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Examinations : Instructions to Candidates

It is essential that you read the information below and make sure you understand it.

1. You all have access to a timetable showing when the exams are due to start and end.
You must arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time and wait quietly outside the
Exam Room. Grade 12 please wait on the PE Office side of the Auditorium and Grade
10 outside the cafeteria side IB and IGCSE final examinations will be in the PAC but
Mocks and other school exams will be in the Auditorium. Grade 12 please wait outside
the Auditorium in the PE office area and Grade 10 please wait outside the Auditorium on
the cafeteria side. Final exams will be in the PAC.

2. It is your responsibility to make sure that you know what examinations you are supposed
to be taking. If you have any doubts then see your Head of Year or Ms Shorrocks.

3. If you miss an exam, you may not be allowed to take it later. This will depend on your
reason for missing the examination.

4. If you are up to 30 minutes late, you will be allowed to sit the examination, but may not
be allowed additional time. If you are more than 30 minutes late you may not be allowed
to take the exam. This will depend on why you were late.

5. If there is a real problem and you know you will be late or unable to get to school then
please phone the school immediately and let me know. The school number is 2241
4400 and Roxana's number is 2241-4461.

6. For IB and IGCSE examinations the desks will have your name and number printed on a
piece of card. Do NOT write on this card.

7. Anything you bring into the exam room must be in a clear plastic or see-through
container. You may bring a small heavy object to stop papers blowing around. Anything
else will be taken away from you.

8. Food is not permitted inside the examination room but you may bring a clear water
container to drink from.

9. Mobile phones or any other mobile device must be turned off and left at the front of the
examination room. Any appliances left with the student could cause serious problems if
we get an external inspector in school.

10. Bring the following items to each examination:

• Blue or black pen (more than one)

• Pencil (B or HB). Coloured pencils may be used for diagrams, maps, charts etc.
• Ruler
• Eraser
• Scientific calculator (not graphical)
• Geometry set
11. You must use blue or black pen and not a pencil except for graphs and diagrams. You
must not use liquid paper under any circumstances.
12. Read all instructions very carefully and fill in the details required on the front of your
question paper or answer paper before the start of the examination.

13. You must write your name and number on each piece of answer paper, and remember
to number the pages.

14. Rough work must be done on the proper examination stationery. Cross it out and hand
it in with your answer sheets.

15. You may not borrow anything from other candidates.

16. You are not allowed to ask any questions unless the question paper is incomplete or
badly printed.

17. You will be allowed a simple dictionary for translating between Spanish and English,
except for Language exams. Ask the Invigilator if you need one.

18. You will not be allowed to go to the bathroom during the examination.

19. You will be warned when there are thirty minutes (IB only) and five minutes (IB and
IGCSE) left before the end of the examination.

20. When you are told to stop writing, if you have used additional papers, you must place
them in the correct order and attach them together with the string provided.

21. You may not leave the room until the end of the examination, when told to do so by the

22. You are NOT allowed to leave school between examinations without permission from the
Head of Secondary.

23. Between examinations you may use the LRC for private study or an empty classroom
provided you are very quiet. Please be very careful not to disturb other classes.

If you have any questions please ask Mr Starr or Ms Shorrocks

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