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Chapter or Episode 19:​ (I am inconsistent on what I call these

episode chapter things)

Battered Mirror Part Ⅱ

Previously On Star Trek Voyager, The Lost Episodes:

“You know what this Story Needs? An Obligatory Star Trek Cameo. We Need Some
One Really Good To Get us More Ratings!”

“I think the best chance we have for ratings is Seven of Nine.”

“But We Already Have Seven of Nine!”

“Then We Get Another Seven of Nine!

Janeway was Crazy, Chakotay Thought, Something Must Be Affecting Her.

“Officers! What Are You Doing On MY Bridge…”

“We’re Relieving You Of Duty.”

“All Hail Emperor Phillipa Georgiou Augustus Iaponiis Centaurious!”

“I won’t listen to you any longer.”

“Emperor! We’re In Fluidic Space!”

And Now, The Conclusion.

“What!?!?” Emperor Georgiou Screamed with rage. “How did we get

into fluidic space? What even is fluidic space? But more
importantly, HOW?”

“I mentioned someone might have Sabotaged Us.” The Terran Ensign

Captain Janeway forced a few words out. “It...was rather...easy
to resist your… mind...control techniques…”

“You Sabotaged US?!?” Georgiou spat with rage.

She Took a Small Remote and Pressed The Button.
Janeway collapsed to the floor, rolling over in pain.
“Did you forget about my Agonizers, Captain?” Georgiou asked.
Janeway Groaned. “I’ve...Felt...Worse..” She said.

Georgiou growled in anger, and turned back to the terran ensign.

“How can we get out of here?! I wanted to take Voyager back to
my Universe and Century as a prize! Your Technology would have
brought the Terran Empire to glorious heights, Janeway!”
Georgiou Slapped Janeway Violently.

“Sorry to disappoint you.” Muttered Janeway, a line of blood

trickling from her jaw.

“I will get us out of here, and then I will conquer my

respective universe.” Georgiou said, her voice dripping with
conviction. “And then, I will kill everyone on this ship.”

“Our Plot Armour Generators Make that literally impossible.”

Janeway said. “Besides, In all likelihood, we will die horribly
in this dimension.”

“Why?” Georgiou said, glaring menacingly while still managing to

be inquisitive.

“You know, People like you always have the same plan. Conquer,
Conquer, Conquer. And It always seems to work, when you pick on
the little guy. But this time, the little guy has an F-Class
Reality Nullifier Quantum Blast Cannon. So…” She trailed off.

“What is this place?” Georgiou demanded, turning to her ensign.

“The Voyager System Logs Identify it as Fluidic Space, Home of

Something Called 8472.” The Ensign responded.
“By the way, what’s your name, Ensign Person?” Janeway perked
“You aren’t a minor character with that many lines of dialog.”

“It's Stewart.” Responded Ensign Stewart.

“IT DOESN’T MATTER!!!” Yelled Georgiou at maximum volume. “What

is an 8472?!!?”

“My guess would be the thing crawling up the port bow.” Janeway
smirked mockingly.

Georgiou did a double take. “What thing-”

The Following moments happened so quickly that we shall describe

them in slow motion. First of all, The Voyager Crew that were
already in Engineering, having broken out of the brig, had
created a anti tachyon envelope, and were pretending to know
what that means.
Second of all, Yes, there was a Alien Creature Known As 8472 on
the port bow. It had presumably been dropped onto the ships hull
by a bio-ship. It was purple, like an 8472. It also was carving
it's way into the hull, which is also what an 8472 tends to do.
This sucked people into the vacuum of space, killing loads of
people, similar to what an 8472 is liable to do in these
Quickly, on the bridge, and In Engineering, Both The Terran Crew
and The Starfleet Escapees Blocked off Access to Deck 12, the
location of the hull breach. This set casualties to minimum,
just the couple 50 people that were sucked into space and
violently murdered.
So, it seemed to be going pretty well so far.

