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NEW MONSTERs and monstrous amulets for swordsmen & skeletons, Third edition©: For random encounters, roll

1d20: 1-10=Roll below based on present terrain,

11-15=Roll on the Swordsmen & Skeletons© encounter table. 16-19=Roll 1d6 for a random terrain (see below). 20=Roll an Additional Power, then roll again here (if needed).
(Random Terrain 1) Desert: 1d12 (Roll encounters in Plains from the desert or city table, 50% chance of each).
1 Giant Cobra: AC: 15 HD: 5 Damage: 1d8 & poison Special: +6 bonus to initiative. MV: 12
2 Scorpionman or Giant Scorpion F: AC: 16 HD: 5d10 Damage: 1d8, 1d8 & 1d8 poison sting Special: poison sting (must roll to hit). MV: 12
3 Efreet or Fire Elemental* X S †: As Hill Giant. Bonus Special: Wall of Fire 3x/day, damaged only by magic, +6 SV vs fire. MV: 15/36 (flight)
4 Djinn or Air Elemental* X S R †: As Hill Giant. Bonus Special: Whirlwind (as Sleep) 3x/day, only damaged by magic. MV: 15/48 (flight)
5 Lamia* C R †: AC: 16 HD: 9 Damage: 1d6, 1d6 & target forgets a random spell. Special: Sorcerous, target forgets a random spell if hit. Female. MV: 24
6 Dark Rider* F U: AC: 15 HD: 5 Damage: 1d4, 1d4 & 1d8 Special: Casts Fear 3x/day, damaged only by magic. MV: 18
7 Nomad M: AC: 12 HD: 1d10 Damage: 1d6 Special: +2 to SV and to attack from horseback, armed with sword and bow (range). MV: 12/24 (riding)
8 Artillery £ M †: As Goblin. Bonus Special: All artillery encountered attack once/turn (Range). Hit any AC in line of sight on 16+; 2d8 damage; ½ damage adjacent to target; no SV.
9 Sphinx*: AC: 15 HD: 8 † Damage: 3d6, 3d6 Special: Sorcerous x2, answer a riddle for +4 to persuade it for information. MV: 18/36 (flight)
10 Peluda: AC: 15 HD: 5 Damage: 2d6 & 1d4+poison (quills) Special: Fiery Wrath 1x/day; quills (range, poison, must roll to hit), +6 SV vs fire. MV: 15
11 Wise Man £ M: AC: 16 HD: 8 Damage: spells only. Special: Sorcerous and casts Commune 1x/day if PC answers a riddle, vanishes on a wrong answer. No treasure. MV: 12
12 Caravan M W: AC: 13 HD: 2 Damage: 1d6 Special: 1d6-4 potions and 1d6-4 scrolls for sale each day (1,000 GP/level). Buys gems for1d10 x 10% value. MV: 15
(Random Terrain 2) City: 1d12 (Roll encounters in Plains from the desert or city table, 50% chance of each).
1 Alley Skulker M C: As Gnoll, but always solitary. Bonus Special: Can cast Invisibility 1x/turn if not in close combat.
2 Temple Statue* S F W £ †: As Hill Giant. Bonus Special: Damaged only by magic; casts Wrath spell (one random type) 3x/day.
3 Dacoit M: AC: 18 HD: 4 Damage: 1d8 & poison. Bonus Special: Armed with poisoned dagger, and bow with poisoned arrows (range); +2 on d6 rolls to surprise.
