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4598-10831 SONY. LIMITED WARRANTY | Video & Audio | U.S. and Canada only - 1 year Electronics In. soll for purchases made nthe nied Sistos and Sony of Canada Lid. oly fr purchases mao in Canad (otecively “Som werrans tis product agaist delete mara or workmanship for tho onal owner and any subsequont ed user carers) Cou" or "Your forthe time peti st ft sot oth horn. Firsuant to tis Lined Warrant Sony Wi aks epton, () patho produc ing new or ruled parts or () rplac the product wih a new or recertiedelubished product oft same for sla) modal Fr purpeses of ths nied Warrany"egetiee or eluate means a produc or part thal has been elned to Rs orignal Epecticaons. nthe event ofa defect, those are Your exclusive remedies. Sony does rol warrant a the operator ol he pede willbe uninterrupted or err ee. “Trme For tho time period sat forth above rom the original dao of purchase ofthe product when purchased directy from Sony or Sony authorized dealer (To elorming i's dealer isn the Sony authorized desler network, please vit US: Wywsory com/relalers; Canada: ts:/dealerlocator sory ca/locator oF contact ‘Sony recy), Sony wil tts opton Topi o* replace witha nok, recertified or rlurbished prowl Or par, ary product or part Jelormined to be delecine. “This Limited Warranty covers only the hardware components packaged with the product. I does not cover separate accossoris, tecnica assistance for Marduare rach Usage and does nav cove ary sofnere roots whether ot cated inf pode and ote ncloded cone ry sh stereo ie nce) orion provided “AS 1" urls oxprocty provided lr any enclosed software Lined Warranty or End Usa License Agreement, ease ree othe Ed User {Stance Agreomant() not wit th prog for Your ighis ar abigations wh reaped fe ears o” oer clued estan You purchaced an extended sericea. pleeso reer othe sevice pan fore coverage, duralon ators of service Extended sence plans are not poveed by this Lmfed Waray “To obtain warranty servic, You ust dele the product in ether is orga packaging cr packaging afcrdng an equal degree of pectecon loa Sory authorized serve coker togaher ih a deted purse reo nero fo ean aay oreo. Sony catia raion Ta I il bo let na aw roduc under this waar rake a product ferehange who ro or bes of solar of dala tis Your responsibly io femove or backup any removable media or parts, data, software or other materials You may hav stored or preserved on Your roduc. its ity Vat any moda or parts, deta, solvare, or clr mater ike picures, musk, videos, oc.) wile lost or retorted slringeorvoe nd Sony wi nat be regponsibiafor any such damage or lsd, Cota ho omng specie st ucaos On Po To oot vasany uric frou poss For purchases made in the UNITED STATES: Vig Sony's Website: (Orca he Customer Experiance Cantor 1-600-222 SONY (7668) To register Your predic or for contac information to purchase accessanes ox parts go to Sony's Website For purchases made in CANADA: Visit Sony's Website: real the Customer Experience Center. 167-898 SONY (7669) To register Yous prods or for contact information fo purchaco acoessoros or parts Go to Sony's Website On-ste serve for televisions of eaain dimensions may be availabe toa custorer ving witin a Sokm rags fan authorized Sony sorvice tac, provided the residence can Oe accessed by an on toad service vehicle, Repaiplacement Warany, Tn Lied Waray sa apy ay rep replconent pro easement erred ora pod he Fernando! Se ongrl Limted Warranty period or fr mney (80) days, whicheve a enger Any pars O° pred replaced unde: this Limited Warranty wil become {he propery of Sony Ary replacement, recalled or olutsshed product provided under ts Lm teu Warranly may. at Sony’s option, vary in color andlor cosmic {deslgn fom the orginal produc and may not include any orginal engraving or sila customizatonypersenalzaton. ‘Soy is ot response fr, and this Lied Wranly doesnot cover, any damage arin from a fue fo opera the proc wns fended ses, or thes olow tho dunors marco! and sly inavutone rating oth pre tao and ntti. Tis Lented Waray only Covers peut nsbes caused by dled mma o \wevmanchsp rng erdhary carsumor uso. Ths inited Waren doos not cover prodil puthaoed fom sorezs ater than Soy or @ Sony auho‘zed dase (noua Tonto tej one actions), or sues Guo fo) outdoor exposed ahs acl of nalue i) power surg) acienial Gamage (v) abuse, Imfatons ote {Wh essmate drag: cont we hel, humo perpen, sand, smoke ee gn mtr) Jeol pars or sopes rl sod authored by Son) ‘Sonicng no auhotzed ox permed by Sony or a Sony autores sence carr) Gomputer or ntme! vce, bu, worms, 6 ejan Horses; fa) malanctons die © onphedvacssores i) modiontare of orf ay pvt fe prod, reid ening or ofr moses tconel be behave le prod ot ary acy estaled [pera esta) conaetle parts 2 ballast ary padi whe tector