Chakotay, Tuvok, Seven, Neelix and the Doctor were starting to

get worried. Well, Tuvok and Seven weren’t worried per se, but
as worried as a semi emotionless borg drone and a vulcan could
be. So that’s that.
“Oh my god, How are we going to survive this cliffhanger?” The
Doctor blabbered worriedly.

“Look, I’m not sure the Author knows.” Chakotay responded.

Concurrently, No, the Author didn’t know. Like at all. He

decided to go and read some Jane Austen for his book report.

The Author Returned To The Story, Having Some Free Time in his
writing class.

“Well.” Muttered Neelix, Handing Bowls of Bolian Souffle to his

fellow officers. “Look at that!” he said, realizing the author
was writing again.

“Quick, Back To The Plot!” Chakotay Cheered, running with his

fellow officers out of the mess hall that was conveniently on
deck 12.

Mirror Georgiou, Janeway and Ensign Stewart were floating

through space dead, because the bridge blew up.

Space Leia from Star Wars 8 floated down, out of nowwhere, and
picked them up, depositing them into the non destroyed shuttle
bay on deck 12. She Flew Off, Never To Be Mentioned Again.

“Ah, Yes, We Have Survived Due To Sheer Plot Armour!” Yelled

Georgiou fabulously.

Janeway then took this moment to shoot Georgiou with the Phaser
Nobody had thought to take off her for the past two episodes.
Georgiou collapsed to the floor, dead.

“HAHAHA! I win!” Screamed Ensign Stewart.

“Wait, Huh?” Responded Janeway. “I just shot your Leader!”
“You Fool! I am the only survivor! Chain of command falls to me!
Stewart of the Terran Empire.
“Nice Job Breaking it, Hero!” G ​ eorgiou yelled as her last words.
“Empress?” Questioned Janeway.
“Oh, yeah, well, Georgiou was ​Emperor, ​ despite being a girl, so
I’m ​Empress, ​Despite being a guy.”
“Fair.” responded Janeway.
Empress Stewart Then Punched Janeway in the stomach and ran.

Chakotay and the Crew were aimlessly wandering in the hallways,

looking for something to do, or some way to contribute to the
Suddenly, Empress Stewart, running through the hallways,
Activated The Sphere Thing That Georgiou uses in ​Vaulting
Ambition ​to Stab the Entire Crew Simultaneously, running off in
the opposite direction.

“Darn!” Muttered Chakotay. “That Empress is really powerful!”

Empress Stewart ran back in, wearing a dull towel tied onto his
back like a cape and a bright orange fez. He was carrying a
longsword and swinging it maniacally as he crazily skipped past
the entire crew.
“Well, it looks that A couple feet away deck 12 ends. So I can’t
go anywhere really. I got a nice cape though.” He Commented.
“I also like this sword! Swing swing, slash slash!”

The rest of the crew died.

Chapter 20: The Haunting of Deck thirteen.

Kes’s ghost suddenly appeared on deck 13, like she promised a

few episodes ago. There didn’t seem to be a deck 13, as there
was only deck 12. All the other decks had blown up.

“Lovely.” muttered Kes’s Ghost.

Somehow, as there was no air, her ghost suffocated to death.

Yes, A Ghost.
I don’t know how, don’t ask me.
Is there a life after the afterlife? Or a life after the after
after life? Or a like after the…

Oh, Forget it.

Chapter 21: All Bad Things...

Janeway struggled out of the shuttle bay, bleeding heavily.

“I guess I just lost my ship.” she muttered. “Deck Twelve is all
I got, and we’re being chased by a psychotic Empress Ensign.
Just another day in the delta quadrant. Computer, find Empress

​ he Computer Chimed.
Ensign Stewart is in Holodeck Two, T

“Wow, is everything on deck 12?” Janeway questioned.

Everything Except The Bridge, Warp Nacelles and the Kitchen

​ he Computer Chimed.
Sink. T

Janeway walked into Holodeck Two.