4 Wererat* C: As Werewolf, but 3HD. Bonus Special: +3 SV to hide in darkness or shadowy areas.
5 Peasant C M £: AC: 10 HD: 1d4 Damage: 1d4 Special: Add 1d12-4 peasants (1d8-4 at night) to all encounters in cities; these get in the way, panic, need rescuing, etc. MV: 9
6 Arquebusier £ M: AC:12 HD:1 Damage:1d8 Special: Fires 1x/2 turns, always vs. AC14, gun explodes on 1, 1d8 damage to firer (range). MV: 9
7 Charlatan C M: AC: 10 HD: 2d4 Damage: 1d4 Special: Sorcerous, CHA 15, SV or he cheats you (sells a fake magic item for 1,000 GP). MV: 12
8 Familiar X: As Goblin, takes form of a cat, owl, etc. Bonus Special: A befriended wizard gets +3 bonus spell levels/day if in physical contact.
9 Urchin M: As Goblin. Special: Steals random item if he gets surprise; 20% chance the gods curse his murderer (No SV). MV: 6
10 Alchemist M: As Goblin. Special: Has and uses 1d3 random spell potions; (monstrous amulet wearer gets the potions before each adventure).
11 Palanquin M W: AC: 15 HD: 3 Damage: 1d6 Special: 6 on d6 chance/turn for yells to bring encounter; which aids palanquin (for pay). Buys gems for 2d6 x 10% value. MV: 9
12 Town Crier M: AC: 12 HD: 1 Damage: 1 news item/day (“Hear ye, hear ye!”); 65% chance it is valuable to the PCs, 45% chance it is false.
(Random Terrain 3) Forest: 1d12 (Roll encounters in marsh from the forest or ocean table, 50% chance of each).
1 Cursed Hunter S: AC: 12 HD: 2 Damage: 1d8 Special: Each Hunter slain adds 1HD to his living comrades for this battle only. MV: 12
2 Sprite: As Goblin. Bonus Special: Can fight invisibly (+4 AC against enemies that can’t see invisible), MV: 18 (flight)
3 Treant* £ †: As Hill Giant. Bonus Special: In forest, can command up to 2 trees per day, which also fight as hill giants. Takes 2x damage from fire.
4 Lion F: AC: 15 HD: 5d10 Damage: 1d6 1d6, 1d8 Special: Roars frightens horses. MV: 18
5 Giant Ant: As Wolf. Bonus Special: Never checks morale, always fights to the death.
6 Peryton*: AC: 13 HD: 4 Damage: 2d8 Special: Damaged only by magic, shadow appears human (will use this to trick prey). MV: 9/24 (flight)
7 People of the Toadstools C: AC: 13 HD: 1d10 Damage: 1d4 & poison. Special: Attacks are poison; +3 SV to hide. MV: 6
8 Unicorn F £: AC: 17 HD: 4 Damage: 1d8, 1d8, 1d8 Special: Can gallop through solid objects with rider; Cure Light Wounds 3x/day. MV: 24
9 Giant Python: AC: 13 HD: 3d10 Damage: 1d6 Special: If hits, causes automatic damage to the same target each turn until dead. MV: 6
10 Leprechaun S W: As Goblin. Bonus Special: Invisibility, Phantasmal Force each 2x/day; gives his treasure if he is captured, Curses if he escapes.
11 Griffon F †: AC: 16 HD: 7 Damage: 1d4, 1d4, 2d8 Special: Can be tamed, nest has 1d6 eggs worth 1,000 GP each, flight. MV: 12/24 (flight)
12 Gnome £: AC:15 HD: 1 Damage:1d6 Special: As dwarves; live and work in tree roots in the forest. Always have one enchanted weapon. MV: 6
(Random Terrain 4) OCEAN: 1d12 (Roll encounters in marsh from the forest or ocean table, 50% chance of each).
1 Giant Octopus* †: AC: 15 HD: 9 Damage: 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8 Special: Enemies paralyzed if hit, until octopus is dead. MV: 12 (swim)
2 Giant Electric Eel: AC: 17 HD: 3 Damage: 1d8 Special: Lightning Wrath 3x/day, +6 SV vs electricity. MV: 15 (swim)
3 Shark F: AC: 15 HD: 3d10 Damage: 1d12 Special: +2 to hit and damage after blood is drawn (frenzy), must SV to stop fighting. MV: 15 (swim)
4 Giant Crab † C: AC: 17 HD: 10 Damage: 1d6, 1d6 Special: Carries horrible diseases, so living opponents check morale at -2. MV: 9/9 (swim)
5 Water Elemental* X S †: As Hill Giant. Bonus Special: Damaged only by magic, 15% chance/turn to capsize any ship, swims.
