Part - A (5x 2 10 MARKS) Answer All Questions: Academic Year 2020-21 ODD ME8594 Dynamics of Machines

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REV NO. : 00
The Kavery Engineering College, DATE :
Mecheri, Salem District. DEPARTMENT – MECHANICAL
Semester V
(Regulations 2017)
Academic Year 2020-21 ODD ME8594 Dynamics of Machines

(5x 2 = 10 MARKS)
1. Define 'inertia force' 2
2. Define D’Alembert’s principle. 2
3. Explain the principle of superposition? 2
4. What are the conditions of equilibrium of a body? 2
5. Explain the term maximum fluctuation of energy. 2
In a vertical double-acting steam engine, the connecting rod is 4.5 times the crank. The
weight of the reciprocating parts is 120kg and the stroke of the piston is 440mm. the
6. a engine runs at 250prm.if the net load on the piston due to steam pressure is 25KN when 7
the crank has turned through an angle of 120o from the top dead centre, determine the
Thrust in the connecting rod and Pressure on slide bars
A vertical petrol engine with cylinder of 150mm diameter and 200mm strokes has a
connecting rod of 350mm long. The mass is 1.6kg and the engine speed is 1800 rpm. On
the expansion stroke with crank angle 30° from TDC, the gas pressure is 750KPa.
Determine the net thrust on the piston and connecting rod.
A single cylinder vertical engine has a bore of 300mmm and a stroke of 400mm. the
connecting rod is 1000mm long the mass of the reciprocating parts is 140kg. On the
b expansion stroke, with the crank at 30o from the top dead center, the gap pressure is 7
0.7Mpa. If the engine runs at 250rpm, determine (i) net force acting on the piston, (ii) the
speed above which, other things remaining the same, the gudgeon pin load reversed in
An internal combustion engine runs at 2000 rpm. The length of connecting rod is 24cm
and the crank radius is 6cm. determine at 25% of the outstroke
i) The angular position of the crank 6
ii) The angular velocity of the connecting rod
The turning moment diagram for a multicylinder engine has been drawn to a scale 1cm=
2500N-m torque and 1cm=45o of crank rotation respectively. The intercepted areas
between the output torque curve and mean resistance line take in order from one end are:
7. a = +0.6,-8.2,+5.6,-6.4,+6.6,-5.0,+7.2,-5.6 and +5.2cm2, when the engine runs at 600rpm. If 13
the fluctuation of speed of the flywheel is not exceed ± 1% of the mean speed and the
hoop stress in the flywheel is limited to 25×10 6N/m2, find the suitable diameter and the
cross section of the flywheel required. Assume density of flywheel material.ρ=7200
kg/m3, thickness of rim, t=0.4×width of theOR
flywheel, b.
The Kavery Engineering College Internal Examination - III 18-19 ODD
REV NO. : 00
The Kavery Engineering College, DATE :
Mecheri, Salem District. DEPARTMENT – MECHANICAL
Semester V
(Regulations 2017)
Academic Year 2020-21 ODD ME8594 Dynamics of Machines

The turning moment curve for an engine is represented by the equation T=

(20000+9500sin2Ɵ-5700cos2Ɵ) N-m, where Ɵ is the angle moved by the crank from
inner dead centre. If the resisting torque is constant, find: 1. Power developed by the
b engine 2. Moments of inertia of flywheel in kg-m2, if the total fluctuation of speed is not 13
exceed 1% of mean speed which is 180rpm and 3. Angular acceleration of the flywheel
when the crank has turned through 45o from the inner dead centre
The equation of the turning moment diagram for the three crank engine is given by:
T(N-m) = 25000-7500sin3Ɵ where Ɵ radians is the crank angle from inner dead centre.
8. a The moment of the flywheel is 400 kg-m2 and the mean engine speed is 300 rpm. 7
Calculate the power of the engine, and the total fluctuation of speed of the flywheel, if
1.the resisting torque constant, and 2. The resisting torque is (25000+3600sinƟ) N-m.
The turning moment diagram for a petrol engine is drawn to the following scales: turning
moment, 1mm = 5N-m; crank angle, 1mm = 1 o. The turning moment diagram repeats
itself at every half revolution of the engine and the areas above and below the mean
b turning moment line taken in order are 295,685,40,340,960,270 mm 2. The rotating parts 7
are equivalent to a mass of 36kg at a radius of gyration of 150mm. determine the
coefficient of fluctuation of speed when the engine runs at 1800 r.p.m.
A horizontal steam engine running at 120 rpm. Has a bore of 250 mm and a stroke of
400mm. The connecting rod is 0.6 m and the reciprocating parts is 60 kg. When the crank
has turned through an angle of 45̊ from the inner dead centre, the steam pressure on the
9 a cover end said is 550 kN/m2. Considering the diameter of the piston rod equal to 50 mm,
determine: Turning moment on the crank shaft . mass of the flywheel 60 kg and radius of
the gyration 0.6 m.
The lengths of crank and connecting rod of a horizontal reciprocating engine are 200mm
and 1m respectively. The crank is rotating at 400rpm. When the crank has turned through
b 30o from the IDC, the difference of pressure between cover end and piston rod is
0.4N/mm2. If the mass of the reciprocating parts is 100kg and cylinder bore is 0.4m, the
calculate: Inertia force,Force on piston and Piston effort

*****THE END*****


The Kavery Engineering College Internal Examination - III 18-19 ODD

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