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Astro Ltd Laser Physics

Laser Phys. 27 (2017) 055104 (6pp)

Switchable multiwavelength
ytterbium-doped fiber laser using
a non-adiabatic microfiber interferometer
A S Zulkhairi1, Saaidal R Azzuhri1, R A Shaharuddin1, M F Jaddoa1,
M A M Salim1,2, A A Jasim1 and H Ahmad1
Photonics Research Centre, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Laser Center, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Johor Bahru, Malaysia


Received 21 October 2016

Accepted for publication 6 March 2017
Published 6 April 2017

In this paper, we have successfully demonstrated a stable dual, triple and quad-wavelength
generation of ytterbium-doped fiber by incorporating a non-adiabatic microfiber interferometer
(N-MI) into the laser ring cavity. Three sets of dual-wavelength, two sets of triple-wavelength
and one set of quad-wavelength with the same wavelength spacing of 4.24 nm for all sets of
multiwavelengths over the range of 1035 nm to 1050 nm are obtained by means of a nonlinear
polarization rotation mechanism. The side-mode suppression ratio (SMSR) is ~53 dBm while
the wavelength fluctuation and maximum power are 0.01 nm and less than 0.6 dB, respectively.
Such features offer flexibility in multiwavelength generation and a stable output, with addition
to a reliable system at an ambient temperature.

Keywords: multiple wavelength, microfiber interferometer, non-adiabatic microfiber,

ytterbium-doped fiber laser
(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction wavelength regions, are not under the conventional commu-

nication band [3–8]. As there is a growing demand for the 1
Multiwavelength fiber lasers (MWFLs) have played important µm band wavelength regions for the fiber lasers, it is desirable
roles over the past few years due to their wide potential appli- to investigate the multiwavelength performance of YDFLs. In
cations in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) transmis- 2007, Guan and Marciante have demonstrated a generation of
sion, optical fiber sensor, fiber sensing and fiber spectroscopy dual single-mode YDFLs with a wavelength spacing of 0.3 nm
[1]. These are due to their simpler structure, strong resistance by using the birefringence effect of the polarization maintain-
to electromagnetic interference, stable output and constant free ing fiber Bragg grating (FBG) [9]. Moghaddam et al demon-
spectral range (FSR) characteristic. One of the important cri- strated a 1030 nm region of multiwavelength ytterbium-doped
teria in achieving these goals is to incorporate suitable gain fiber rings using a Sagnac loop mirror and a Mach–Zehnder
medium that possesses high stability in multiwavelength las- interferometer (MZI) [7]. The operation of a multiwavelength
ing. For the past two decades, erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) laser can be simply explained by using the Mach–Zehnder
based MWFLs have been reported intensively due to their sig- (MZ) interference mechanism. It is created by the laser system,
nificant advantages such as low threshold, inexpensive setup where the comb response generates a wavelength dependent
and high-power conversion efficiency [2]. However, when loss that restrains the mode hoping and mode competition [10].
compared to EDFLs, a ytterbium-doped fiber laser (YDFL) By proposing a single mode cavity from a multimode medium,
has relatively less attraction under multiwavelength opera- the MZ effects can be emulated whereby the core and the clad-
tion, due to the fact that YDFLs, which operate under 1-micron ding play the MZ arms role [11].

1555-6611/17/055104+6$33.00 1 © 2017 Astro Ltd Printed in the UK

Laser Phys. 27 (2017) 055104 A S Zulkhairi et al

Figure 3. Experiment setup for multiwavelength ytterbium-doped

fiber laser incorporating N-MI.
Figure 1. (a) Microscope image of waist diameter and
(b) schematic overview of the N-MI.

Figure 4. Slope efficiency of lasing threshold for a nonlinear

microfiber MZI.
Figure 2. The transmission of ASE with and without N-MI at the
pump power of 108.1 mW. multimode guidance, from which the cladding mode couples
with the fundamental modes [17–19] to induce wavelength-
Meanwhile, the interference arrangement is controlled and dependent loss. The requirements for tunable and switchable
this effect can be very efficient in order to achieve the desir- MWFLs are very precise in the fields of sensor and instrument
able properties of the laser including narrow line-width, fine- testing applications [13]. It is also desirable to improve the
ness and power efficiency. Moreover, switchable MFLs have flexibility of an MWFL in some practical applications [20].
been developed intensively over the last 12 years as it allows In this paper, we propose a switchable multiwavelength
a fast switching from single wavelength to dual and multiple YDFL over a range of 15 nm and centered at 1040 nm, which
wavelength operations with a very high speed while main- was demonstrated by using a non-adiabatic microfiber inter-
taining high stability and reliability [12, 13]. Furthermore, ferometer (N-MI) based abrupt tapering angle as this device
in 2011, Ceballos-Herrera et  al reported a single- to three- allows coupling between core and cladding-air modes to serve
wavelength generation using a long-period holey fiber grating as a wavelength selective filter in the laser cavity [21]. From
based on intracavity-induced loss [14]. Before that, Shenggui the results presented, it can be shown that the laser can be
et al reported a simple switchable multiwavelength ytterbium- switched to generate three stable sets of dual-wavelength, two
doped clad fiber laser using a multimode fiber Bragg grating sets of triple-wavelength and one set of quad-wavelength by
(MMFG) as a wavelength selective component [15]. The controlling the polarization controller (PC).
key of generation and switching MWFLs is the suppression
of mode competition of the gain medium. This can be done 2. Fabrications and characterization of N-MI
by inducing the nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR) effect
in the fiber ring cavity to induce intensity-dependent loss The N-MI is constructed by tapering a single mode fiber
and suppress mode competition [5, 16]. On the other hand, (SMF) in an abrupt angle using an optical fiber processing
suppression of mode competition can be simply created by workstation (Vytran GPX-3000 series). By using a Vytran
implanting a non-adiabatic tapered microfiber in the fiber ring machine, the taper profile can be arranged according to
cavity as an optical multichannel filter, in order to create a desired parameters. As a heating element, a graphite filament

