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 Inspecting Whether The Surface Is Slick

The state of the surface of a trailer depends on the polishing and  sandblasting
processes. Inspecting the surface before buying a trailer and while maintaining is
important because of rust.
Ensure that the surface is rough to reduce the rate of rust. The surface is likely to
wear out and rust if it is slick. Whether the surface is rough or slick should the
effectiveness of the blasting process.
You can tell if the manufacturer followed the right process by inspecting the


 Fastener inspection
The main reason for fastener inspection is to ensures that all fasteners are tight. A
fastener can be loose if it was not fixed properly or if the dimensions are wrong.
Hence, you need to determine if the fastener requires to be tightened or replaced
with another fastener with the right measurements. You need tight fasteners for
the strength and stability of the trailer especially when it fully loaded.
 Welding inspection
Welding all the beams and plates is cumbersome. Many mechanics take short cuts
in this process. Hence, you must be careful  when inspecting the welded parts and
All the welded parts should be smooth and uniform. Sometimes welding leave
some rough surfaces because of heat deformation. Check all the joints for rough
Another thing to look out for when inspecting welded parts is cracks and
penetration to adjacent beams.
If the manufacturer is not careful with the welding process, the welding machine
can penetrate through the steel plate or cause cracks. Such deformations will
reduce the strength of the beams.
In addition, you need to check the parts or joints that are not welded. Sometimes
the manufacturer may skip some joints in the process, which will affect the loading
capacity of the trailer.
Welding is the most important part of manufacture process. WPS (Welding
Procedure Specification) is a strict standard to keep high quality of the trailers. It
defines the process of each step in detail and record the each parts welded by
different welders.
welding procedure specification

 Beams Inspection
Proper welding of the beams is not enough. You need to check the perpendicularity
of the beams on all sides. Inspect the upper, middle, and lower plate of all the main
beams to ensure that they are perpendicular and straight.
You may ask, why is it important to inspect the perpendicularity of the beams? If
the beams are not straight and properly position, the stress will be imbalanced.
The beams can easily fracture or break if they not straight and if the plates are not
perpendicular. You may require some measure devices to inspect the beams.

Main beam

 Axles Inspection
Another important aspect of quality control is inspecting the axles. When inspecting
axles, you need to measure the parallelism and perpendicularity of each axle.
All the axles should be parallel and their central lines should be coherent. The
purpose of inspecting axles is to ensure that the tires are properly positioned. It is
easy to install the tires and keep the trailer stable when the axles are well installed.
 Load Test
Manufacturer give the loading capacity of each trailer but you cannot rely on that
information alone. You need to test if the trailer can handle the maximum load as
specified by the manufacturer.
Inspect the process of loading the cargo on the trailer to ensure that the ramp is
working properly. If the trailer has the loading capacity as specified, it should be
easy to load and transport heavy cargo with the trailer.

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