6 Sea Hag C: AC: 13 HD: 3 Damage: 1d4 Special: Death gaze 3x/day; adjacent foes SV 1x/turn or paralyzed for that turn. MV: 6/18 (swim)
7 Mermaid M R: AC: 12 HD: 2 Damage: 1d6 Special: Hold Person 1x/day (song), female. MV: 6/15 (swim)
8 Fish Fiend: AC: 14 HD: 2 Damage: 1d6 and Net Special: Net, SV or cannot move, SV each turn to break free. MV: 12/18 (swim)
9 Morkoth* S W †: AC: 16 HD: 8 Damage: 1d10 Special: Charm Person 1x/turn. Reflects all hostile spells back on caster. MV: 12/18 (swim)
10 Pirates M R: As Bandits, but encountered at sea. See Dragon Trove LLC’s Disruptors & Dyson Spheres, for boarding action rules.
11 Walrus: AC: 15 HD: 3 Damage: 2d6 Special: Walrus Lords £ † (5%) are Sorcerous, Tremendous, and lawful. MV: 12 (swim)
12 Koalinth: as orcs. 20% chance found fighting Fish Fiends (if so, aiding them grants +4 to persuade) Bonus Special: Breathes water (swim)
(Random Terrain 5) Mountain or glacier: 1d12 (Roll encounters in nifleheim from the Underworld or Mountain/Glacier table, 50% chance of each).
1 Firebird* £: AC: 16 HD: 7 Damage: 1d8, 1d8 Special: 50% to be instantly reborn (completely undamaged) from ashes if slain, immune to fire. MV: 36 (flight)
2 Troll*: AC: 16 HD: 6d10 Damage: 1d6, 1d6, 1d6 Special: Heals 3 hit points/turn from all but fire or acid. MV: 9
3 Red Dragon* S W †: AC: 17 HD: 10 Damage: 1d8, 1d8 & 3d10 Special: Fiery Wrath 3x/day, +6 SV vs fire. MV: 9/24 (flight)
4 Acid Jelly* F: AC: 10 HD: 7 Damage: 3d6 Special: Wounds caused healed only by cure spells. MV: 6
5 Frost Pudding* † F : AC: 12 HD: 10 Damage: 3d8 Special: Damaged only by fire. MV: 6
6 Roc* £: AC: 16 HD: 6 Damage: 1d6, 1d6 & 1d8 Special: x2 damage if both two attacks hit in the same turn. MV: 9/24 (flight)
7 Chimera* †: AC: 15 HD: 9 Damage: 1d3, 1d3, 1d4, 2d4, 3d4 Special: Fiery Wrath 1x/day, +6 SV vs fire. MV: 9/18(flight)
8 Unseen Stalker* X †: AC: 16 HD: 8 Damage: 4d4 Special: Fights invisibly (-4 to be hit), +6 to track prey. MV: 12 (flight)
9 Wyvern* †: AC: 16 HD: 8 Damage: 2d8, &1d8 + poison Special: Poison sting, flight. MV: 6/24(flight)
10 Pegasus £: AC: 13 HD: 4 Damage: 2d8, 1d8 Special: Can be tamed, neast has 1d6 eggs worth 500 GP each, flight. MV: 24/48 (flight)
11 Berserker £: AC: 12 HD: 1d10 Damage: 1d8 Special: +2 to hit, never checks morale; thanes (9%) are werebears (if Law) or werewolves. MV: 12
12 Werebear* £: AC: 17 HD: 7d10 Damage: 1d3, 1d3, 2d4 Special: Damaged only by fire, silver or magic, never checks morale. MV: 9
(Random Terrain 6) Underworld: 1d20 (Roll encounters in nifleheim from the Underworld or Mountain/Glacier table, 50% chance of each).
