GSA C Band Whitepaper ExecSummary Jan2020 PDF

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3300-4200 MHz:

How administrations
can exploit its potential

A part of the GSA
vision for spectrum
from low, mid and
high band frequency
ranges by 2020


The GSA White Paper addresses status of 5G deployment across the The paper emphasises that national
the importance of 3300–4200 MHz world in this frequency range and administrations seeking to secure
spectrum range for 5G networks details 5G’s standards readiness, the many and varied benefits of
and the societal benefits that new and developing use cases, and 5G for their policies must also
follow from early and widespread current technology enhancements provide wide and contiguous
deployment of 5G in this range. that portend greater efficiencies for channel assignments to operators
It is intended to help national industries, richer user experiences while simultaneously considering
administrations and policymakers as well as the creation of ‘smart’ investment-friendly provisions
who are considering this frequency societies. and connectivity requirements of
range for IMT identification – as well industry verticals.
On the policy and regulatory
as those who have decided in its
side, the paper identifies the key The executive summary below
favour and are currently engaged
ITU-R decisions facilitating the provides the principle highlights
in designing appropriate regulatory
identification of this spectrum of the paper and may be read as a
frameworks and assignment
for IMT and its use for 5G. It also preview of the issues detailed in the
procedures – make informed
addresses a wide set of policy and paper.
regulatory issues, ranging from
The White Paper updates the June those pertaining to cross-border
2017 GSA White Paper titled, The coordination, spectrum sharing/
Future of IMT in the 3300–4200 MHz clearing and spectrum caps to
Frequency Range, highlighting the those pertaining to frequency
increasing maturity of the 5G global arrangements, channelisation
ecosystem in this frequency range. schemes and national
The paper provides the current synchronisation frameworks.

©Copyright 2020 Global mobile Suppliers Association 3300-4200 MHz: A KEY FREQUENCY BAND FOR 5G | Executive Summary | 2
A part of the GSA
vision for spectrum
from low, mid and
high band frequency
ranges by 2020

The 5G ecosystem – of chipsets, network equipment and handsets as well as other end-user devices – has
developed at an unprecedented speed, maturing within a year of the first 3GPP standards release of 5G-NR (in
the case of LTE, the corresponding time was roughly three years!). Network equipment, smartphones, customer
premises equipment and other types of end-user equipment utilising 5G-NR are now available in various markets in
different spectrum bands, all of which add support for 5G in various parts of the 3300–4200 MHz range, if not the
entire range – that is, for 3GPP bands n77 (3300–4200 MHz) and n78 (3300–3800 MHz).
There are nearly 1401 operators currently investing in 5G networks in the 3300–4200 MHz range globally: 43 of
them are deploying, have deployed, or have launched 5G networks using this spectrum.
This section summarises GSA’s key messages articulated in this White Paper with respect to the importance and the
use of the 3300–4200 MHz range for the early and widespread deployment of 5G.

Spectrum availability Importance of 3300-4200 MHz Growing worldwide support of

range for 5G use of 3300-4200 MHz band for 5G
National administrations should make
appropriate amounts of contiguous The 3300 - 4200 MHz spectrum range offers A growing number of national
spectrum available to mobile operators a particularly optimal balance between administrations are recognizing the
in a timely manner to facilitate the cost- coverage and capacity, It is widely held salience of 3300-4200 MHz band for the
effective deployment of 5G networks (that that this mid-band range will support a deployment of 5G-NR networks, As a result,
is, for the deployment of networks using broad array of 5G applications -- from administrations across the world are striving
new 5G radios, or 5G-NR). Making sizeable enhanced Mobile Broadband (including to earmark and/or secure at least 200 MHz
new spectrum available by 2020 under Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality and Ultra to 400 MHz of contiguous spectrum in this
appropriate, investor-friendly regulatory High Definition video) and Fixed Wireless band for 5G in the short term.
conditions will facilitate the vision of IMT Access to a plethora of new and emerging
For instance, in Europe, the 3400-3800 MHz
connecting almost all the 7+ billion and 100+ applications that impact, and are impacted
is now broadly accepted as the primary band
billion devices and things worldwide, by by, the ongoing digital transformation of
for 5G. The ten commercial 5G deployments
2030. society. These are applications commonly
in Europe can now leverage the recently
associated with Industry 4.0, health care,
The spectrum must be made available across updated CEPT framework for the 5G-NR
smart cities and drones.
low-, medium- and high-band frequency air interface and for Massive MIMO base
ranges, to address both coverage and This mid-band spectrum range has the stations. Some administrations in Europe are
capacity issues. additional merit of offering the largest eyeing the opportunity to utilize additional
contiguous bandwidth available for IMT mid-band spectrum in the 3800-4200
below 6 GHz. Further, the proximity of MHz range for 5G, the UK has started the
this spectrum range to existing bands in assignment procedures for this range.
use for mobile and the implementation of
Massive MIMO / beam-forming techniques
provide potential for the reuse of the
existing infrastructure in areas where dense
networks are deployed, thus delivering
enhanced capacity without incurring network
densification costs.

