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Lecturer : Lina Aris Ficayuma, M.Pd Name : ..............................................

Class : English Phonetic and Phonology NIM : ..............................................

1. Write down your article for your mid term test of phonetic and phonology class..
2. Topic:
a. Identifying the difficulties of a Javanese English teachers in pronouncing some of
English words in British or American accent, dialect, and sociolect.
b. Classifying the characteristic and English standard usage in inner circle countries and
finding the different with the English standard usage in expanding circle countries.

Topi Name
A Ilham Akbar, Agus Naedha Sudiro, Yudhi Abdillah, Wahyu Andika, dan
Khoirul Ihsan.
B Amril Fahmi Rochmad, Bagus Mughi Prasetyo, Akhmad Irvan Alamsyah, dan
Ahmad Alyata Laththof

3. Procedures:
a. To be considered for mid term test submission, manuscripts should be typed in
MS Word document format, using 12 size Times New Roman fonts, double-
spaced on quarto or A4-size paper, 10-20 pages in length, margin
(top,left,bottom,right: 3344).
b. The conceptual articles should include: (a) Title; (b) Full name; (c) Abstract (max.
100 words); (d) Keywords; (e) Introduction; (f) Body text (theoritical framework);
(g) discussion and conclusion, and (h) references.
c. The references should be presented alphabetically and chronologically, and be
written in accordance with the APA style.
d. To be noted that the articles which have not been submitted or adopted elsewhere.
It means that paraphrasing is suggested.

4. Deadline: Ahad, 26 April 2020 pukul 23.59 WIB.

5. During the writing process, you can asking question and asking suggestion on Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday.
6. Thank you and Good Luck.

Lina Aris Ficayuma, M.Pd


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