1 Balrahk* C S †: AC: 20 HD: 11 Damage: 2d6, 2d6 Special: 50% immune to hostile spells, damaged only by magic. MV: 18
2 Fright C U: AC: 15 HD: 1d12 Damage: 1d4 & fear Special: Enemies save when hit or flee in terror. MV: 12.
3 Oozing Cube: AC: 13 HD: 4 Damage: 1d4 and paralyzed Special: paralysis healed only by Cure Disease. MV: 9
4 Shadow Mage* X C U: As Wight. Bonus Special: Sorcerous; 25% of hostile spells reflected back on caster.
5 Chaos Lord* X S W †: AC: 25 HD: 15 Damage: 2d12 Special: Sorcerous, 75% immune to hostile spells, damaged only by magic. MV: 18
6 Death Walker* X F U †: AC: 18 HD: 10 Damage: 2d8 Special: Always wins initiative (no roll), never misses attacks. MV: 24
7 Cockatrice X: AC: 13 HD: 5 Damage 1d6+ petrifies Special: target must SV or is petrified if hit (lasts until dispelled); flight. MV: 9/18 (flight)
8 Hellhound *: As werewolf. Bonus Special: Fiery Wrath 3x/day, +6 SV vs fire.
9 Earth Elemental X S * †: As Hill Giant. Bonus Special: Damaged only by magic, Can destroy 2’ of stone walls/turn.
10 Black Knight M R *: AC: 16+armor bonus HD: 4 Damage: 1d12 +sword bonus. Special: Random enchanted sword and enchanted plate armor. MV: 6/15 outdoors (mounted)
11 Hell Colt X S F: AC: 16 HD: 2d12 Damage: 1d8 Special: Damaged only by silver or magic, wounds it causes heal only by magic. MV: 18
12 Cursing Spirit X U *: As Wraith. Bonus Special: Successful attack gives target the effect of a random cursed magic item.
13 Vampire U R *: AC: 17 HD: 8 Damage: 1d6 & drain 2 levels Special: as werewolf, change to bat or wolf; regenerates as troll. MV: 12/24 (flight)
14 Giant Bat: AC: 14 HD: 4 Damage: 1d6, 1d6 Special: Deafening shriek causes all party members a -2 to hit in melee, no SV. MV: 6/24 (flight)
15 Minotaur F: AC: 13 HD: 5d10 Damage: 1d10, 1d3, 1d8 Special: Never gets lost in mazes, +6 STR (factored in). MV: 12
16 Elemental Prince X S * † AC: 20 HD: 20 Damage: 3d10 Special: Powers as an ordinary elemental of its type. Only one of each, additional creatures are its servant elementals.
