Research Article / Research Project / Literature Review

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Faculty of engineering - Shoubra

Benha University
Research Article / Research Project / Literature Review
in fulfillment of the requirements of
Academic Year 2019/2020
Course name Surveying 2
Course code SUR251
Title: -

Name Edu mail B.N

1 Andrew Adel Zaky 47

‫أندرو عادل زكي غالي‬ ‫االسم‬

23047 ‫رقم الجلوس‬

Approved by:

Examiners committee Signature

Dr Eng: Shehab Hassan Ali
Dr Eng: Shams El-Deen Mohammad Saad
Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

Research objectives
 Showing the importance of total station instruments at construction sites.
 Showing its main components, functions, and applications.
 Defining what is meant by horizontal curves and its elements.
 The methods of setting the horizontal curve
 Defining what is meant by vertical curves and its elements.
 The different types of vertical curves.
 Giving a numerical example on vertical curves.

Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

Table of contents
Subject / section Page
What is total station? 8
Different brands of total station 8
Components of a total station 9
Advantages of Using Total Stations 9
Important Operations of Total Station 9/10
Applications of total station 11
What is meant by horizontal curve? 12
The elements of the horizontal curve 12
The methods of setting the horizontal curve 13
Linear method 13
Main linear methods are 13
By offsets from the long chord 13/14
By successive bisection of arcs 14
By offsets from the tangents 15
By offsets from chord produced 16
What is meant by vertical curve? 17

Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

The elements of the vertical curve 17

Types of vertical curve 18
Vertical curve equation 18
Example on vertical curve 19/20

Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

List of Figures (If any)

Figure I.D Description Page

Fig (1) Shows the total station instrument 7
Fig (2) Shows Trimble total station 7
Fig (3) Shows Lecia total station 7
Fig (4) Shows Topcon total station 7
Fig (5) Shows Sokkia total station 7
Fig (6) Shows a horizontal curve 11
Fig (7) Shows a horizontal curve by offsets from long chord 13
Fig (8) Shows a horizontal curve by bisection of arcs 13
Fig (9) Shows a horizontal curve by offsets from the tangent (Radial method) 14
Shows a horizontal curve by offsets from the tangent (perpendicular method)
Fig (10) 14
Fig (11) Shows a horizontal curve by offsets from the chord produced 15
Fig (12) Shows a vertical curve 16
Fig (13) Shows summit curve 17
Fig (14) Shows valley curve 17
Fig (15) Shows a vertical curve 17

Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

List of Tables (If any)

Table I.D Description Page

Table 1 Shows the elements of horizontal curve 12
Table 2 Shows the elements of vertical curve 17

Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020


 What is Surveying Engineering?

The survey determines the relative position of different features on, above, or under
the surface of the earth by direct & indirect measurements, then finally representing
them on a sheet of paper is known as plan or map into an appropriate scale.

 Methods of Surveying in Civil Engineering:

Plane surveying Geodetic surveying

 What is plane surveying?

Plane surveying is the process of surveying that the earth is flat. This means the
curvature, or the spherical shape of the earth is not considered in our calculations.
Hence, a line obtained by connecting any two points of earth’s surface is considered as
a straight line, and angles obtained within those lines are considered as plane

 What is geodetic surveying?

Geodetic surveying is a process of surveying which consider the curvature, or the
spherical shape of the earth. The accurate positions of points obtained on plane
surveying are given by geodetic. Besides geodetic survey is done for large areas and
lengthy lines. For this reason, the lines connecting any two points are considered as an
arch. Special instruments and knowledge of spherical trigonometry is indispensable
for geodetic surveying accuracy.

Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

 Secondary classification of Surveying:

Surveying based on Nature of Surveying based on Type of

Survey Instruments

 Surveying based on Nature of Survey:

1. Topographical Surveys
2. Hydrographic Survey
3. Astronomical Survey
4. Engineering Survey
5. Archeological Survey
6. Photographic Survey
7. Aerial Survey
8. Reconnaissance Survey

 Surveying based on Type of Instruments:

1. Chain Surveying
2. Compass Surveying
3. Plane Table Surveying
4. Theodolite Surveying
5. Tacheometric Surveying
6. Photographic Surveying
7. Terrestrial or ground photogrammetry
8. Aerial photogrammetry

Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

Total station

 What is Total station?