1. GSA, 5G Spectrum C-Band Snapshot, October 2019

©Copyright 2020 Global mobile Suppliers Association 3300-4200 MHz: A KEY FREQUENCY BAND FOR 5G | Executive Summary | 3
3300-4200 MHz band for 5G Meanwhile, in the USA, the 3550–3700 Frequency arrangements for
continued... MHz range (the CBRS band) has been 3300-4200 MHz
made available for 5G on a shared basis.
Similarly, Arab administrations in the Middle Additionally, the Mobile Now Act has It is widely accepted that the entire 3300–
East and North Africa (that constitute the proposed further studies of a number of 4200 MHz range will not be available in all
Arab Spectrum Management Group) have bands for 5G, including the 3100–3550 MHz countries in the foreseeable future. The
also decided that 3300-3800 MHz range and 3700–4200 MHz ranges. The Federal needs of current incumbent services such as
is key for the introduction of 5G. Five Communications Commission (FCC) is also fixed satellite service (FSS), fixed service (FS)
commercial networks were launched in the considering proposals designed to invite and radiolocation will continue to require
3400-3800 MHz range, some administrations satellite operators with licences in the careful consideration.
are also looking at the opportunities in the 3700–4200 MHz range to clear parts of their As a consequence, administrations
3800-4200 MHz range. assigned spectrum for 5G deployments; the will likely decide which portions of this
FCC has indicated its intention to issue an spectrum range may be made available
order setting in motion a public auction of for IMT identification and use at their
COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE 280 MHz of spectrum (3700–3980 MHz) for national level and at which time, based
NOW terrestrial mobile services, with incumbent on incumbent users as well as national
5G-NR network equipment, satellite operators retaining the upper 200 priorities and strategies. As a result, different
smartphones, customer premises MHz of the band (with a 20 MHz guard band administrations may make different portions
equipment and other types of end- separating the two services). Regarding the of the 3300–4200 MHz range available for
user equipment are now available 3100–3550 MHz range, FCC is starting a rule- IMT at different times, incrementally building
in various markets, adding support making process that proposes to remove large contiguous blocks for use by 5G.
for 3GPP bands n77 (3300–4200 the existing non-federal allocations in the
3300–3550 MHz range as a step towards The mobile industry always seeks globally
MHz) and n78 (3300–3800 MHz)
potential future shared use between federal harmonised spectrum allocations since such
on top of the already available
incumbents and new commercial users, harmonisation invariably results in a broader
bands. The commercial availability
including 5G. ecosystem for technology, equipment, and
of such devices has arrived at an
engineering expertise, leading to economies
unprecedented speed – only one
ITU-R decisions of scale, lower costs for deployment, and
year after the availability of the
more rapid roll-out of new services. But the
first 3GPP 5G-NR standard release – Work carried out during earlier World industry recognises the reality that not all
and over one third of them support Radiocommunication Conferences, administrations in all regions are likely to
for the n77 and n78 bands. particularly WRC-07 and WRC-15, led to the have identical spectrum allocations at the
Commercial services leveraging the identification of the 3400–3600 MHz range same time, if ever.
availability of 80–130 MHz frequency for IMT use throughout ITU Regions 1 and 2
and in many countries in ITU Region 3. This To cope with this reality without forfeiting
blocks in the 3400–3800 MHz range
has helped support the development of an the immense benefits of spectrum
have been launched, starting in April
IMT ecosystem in this frequency band. The harmonisation, the industry has designed
2019 in the Republic of Korea and in
decisions from the WRC-19 have consolidated ‘tuning range’ solutions for the 3300–4200
several countries in Europe. Nearly
the acceptance of the band globally by MHz spectrum range, in which adjacent or
140 operators are currently investing
adding a number of countries to the IMT nearly adjacent bands can be considered
in 5G networks in the 3300–4200 MHz
footnotes for the 3300–3700 MHz range and harmonised so long as equipment can be
globally; 43 of them are deploying,
by including the 3300–3800 MHz range in reconfigured to operate over multiple bands,
have deployed, or have launched 5G
the mid-band agenda item for WRC-23. i.e., they are within the same ‘tuning range’.
networks using this spectrum. More
efforts are needed in many countries
to enable commercial 5G networks in
the 3300–4200 MHz range to leverage
large contiguous channel bandwidths.