apped eral nunbst hasbeen alaredorombvedFom tno pede Furte, {Othe eter the procs! neoporates use ofa delay. please note hata slay corns hunceds of tousancs of avi poele, and deplaye pes coreain a smal umber of pk at donot uncon propery This United Warranty dos nl cover upto. O1% pel ouages (oma do picture ements tal te dark or nearest). “This Limited Waranty does not cover Sony products sof “AS IS" or "WITH ALL FAULTS" ot consumables (Guch as fuss or dsposable batores). Sony wil not repiace ming componets rom ary packaga purchased “Open Ga’ of AS 1S Tvs Lmtd Warany fv oni tho Unies Stas ané Canada (as ppiabl) LIMITATION ON DAMAGES: SONY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OA IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION ON THIS PRODUCT. NOR SHALL RECOVERY OF ANY KIND AGAINST SONY BE GREATER THAN THE ORIGINAL PUACHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT FROM SONY OR AN AUTHORIZED SONY DEALEA DURATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS: EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW ANY INPLIED WARRANTY OF HEACHANTIBLITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON THS PRODUCT IS LIMITED IN OURATION TO THE DURATION OF THIS LIMITED WAR Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion oman of incidental or consoquential damagos. or alow liniatlons on how lng an impllod warranty lasts, so the above limfaions or excisions may not apply to You. Ts Lmias Warranty gives You spot leg ighs nd You may have aher rights which vary Tom juadson Yura, For purchases made in the U.S.: Read the following Dispute Resolution/Arbitration provision carefully. It detalls Your rights and instructions should a ‘dispute related to the product |What Happens If We Have A Dispute: Shout! a dispute or claim arse rlated tothe product Your purchase andlor uso of the product the trms of this Lined Waraniy or any sorvice road under the rms ft Imted Warariy (ndudng ay Tope ox reacemen) COepue), You and Sovy sree tat ha Depute ‘shal be resolved exclusively through binding arbitration. YOU UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THat BY AGREEING TO ARBITRATION, YOU ARE GIVING UP THE RIGHT TO LITIGATE (OR PARTICIPATE INAS A PARTY OR CLASS MEMBER) IN ANY DISPUTES IN COURT. You also agres that ANY DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEEDING WILL ONLY CONSIDER YOUR INDIVIDUAL CLAIMS, AND BOTH PARTIES AGREE NOT TO HAVE ANY DISPUTE HEARD AS A CLASS ACTION, REPRESENTATIVE ACTION, CONSOLIDATED ACTION, OR PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL ACTION. Despt the above, You have the igi fo itigale any O'spute on an Inldual basis In smal claims court or oler similar cour of imited jursdichon to Be extent the amount st ssue does Nol exceed 15,000 and as ong as such court has proper juisdeton and al ther raquremonts (ncluding the amount In cortoversy) ae satiseg. Arbitration Instructions. To begin Arbitration, ether You or Sony must maka wrton demand to the other fr arbitration The Abiraton wil take place belore a single [rbttator The aftaton wil be adminstered n Keeping with he Expeated Procedures ofthe Cortmercal Abraton Fules ana the Supplementary Proceedings {or Consumersbiated dsputes (Rules) of tne American Ariaton Assocation (AA, whon applicable and in effec when th clam fled You May gets copy ‘of AAAS Flas by contacing AAA at (@00) 778-7879 0” vieling wor ade org. The fing fees to begin and.carry Out ablcaion wil be shared bedwoen You and Sony, fut n no event shall Your fees ever excnod the amount allowable by the spedal rues for Consumers Disputes provided fo by AKA, at which port Sony wil vor il additonal amnisvalve fees and expenses. This coes not pron the aitatrtvom ging the wining pary tor Tees an expenses of he apitaton when 2pptoptate pursuant tothe Rules, Unies You and Sony agrae diferent tho abivaion wil take place inte county and stale wie You ive, and applicable federal. ‘or eta law shall govern the balance of any Depute during th aration, However, he Fedral Arbivaton At 9 W'S. § 1 ot so, wil gover te aoitaion Noo ‘and rot ay slatola on arbivaion. The Arirators decision wil be binding and fina, excep ora imited right of appeal under the Fedral Arran At {t.outnaructions, IF YOU DO NOT WISHTO BE BOUND BY THE BINDING, ARBITRATION PROVISION, THE: 1) You must ntl Sony ting wn 30 slays ofthe date nal You purchased the product: (2) Your writen naiicaion must be mala lo Sony Eleconie Inc, 16598 Va Esprilo, Mz 1105, San Diogo CA 2427, Ate Log! Deportnan: AND (our wo niin must nde (Yau NAME (Yeu ADDRESS, othe DATE Yu burg ths bru an ‘A clea’ statement that "YOU DO NOT WISH TO RESOLVE DISPUTES WITH ANY SONY ELEGTAONICS ENTITY {THOUGH ARBITRATION ANOJOR BE BOUND

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