Pathophysiology of PCOS

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(Part 2)
Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance leads to compensatory insulin hypersecretion by the pancreas in order
to maintain normoglycaemia.

The resulting hyperinsulinaemia promotes ovarian androgen output and may also
promote adrenal androgen output.

High insulin levels also suppress hepatic production of sex hormone binding globulin
(SHBG), which exacerbates hyper-androgenaemia by increasing the proportion of free
circulating androgens.

This LH excess seems to be a result of an increased frequency of

gonadotrophin-releasing hormone pulses from the hypothalamus, promoting ovarian
androgen output.
Insulin-resistant hyperinsulinism acts on theca cells to aggravate
hyperandrogenism, synergizes with androgen to prematurely luteinize granulosa
cells, and stimulates fat accumulation.

The increased hyperandrogenemia provokes LH excess, which then acts on both

theca and luteinized granulosa cells to worsen hyperandrogenism

Obesity increases insulin-resistance, and the resultant increased hyperinsulinism

further aggravates hyperandrogenism.

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