Voice Communication System: DATE: 14-12-2010

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DATE: 14-12-2010


Voice communication system is a switching system which connects the various Air
traffic controller positions to various Radio communication systems & Ground to Ground
communication systems. Voice switching and routing between the communication systems
and Air traffic controller working positions is done using advanced microprocessor and DSP.

Components of voice communication system

I. Central switching system.
II. Controller working positions. (CWP)
III. Interfaces (Radio, Telephone, Network & Recording interfaces).
IV. Monitoring and Control (Management system).

Central Switching System

Central switching system is the core of the VCS which switches the calls and control
signals between CWPs and radio/telephone interfaces. Switching of signals between the
CWPs and from interfaces to CWPs and vice versa is controlled by the central processor
based on the stored configuration and user’s selection in the CWPs. The configuration is
stored in the Flash memory and automatically loaded during each process. It provides
central timing signals for inter wide system synchronization. It continuously monitors the
health of critical systems and sends the information to Monitoring and control system.

Controller work positions

CWP is the User Interface which is provided to ATC personnel. CWP is provided with
230VAC supply. It has a power supply module which converts the AC into DC voltage and
provides to the following subunits.

I. Human Machine Interface.

The human machine Interface of VCS provides the users with voice and
control access to the voice communication systems and associated communication
resources connected to it.
(Radio channels, Telephone channels & other CWPs). It has got touch entry screen
which provides Graphic user interface consisting function keys, access buttons for
radio/telephone/ other CWPs, dial pad & telephone book.
II. Position processor (EPOS).
It converts the analogue voice and PTT signals into digital signals and sends
them to CSS. In the same way, it converts digital data into voice signal and provides
to speaker. It provides visual indication in the screen about the activity of channels
and indication for incoming calls.

III. Interfaces
Interfaces connect the external communication resources to VCS. Interfaces
provides means to connect the following resources physically to the VCS

(1) Telephone connections

(2) Radio communication systems (VHF Tx,Rx; HF Tx,Rx)
(3) Digital and Analog recording outputs.
(4) Networking Interfaces

Interfaces Exchanges the voice and signaling information between VCS and
telephone/radio sources. In Frequentis VCS, Interfaces provides the connection between
external communication sorces to VCS.

Monitoring & Control

It provides management of system configuration parameters and system software.
It is used for the diagnosis of the fault. It provides the reports and logging of events.

Rack arrangement in Frequentis VCS

Description of modules in Frequentis VCS.

 BCB Card provides the Interface for all the telephone connections.
 ERIF card acts as the Interface between VCS and Radio Communication Equipments
 GPIF card is the intermediate Interface card which can cater for eight Cards maximum
(Clock, SALI, SRO, ERIF and BCB)
 JIF card is the last level Interface which can be connected to CWPs & GPIF card provided
maximum number is four in any combination.
 HDLC card is connected with 13 JIF cards and connected to Data server.
 PSU module provides Redundant power supply to all the cards.
 PSU, Clock Module and Thermal management system don’t have micro processor. They are
Directly connected to SALI Card (Serial line alarm Interface)

External Connections to Frequentis VCS

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