A total station is an electronic/optical instrument employed in modern surveying
fields and building construction. The total station is a combination of electronic
transit theodolite in addition to electronic distance meter (EDM). It also contains a
processor, an electronic data collector, and a storage system.

 Different brands of total station:

Trimble Lecia Topcon Sokkia

Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

 Components of a total station:

1. EDM
2. Electronic theodolite
3. On-Board microprocessor
4. Data collector (built-in or separate unit)
5. Data storage (internal or memory card)
6. Prisms.

 Advantages of Using Total Stations:

1. Field-work is carried out too fast.
2. It has high accuracy in measurements.
3. Manual errors involved in reading and recording can be solved.
4. Calculation of coordinates is exceptionally quick and accurate, also corrections
for temperature and pressure are made automatically.
5. Computers can be used in map-making and plotting contour and cross-sections.
Contour intervals and scales can be changed very fast.

 Important Operations of Total Station:

 Distance Measurement:
Electronic distance mensuration (EDM) instruments could be a major apart of a total
station. Its vary varies from a pair of.8 km to 4.2 km. The accuracy of measuring
varies from 5mm to 10mm per kilometer measuring. they're used with automatic target
recognizer. the space measured from the instrument to the object is usually sloping
distance. Measurement of distance is accomplished by a modulated infrared carrier
signal, generated by a small solid-state emitter inside the instrument's optical path, and
reflected by a prism reflector or the object under survey. The modulation pattern in the
returning signal is scanned and understood by the PC in the total station.

Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

 Angle Measurements:
The total station has electronic theodolite which is used in measuring vertical and
horizontal angles. For the measurement of horizontal angles, any suitable direction
may be taken to be the reference direction. For vertical angle measurement vertical
upward (zenith) direction is taken to be the reference direction. The accuracy of angle
measurement varies from 2 seconds to 6.

 Data Processing:
This instrument contains a microprocessor. The microprocessor averages many
observations, some models have electronic data storage to calculate and record
distances, horizontal angles, and vertical angles, while other models are equipped to
write these measurements to an external data collector.

When data is exported from a total station onto our PC, application software can be
used to compute results and generate a map of the surveyed area. The newest
generation of total station devices can show the map on the touch-screen of the
instrument immediately after measuring the points.

 Display:
The electronic display unit is capable of displaying various values once the respective
keys are pressed. The system can display horizontal distance, vertical distance,
horizontal and vertical angles, the difference in elevations of two observed points, and
all the three coordinates of the determined points.

 Electronic Book:
Each point data can be stored in an electronic notebook. The capacity of electronic
notebook ranges from 2000 points to 4000 points data.

10 | P a g e
Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

 Applications of total station:

 Vehicular Accident Reconstruction applications:
Total stations are used by police, crime scene investigators, private accident
reconstructions and insurance companies to take measurements of scenes. Once they
take accurate measurements with a total station they can use software to recreate the
accident in 3D animation.

 Mining:
Total stations are the primary instrument used in the mining fields surveying.

 Underground mining:
As the development drifts in an underground mine are driven, a total station will be
used to record the absolute location of the tunnel walls, ceilings, and floors. This data
can then be loaded on AutoCAD, and compared to the designed layout of the tunnel.
At regular intervals, stations will be installed by the survey party These are small steel
plugs that are drilled into walls or the back. The plugs are installed in pairs. For wall
stations, two plugs are installed in opposite walls, forming a line orthogonally to the
drift. For back stations, two plugs are installed in the back, forming a line which is
parallel to the drift.
When the survey crew wants to set up the total station in a drift, a set of plugs is used
to locate the total station.


11 | P a g e
Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

Horizontal curve

 What is meant by horizontal curve?

