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Journal of Modern Optics

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Graphene oxide (GO)-based wideband optical

polarizer using a non-adiabatic microfiber

H. Ahmad, M. T. Rahman, M. J. Faruki, S. R. Azzuhri, M. F. Ismail, N. M. S. Shah

& M. Z. A. Razak

To cite this article: H. Ahmad, M. T. Rahman, M. J. Faruki, S. R. Azzuhri, M. F. Ismail, N. M. S.

Shah & M. Z. A. Razak (2016): Graphene oxide (GO)-based wideband optical polarizer using a
non-adiabatic microfiber, Journal of Modern Optics, DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2016.1241903

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Journal of Modern Optics, 2016

Graphene oxide (GO)-based wideband optical polarizer using a non-adiabatic

H. Ahmad, M. T. Rahman, M. J. Faruki, S. R. Azzuhri, M. F. Ismail, N. M. S. Shah and M. Z. A. Razak
Photonics Research Centre (PRC), University of Malaya (UM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


In this paper, a microfibre polarizer based on graphene oxide (GO) is proposed and demonstrated. Received 23 February 2016
A microfibre was coated with GO using the drop-casting technique. The extinction ratio (ER) has Accepted 19 September 2016
been measured at wideband range of 1310, 1460, 1550 and 1600 nm. The highest ER obtained in KEYWORDS
this experiment was 37.0 dB measured at 1480 nm wavelength. The result has been achieved with Microfibre; graphene oxide;
a GO coating thickness of 24 μm and coating length of 12 mm. This work demonstrates a polarizing polarizer; Raman spectrum;
effect of GO-coated microfibre. extinction ratio

1. Introduction A number of optical-based polarizers have been

reported in the literature (5–10). The most common
The generation and manipulation of highly stable optical
approach to produce an optical polarizer is to use surface
pulses have become a topic of great interest in the fibre
plasmonic modes to suppress the undesired polarization
laser research community within the past few years. The
state (6–8). Reports have shown that plasmonic mode
main advantage of these optical pulses lie in their wide
optical polarizers can achieve a high ER between the two
range of applications, such as in high-speed communica-
orthogonally polarized modes, but is limited in its poten-
tion, optical imaging and material processing. An optical
tial due to its complex structure and high propagation loss.
polarizer is a critical components in optical devices to con-
There are also reports on other types of optical polarizers
trol the polarization state of light in many photonics appli-
such as lithium niobite (LiNbO3) waveguide polarizers (9,
cations such as coherent optical communication, optical
10), birefringence polymer waveguide polarizers (11, 12)
signal processing and optical-based sensor (1). The advan-
and long-period grating polarizers (13, 14). Although the
tage of the optical polarizer is its ability to be used over a
aforementioned polarizers demonstrate a high ER, they
wide broadband spectrum (2), as well as being easily inte-
also suffer from various limitations, including a narrow
grated into current optical communications infrastruc-
operating wavelength band and complex fabrication
ture, in particular fibre-based systems (3). Furthermore,
optical polarizers can be realized through a wide variety
In recent years the development of graphene, a two-di-
of materials, thus allowing these devices to be optimized
mensional flat carbon monolayer has gained wide atten-
to specific parameters of operation if necessary (4).
tion in optoelectronics applications due to its remarkable
An optical polarizer allows the transmission of only
optical properties (15, 16). A number of graphene-coated
one single polarization state  (transverse electric (TE) or
based optical polarizers have been reported in recent
transverse magnetic) while eliminating the other polari-
years. Bao et al. (17) demonstrated optical polarization
zation state, either by absorption, redirection or rejection.
using a graphene coating on a D-shaped fibre, while Pei et
In design of the polarizer, the main objective is to achieve
al. (18) reported a graphene-based optical polarizer using
a  high polarization extinction ratio (ER), defined as the
a graphene/glass hybrid waveguide. Graphene-based
ratio of power in the desired polarization state to the power
polarizers have also been reported on plasmonic (19)
in the undesired polarization state (5). A good optical-based
and polymer-based waveguides (20). There has also been
polarizer should have a high ER and low insertion loss.
a report of an optical polarizer using a graphene oxide
Because the lowest order of TE and transverse magnetic
(GO), a derivative of graphene. GO has been reported to
(TM) mode cut-off states are very close to each other, a
be more efficient in terms of dispersion in solvents and
good optical polarizer is difficult and challenging to design.


© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
2    H. Ahmad et al.

exhibits simpler handling towards the graphene-modified

devices and materials (21). Lim et al. (5) demonstrated
a broadband polarizer on a polymer optical waveguide
coated with GO via the drop-casting method and recorded
a very high ER of nearly 40 dB at 1590 nm.
Recent studies on microfibres have found an interest-
ing relationship between the generation of fibre lasers
and its strong evanescent field effect. Microfibres have
become a promising candidate for the miniaturization
of optical components and has several unique and inter-
esting properties such as high nonlinearity and disper- Figure 2. Microscopic image of the tapered fibre.
sion-tuning ability (22). The introduction of microfibres
with the associated manipulation of its diameter, length
and refractive index contrast, offers the ability to control oxygen and butane gas cylinders were attached near to it to
the multi-modal interference properties. In this work, a supply the mixture to the torch. A 10-mm-long flame was
simple and cost effective optical polarizer is proposed achieved and was kept fixed just below the tapering region.
and demonstrated on a non-adiabatic microfibre with a The flame is greatly dependent on the pressure of oxy-
GO coating accomplished by the drop-casting method. gen and butane gas and thus gas pressure was controlled
A novel TM-based optical polarizer with an ER as high carefully for optimal flame performance, with approxi-
as 36 dB was recorded at the 1480 nm wavelength region. mately 5 psi pressure maintained in the gas supply line of
both the oxygen and butane cylinders. It is worthwhile to
mention that appropriate flame level and temperature are
2.  Device fabrication two important parameters to ensure a high-performance
Figure 1 represents the experimental set-up used in the tapered fibre (23). A tunable laser source (TLS) and an
fabrication process whereby a fibre was tapered by the optical power meter (OPM) was used in this process to
flame brushing technique. In this technique, around check the insertion loss of fabricated microfibre. Figure
4/5ths cm of coating was removed from a single-mode 2 depicts a microscope image of the tapered fibre waist
fibre (SMF-28). The SMF was positioned horizontally diameter at 5.65 μm.
and held tautly by two motorized translation stage fibre The radius of tapered fibre was assessed using the inte-
holders. The linear translation stage had a sliding section gral equation:
in addition to these two fibre holders. ( )

2∫ L
1 dx
The inset of Figure 1 is a photo of the motorized fixed r(x) = r0 exp − (1)
translation stage in the fibre tapering process with the
torch. During the tapering process, these fibre holder
stages are adjusted using a motor controller board such where r0 is the radius of the fibre and L represents the
that the middle range of the clamped fibre remains per- length of the hot zone, which is the area of the microfibre
pendicular at a constant distance to the torch flame. The that is heated that has a distance of x. The value of L has a
torch flame was created from oxygen–butane mixture and linear relationship with x, and this is expressed as follows:
L(x) = L0 + ∝ x (2)
where L0 represents the initial length of the fibre’s hot
zone and ∝ is a constant that varies between –1 and +1.
By manipulating ∝, different tapered fibre shapes can be
realized such as reciprocal, decaying-exponential, linear
and concave curve. Hence, a convenient integral can be
formed as follows:
( )

2 ∫ L0 + ∝ x
1 dx
r(x) = r0 exp − (3)

( )−1∕2∝
r(x) = r0 1 + (4)
Figure 1.  Experimental set-up for the fabrication process of L0
Journal of Modern Optics   3

Figure 4. Set-up for polarizer using GO-coated tapered fibre.

Figure 3. Raman spectroscopy scan for GO solution.

3.  Characterization of GO
The GO solution was prepared via an improved version of
Hummer’s method (24). Figure 3 shows the Raman shift
of the GO solution.
From Figure 3, it can be seen that the Raman spec-
trum exhibits three main characteristics peaks; the D peak
arising from the doubly resonant disorder-induced mode
(~1353 cm−1) due to the stretching of C–C bond; the G
peak, a doubly phonon mode occurring due to the first-or-
der scattering of the E2 g phonon of the sp2 C atoms at the Figure 5. (a) Top view of GO coating and (b) TM and TE polarization
Brillouin zone centre (~1605 cm−1) and the two-dimen- at 1550 nm using GO-based microfibre polarizer.
sional overtone peak (~2715 cm−1) (25). The GO sample
shows a prominent D peak, indicative of significant struc-
tural disorder due to the incorporation of O− ions and is Extra precaution was taken by ensuring the GO spot
related to the size of the in-plane sp2 domains (26). The was fully dried before surface mapping took place. This
increment of the D peak intensity indicates the formation was done to avoid the profiler from scratching out the GO
of more sp2 domains. Additionally, the D band is Raman- spot and damaging the microfibre sample. The insertion
active at the graphitic edge (26). loss and ER for the both TE- and TM-polarized modes
before and after GO coating on the microfibre was meas-
ured using the polarized OPM (27). The polarization state
4.  Experimental set-up
of the guided light in the launch fibre was controlled using
The prepared GO solution was deposited on the microfi- a PC and the GO polarization state output was measured
bre-tapered region located on top of the glass slide. Using in free space using a Thorlabs PAX 5710 Polarimeter.
the drop-casting technique, 0.5 μl of GO solution contain- Figure 5(a) represents the top view of drop-cast GO
ing flakes was carefully dropped on the microfibre waist coating, which consists of three drops of GO. The waist
region using a micropipette. Figure 4 shows the set-up diameter of the fabricated microfibre was 5.65  μm and
used to measure the insertion loss of the microfibre with the GO coating was applied to the microfibre using the
the GO layer, with the input of the microfibre connected drop cast method. It was observed that the GO coating
to a TLS via polarization controller (PC) and the output was spread over the waist of the microfibre approximately
is connected to an OPM, which is used to measure the 12 mm long.
insertion loss of the fabricated microfibre. A Point Gray A wide wavelength of the between 1310 and 1600 nm
Fly Capture2 SDK camera by Edmund Optics was used was applied to examine the ER for all three cases (e.g. after
to measure the GO coating length. one drop of GO, two drops of GO and so on). The inser-
The tapered fibre immersed in GO (a drop of GO on the tion loss for TM- and TE-polarized mode was measured
glass slide) was left to dry at room temperature for 15 min. too. A change is detected in the ER and TM/TE polarizer
To obtain better interaction of GO with the tapered fibre, mode because of the additional GO drops in the tapered
two more drops were added in the same drop spot in the fibre. A 1550-nm signal was launched into the microfibre
waist region. Again, for each drop of GO, the deposited and the TM and TE mode output was detected as shown
region was let to dry for approximately 15 min. in Figure 5(b) and (c) correspondingly. The intensity of the
4    H. Ahmad et al.

