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Grade 7
Rules and regulations during the webinar
1.Proper dress code is expected among all of you who will
be joining our virtual class.
2.Be mindful of your surroundings, avoid any form of
distractions such as unnecessary noise. Please do not
stay on your bed or in the kitchen.
3.Kindly ask questions and concerns after the discussion.
4.You are required to enable your video at all times during
the webinar. Or else, your mark absent.
5.To lessen your background noise, you are encouraged
to turn on your microphones ONLY when necessary.
6.If you want to recite or say something , kindly use the
raise hand emoticon.
7.If the lesson is clear to you, use “thumbs up”.
8. Merit demerit!
Basketball Players
Group of students
A set is a collection of objects.

Objects in the collection are

called elements of the set.
Basketball Group of
Players Shoes students

Another example :

1. The collection of counting numbers is a set.

Each counting number is an element of the set.

2. The collection of pencils in your briefcase is a set.

Each pencil in your briefcase is an element of the
The roster method of specifying a set
consists of surrounding the collection
of elements with braces.

For example the set of counting

numbers from 1 to 5 would be written
as {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
A variation of the simple roster method
uses the ellipsis ( … ) when the pattern is
obvious and the set is large.
{1, 3, 5, 7, … , 9007} is the set of odd
counting numbers less than or equal to
{1, 2, 3, … } is the set of all counting
Write the set of the following events and give the
number of elements.
1. First 5 odd counting numbers.
2. Multiple of 7.
3. Even numbers 10 to 20.
4. Vowel letters
5. Name the days in a week
Venn diagram
was first presented
by John Venn.
Definition of terms.

1.The set with no elements is called the empty set

or the null set and is designated with the symbol
Example : Set of months having 32 dates.
2. The set A is a subset of the set B if every
element of A is an element of B.
Two types of subset:
a. Proper Subset
b. Improper subset
What are Proper Subsets?
Set A is considered to be a proper subset of Set B,
if Set B contains at least one element that is not
present in Set A.

Example: If set A has elements as {12, 24} and set

B has elements as {12, 24, 36}, then set A is the
proper subset of B, because 36 is not present in
the set A. To be noticed here, set B is not a subset
of set B.
What is Improper Subset?
A subset which contains all the elements of the original
set is called an improper subset. Basically, the improper
set includes the null set and the original set itself. It is
denoted by ⊆.

For example: Set P ={2,4,6} Then, the subsets of P are;

{}, {2}, {4}, {6}, {2,4}, {4,6}, {2,6} and {2,4,6}.
Where, {2}, {4}, {6}, {2,4}, {4,6}, {2,6} are the proper
subsets and {}, {2,4,6} are the improper subsets.
Therefore, we can write, {} ⊆ P and {2,4,6} ⊆ P.
Rules and regulations during
1. Always read the directions given in the different
2.Make sure to have with you your books.
3.You are only allow to ask questions during your
asynchronous time. You can pm me via messenger
Jessabel Pardito , via gmail ,
then via Instagram fray_ser
4.No output , no score!

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