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Guinatan, City of Ilagan, Isabela

Module 2

Guide Card
"Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal"
We always appear reasonable to ourselves. We can always find a good reason for
even our worse behavior. Our first impulse when something goes wrong is to provide a
convincing excuse for our choices. We attempt to explain or justify our own behavior and
attitudes with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not pertinent or true.

This rationalizing does not operate at the level of our own

behavior alone. We, as social animals, are prone to adapt
to the reality as others find it. We tend to conform, even if,
when rationally examined, the reality of the group does not
make sense.

Are we being too rational? What does it mean by


We are done talking about functions in our module 1,

now let us see how rational functions work.

Rational function is a ratio of polynomial functions.

A rational function is a ratio of polynomial functions. If p and q are

p( x) Let us review what are
polynomial functions, then r ( x) is a rational function. Since the
q ( x) polynomials.
denominator of a fraction can never equal zero, the domain of r is the
set {x/x ∈ ≠ R and q(x) ≠ 0} Polynomial is an algebraic expression
In short, the denominator of the function must not be equal with two or more terms.
to zero.

For example : 1.

The domain of f is {x/x ∈R and ≠ 3} since when x = 3 the denominator is zero.

2. To determine the domain of g we must find the

values of x which make the

denominator zero. So we need to solve 𝑥 2 + 5𝑥 + 6.

Guinatan, City of Ilagan, Isabela
Module 2



Let us analyzed the graph of a rational function by looking at the properties below.

1. A Horizontal Asymptote (HA) tells us about the end behavior of the graph of a rational
function. To locate a horizontal asymptote, compare the leading term of the numerator
to the leading term of the denominator bx . m


The graph may or may not cross its horizontal asymptote. To determine the x-value where
the graph crosses its horizontal asymptote, if any, set the function equal to its horizontal
asymptote and solve for x.

2. A Vertical Asymptotes (VA) is a vertical line that occurs when as from either side. Vertical
asymptotes occur at irreducible factors that are only in the denominator. The graph of a
function CANNOT cross a vertical asymptote.
To find the equation of a vertical asymptote, set each irreducible factor in the
denominator equal to 0 and solve for x.
Guinatan, City of Ilagan, Isabela
Module 2

Let us apply the rational function in mathematical model.

A mathematical model for the population P, in thousands, of a certain species of

bacteria, t days after it is introduced to an environment is given by 𝑝(𝑡) = (5−𝑡)2 , 0 ≤ 𝑡 < 5.

1. Substituting t = 0 gives 𝑝(0) = = 4, which means 4000 bacteria are initially
introduced into the environment.
2. To find when the population reaches 100,000, we first need to remember that P(t) is
measured in thousands. In other words, 100,000 bacteria corresponds to P(t) = 100.
Substituting for P(t) gives the equation 𝑝(𝑡) = 2 = 100. Clearing the denominators
by dividing 100. (5 - t)^2 = 1, which, after extracting square roots, it produces two
possible solutions, which are t = 4 or t = 6. Of these two solutions, only t = 4 in our
domain, so this is the solution we keep. Hence, it takes 4 days for the population of
bacteria to reach 100,000.
3. In other words, as t → 5, P(t) → ∞. Graphically, the line t = 5 is a vertical asymptote of
the graph of y = P(t). Physically, this means that the population of bacteria is
increasing without bound as we near 5 days, which cannot actually happen. For this
reason, t = 5 is called the ‘doomsday’ for this population. There is no way for
environment to support multipple bacteria , so shortly before t = 5 the environment
will collapse.

Activity Card
A. Find the domain of the following rational functions.

B. Find the horizontal asymptote of the following:

Guinatan, City of Ilagan, Isabela
Module 2

Reference Card

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