It was a green grassy garden, with antique 1800s style diamond
Empress Stewart, wearing an ornate Mary Poppins’ dress sat at
the table, pouring tea.
“Hello, Captain!” called Empress Stewart. “Take a seat!”
Janeway was stunned. You Expect me to talk?”
Empress Stewart Smirked. “No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to dine!!!”

“What.” Janeway said flatly.

“Don’t get the reference? Bah.” Empress Stewart Remarked.

Janeway, feeling rather lost, sat down and drank some tea. She
spat it out. It was offensive.
“Hi. So, I’m your final problem. The Final Boss. The Big Bad.
The Dramatic Final Confrontation. Between Two Really Smart Guys.
Holmes and Moriarty. Napoleon and Somebody. Batman and The
Your Face and a Phaser Blast.” He said, suddenly aiming a phaser
at Janeway’s face. She knocked it out of his hands. They resumed
drinking tea. Well, Janeway didn’t. She found it offensive.

The Tea, Not The Murder Attempt.

“So what is the point of this?” Janeway asked. “This is really

anticlimactic. Just you, me, having a civil conversation. It’s
like the finale to the magic school bus story, except with way
less awesomeness, no stakes, etc.”

“Yeah. I suppose so. Well. You Know, The Reset Button is on this


“TIME TRAVEL, FOOL.” Empress Stewart responded, pulling a lever.

Chapter One: The Big Hello

Captain Kathryn Janeway did not have her coffee this morning.
This, ordinarily, for a normal person, is cause for alarm. For
the captain, it was cause for panic. “I can’t run a starship
without caffeine!” screamed Janeway, racing down the corridors.
She bumped into an ensign. “YOU!” she screeched. “Captain?” the
ensign questioned. “Make me some coffee!” screeched Janeway,
continuing down the hallway.

​ aneway had the strangest sense of Deja Vu.

Wait, What? J

Mainly Because Her Past Self Was Behind Her.

“Well this is something.” Janeway said.

“What’s going on?” asked Janeway.

“You’re Me!” Said Janeway and Janeway.

“Well, Sorry.” Said The Elder Janeway. “This is where it gets

A wormhole appeared off the port bow.

Ships began to swarm around Voyager.

“Captain!” said The Elder Janeway. “We do not have enough time!
You are about to send out a galaxy wide hail demanding coffee.
This will incite the wrath of the legion of doom, an
interstellar organization bent on destroying Voyager so they can
get ratings.
Whatever you do, you must not send out a galaxy wide hail
demanding coffee.”

“What.” said Young Janeway.

“This is the final confrontation. You have to understand. If you

don’t help me, we’ll lose them all. They were going to use time
travel to kill me, but I’m turning the tables. You have to help
me alter history to save the future!” Janeway ranted to young

“Get me coffee!” screamed Past Janeway, barging past future


“Did you listen to a word I just said?!” Growled The Elder


“COFFEE. NOW.” Past Janeway barked.

A portal opened behind them.

Empress Stewart Walked out with an old tribal spear. “If I kill
you now, this version of you will never exist! You will die from
history!” he growled. “You can’t hide from me for all eternity!”

He ran towards the Janeway's as they moved quickly toward the

As they trampled into the turbolift, the door closed behind
them, blocking a strike from the spear.

“Don’t you get it?” Elder Janeway said. “This quest for Coffee
will doom the universe!”

“But it’s coffee!” moaned young Janeway.

“Fair point,” said Elder Janeway. “It is awesome.”

“So in order to save reality, the TV show, and all of my
friends, I can’t send a galaxy wide demand for coffee?” Young
Janeway Questioned.

“Yep.” said Elder Janeway.

“That’s a horrible deal!” responded young Janeway.

The Turbolift opened, and Janeway​ ² (Young) ​ walked onto the bridge.

“Mr. Tuvok! Create A Galaxy wide hail!” Janeway​² said.

“Belay that order!” Screamed The Other Janeway.

