Digital Mandala Manual PDF

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File Information

Stay Hydrated Mandala Artwork Built-In EMF Safety Clearing Space

Being well hydrated all day while All mandala artwork designed by The subtle energetic frequencies Using this powerful subtle
using the mandala will give you Eric W Thompson (except for the in this mandala, when opened on a energetic field program, silently or
the best results. Sri Yantra mandala and other device, will interface with the otherwise, will naturally clear the
famous geometries used in select electromagnetic field (EMF) of the surrounding space of negative
Water plays an important role in Digital Energy Mandalas). playing device, resulting in two energy.
storing, amplifying and radiating wonderful things: 1) the negative
subtle (life force) energy. By © Copyright 2015 Subtle Energy subtle energetic effects normally
staying well hydrated throughout Sciences. All rights reserved. associated with EMF will be
the day, the technology will completely canceled; and 2) the
remain more active in your field, EMF will be converted into a
even after your listening session. carrier for the encoded
technology, significantly
amplifying the subtle energetic
The Ability to Amplify


Now, with the Digital Energy Mandala, you can amplify the power level
of your chosen energy mandala to virtually ANY level you wish!

No more need to buy additional levels in order to keep benefitting

from this powerful technology for a lifetime!

To amplify mandala’s power level on your computer, simply open as

many copies of the Digital Mandala as you like, using your computer’s
free picture viewer application.

The more copies of the Digital Mandala you open, the more powerful
will be the overall amplitude of the energy mandala.

Digital Energy Mandalas work on any computer, pad or (picture-

enabled) cell phone.

Digital Energy Mandala Tutorial Videos
(Just click any of the videos below.)

Digital Energy Mandala Tutorial Videos
(Just click any of the videos below.)

Important Notes on the SES Torsion Field Technology in Digital Shaktipat

THE POWER OF INTENTION: Because of the informational and energetic properties of this technology, it is especially powerful when used with conscious intention. You can
consciously direct the energy to flow in specific areas of the body or to catalyze particular changes in your consciousness. Form and hold your intention with each meditation.

LASTING EFFECTS: Although you will feel the effects of this technology while listening to this program, especially when listened to for 20 minutes or more at a time, the
effects will also last for quite some time throughout the day.

SATURATE YOUR BIOFIELD WITH PEACEFUL ENERGY: The energetic signatures contained in this program have been amplified millions of times, making them quite potent.
The more you listen, the more densely these soothing and calming energies will saturate your biofield for lasting change. You’ll carry this feeling of deep calm into your day.

SENSING THE ENERGY: Although some people are sensitive enough to go into light samadhic/trance states while playing this energetic field silently as they work, most
people will sense it most deeply during eyes-closed meditation and relaxation. For best results, please do not forsake a formal meditation practice.

AVOIDING OVERWHELM: Even though the torsion field energies embedded in this program are calming by nature, they can still have an overwhelming effect on the nervous
system if it absorbs more energy than it can handle at one time. Start by meditating an hour or two a day with the track and see how you feel. If you notice that you seem to
be on edge, this is just your nervous system letting you know that it needs a break. Any overwhelm experienced through excess exposure to this technology is only temporary
and never serious or permanent. Simply cut back on your exposure time.

Helpful Tips for Using the Digital Mandalas with Great Success Some general printing guidelines:

• B & W printing will work (though I typically use color)

• Print on both sides to double the energy.
1. DOSE: Like other types of medicine, the success of a mandala depends on the • Make multiple prints and stack them together for extra power.
dose. So I recommend opening as many copies as you can. Occasionally • Use the print to charge your water.
• For water bottles up to one gallon, just sit the bottle on top of the print. The water is imprinted within a
someone will say that a mandala isn’t working for them, and in every case it’s few minutes; but the longer you keep the water charging, the stronger it will be.
because they aren’t using the dose that is right for them. • For 5-gallon spring water bottles, simply tape a print to the bottle and leave it there.
2. PRINTS: Do make prints as well. The prints are quite powerful. I use them a lot • Stack several prints together, fold them, and put them in your pocket throughout the day.
• Stack several prints together, place them in a laminate cover, and place them under:
with great success. The easiest way to print is to open a Word document, then • Your seat cushions
use the Insert menu to insert the picture of the mandala. Then re-size the • Your pillow
mandala to fill most of the page. Then click the Print command in the File • Your mattress
• Tape a print inside your fuse box door. Everything that uses electricity will now emanate the energy.
menu. • Place a print underneath the power cord for your refrigerator. Your food will now carry the energy.
More Tips on Using the Digital Energy Mandalas
So, you may be asking, "What is the 'right dose' for me?“

Answer: Ask Goldilocks: Not too little, not too much, but just right.

"Just right" will be different for each individual. So please do be proactive with your experimentation to find what works best for you with each mandala.


How do I know when the dose is "just right?"

- No or not enough results = Too Little.

