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Full Infinitive is used: Bare Infinitive is used: Gerund

1. to express purpose. 1. after modal verbs (can, must, should, may, might, 1. as a noun.
E.g. He went to buy some bread. etc) E.g. Smoking is dangerous.
E.g. We must leave soon.
2. after would love/like/prefer. 2. after let/make/hear/see + object. 2. after love, like, dislike, hate, enjoy.
E.g. I would love to see you tonight. E.g. Let me go E.g. I love going to discos.
I will make you regret it.
3. after adjectives (angry, glad, happy, etc) 3. after would rather / had better. 3. after start, begin, stop, finish.
E.g. I’m glad to see you here. E.g. I would rather have that red car. E.g. He started doing his homework at 5.00.
I had better put on my coat, it’s cold.
4. with too or enough. 4. after go for physical activities.
E.g. He’s too old to drive. E.g. She went skiing last Sunday.
She is clever enough to understand it.
5. after certain verbs ( advise, agree, appear, decide, 5. after certain verbs (avoid, admit, confess to, deny, look
expect, hope, manage, offer, promise, refuse, seem, forward to, mind, object to, prefer, regret, risk, spend,
want,etc) suggest, etc)
E.g. I hope to meet him again. E.g. I don’t mind helping you with the dishes.
6. after question words (where, how, who, which). Why 6. after certain expressions: I’m busy, it’s no use, it’s
is not used with full infinitive. (no) good, it’s worth, what’s the use of, be used to, there’s
E.g. I don’t know what to do BUT no point (in).
Nobody knew why he was angry. E.g. It’s worth seeing that film.
7. after prepositions (in, on, at, for, without, etc)
E.g. He left without taking his coat.
8. after hear/see/feel to emphasize an action in
E.g. I saw her crossing the street.
NOTE: Some verbs can take a Full Infinitive or a Gerund with no difference in meaning. These verbs are: begin, hate, like, love, prefer, start, etc.
E.g. He likes to watch/watching the birds.

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