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Angelica M. Revil Ms.

Carmel Guazon RN, MSN

BSN 202 August 19, 2020



- Pharmacology from the word itself it is all about the study of the
drugs, how it interacts or binds with the living systems and how it can be
use in clinical setting. I’m glad that I encountered this subject though it’s
hard and challenging, tedious for some parts but at the same time it’s
somehow fun to know about drugs. From the beginning of the book I
learned that there is no perfect drug, there is no wholly drug, all drugs
have side effects to our body and it can also causes toxicity if misused or
miscarriage. This explained why the Greeks used the word Pharmakon,
which can be translated as both remedy and poison which I literally found
out that drug is not ideal therefore no medication is ideal, we must
exercise skill and care if treatment is to result in more good than harm.
The course taught me about a little information about pharmacokinetics
which determines how much of an administered dose gets in to our body
that has four processes, these are, Drug absorption, Drug distribution,
drug metabolismand drug excretion. Pharmacodynmics which determines
the impact of drugs on the body, its nature and response. I also learned
about drugs like NSAIDs or Nonsteriodal Anti-Inflammatory drugs like
aspirins, naproxens, ibuprofen, etc. That promotes bleeding, it can lso
perforate the stomach/intestines and can be used primarily to treat
inflammation, mild to moderate pain, and fever. Warning that these drugs
have also limitations too as to where it should be administered like it’s
not applicable for patients having asthma, chicken pox or influenza thus
causing liver disease or else can be fatal. I also found out that the three
most important characteristics that any drug can have are
effectiveness,safety, and selectivity. There were also OTC and Brand
name drugs, generic drugs, whereas other patients preferred OTC drugs
because it is less expensive and both are with the same effects on the
body, contain the same dose of the same drug, the only real concern
with generic formulations is their rate and extent of absorption
. In Module 3, drug definitions, classification, drug standards and drug
information, I learned that, the development of drugs and testing of new
drugs is a lengthy and expensive process requiring 10-15 years of
completion and must enter clinical trials first before being approved
same as the vaccine like the corona vaccine which we haven’t had until
now because of multiple testings(clinical and pre-clinical testings, the
Phase I,II,III, and IV), experiments, and will undergo randomized
controlled trials. Women and children were excluded in clinical testing
except when by an illness. The difference between pharmacology and
therapeutics is that pharmacology is (medicine) the science that studies
the effects of chemical compounds on living animals, especially the
science of the manufacture, use and effects of medicinal drugs while
therapeutics is (medicine) the treatment of disease; the science of
healing. The therapeutic classification is a method of organizing drugs
based on their therapeutic usefulness in treating particular diseases. The
pharmacologic classification refers to how an agent works at the
molecular, tissue, and body system levels. I also realized that As nurses
we must follow the PRN Protocol exactly when giving a PRN
medication. A PRN protocol(Pro re nata) is needed for PRN medication
orders because, unlike medications that are ordered on a regular daily
basis, you have to know when a PRN medication should be given, the
route, dosage, and schedule of administration. I also learned from our
group discussion about changing the brand name to generic name
because generic names facilitate communication better than brand
names, which are potentially confusing. generic medicine works in the
same way and provides the same clinical benefit as its brand-name
version. In other words, you can take a generic medicine as an equal
substitute for its brand-name counterpart. Generic drugs also tend to
cost less than their brand-name however, because generic drug
formularies may be different, the inert ingredients may be somewhat
different and, consequently, may affect the ability of the drug to reach
the target cells and produce an effect.
Therefore, as a nurse when administering drug therapy, it is
important that nurses have an understanding of the drug development
process and their responsibilities related to drug drug development and
ethical research practices. It will more likely to maximize good and better
recovery of the patient and minimizing harm. Drug is not ideal therefore
no medication is ideal, we mist exercise skill and care if treatment is to
result in more good than harm. Last is, I want to learn more about other
drugs that we can use here in the Philippines as well as their purpose in
life, distribution, how it metabolizes in the body, etc. Thank you. :)

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