- Feeling overstimulated and uncomfortable = Too Much
- Good results while continuing to feel comfortable (and not overstimulated) = Just Right.


You may also ask, “Eric, why don’t you just make each mandala so strong that opening just one copy is all anyone would ever need?

As far as I can tell, for the most part, there is no such thing as “One size fits all” with this technology. Some people are very sensitive to subtle energy, while the majority of people
in the West today are actually conditioned NOT to be very sensitive to subtle energy.

(And no, it’s not absolutely necessary for someone to be sensitive to subtle energy in order for this technology to work. It works regardless of your sensitivity. However, it depends
upon the nature of the mandala specifically. For example, the Quiet Mind Meditation Mandala works by creating an actual brainwave shift in consciousness. And for these kinds of
deep shifts requiring the evocation of am altered state of consciousness, sensitivity will play a role. Energy sensitive people will require less mandala copies be opened in order to
feel the shift in consciousness, while less sensitive people will require more copies opened. But if we’re using a mandala like Back and Spine (which is less dependent on a state-
shift of consciousness), sensitivity will not play as big a role.)

The amplification process I use is time-intensive. So if I tried to create a mandala that requires only one copy to be opened, the amplification process would take a very long time.
It could take as long as one month per mandala. At that rate, I can only create 12 mandalas a year. And I have people telling me that I should be making a lot more. So I’ve chosen
to instead get the mandalas to a good amplification level, then let each individual participant chose the “dose” that works best for them.

One of the cool things about this mandala technology is that YOU have the power to adjust its amplification level to what works best for YOU.
Yet More Tips on Using the Digital Energy Mandalas

Feeling the Energy is not Necessarily Essential for Results

Another issue I sometimes find is that some individuals may not ever feel anything, even though they may actually be experiencing real results without realizing it. Some people
just will never feel a lot of subtle energy, ever. But that doesn't mean it isn't having a real effect on you.

A friend of mine in Germany said he experienced this phenomenon with a friend of his. He asked his friend to play one of the energetically encoded audios for two weeks on his
phone 24/7. After two weeks, his friend claimed that he felt nothing at all. Yet upon closer inspection, he expressed a renewed, heart-centered passion for making certain
changes in his life. And, of course, it is for facilitating precisely these kinds of shifts that this particular program was designed. For some reason, this individual was not able to
connect the dots between the playing of the silent audio and the heart-centered shifts that were occurring as a result.

In truth, this kind of phenomenon happens every day. We are constantly influenced by solar activity, geomagnetic activity, faster-than-light neutrinos and an entire host of other
invisible fields every minute, every day. But how many of us are ever AWARE of such influences?

So I suggest that you continue to amplify the energy as much as possible. And yes, do also be proactive in experimenting with the prints. But as you do so, you might keep a diary
of any changes in your feelings, perceptions and behaviors. Try keeping a diary for a week when you’re NOT using the technology. Then keep a diary for a week when you ARE
using the technology, and compare notes to see if you can see any changes that correlate with your use of the technology. This works best by focusing on just one or a few
mandalas used daily, all day, every day for a week. Another friend of mine, who isn’t particularly sensitive to energy, did this 24/7 for days on end. And when he eventually awoke
in the middle of the night completely focused on increasing his productivity (which he’d never done before), he knew beyond a doubt that this was due to the technology. Yet he
has rarely ever expressed being able to CONSCIOUSLY FEEL the energy.

That said, feeling the energy is not always essential for results.

I've had great results with these mandalas, and I want to make sure that you get the most benefit possible from them.

Eric W Thompson

Superior EMF Protection
The energetically encoded audio technology in each Digital Energy Mandala is in fact a powerful form of
"digital energy medicine" that naturally harmonizes energetic imbalances, including those caused by
modern "electrosmog."

In other words, when you open a Digital Energy Mandala on any electrical device, a dynamic field of energy
is produced that naturally harmonizes the electromagnetic field (EMF) of the device in such a way as to
neutralize its normally detrimental effects.

The protective field produced by the Digital Energy Mandala is much larger in diameter than many of the
most popular personal-sized EMF protection devices on the market.

Subtle Energy Science’s energetically encoded imagery technology is made
possible through proprietary, innovative computer software and subtle
energy production and extraction techniques.

The Process

For each unique signature, we:

• Produce or extract a particular energetic signature using our

proprietary methods.
• Amplify that signature millions of times.
• Embed the signature into specially designed mandalas and picture

This unique process allows us to essentially transform modern electronics

into life transforming energy shifting powerhouses! Hence the term we
often use for this technology: Digital Energy Medicine.

Stay tuned for more exciting energy tools coming your way. It is our mission
to develop and use innovative digital energy tools to help at least one
million people in the next ten years feel awesome about their lives,
circumstances and futures, regardless of where they may be in life; to assist
in helping humanity unleash it noblest potential.

Thanks for coming along for the ride! We’re here to be of service 
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