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Bethany Student Ministries

Leadership Development Strategy

(Apprenticeship Environment)
We want to see our students prepared to lead one another, within our church and in their community.
This strategy takes into account the current make up our student ministry as well as an eye towards the
future of what the ministry will look like in 3-4 years. This is a two-fold strategy that prepares younger
students to become the leaders necessary to see the community transformed for the kingdom.

Phase 1:
Designed for 7th through 9th graders, LiT prepares students to take the step
towards becoming the leaders they were designed to be by the God who
made them. In short, we affectionately call this the ‘Know Thyself’ phase.
This is a chance for students to focus in on growing in grace and holiness as
well as understanding what it means to lead as well as how God has wired
them before they take on the mantle of leadership.

Phase 2:
Designed for 10th thru 12th graders, this team will take the things they be-
gan to learn as members of LiT and will begin to apply them within Student
Ministries. They will assist in the planning of events as well as leading LiT
groups. They will join the adults of the Student Ministries Team at team
meetings as well as participate in their own discipleship group with Adult
Phase 1:
The ’Know Thyself’ phase for 7th thru 9th graders. The focus in this phase is
to help students develop a personal understanding of spiritual and personal
growth. This includes developing a personal devotional plan, learning about
their own skill sets and passions, as well as understanding the Sphere of In-
fluence concept for discerning God’s desired action in their lives.
In this phase, they won’t have leadership responsibilities in the HUB beyond
living out the Kingdom of God when gathered together and when sent out to
their families and communities.
LiT students will meet a 1-2 times month to discuss these different goals as
well as for bonding, laughter...and of course food.
Some of the concepts offered for exploration will include but not limited to:

- Spiritual Disciplines
- Full Circle Faith
- Strengths Explorer
- Sphere of Influence
Phase 2:
We call this the ‘Be Thyself’ phase. Basically, students (10th-12th grade) will
take all that they learned as members of LiT and begin to live that out as
leaders within Student Ministries at Bethany as well as within their sphere of

Their leadership will be played out as members of the Student Ministries

Team, they will attend meetings with Adult Leaders where activities are
planned. These students will help plan and organize these activities.

They will also have opportunities to lead a LiT group where they will work
alongside an adult leader as they prepare the LiT members for opportunities
in leadership with the HUB.

The learning will not stop, they will have continued opportunities to under-
stand their strengths through Strengths
Finders as well as growth in their own
personal spiritual devotion as well as at-
tend student leadership conferences
and have opportunities to serve at the
district level. These students will also
be challenged to lead at their own
schools as well. They will gather as a
team for discipleship 1-2 times a
LiT and SLT
Expectations, Application & Contract
We are all called to lead within the kingdom of God. We also recognize that not everyone can hold a
position of leadership in every place they find themselves. Engaging in LiT and/or SLT is a commit-
ment you need to be able to follow through on. As you look at the expectations, be honest as you as-
sess your involvement in all your activities. If you still desire to apply, your signature will act as your
commitment to follow through on the expectations for members of LiT and SLT.

- Attend Sunday HUB twice a month minimum
- Attend LiT and SLT Meetings
- Accomplish outside of meeting/HUB work on time
- Be an example at all Student Ministries activities in speech and attitude (encouraging words and
positive attitude)
- Commit to pray for Student Ministries and peers
- Commit to Personal Spiritual Growth

Name _____________________________ Signature______________________________

Grade in the Fall _______ Phone __________________ Email ________________________________

1.) Why do you want to be a part of LiT or SLT?


2.) When you look at the expectations for a Student Leader, is there anything that you think you will
struggle with? What would help you with that?

3.) How can the Student Ministries Team support you?

Launch and Ongoing Timelines
Launch (2019)
Early April - Parent Meeting to talk next few months and introduce the Development
April 30 - First Applications due
May 19 - First Participants Chosen
June - Launch with a launch party for students and parents and have first meetings

March/April - Applications available
April - Parent Meeting for interested families
May - Group Parties and New Participants Chosen
June - Launch of New Year Party and Parent Meeting

LiT and SLT Adult Opportunities

• lead a group (3-4 students per group)
• Plan Launch/Group Parties
• Develop Curriculum

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