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Preliminary Considerations contracting countries regardless of whether or

not there was a break in the transportation or
Governing Laws transshipment
1. New Civil Code – Primary Law o The place of departure and the place of
2. Warsaw Convention – for international transportation by air designation are within the territory of a single
3. Code of Commerce – governs suppletorily; it governs contracting country if there is an agreed
maritime transaction stopping place within a territory subject to the
4. Carriage of goods by Sea Act – for transportation by sea; sovereignty, even though the power is not a
governs suppletorily party to the convention.
5. Salvage Law - APPLICABLE: Applies to all international transportation
6. Public Service Act of person, baggage or goods performed by aircraft for hire
7. Article XII Sec 11 on operation of public convenience of
the 1987 Philippine Constitution
- Transportation to be performed by several successive air
SUMMARY OF RULES carriers shall be deemed to be one undivided transportation,
A. Coastwise Shipping if it has been regarded by the parties as a single operation,
a. NCC – primary law whether it has been agreed upon under the form of a single
b. Code of Commerce – governs suppletory in the contract or of a series of contracts, and it shall not lose its
absence of NCC provisions international character merely because one contract or a
B. Carriage from Foreign Ports to Philippine Ports series of contracts is to be performed entirely within a
a. NCC – primarily law territory subject to the sovereignty, suzerainty, mandate, or
b. Code of Commerce – all matters not regulated authority of the same High Contracting Party. (Art. 1)
by the NCC. - Note: Warsaw prevails over the NCC.
c. Carriage of Goods by Sea Act – suppletory to - INAPPLICABILITY:
the NCC
C. Carriage from the Philippines Ports to Foreign Ports o If there is willful misconduct on the part of the
a. The laws of the country to which the goods are carrier’s employees. The Convention does not
to be transported regulate, much less exempt, carrier from
D. Overland Transportation liability for damages for violating the rights of
a. NCC – primary law its passengers under the contract of carriage
b. Code of Commerce- suppletory (PAL v. CA, 257 SCRA 33). --- if the damage
E. Air Transportation is similarly caused by any agent of the carrier
a. NCC acting within the scope of his employment
b. Code of Commerce o when it contradicts public policy;
c. For International Carriage
o if the requirements under the Convention are
i. Warsaw Convention
not complied with.
Civil Code
- Article 1766 of the Civil Code expresses the primary of the
o Death or injury of a passenger if the accident
said Code over the laws that were in force prior to its
enactment causing it took place on board the aircraft or in
the course of its operations; (Art. 17)
o Destruction, loss or damage to any luggage or
o Article 1766 (Civil Code). In all matters not goods, if it took place during the carriage; (Art.
regulated by this Code, the rights and 18) and
obligations of common carriers shall be o Delay in the transportation of passengers,
governed by the Code of Commerce and by luggage or goods. (Art. 19)
special laws. - The Hague Protocol amended the Warsaw Convention by
- Art. 1753 is also explicit that with respect to cases removing the provision that if the airline took all necessary
involving loss, destruction or deterioration of goods, that steps to avoid the damage, it could exculpate itself
law of the country of destination shall apply. Philippine completely (Art. 20(1)). (Alitalia v. IAC, 192 SCRA 9)
Laws shall apply if the goods are to be transported from - The said provisions merely declare the carrier liable for
Japan to the Philippines. damages in the enumerated cases if the conditions therein
o Article 1753. The law of the country to which specified are present. Neither said provisions nor others in
the goods are to be transported shall govern the aforementioned Convention regulate or exclude liability
the liability of the common carrier for their for OTHER BREACHES of contract of carrier.
loss, destruction or deterioration. - The Convention does not thus operate as an exclusive
- The liability of petitioner carrier is governed primarily by enumeration of the instances of an airline’s liability, or as
the civil code. However, in all matters not regulated by said an absolute limit of the extent of that liability.