A horizontal curve gives a conversion between two tangent strips of the roadway,
allowing a vehicle to make a turn at a gradual rate instead of a sharp cut. The design of
the curve is based on the intended design speed for the roadway, besides other factors
including drainage and friction. These curves consist of semicircles to supply the
driver with a constant turning rate to avoid severe accidents.

The elements of the horizontal curve:

C The full-chord distance

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Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

 The methods of setting the horizontal curve:

Based on the instruments which are used in setting out the curves on the ground, there
are 2 methods.

Linear method Angular method

 Linear method:
In these strategies only tape or chain is used for setting out the curve. Angle measuring
instrument are not used.

 Main linear methods are:

 By offsets from the long chord.
 By successive bisection of arcs.
 By offsets from the tangents.
 By offsets from chord produced.

 By offsets from the long chord:

In this Strategy, the long chord is divided into an even number of equal parts. Taking
center of the long chord as the starting point, for different values of x, the orthogonally
offsets are calculated to the curve and the curve is set in the field by driving pegs at
these offsets.

13 | P a g e
Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

R = Radius of the curve

Oo = Mid ordinate
Ox = ordinate at distance x from the midpoint of the chord
T1 and T2 = Tangent point.
Ox = √𝑅 2 − 𝑋2 −√𝑅 2 − ( )2

 By successive bisection of arcs:

In this strategy, points on a curve are found by bisecting the chords and erecting the
perpendiculars at the mid-point.

∆ ∆
CD = 𝑅 − 𝑅 cos = 𝑅(1 − cos )
2 2

C1D1 = 𝑅(1 − cos )

C2D2 = 𝑅(1 − cos )

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Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

 By offsets from the tangents:

The offsets from the tangents can be of 2 types:

Radial offsets Perpendicular offsets

 Radial offsets:

Ox = √𝑅 2 − 𝑋2 − 𝑅

 Perpendicular offsets:

Ox = 𝑅 − √𝑅 2 − 𝑋 2

15 | P a g e
Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

 By offsets from chord produced:

This method is very much useful for setting long curves. In this strategy, a point on the
curve is fixed by taking offset from the tangent taken at the rear point of a chord.

O2= ( 𝐶1 + 𝐶𝐿 )
𝐶12 𝐶𝐿2
O 3 = O4 = On - 1 = ( 2 𝐶𝐿 ) =
2𝑅 𝑅
On= ( 𝐶𝑛 − 1 + 𝐶𝑛 )


16 | P a g e
Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

Vertical curve

 What is meant by vertical curve?

A vertical curve supplies a conversion between two sloped roadways, allowing a
vehicle to negotiate the elevation rate change at a progressive rate instead of a sharp
cut. The curve design relies on the planned design speed for the roadway, besides
other factors including drainage, slope, rate of change, and friction. Those parabolic
curves are set to positioning based on a horizontal axis.

The elements of the vertical curve:

PVC Point of vertical curvature
PVI Point of vertical intersection
PVT Point of vertical tangency
POVC Point on vertical curve
g1 Grade of the tangent where the PVC is located
g2 Grade of the tangent where the PVT is located

17 | P a g e
Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

 Types of vertical curve:

Depending upon the shape of the profile, a vertical curve may be partitioned into:

 Summit curve: When 2 grades meet at the summit and the curve will have
convexity upwards, the curve is simply mentioned to be summit curve.

 Valley (Sag) curve: When 2 grades meet at the valley (sag) and the curve
will have convexity downwards, the curve is simply mentioned to be the valley
(sag) curve.

Summit curve Valley curve

 Vertical curve equation:

For any point on the parabolic: 𝒀 = 𝒂𝒙𝟐 + 𝒃𝒙 + 𝒄

( 𝒈𝟐 − 𝒈𝟏)
Where: 𝒂 =

b = g1
C = 𝑷𝑽𝑪 = 𝑷𝑽𝑰 − 𝒈𝟏( )

X = horizontal distance along stationing axis to any given point on the curve.

18 | P a g e
Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

 Example on vertical curve:

Given the figure below, calculate (a) the elevations for all whole stations and (b) the
station and elevation of the low point.