17 Manticore: AC: 16 HD: 6 Damage: 1d3, 1d8 or spike Special: 24 tail spikes, throws 6/turn as arrows (roll to hit, no SV). MV: 12/18 (flight)
18 Fury S X: AC: 17 HD: 6 Damage: 1d6+paralyze Special: 35% immune to hostile spells, paralyzes. MV: 12/24 (flight)
19 Holy Man £ M: AC: 18 HD: 14 Damage: spells only. Special: Sorcerous and can return the dead to life (use of this power requires a quest be completed). MV: 6
20 Doppleganger: AC: 14 HD: 4 Damage: 1d12 Special: 25% immune to hostile spells; can appear as any person. MV: 9
spirit beasts: 1d6 (ordinary creatures have these statistics, but no special abilities). Hosts † (optional rule): A group of monsters, slow moving but with extra combat
1 Lion: As forest encounter, Bonus Special: but +3 to all saves. ability for vast numbers. Hosts counts as large monsters. They have the same statistics as
2 Fox: AC 16, HD 1, Damage 1d3 Special: +3 to all saves. MV: 15 ordinary monster of their type, but cause triple damage when they hit. MV is halved. If a
3 Owl: AC 15, HD 1, Damage 1d4 Special: +3 to all saves. MV: 6/18(flight) host loses all hit points in one turn, or fails a hostile spell save (meaning that a leader was
4 Ferret: AC 20, HD 1, Damage 1d3 Special: +3 to all saves. MV: 15 lost), it makes a morale check at the end of the turn. If it fails, it flees, else there is no
5 Bull: AC 13, HD 4, Damage 1d12 Special: +3 to all saves. MV: 15 effect, and it starts the next turn with full hit points. Hosts with regeneration, or those that
6 Peacock: AC 14, HD 1, Damage 1d2 Special: +3 to all saves. MV: 9/9(flight) don’t check morale, instead get +4 Morale. If allowing hosts, roll monster encounters
Other Special Abilities: In addition to their saving throw bonus, spirit beasts are often normally, but all monsters after the first 1d6 encountered are placed on the board as hosts,
unfriendly to humans, half orcs, dwarves, goblin and nephilim PCs because their hearts are rather than as individual monsters. The first 1d6 individuals represent chieftains,
used to make Spirit Amulets (these persuade them at -3) though elves and halflings get a champions, scouts, etc. The PC who strikes the final blow on a host gets 1 Renown (RP)
warmer reception (+3). They are wise, and often know such things as the location of if it is equal to his level, 2 if it is of greater level, and none if it is lower level. Each RP
treasure and captive princesses, the answers to riddles, and other adventurous information. grants +1 once per adventure to any SV or attack roll the PC makes in battle.
LEGENDARIES: 1d12 (Statistics unless modified: STR, INT, WIS, DEX, CON, CHA all 14. AC: 16, HD: As highest level PC, minimum 6, Damage: 1d8, Special: As listed below,
MV: 12. When met, roll another encounter, which the legendary may be fighting, allied with, prisoner of, etc., per the GM’s call; may become a good friend or a deadly enemy).
1 The Margrave of Dejross: INT 19, WIS 20, Sorcerous. Has the secret of the Philosopher’s stone (can turn lead into gold). On the run, but from who, and why?
2 Tessie Flamespark: Human seeming daughter of the Fire Prince and mischievous urchin. If in immediate danger of death, 1d4 fire elementals appear; 9% chance her father does too.
3 Kyreg Sea Dog: INT 17, DEX 19, CON 22, CHA 8. Masterful buccaneer and fence, but rumored plague carrier. Palanquins hate him, as he pays double for gems what they can.
4 The Blue Skald: CHA 22, Sorcerous. May be a defrocked Chaos Lord. His songs bring victory and wealth, but his aim is only murder, and he will ultimately betray.
5 Marshal Krantovian: INT 24, CHA 21. Mercenary general and military genius, he can place a random friendly Host anywhere on the field once per battle. Loyal but quick to duel.
6 Hrok the Hammer: STR 18, DEX 23. Unparalleled dwarf blacksmith and armorer. Loves riddles. Crafts any magic weapon or armor, 1d20 x 1,000 GP per +; and random special.
7 The Grinning Peddler: DEX 29. Near-undetectable thief, he is said to have stolen six souls from the death god, and cannot die, as that entity has barred him forever from its realm.
8 Grabligren the Baker: INT 18, CHA 18. Finest halfling master chef in Kyrthandria. He will cater one dinner party a year for his best friend only; this grants +2d6 Influence.
9 Helvan Wyvernsblood: DEX 20, CON 24. Any weapon he wields is +6 and poisoned, only while he wields it. Once bodyguard of the Emperor, on the run for wooing his daughter.