“What.” said Tuvok Flatly.

“Mr. Tuvok, I order you to hail the galaxy and demand coffee!”

“Please! Tuvok, Doing So Will Doom Voyager to the wrath of The

Legion of doom!”

“Wha?” asked Tuvok, actually feeling confusion.

Empress Stewart walked onto the bridge. “Open fire on that

planet, Mr. Tuvok!” He said.

Tuvok fired, turning a nearby planet into dust.

“WHAT.” said Janeway and Janeway​ ² . 

“Allow me to explain my actions.” Tuvok began. “Neither of you
sounded in character, and I judged you to have a lapse in
judgement. Despite Empress Stewart and I never having met, I
judged him in this situation to be within his usual character
parameters. It was wiser and more logical to listen to him,
despite the relative psychoticness yet not judgement-impaired,
in-character request than to listen to one of your judgement
impaired out of character pleas.”

“Woah. that also makes sense.”

Ripples flew through time and space, and worlds began to alter.

“It seems blowing up a planet in the past altered the timeline!”

said Janeway​ ² .  
“No crap!” screamed Janeway.
She began to dissolve to dust.
“Wait What?!” Janeway shrieked.
“I think because somehow the timeline reset, Future Janeway no
longer exists.” Seven commented, walking in.
Empress Stewart ran up. “But I can still kill-”
He dissolved to dust with a weakly “you…”

The Timeline reset...Janeway​ ² ​was Janeway.

The Legion of Doom Ceased To Exist.
Empress Stewart was a lowly Ensign at home in the terran empire.
Cthulhu wasn’t floating in the holodeck.
There weren’t insane raiders of the plot arc episodes.
And There Sure as heck weren’t any episodes on Squirrel Girl.

And It was…


That was how the episodes were lost.

And it was nothing but normal Star Trek.
No more episodes were made.
Except the Final One.
Episode 26: (We Skipped Four Episodes and You Didn’t Notice)
Never Mind.

Episode 26: These are the Voyagers...

Captain Kathryn Janeway walked onto the bridge of The USS
“There is an anomaly off the port bow.” Harry Kim said.

“Analyze, Mr Tuvok.” Janeway mentioned passively.

“It is a temporal vortex. I have found debris emanating out of

the vortex. It has a multiversal dimensional signature.”

“Beam it aboard.” said Janeway, walking down to the transporter


Transporter Chief #347 walked up to Janeway. He Began.

“We have the items aboard now, Captain. I must warn you, they
are very strange.

Captain Kathryn Janeway leaned down to examine the items.

One was a burnt piece of the USS Voyager’s Hull. It was labelled
deck 12, and Had a directional map on it, displaying the entire
ship except the bridge, the warp nacelles and the kitchen sink
on it.

Janeway was puzzled. This was absurd.

She gazed to the other item.

It was a PADD, with a data encryption file on it.

It was addressed to her.

She picked up the PADD and began to read.

My Dearest Kathy,
It’s Me!
I know I haven’t bothered you in a while, you see, Picard can be so
distracting, but not nearly as beautiful as you, la capitan.

Janeway looked up from the PADD and realized...Q. She continued

to read.

You know, there are other Universes in the Multiverse, besides the mirror
universe, and yours.
This one is an offshoot of yours. It’s far more interesting, maybe more
absurd. But it was home to you. Well, one of you.
You see, It crashed and burned. Quite suddenly, really. I was quite hurt. I
would bring it back if it wasn’t for the vaunted Q non interference policy
they’ve instated. It was inspired by your own.
You do realize how annoying it is, don’t you?

Janeway took a moment to smirk.

But You See, I, in my mourning, wanted to send it to someone...who would really

appreciate it. Of Course, My thoughts went to you, Kathy.
I’ve uploaded the basic story into one of your Holoprograms.
Peruse it at your Nature. I think you’ll enjoy it.
The Amazing,
The Fantastic,

Don’t Tell Picard.

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