Laser Phys. 27 (2017) 055104 A S Zulkhairi et al

Figure 6. Triple-wavelength lasing spectrum at (a) 1034.63,

1038.87 and 1043.11 nm, and (b) 1038.56, 1042.81 and 1047.05 nm.

interfering can be expressed by I= I1 + I2 + 2 I1 I2 cos(ϕ ),

where I1 and I2 are the intensities of the modes propagating
in the core and cladding-air, respectively. ϕ is the phase dif-
ference of the mode interference, and can be approximated as
2 π (∆ n ) L
ϕ= λ
eff eff
, where ∆ neff = neff eff
c − ncl and is defined as
the difference of the effective refractive indices of the core and
the cladding-air modes. Leff and λ are the effective length of
the N-MI and optical wavelength respectively.
Figure 2 shows the transmission spectrum of the ampli-
fied spontaneous emission (ASE) source with and without the
N-MI at 108.1 mW. It can be clearly seen that the comb-like
Figure 5. Dual-wavelength lasing spectrum at (a) 1034.78 and spectrum from the N-MI wavelength filter has a wavelength
1039.02 nm, (b) 1038.8 and 1043.04 nm and (c) 1042.71 and spacing (Δ λ) of 4.24 nm. The wavelength spacing or an aver-
1046.92 nm. age from one peak to another peak beating distance is the
is used since it is able to attain the intensified heat that can main property of the N-MI. Different tapering structures in
be restrained specifically and varied from ambient temper- diameter and length will produce various beating effects. The
ature up to 3000 °C stabily. The waist diameter of the taper wavelength spacing can be expressed as [19]:
fiber (Wd) is fixed at 12 µm as shown in figure 1(a). Up and
down taper lengths (Lt) are equivalently set at 2 mm, which ∆λ= . (1)
is considered an abrupt slope while the length of the taper ∆ n eff Leff
waist (Lw) was 25 mm. The N-MI schematic overview is Thus, a smaller diameter or a longer tapered region will result
shown in figure 1(b), with the light propagation from left to in sharper and narrower peaks with a high extinction ratio.
right. Such structure allows the interference between the fun- It can also be seen from ASE, with an N-MI spectrum in
damental mode HE11 that propagates in the core of the waist figure 2, where a loss of about 5 dB is induced, which can be
region with its closest higher order mode HE12. The power attributed mainly due to the abrupt tapered section.

Laser Phys. 27 (2017) 055104 A S Zulkhairi et al

Figure 7. (a) Quad wavelength spectrum with 1034.57, 1038.81, 1043.05 and 1047.29 nm, and peak powers of − 12.34, − 12, − 12.51 and − 12.77
dBm, (b) stability test scan for 20 min for (i) λ1 = 1034.57 nm, (ii) λ2 = 1038.81 nm, (iii) λ3 = 1043.05 nm, (iv) λ3 = 1047.29 nm, (c) power
fluctuation and (d) wavelength shifting.

3. Experimental setup that when the pump power is increased, more lasing wave-
lengths can be excited at the peak of the N-MI interfer-
The experimental setup of the proposed multiple wave- ence patterns, but the number of lasing wavelengths and
length generator lasers is shown in figure 3. For a 70 cm long their position can be easily controlled by carefully tun-
Fibercore DF1100 ytterbium-doped fiber (YDF) gain medium ing the system polarization state using a PC. By control-
is pumped by a 974 nm laser diode (Oclaro Model LC96A74P- ling the PC, the lasing output was able to switch from one
20R) through a 980/1060 nm WDM. To ensure a unidirectional wavelength to multiwavelength lasers. This is due to the
laser ring operation in a clockwise direction, the insulator is interference patterns or comb-like spectrum produced by
incorporated into the laser cavity. A PC is used in the setup to the N-MI device. In the setup, the N-MI device was placed
tune the cavity state of polarization before being connected to between a PC and an OC and since the N-MI was able to
the N-MI microfiber. By using a 90/10 optical coupler (OC), produce a stable comb-like spectrum, a spatial mode beat-
90% of the signal is connected back into the cavity to sustain ing arose and lead to a suppressed mode competition of the
the laser operation while 10% of the signal is tapped out to the homogenous broadening effect of the YDF, resulting in the
optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) (Yokogawa AQ6373) with generation of a stable multiwavelength laser. The generated
0.02 nm spectral resolution. The total laser cavity length is 5 m. wavelength lasers are directly dependent on comb-like pat-
terns of the N-MI, thus the laser enhanced by the system
4. Results and discussion polarization state can be switched at different wavelengths
based on wavelength-dependent loss function. PC rotation
Closure of the ring cavity laser, as illustrated in figure  3, will change the polarization states and cause a continuous
resulted in the generation of dual, triple and quadruple birefringence effect that balances the gain and loss of the
wavelengths of YDFL over a range of 15 nm and cen- generated multiwavelength lasing [22].
tered at 1040 nm, where, in the experiment, the threshold Figure 5(a) shows dual-wavelength YDFL excited at
input pump power for the setup was 81.8 mW, as shown 1034.78 and 1039.02 nm with nearly the same peak power
in figure 4,with 5 m of total length cavity. The input pump of − 10.38 and − 10.43 dBm, respectively. The spacing
power is further increased up to 208.8 mW in order to between two wavelengths is measured to be 4.24 nm, which
obtain better stability and lasing performance. It is noted is the same wavelength spacing of comb-like spectrum of the

Laser Phys. 27 (2017) 055104 A S Zulkhairi et al

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