An increasing number of operators and

policymakers in Africa, Asia (particularly
India) and Latin America are also supporting
the harmonisation of the 3300-3400 MHz
and the 3400-3700/3800 MHz bands for the
deployment of 5G.

In addition, the 3400–3700 MHz range was

used for a commercial launch in the Republic
of Korea (April 2019) and for commercial
services in China launched by two operators
(November 2019). In Japan, the entire
3400–4100 MHz range was assigned to
mobile operators. Australia is looking at the
sharing opportunities between 5G and FSS
in the 3800–4200 MHz range.

©Copyright 2020 Global mobile Suppliers Association 3300-4200 MHz: A KEY FREQUENCY BAND FOR 5G | Executive Summary | 4
Technology enhancements virtual and physical resources, including
storage, computing, security, network FROM MOBILE BROADBAND
To address the exploding demand for mobile management, etc. This presages huge AND FIXED WIRELESS
broadband services and to support new benefits for society because it dramatically ACCESS TO ‘SMART’
and innovative use cases that 5G will enable, reduces the cost of service creation, EVERYTHING
mobile industry vendors have brought forth innovation and experimentation in various
several technology enhancements. Mobile industry sectors and verticals, from health The 3300–4200 MHz range offers an
industry vendors recognise that network and education to transport, energy and optimal balance between coverage and
operators will need to enhance their spectral manufacturing – and everything in between. capacity, which will support a broad
efficiency and increase network capacity to range of 5G applications, including:
provide improved user experiences – and Mobile edge computing is a network eMBB (including AR/VR and UHD),
these technology enhancements are meant architecture that migrates applications fixed wireless access, as well as many
to enable exactly that. and services to the edge of the network to applications that will drive the digital
localise service content. Running applications transformation (including Industry 4.0,
This paper addresses some of the key and performing related processing tasks health care, smart cities and drones
technology enhancements – Massive MIMO, at the network edge, closer to the cellular applications).
network slicing and mobile edge computing. customer, reduces network congestion,
This paper also describes how the availability transmission delay and high bandwidth
of lower frequencies may be used in demand on back-haul networks, among other (higher throughput and lower latency in the
combination with 3300–4200 MHz 5G-NR to things. first place). GSA believes that additional mid-
provide additional coverage improvement,
band spectrum may therefore be required
facilitating the reuse of existing sites.
Spectrum sharing vs. spectrum for MNOs in leading markets by 2023–2025;
Massive MIMO is a key technology that clearing the 3300–4200 MHz range may represent a
helps significantly increase network capacity valuable opportunity in this respect.
Spectrum sharing and spectrum
and spectral efficiency while reducing
clearing are both methods of avoiding Having defined the channel bandwidth
wireless network interference, ultimately
interference between services. As a general targets, the actual size of the assigned
improving the end-user experience. The
recommendation, GSA advocates clearing the blocks should be determined by the auction
adoption of Massive MIMO in the 3300–4200
bands to be used by 5G, to enable maximum procedure itself. GSA supports assignment
MHz range boosts peak and average
efficiency and coverage of 5G deployments. procedures with the channel raster based on
downlink cell throughput with affordable
Possibilities of sharing between 5G and other 10 MHz lots.
services should be taken into consideration
The proximity of the 3300–4200 MHz range if clearing the band is not possible in the Spectrum caps should be
to existing bands used for mobile and the shorter term. In some instances, spectrum avoided in competitive markets
implementation of Massive MIMO/beam- sharing may be possible, for example where
the incumbent satellite stations are few and An administration’s approach to spectrum
forming techniques provide potential for
located at known locations in areas where caps should be based on the level of
the reuse of the existing infrastructure in
appropriate protection can be provided. market competition desired. Spectrum caps
areas where dense networks are deployed,
should not be imposed in markets with a
thus delivering enhanced capacity without