Code, the rights and obligations of common carrier shall be - An agreement relieving the carrier from liability or fixing a
governed by the Code of Commerce and by special laws. lower limit is null and void. (Art. 23)
The Carriage of Goods by Sea Act is suppletory to the - Carrier not entitled to the foregoing limit if the damage is
provisions of the NCC. caused by willful misconduct or default on its part. (Art.
- It was explained that collision falls among matters not 25)
specifically regulated by the Civil Code, so Articles 826 to - “Place of Destination”
839 of Book Three of the Code of Commerce shall apply o within the meaning of the Warsaw Convention,
exclusively. is determined by the terms of the contract of
- carriage, or specifically the ticket between the
Warsaw Convention passenger and the carrier. It is the destination
- In international air transportation, the Convention for the and not an agreed stopping place that controls
Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the International for the purpose of ascertaining jurisdiction
Carriage by Air of “Warsaw Convention” with its under the Convention.
amendments should be applied. - COGSA/WARSAW applies to foreign vessels or airplane
- International air transportation means or international travel
o The place of departure and the place of
designation are within the territories of two



Code of Commerce vessel did not remove the contract of carriage of goods
- Code of Commerce applies to inter-island or domestic from the operation of said Act.
travel. - Adopted by the Philippines on October 22, 1936 through
- Article 1766 (Civil Code). In all matters not regulated by Commonwealth Act No. 65
this Code, the rights and obligations of common carriers -  New Civil Code  primary law on goods that are being
shall be governed by the Code of Commerce and by special transported from a foreign port to the Philippines
laws - COGSA  remains to be a suppletory law for such type of
- As to the rights and duties of the parties strictly arising out transportation – international shipping
of delay, the Civil Code is silent. However, the Code of o ART. 1753, NCC: THE LAW OF THE
Commerce provides for such a situation: COUNTRY TO WHICH THE GOODS ARE TO
o ARTICLE 698. In case a voyage already begun BE TRANSPORTED SHALL GOVERN THE
should be interrupted, the passengers shall be LIABILITY OF THE COMMON CARRIER
obliged to pay the fare in proportion to the FOR THEIR LOSS, DESTRUCTION OR
distance covered, without right to recover for DETERIORATION.
losses and damages if the interruption is due to - Goods – includes goods, wares, merchandise, and articles
fortuitous event of force majeure, but with a of every kinds whatsoever
right to indemnity if the interruption should - does not include live animals and cargo which by the
have been caused by the captain exclusively. If contract of carriage is stated as being carried on deck and is
the interruption should be caused by the so carried
disability of the vessel and a passenger should - Parties:
agree to await the repairs, he may not be o Carrier, and
required to pay any increased price of passage, o  Shipper
but his living expenses during the stay shall be - They are given their respective rights and obligations under
for his own account. COGSA.
- Note: the carrier is liable for any loss or damage, including - Carrier (covered by COGSA)  not limited to the
any pecuniary loss or loss of profit, which the passenger shipowner; includes charterer who enters into a contract of
may have suffered by reason thereof. carriage with the shipper
- In case the vessel is not able to depart on time and the delay - Charterercharters a vessel and conducts his own business
is unreasonable, the passenger may opt to have his/her for his own account
ticket immediately refunded without any refund service fee - after chartering the vessel, he uses the vessel to conduct a
from the authorized issuing/ticketing office.
- Code of Commerce provides that in the absence of any business of transportation obtaining goods from 3 rd.
