Angelica M. Revil LFD Group Discussion MATERNAL

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Angelica M.

Revil August 19, 2020

BSN-202 Mrs. Bing Teves RN, MSN



Maternal and Child Health Nursing discussed about the promotion and
maintenance of family health especially the mother and the child, it
extends from preconception to menopause with an expansive array of
health issues and health care providers. In our group discussion we
discussed about the framework of Maternal Child Health Nursing,
together with the reproductive and sexual health and scope and standards,
I also learned after reading the book about nurses who visits and assess
that pregnant woman’s uterus if it is expanding normally is called
prenatal visit and health maintenance visit when assessing the child’s
growth and development, in our group discussion we discussed about the
responsibilities of nurses towards the clients and these includes
promotion, prevention, restoration, and rehabilitation. Through
immunization like prevention, childhood diseases such as measles and
poliomyelitis can be eradicated with. New fertility drugs allow couple to
conceive thus minimizing preterm birth and improve the quality of life
for both preterm and late preterm infant. I learned that nurses should have
evidence-based practice in taking care of the clients as comprehensive
care and prenatal care is essential in ensuring a healthy outcome for
mother and child. We discussed about the global health goals that
concentrates in improving the health of the women and children that can
have long ranging effects on general health like ending poverty, improve
maternal health, ensuring environmental sustainability, combatting
HIV/AIDS and many more that preserve health and well-being of
individuals. It is also important to know the use of nursing process or the
ADPIE as to provide examples of critical thinking, clarify nursing care
for specific patient needs and accentuate the increasingly important role
nurses as coordinators of care. Measuring Maternal and Child Health
used national or regional health statistics to describe degrees of illness
like fertility rate, birth rate,fetal death rate, neonatal death rate, infant
mortality rate and child mortality rate. Understanding the scope of
practice(the range of services and care that may be provided by a nurse
based on state requirements) standards of care can help nurses practice
within appropriate legal parameters, nurses are responsible for protecting
the rights of their patients, including confidentiality, in maternal-child
health nursing. In diversity and maternal child nursing I learned that
assessment of cultural diversity factors is important so care be planned
beased not on predetermined assumptions but on the actual preferences of
a family, I learned that there is outcome identification and planning which
needs to be very specific because it tends to be very personal, while in
implementation it is certain not to force your cultural values on others
which nurses need to have cultural negotiation or adjustments of noth
sides with his/her patients. In caring for your patients it is important to
understand cultural diversity and respect whatever their practices as
transcultural nursing. In Child rearing(raising child) and Child
bearing(pregnancy) family in the community I learned that families exist
within communities, assessment of the community and the family’s place
in the community yields improtant informstion on family functioning and
abilities, because families works as a unit, the unmet needs of any
member can spread to become the unmeet needs of all family members.
Families exist within communities thus nurses assessment yields further
information on family information on family functioning and abilities.
Home care from the word itself is caring of a person in their homes,
assessing and orienting families to home care home visiting supervising
and coordinating home health personnel, providing health teaching, and
evaluating the appropriateness of continuing home care are important
nursing responsibilities. Nursing role in reproductive and sexual health is
composed of reproductive development such as intrauterine development
and pubertal development. To provide effective sexual and reproductive
health care services to adolescents, nurses require knowledge and skills in
counselling, behavioral screening, risk avoidance and reduction methods,
and STI testing, as well as knowledge of treatment guidelines. I learned
about menstrual cycle, a periodic uterine bleeding in response to cyclic
hormones. Menarche is the first menstrual period. Menopause is the end
of menstruation. There is a sexual response cycle consisting of
excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution stages. That’s all I learned in
the discussion and the things that I want to know more about diseases that
could affect pregnancy and what a family need of reproductive life

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