healthy level of competition. Should an
incurring network densification costs. Wide and contiguous channel
administration – say, in a Latin American
Hundreds of thousands of 64T64R and assignments
country – feel the need to use spectrum
32T32R Massive MIMO base stations have
The ability of mobile operators to fulfil caps to increase the level of competition,
already been shipped to support the first
the market demand for 5G services cost the spectrum caps could be linked to the
commercial deployments in the 3400–3800
effectively will largely depend on the operators’ percentage of the total available
MHz range.
availability of wide and contiguous frequency spectrum for IMT. Caps setting based on
Policy and regulatory frameworks should blocks. specific amounts of spectrum (in terms
embrace this innovation and avoid imposing of megahertz) might be too rigid and may
GSA suggests that the largest possible
undue constraints on the implementation of constrain the provisioning of useful services
contiguous frequency blocks be made
Massive MIMO base stations. Leveraging the and applications. Such rigid spectrum caps
available for IMT within the 3300–4200 MHz
technical studies that have been performed, should be avoided.
range at the national level. This is because
the requirements on unwanted emissions
the assignment of contiguous blocks to
for Massive MIMO base stations should
mobile operators will lead to significant
be defined as Over the Air (OTA) emission
benefits in terms of spectrum efficiency,
limits and should be expressed in terms of
signalling overhead, physical layer flexibility,
Total Radiated Power (TRP) rather than the
latency performance, base station radio unit
interference generated in any given direction
implementation and UE implementation.
(as quantified by EIRP).
At least 80–100 MHz contiguous blocks in
Network slicing refers to the principle
the 3300–4200 MHz range are being made
of dividing (or slicing) a single physical
available per operator in several leading
infrastructure into multiple virtual networks,
countries. This target should be achieved in
through Network Function Virtualisation and
all markets by 2020.
Software Defined Networks. With network
slicing, network providers can customise Spectrum availability should grow further
network services for various industry over time considering the steadily increasing
verticals, drawing upon a shared pool of market adoption of a growing number of use
cases with more and more requirements

©Copyright 2020 Global mobile Suppliers Association 3300-4200 MHz: A KEY FREQUENCY BAND FOR 5G | Executive Summary | 5
Addressing industry verticals National synchronisation Smooth cross-border
connectivity requirements frameworks coordination
Adequate spectrum with appropriate To avoid interference between adjacent GSA strongly recommends that
regulatory conditions should be made spectrum owners, GSA recommends administrations arrange effective cross-
available to enable integration of industry synchronising operations between operators border coordination agreements between
verticals in 5G, both through public mobile (adopting a common clock reference and a and among neighbouring countries aimed at
networks and through locally operated common frame structure) within one country cross-country synchronised operations as
private networks. Industry verticals that and, as much as possible, between countries. much as possible.
may potentially benefit from integration Considering the significant contribution of a
into 5G include Industry 4.0 factories frame structure to the network performance Investment-friendly provisions
that are increasingly dependent on (e.g. in terms of latency, spectral efficiency,
National administrations should not sacrifice
wireless connectivity and sensors, smart UL and DL throughput and coverage),
the long-term potential of the technology for
manufacturing, mining, harbours, hospitals, the frame structure selection should be
short-term revenue gain from the assignment
agriculture, etc. left to agreements between operators.
Administrations may eventually ‘facilitate’ the
GSA sees three options for providing
process should commercial agreements not The administrations should advise local and
capacity/spectrum for industry verticals:
materialise early enough (e.g. by avoiding state authorities in the country to facilitate
• using MNO services, e.g. within agreement delays which would translate into the installation of network equipment (macro
dedicated network slices delayed market availability). cells and small cells) with agile procedures.