agreement, the consignee who is supposed to pay must do persons to transport the latter’s goods
so within 24-hours from the time of delivery. - Duties of the carrier:
o Article 374. The consignees to whom the o Civil Code requires international carriers to
shipment was made may not defer the payment exercise extraordinary diligence in the
of the expenses and transportation charges of performance of their contractual obligations
the goods they receive after the lapse of twenty- o Section 2 of COGSA  carrier’s obligation and
four hours following their delivery; and in case liabilities in relation to the loading, handling,
of delay in this payment, the carrier may stowage, carriage, custody, care and discharge
demand the judicial sale of the goods of such goods
transported in an amount necessary to cover o Section 3 of COGSAresponsibilities of the
the cost of transportation and the expenses carrier under COGSA
incurred. - Document of title required
o evidenced by the Bill of Lading
o BOL serves as prima facie evidence of the
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (C.A No. 65) receipt by the carrier of the goods
- Applies suppletory to the Civil Code if the goods are to be - Notice of claim and prescriptive period
shipped form a foreign port to the Philippines o Notice of claim  must be made within 3 days
- COGSA is applicable in international maritime commerce. from delivery if the damage is not apparent; not
It can be applied in domestic sea transportation if agreed mandatory
upon by the parties. (paramount clause)
o Prescriptive period  1 year from delivery for
- Under the Sec. 4 (5), the liability limit is set at $500 per
the filing of the case is a condition precedent or
package unless the nature and value of such goods is
mandatory; does not apply to cases of mis
declared by the shipper. This is deemed incorporated in the
delivery or conversion
bill of lading even if not mentioned in it (Eastern Shipping
- Defenses and immunities
v. IAC, 150 SCRA 463).
o provided for by Section 4 of COGSA
- If by agreement, another maximum amount than that
mentioned may be fixed provided that such maximum shall o Section 49(1) of COGSA – carrier shall not be
not be less than $500 and in no event shall the carrier be liable for loss or damages arising from
liable for more than the amount of damage actually unseaworthiness
sustained o New Civil Code – carrier will not be liable only
- RECOVERY OF DAMAGES FROM CARRIER FOR if it can present proof that the unseaworthiness
CARRIAGE OF GOODS: was caused exclusively by any of the
- circumstances specified in Art. 1734 of the
o Overseas –where goods arrived in a damaged NCC
condition from a foreign port to a Philippine - Waiver
port of entry: (COGSA) o The shipowner and the ship agent may waive
a. upon discharge of goods, if the damage is the benefit of any of the defenses in its favor
apparent, claim should be filled immediately; provided not only under COGSA but also under
o if damage is not apparent, claim should be other laws
filled within 3 days from delivery. - Limiting provision
- COGSA is applicable up to the final port of destination and o COGSA contains a provision that allows the
that the fact that transshipment was made on an interisland shipper to recover only US$500 per package



unless there is a special declaration unless there the master or the crew, whether resulting from wreck,
the real value of the goods is declared accident, necessity, or voluntary abandonment
o declaration made by the shipper stating an JETSAM, FLOTSAM, LIGAN
amount bigger than $500 per package will
make the carrier liable for such bigger amount
- Jetsam – goods that were thrown off a ship which was in
but only if the amount so declared is the real
value of the goods
- Flotsam – goods that floated off the ship while ship was in
- Right to discharge dangerous cargo
danger or
o COGSA allows the carrier to discharge the
- when it sank
good of the carrier discovers that the goods are
- Ligan – goods left as sea on the wreck or tied to a buoy so
dangerous, inflammable or are explosives
that they can be recovered later
- Basis of entitlement to salvage reward (Circumstances to
Salvage Law (Act No.2616)
o The labor expended by the salvors in rendering
- SALVAGE – services one person renders to the owner of a
the salvage service
ship or goods, by his own labor, preserving the goods or the
o The promptitude, skill and energy displayed in
ship which the owner or those entrusted with the care of
them have either abandoned in distress at sea, or are unable rendering the service and saving the property
to protect or secure. o The value of the property employed by the
- Kinds of Salvage: salvors in rendering the service, and danger to
o Voluntary – compensation is dependent on the which such property was exposed
success. o The risk incurred by the salvors in rescuing the
o Under contract for a per diem or per horam property from the impending peril
wage- payable at all events. o The value of the property salved
o Under contract for compensation – payable o The degree of danger which the property was
only in case of success. rescued
- Claim for valid salvage: - Rights and obligations of salvors and owners:
o  Provides for a reward for voluntary salvage o Salvor is entitled to compensation for services
o Other persons who assist in saving the vessel or rendered. He has, under the Salvage Law, a lien
its cargo from shipwreck shall be entitled to a upon the property salvaged.
