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How To Re-Establish Your Credibility After a Setback at

Career Performance, Career Tips

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What happened to your track record of success?

Are you a consistent high-performer who had an unexpected setback?

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This blog post is for you.

What happened that created a setback in your career?

Did you encounter a challenging boss who was never satis ed, no matter what you did?

Did you have some personal issues that distracted you from work, and you let your foot off the gas?

Did you have a visible project that didn't go according to plan?

Or, maybe you're not sure what happened but all of a sudden you're not the go-to person you once were.

Regardless of what might have triggered the issue, you now nd yourself ghting to restore your reputation and

And, you wonder if it's even possible to " x" all of this or if it would be better to leave for a fresh start?

Can you relate to this?

Is there anything you can do to  x this?

First, let's be honest with each other.

None of us can change other people.

I will share several techniques and tools my clients have used to repair their credibility and restore their reputation.

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But, none of this involved changing their boss, their peers, or the company leadership. We simply can't change
other people.

And, we can't control what other people think about us.

But, we can change ourselves and our outlook. We can change how we're showing up. We often see that our
adjustments can result in other people seeing us differently.

So, let's focus on what you can control as you repair

your professional credibility
"Start with the end in mind" as Stephen Covey says.

The rst step to repair your professional reputation is to take some time to de ne HOW you want to show up in
your job every day.

Answer these questions for yourself:

1. How can you over-deliver each day?

2. What results do you want to create for your company?

3. What results do you want to create for yourself?

4. How can you do better?

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5. How can you sell yourself to your boss (ProTip: don't sell yourself from a seeking approval type energy but
from a place of con dently demonstrating value)

6. Are you 100% clear on your manager's current de nition of success for you, your role and your team? (ProTip: if
you don't, ask)

7. Imagine who you would be if you were excelling in your dream job. Work to be that person now, in your
current job.

After you fully de ne how the best version of you would be operating to over-deliver in your current role, start
making the immediate changes to be that person.

What if no one notices?

You might ask, why should I go this extra mile when my reputation is already damaged and it may not be possible
to x anything?

The simple answer is, because you will know.

You're doing this for yourself, to prove that you can operate at your highest level even in the most challenging

In the best case scenario, the changes you make will override whatever happened to damage your reputation as a

In the worst case scenario, you won't regain your credibility in this role but you WILL prove to yourself that you can
show up as a high-performer even when no one appreciates it or acknowledges you for it.

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That's a win-win, right? Either you win or you win.

Should you work to " x" your reputation or would it be

better to have a fresh start?
I always recommend to my clients that they stay in their current role until they've returned to operating in their
high-performance state.

This situation can be an incredible opportunity for personal and professional growth. Consider this - if you stay and
return to a position of strength, you will have conquered one of the greatest challenges of your career, even if your
current company doesn't recognize or acknowledge the changes you've made.

You get to decide if you're a high-performer.

You get to decide if you are over-delivering.

You can't fool you.

 Then, after you've restored your credibility and reputation with YOURSELF, decide if it's time to leave for a
new job.


Ready for a new job?

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If you're searching, either passively or actively, it's important to NOT TO MISS any of these 15 critical
success factors.

Be sure to download the Job Search Checklist & mini class: 

✅ It will save you time (your search doesn't need to be a 2nd job)

✅ It will help you uncover the dream jobs you TRULY want (you know, the jobs that usually aren't even

✅ It will help you stand out from the crowd (even if you don't currently have an insider contact)

Click here to Download the "15 Critical Success Factors for Your Job Search"

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