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204 Electrodeposition

Figure 4: Cathode foil and shield for radiotracer studies. Grooved brass
cathodes were plated with nickel which was then passivated to permit
stripping of subsequent foils. Counting shield had grooves that limited
betas activating the counter to those from either one peak or one valley.
Adapted from reference 30.

Figure 5: Leveling power of bright copper deposited in copper sulfate

solution containing a proprietary additive. Adapted from reference 37.
Additives 205

Table 2: Lead Slit Counting Rates for Foils Shown in Figure 4*

Foil A -- Topt Foil B -- Top

eejak Recess eaiak Recess

125 94 42 27
115 72 33 33
115 53 76 53
143 63 47 81
213 80 177 91
226 163 163 160
224 212 94 97
125 65 147 34
106 64 43 28
55 55 59 45
79 57 58

Foil A -- Bottom Foil B -- Bottom

Obverse of Obverse of Obverse of Obverse of

m receSS Qeak leceSS

248 143 145 58

198 103 133 77
152 133 134 84
120 112 154 65
207 102 135 100
254 113 190 128
227 163 212 126
150 146 176 101
146 129 163 82
181 158 144 80
242 129 102

Counting was left to right on the top of the foil and right to left on
the bottom, so that the values in the columns are matched.

t "Top" refers to the side next to the solution during plating,

"bottom" to the side next to the cathode.

* From Reference 30.

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