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Academic Task-2

Mittal School of Business Faculty of Business and Applies Arts

Name of the Faculty Member: Dr. Razia Sehdev

Course Code: BSL605 CourseTitle: Legal Aspects of Business

Section: Q1948,Q950,Q1953,Q1954

Max. Marks: 15 Date of Allotment: August 5, 2020 Date of Submission: September 4, 2020

S. Roll No Objectives Topic Evaluation

No of Parameters
1 Individual To test the Student has to make a detailed written report on two As per rubric
conceptual recent cases related to following topics: attached
clarity of a) Essentials of a valid contract
students b) Free consent
c) Breach of contract
d) Remedies for the breach of contract
e) Sales of goods act
f) Consumer protection act.
Report will be made on IRAC method (Issue, Rule,
Analysis, Conclusion) and will include 1. Introduction
to the topic 2. Parties of the case – Plaintiff and
defendant 3. Issue- identify the legal issue and the
facts and circumstances of the situation in given case
4. Rule of Law-Determination of specific provisions
applicable 5. Analysis-Student will analyse the facts
and circumstances of the situation by applying the rule
of law to the fact 6. Conclusion – Based on analysis,
student will right the conclusion

Introduction Issue Parties Rule of Law- Analysis- Conclusion-
to the topic (Situation/details (Plaintiff, Determination Student are Based on
(5 Marks) of Case Defendant of specific required to analysis
or any other provisions analyse the student will
(5 Marks) party) applicable facts and right the
involved in circumstances conclusion
(5 Marks)
case of the
situation by (5 Marks)
(5 Marks) applying the
rule of law to
the fact
(5 Marks)

Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient

(0.1 Mark) (0.1Mark) (0.1 Mark) (0.1 Mark) (0.1 Mark) (0.1 Mark)

Fair (2 Fair (2 Marks) Fair (2 Fair (2 Marks) Fair (2 Marks) Fair (2

Marks) Marks) Marks)
Good (3 Marks) Good (3 Marks) Good (3
Good (3 Good (3 Marks) Good (3
Very Good (4 Very Good (4
Marks) Marks) Marks)
Marks) Marks) Very Good (4
Very Good Very Good Marks) Very Good
Excellent (5 Excellent (5
(4 Marks) (4 Marks) (4 Marks)
Marks) Marks) Excellent (5
Excellent (5 Excellent (5 Marks) Excellent (5
Marks) Marks) Marks)


Insufficient Fair Good Very good Excellent

•Mostly Wrong •Somewhat •Minimum •Adequate Level •Exemplary
•Major Mistakes Correct acceptable work of work work
in overall •Several major •Minor Mistakes •Minor Mistakes •No Mistakes
content mistakes are there •Organized •Well Organized
•Unorganized •Little •Somewhat •Good level of •Good level of
•No Organization Organized understanding understanding
understanding •Limited •Some
Understanding Understanding

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