TM polarization light is brighter than that of the TE polar- drops and becomes constant after the deposition of three
ization light. This indicates that the GO-based microfibre GO drops. The results were summarized in Figure 6(a).
polarizer works as a TM pass polarizer. Before deposition, an ER was recorded at 1310 with a
value of 1.76  dB. After the first drop of GO, an ER of
15.49 dB was recorded at 1600 nm, while after the second
5.  Results and discussion
drop deposition, a higher ER was recorded at 1550 nm
In this experiment, it was observed that the insertion (20.53 dB) and 1600 nm (20.43 dB). The ER increased
loss for the TM mode increases with the number of GO further after the third drop of GO with measured values
of 32.83 and 35.74 dB at 1550 and 1600 nm. Extra care
(a) 40 is taken during the experiment as the linear polarization
35 0 Drop state is sensitive and could easily be affected by small
30 1 Drop movements to the fibres or even vibrations in the sur-
Extintion ratio (dB)

25 2 Drop rounding area.

3 Drop Figure 6(b) shows the increasing ER trend with the
number of GO drops. After the third drop of GO, the
highest ER was recorded around 35.74  dB at 1600  nm
10 wavelength and the lowest ER was recorded as 6.68 dB at
5 1310 nm wavelength. This GO-based microfibre polarizer
0 works through the interaction of the evanescent field with
1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 propagating light. A portion of light propagates outside of
Wavelength (nm) the microfibre in the waist region and interacts with the
GO at this point. It has been observed that increasing the
(b) 40 number of GO drops results an increase in the ER due to
35 the presence of more GO molecules. As such, the first GO
30 drop on the microfibre creates a relatively thin coating film
1550 on the microfibre, where the thickness of the film is much
Extintion Ratio

1600 lower than the penetration depth of the evanescent field.
Adding another drop of the GO solution now increases the
15 thickness of the GO coating, while a third drop increases
10 the thickness further. This increases the interaction of the
5 GO coating with the evanescent field, thus generating a
0 higher ER.
0 1 2 3 Figure 7 illustrates the cross-section view of the TM
Number of Drops and TE mode taken from the charge-coupled device cam-
era. The three-dimensional view of the light intensity for
Figure 6. The ER of GO drops with (a) three drops after 15-min TE and TM mode at 1550 nm is shown in Figure 8(a) and
interval (b) Three drops in the same spot from 1310  nm until (b) correspondingly.
1600 nm wavelength sources.

Figure 7. Cross-section view of the light high intensity (a) TM and low intensity (b) TE mode.
Journal of Modern Optics   5

Figure 8. 3D view of the polarizer intensity for (a) TM mode and (b) TE mode at 1550 nm wavelength.

10 the wavelength range between 1310 and 1600 nm after

depositing three drops of GO, with a microfibre diame-
Transmissted Power (dB)

0 ter of 5.65 μm and coating length of 12 mm. Within the

TM TE 1540–1620 nm wavelength range, the GO recorded an ER
-10 of 32.83 dB. The highest and the lowest ER values were
attained at 35.74 and 6.68 dB at 1600 and 1310 nm wave-
length, respectively.
0 1 2 3
We would also like to thank Dr. M. Z. Razak for assisting in the
graphical work of the paper.
Number of GO Drop(s)

Figure 9.  Transmitted power for TM and TE mode at 1550  nm Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
For the TM mode, the optical intensity obtained from
the measurement was −0.35  dB, while the total power Funding
and peak value was recorded at 52279374.00 and 3261.00
cnts, respectively. Subsequently, for the TE mode, the opti- This work was supported by the University of Malaya for the
research funding [grant number LRGS (2015) NGOD/UM/
cal intensity level obtained from the measurement was KPT], [grant number GA010-2014 (ULUNG)], [grant number
−32.48 dB with total power and peak values of 33126826.00 RU007/2015].
and 876.00 cnts, respectively. The insertion loss of the
device for the TM and TE modes was also measured.
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