similar award o On the other hand, the owner does not
- Persons not entitled to salvage compensation: denounce his right to the property. There is no
o Crew of the vessel shipwrecked or which was presumption of an intention to abandon such
in danger of shipwreck property rights.
o He who shall have commenced the salvage in - Maritime Lien
o A salvor, in maritime law, has an interest in the
spite of opposition of the captain or of his
representatives property; called a lien, but it never goes, in the
o He who shall have failed to comply with the absence of a contract expressly made, upon the
idea of debt due from the owner to the salvor
provisions of Section 3
but upon the principle that the service creates a
 (Section 3. Tthe salvor who saves
property in the thing saved.
or picks up a vessel or merchandise
- Rule on salvage reward:
at sea, in the absence of the ship
o The reward is fixed by the RTC judge in the
captain, ship owner or a
representative of either of them, absence of agreement or where the latter is
they being unknown, shall convey excessive (Sec. 9).
and deliver the vessel or o If sold (no claim being made within 3 months
merchandise ASAP to the collector from publication), the proceeds, after
of customs if the port has a deducting expenses and the salvage claim, shall
collector and otherwise to the go to the owner; if the latter does not claim it
provincial treasurer or municipal within 3 years, 50% of the said proceeds shall
mayor. go to the salvors, who shall divide it equitably,
and the other half to the government (Secs. 11-
- Requisites of compensation or salvage reward: o If a vessel is the salvor, the reward shall be
1. Object must have been exposed to marine peril (fire, acts distributed as follows:
of pirate, thieves)  50% to the shipowner;
2. Salvage services rendered voluntarily and is not required  25% to the captain; and
as an existing duty or a form of contract (See Sec. 8)  25% to the officers and crew in
* Pilots are not entitled to a reward – (Atty. Capanas) proportion to their salaries
3. Salvage services are successful in whole or in part
4. Valid vessel which is shipwrecked beyond the control of
the crew or shall have been abandoned (not necessary) Public Service Act
* Courts will not interfere in the agreement of the parties
except but where there is no agreement or it is excessive the The term "public service" includes every person that now or hereafter
reward is fixed by the RTC judge. may own, operate, manage, or control in the Philippines, for hire or
* Derelict – a ship or cargo which is abandoned and compensation, with general or limited clientele, whether permanent,
deserted at sea by those who were in charge of it, without occasional or accidental, and done for general business purposes, any
any hope of recovering it or without any intention of common carrier, railroad, street railway, traction railway, sub-way
returning to it motor vehicle, either for freight or passenger, or both with or without
- determined by ascertaining what was the intention and fixed route and whether may be its classification, freight or carrier
expectation of those in charge of it when they quitted it service of any class, express service, steamboat or steamship line,
- boat or vessel found entirely deserted or abandoned on pontines, ferries, and water craft, engaged in the transportation of
the sea without hope or intention of recovery or return by passengers or freight or both, shipyard, marine railways, marine repair
shop, [warehouse] wharf or dock, ice plant, ice-refrigeration plant,
canal, irrigation system, gas, electric light, heat and power water supply



and power, petroleum, sewerage system, wire or wireless Public interest is the first and paramount consideration.
communications system, wire or wireless broadcasting stations and
other similar public services: Provided, however, That a person Concept of franchise and certificate of public convenience
engaged in agriculture, not otherwise a public service, who owns a Franchise is a grant or privilege from the sovereign power.
motor vehicle and uses it personally and/or enters into a special Certificate of Public Convenience is a form of regulation through an
contract whereby said motor vehicle is offered for hire or compensation administrative agency.
to a third party or third parties engaged in agriculture, not itself or Q: Is a legislative franchise necessary before a public utility can be
themselves a public service, for operation by the latter for a limited allowed to secure a certificate of public convenience?
time and for a specific purpose directly connected with the cultivation A: General Rule: NO.
of his or their farm, the transportation, processing, and marketing of Exception: If a pertinent law requires such legislative franchise.