𝒀 = 𝒂𝒙𝟐 + 𝒃𝒙 + 𝒄

( 𝒈𝟐 − 𝒈𝟏) 𝟑.𝟐−(−𝟒.𝟖)
Where: 𝒂 = =
𝟐𝑳 𝟐(𝟓.𝟓 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔)

b = g1 = − 𝟒. 𝟖
𝑳 𝟓.𝟓 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔
C = 𝑷𝑽𝑪 = 𝑷𝑽𝑰 − 𝒈𝟏( ) = 𝟏𝟎𝟒. 𝟒𝟖 − (−𝟒. 𝟖) ( ) = 𝟏𝟏𝟕. 𝟔𝟖′ (𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏)
𝟐 𝟐

𝒀 = 𝟎. 𝟕𝟐𝟕𝟑𝒙𝟐 − 𝟒. 𝟖𝒙 + 𝟏𝟏𝟕. 𝟔𝟖

19 | P a g e
Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

Using this equation we can now set up a table to establish the elevation along the
vertical curve. First, find the x distance (horizontal distance from the PVC) to each
whole station and substitute into the above equation.

Station X (station) Elevation (ft)

PVC = 18+29.61 0.00 117.68
19+00 0.70 114.66
20+00 1.70 111.61
21+00 2.70 110.02
22+00 3.70 109.88
23+00 4.70 111.19
PVT = 23+79.61 5.50 113.28


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Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

So, in conclusion, surveying is indispensable in our life. It is a main component in
civil engineering.

 Surveying is used to determine, measure, and represent land, three-dimensional

objects, point-fields, and trajectories.
 It assembles and interprets land and geographically related information.
 We use that information for the planning and efficient administration of the
land, the sea and any structures.
 It can be used in conducting a research into the above practices and to develop

Finally, we get that surveying is essentially in all sorts of civil and structural


21 | P a g e
Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

 Total station and its application to civil engineering by:Mrs.Reshma L.Patel
 Surveying & Levelling second edition
 Vertical curve fundamentals by Daniel Findley
 the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB)


22 | P a g e
Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

Abstract for total station

 What is Total station?

A total station is an electronic/optical instrument employed in modern surveying fields
and building construction. It is a combination of EDM and theodolite.

 Different brands of total station:

Trimble Lecia Topcon Sokkia

 Components of a total station:

EDM Electronic microprocessor Data Data Prisms

collector storage
 Advantages of Using Total Stations:
1. Field-works
2. Accuracy in measurements.
3. Manual errors be solved.
4. Calculation of coordinates is quick and accurate
5. Computers is used in map-making.

 Applications of total station:

1. Vehicular Accident Reconstruction applications
2. Mining
3. Underground mining

23 | P a g e
Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

Abstract for horizontal curve

 What is meant by horizontal curve?

It gives a conversion between two tangent strips of the roadway, allowing a vehicle to
make a turn at a gradual rate instead of a sharp cut.

The elements of the horizontal curve:


 The methods of setting the horizontal curve:

Linear method Angular method

 Main linear methods are:

 By offsets from the long chord.
 By successive bisection of arcs.
 By offsets from the tangents.
 By offsets from chord produced.

24 | P a g e
Benha University
Faculty of Engineering - Shoubra
Academic year 2019-2020

Abstract for vertical curve

 What is meant by vertical curve?

It supplies a conversion between two sloped roadways, allowing a vehicle to negotiate
the elevation rate change at a progressive rate instead of a sharp cut.

The elements of the vertical curve:

 Point of vertical curvature
 Point of vertical intersection
 Point of vertical tangency
 Point on vertical curve
 Grade of the tangent where the PVC is located
 Grade of the tangent where the PVT is located

 Types of vertical curve:

Summit curve Valley curve

 Vertical curve equation:

Y = 𝒂𝒙𝟐 + 𝒃𝒙 + 𝒄
( 𝒈𝟐 − 𝒈𝟏)

b = g1
C = 𝑷𝑽𝑪 = 𝑷𝑽𝑰 − 𝒈𝟏( ) X = horizontal distance


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