• using locally licensed spectrum, or The unsynchronised operation for Indoor

leased MNO spectrum base station networks could be carefully
considered in specific cases.
• licence exempt bands.
In the case of countries requiring coexistence
with LTE-TDD equipment in the band, an
‘LTE-compatible’ NR frame structure can
be adopted. Due to the sacrificed latency,
migration to the ‘NR-only’ frame structure
should be considered as soon as the co-band
LTE-TDD deployment can be refarmed to NR.

Any residual legacy WiMAX base stations

should ideally be refarmed from the start.

©Copyright 2020 Global mobile Suppliers Association 3300-4200 MHz: A KEY FREQUENCY BAND FOR 5G | Executive Summary | 6
The 3300–4200 MHz frequency band offers a unique opportunity for ‘mid-band’ spectrum availability. The amount of spectrum that can be
made available in this frequency range will be exploited by the 5G New Radio (5G-NR) air interface to deliver increased capacity and a better
experience to end users.

Standards Readiness capabilities for URLLC scenarios. Release 15 is planned for June 2020). This Release will
specifications meet all requirements defined bring further enhancements in all areas
3GPP Release 15 introduced the 5G New by ITU IMT-2020 for eMBB, URLLC and mMTC. defined by IMT-2020 [1] including use cases
Radio air interface: a flexible air interface for the industry verticals.
that supports applications with different • Rel-15 Phase1.1 was completed in
requirements in terms of throughput, December 2017, defining the NSA Notably, Release 16 will provide
reliability, latency and number of (Non-Standalone) mode of operation, enhancements for URLLC and Industrial
connections. The NR key features include which is based on the Evolved Packet IoT (IIoT), MIMO, UE power savings, mobility
a new F-OFDM waveform that allows for Core (EPC) and on the NR-LTE DC (Dual and multi-radio dual connectivity, cross-
a flexible adaptation of the numerology Connectivity) mode where 5G-NR link interference mitigation and remote
(including sub-carrier spacing and OFDM deployment uses LTE as a control plane interference management and self-organised
symbol length), new channel coding anchor; networks. Release 16 will also introduce
techniques, a resource allocation scheme support for Integrated Access and Backhaul
• Rel-15 Phase1.2 was completed in June
to improve latency, and support for Massive (IAB), 5G V2X with NR sidelink, positioning
2018, defining the SA (Standalone)
MIMO. NR has been specified using a and access to unlicensed spectrum, as well
mode of operation, which supports
lean design enabling low network energy as support for new frequency bands.
independent 5G deployment and a new
consumption and maximising forward
end-to-end 5G-NR RAN–5G Core (5GC) 3GPP Release 17 preparations have started.
compatibility. Another key architectural
network architecture: NR independent The scope of Release 17 was finalised by
feature is the possibility of deploying the NR
access mode with full control plane 3GPP in December 2019; Figure 1 contains
uplink and downlink in different bands as
capability for NR. some of the Work Items and Study Items
well as operating NR and LTE simultaneously
together with a summarised view of the
on the same frequency channel. 3GPP Release 16 specifications are
features in the above-mentioned R15 and
expected to be completed by June 2020
The 3GPP Release 15 specifications are R16 Releases.
(the core part finalisation is expected in
mainly focused on eMBB and the basic
March 2020 [Stage 3] while ASN.1 freezing

Figure 1: R15 Focus on eMBB, R16 and R17 for eMBB enhancement and verticals

©Copyright 2020 Global mobile Suppliers Association 3300-4200 MHz: A KEY FREQUENCY BAND FOR 5G | Content | 7
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