10 Tredan Jackal Prince: WIS 8, CHA 25. Commands 3 mercenary armies (A Swiftly Falling Empire©), utterly evil, rumored cannibal. Will aid any enemy of Marshal Krantovian.
11 Bronwyn the Shade: Aligned with law, but has all wraith special abilities and attributes. She will aid a party with good motives, but warns that her friendship brings a bad end.
12 The Harrower: Usually on the lower planes, but Kyrthandria is now so close to Nifleheim that He may be met here too. See our product of the same name. A power of destruction.
additional powers: Roll 1d20: 1-6=Tremendous. 7-12=Sorcerous. 13-15=Nifleheim Horror: Gets all special abilities and the better statistic of 2 random monsters; combine the
descriptions. These can be Monstrous Adventurers, but must be randomly created, unless the player buys/has modified a figure to represent a specific horror. 16-17=Spirit Beast (one
creature). 18=Chieftain: Is Sorcerous, Tremendous and commands 2d6 ordinary monsters of its type. 19=Legendaries: See above. 20=Ring of the Wizard-King (or Sceptre, Orb, Staff,
Robe or Crown): This monster (the servant; gains the “X” attribute) is trapped in the artifact (always guarded). The wielder can summon it (it obeys; no SV) 3 times, for one encounter
each, then it leaves forever, and the artifact is empty. The wielder can then cast a spell on a single “X” or “U” monster, which becomes the new servant; SV allowed. Only one of each
artifact exists. Each can have its own servant; which the wielder can give the Tremendous or Sorcerous ability once for each such artifact, after the first, that he possesses.
Political effects: If playing Swordsmen & Skeletons© with the rules from A Swiftly Falling Empire© certain monsters can affect the campaign as follows:
Caravan: Attacking a caravan is a chaotic act. If any witnesses escape such an encounter, the offending character(s) is (are) disgraced. See A Swiftly Falling Empire©.
Arquebusier or Artillery: Obeys any lawful order of an officer or noble, (or unlawful if fooled: CHA SV). They carry wanted posters, and attack disgraced characters on sight.
Dacoit: If paid 1d6 x 1,000 GP, and successfully persuaded (-1 to CHA SV for each level of the target over the Dacoit’s level), they will attempt to assassinate any known person.
Palanquin: The fop pays more for gems than do Caravans, but if refused, is insulted, and his bravos attack. If too weak to win; the PC SVs, or loses 1d6 Influence Points (slander).
Town Crier M: Can be persuaded (CHA SV, +1 per 1,000 GP bribe PAID, NOT just offered) to spread flattering rumors about the PC, giving him +1d4 Influence Points.
Hosts: Like Influence, Renown, being based on a heroic reputation, can be used be used to effect political rolls. It has more staying power than Influence, but needs political savvy to
bypass palace corruption. RPs used politically can be spent once per adventure, but an RP must be spent on the same roll as 1 matching IP for the RP to be politically effective.
Attributes: *Attacks count as magical. S= Sees invisible. F= Fanatic; +2 Morale. C= Cowardly; -2 Morale. U= Undead; immune to sleep, charm, hold, life drain and cold powers; subject to Priestly Forbidding. M= Man-
like creature. R= Romantic; a living but unconscious player character of the opposite sex SVs, modified by CHA, to be captured (rather than slain outright) with some chance of escape in the future. W= Wealthy; monster
gets one automatic treasure of each type (see below) before it starts making treasure rolls. Monstrous Adventurers do not get this attribute. †Pinning: A PC adjacent to a live or undead dragon, or 8+ HD monster (mark
it in some way); and adjacent to a wall on the opposite side cannot leave his square. £= Lawful Tendencies. Most monsters serve chaos, those with this symbol are 70% likely to be lawful. They will not automatically
befriend lawful PCs, but will be open to persuasion if not approached recklessly. Monster abilities similar to spells are treated as spells, but affect only adjacent targets, unless specifically stated otherwise.
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izards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original
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