agricultural products of such third party or third parties shall not be Factors:
considered as operating a public service for the purposes of this Act. 1. Public interest
2. Public convenience
Art. XII, Sec. 11 3. Public necessity
Sec. 11 of Article XII of the 1987 Constitution states that: ―No
franchise, certificate, or any other form of authorization for the Concept of Public Utility & Public Service
operation of a public utility shall be granted except to citizens of the Concept of Public Utility & public service Sec. 13 (b) of the Public
Philippines or to corporations or associations organized under the Service Act provides that: ―The term 'public service' includes every
laws of the Philippines, at least sixty per centum of whose capital is person that now or hereafter may own, operate, manage, or control in
owned by such citizens; nor shall such franchise, certificate, or the Philippines, for hire or compensation, with general or limited
authorization be exclusive in character or for a longer period than fifty clientele, whether permanent, occasional or accidental, and done for
years. Neither shall any such franchise or right be granted except general business purposes, any common carrier, railroad, street
under the condition that it shall be subject to amendment, alteration, or railway, traction railway, sub-way motor vehicle, either for freight or
repeal by the Congress when the common good so requires. The State passenger, or both with or without fixed route and whatever may be its
shall encourage equity participation in public utilities by the general classification, freight or carrier service of any class, express service,
public. The participation of foreign investors in the governing body of steamboat, or steamship line, pontines, ferries, and water craft,
any public utility enterprise shall be limited to their proportionate engaged in the transportation of passengers or freight or both,
share in its capital, and all the executive and managing officers of such shipyard, marine railway, marine repair shop, wharf or dock, ice plant,
corporation or association must be citizens of the Philippines. ice-refrigeration plant, canal, irrigation system, gas electric light, heat
and power, water supply and power, petroleum, sewerage system, wire
The corporation must be a domestic corporation and that 60% of the or wireless communications system, wire or wireless broadcasting
capital must be owned by Filipino citizens. stations and other similar public services: Provided, however, That a
Sec. 18 of Article XII of the 1987 Constitution provides that: ―The person engaged in agriculture, not otherwise a public service, who
State may, in the interest of national welfare or defense, establish and owns a motor vehicle and uses it personally and/or enters into a
operate vital industries and, upon payment of just compensation, special contract whereby said motor vehicle is offered for hire or
transfer to public ownership utilities and other private enterprises to be compensation to a third party or third engaged in agriculture, not itself
operated by the Government.‖ or themselves a public service, for operation by the latter for a limited
Q: What are the bases/reasons for regulation of public utilities? time and for a specific purpose directly connected with the cultivation
A: Basis: Police Power of his or their farm, the transportation, processing, and marketing of
Justification: Common good agricultural products of such third party or third parties shall not be
Regulatory agencies considered as operating a public service for the purposes of this Act.‖
1. Land Transportation Franchising Regulatory Board
(LTFRB) – land transportation
2. Land Transportation Office – issue license to drivers Public utilities are privately owned and operated business whose
3. Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) – water services are essential to the general public.
4. National Telecommunications Commission – Case: National Development Company v CA
communication utilities and services, radio
communications systems, wire or wireless telephone and
telegraph systems, radio and television broadcasting
systems and other similar public utilities
5. Energy Regulatory Board – electric or power companies
6. National Water Resources Council – water resources
7. Civil Aeronautics Board – air transportation
Q: What conditions must concur in the grant of certificate of public
convenience and necessity?
A: 1. The grantee must be a citizen of the Philippines or a corporation
or entity 60% of which is owned by such citizens; 2. The grantee must
have sufficient financial capability to undertake the service; and 3. The
service will promote public interest and convenience in a proper and
suitable manner.

In Tatad v Garcia, the SC held that the controlling factor is the

citizenship of the person operating a common carrier. Guiding

1. Prior or Old Operator Rule – the first licensee will be protected in his
investment and will not be subjected to ruinous competition.
*No certificate of public convenience and necessity will be issued to
other operator as long as the prior operator still in operation and can
satisfy the public and that it still has the capacity to do so.
2. Protection Investment Rule – protects from unfair competition
3. Prior Applicant Rule – protects the first applicant. Principle: all
things being equal


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