3.0 atm absolute. The product gas emerges at 0oC and 3.0 atm at a rate of 746.7 m3/h.

Calculate the percentage condensation of hexane (moles condensed/mole fed) and the rate (kW) at
which heat must be transferred from the condenser.
An aqueous slurry at 30oC containing 20.0 wt% solids is fed to an
evaporator in which enough water is vaporized at 1 atm to
produce a product slurry containing 35.0 wt% solids. Heat is
supplied to the evaporator by feeding saturated steam at 1.6 bar
absolute into a coil immersed in the liquid. The steam condenses
in the coil, and the slurry boils at the normal boiling point of pure
water. The heat capacity of the solids may be taken to be half
that of liquid water.

Calculate the required steam feed rate (kg/h) for a slurry feed
rate of 1.00 x 103 kg/h.
50 mL/s of 100% H2SO4 at 25oC and 84.2 mL/s
of liquid water at 15oC are mixed. The heat
capacity of the product solution is 2.43 J/(g.oC).
Estimate the maximum temperature attainable
by the product solution and state the conditions
under which this temperature would be
attained, using heat of mixing data from Table
Sulfur dioxide is oxidized to sulfur trioxide in a small pilot-plant reactor. SO2 and 100% excess air are fed to
the reactor at 450 C. The reaction proceeds to a 65% SO2 conversion, and the products emerge from the
reactor at 550 C. The production rate of SO3 is 100 kg/min. The reactor is surrounded by a water jacket into
which water at 25 C is fed.
a) Calculate the feed rates (kmol/min) of the SO2 and air feed streams and the extent of reaction, 𝜀
(kmol/min). Note: Air can be taken as 21 mole % O2 and 79 mole % N2
b) Calculate the standard heat of the SO2 oxidation reaction, ∆𝐻 ෡𝑟𝑜 (kJ/mol). Then taking molecular species
at 25 C as references, prepare and fill in an inlet–outlet enthalpy table and write an energy balance to
calculate the heat (kW) that must be transferred from the reactor to the cooling water.
Hydrogen is produced in the steam reforming of propane:
C3H8 (g) + 3 H2O (v) → 3 CO (g) + 7 H2 (g)
The water–gas shift reaction also takes place in the reactor,
leading to the formation of additional hydrogen:
CO (g) + H2O (v) → CO2 (g) + H2 (g)
The reaction is carried out over a nickel catalyst in the tubes of a
shell-and-tube reactor. The feed to the reactor contains steam
and propane in a 6:1 molar ratio at 125 C, and the products
emerge at 800 C. The excess steam in the feed assures essentially
complete consumption of the propane. Heat is added to the
reaction mixture by passing a hot gas over the outside of the
tubes that contain the catalyst. The gas is fed at 4.94 m3/mol C3H8,
entering the unit at 1400 C and 1 atm and leaving at 900 C. The
unit may be considered adiabatic.
Calculate the molar composition of the product gas, assuming
that the heat capacity of the heating gas is 0.040 kJ/(mol C).

 Richard M. Felder, Ronald W. Rousseau, Lisa G. Bullard-Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes. 4-

Wiley (2015)

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