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Beaconhouse School System


Exploring Hyperbole

Q1. Below are lyrics from famous songs. Identify and underline the phrases or sentences
that use hyperbole: (2 marks)
(i). Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be, And don't it make you sad
about it, ​Cry me a river, Cry me a river.
a song by Justin Timberlake

(ii). I would ​fly to the moon and back​ if you'll be... If you'll be my baby. Got a ticket for a
world where we belong, So would you be my baby?
a song by Savage Garden

Q2. Identify by underlining the part of the sentence which exaggerates by using hyperbole:
(10 Marks)

(i). I’m so hungry I could ​eat a horse​.

(ii). I can smell pizza from a ​mile away.

(iii). Allie has a ​million pairs of shoes​ in her closet.

(iv). He’s as ​skinny as a toothpick​.

(v). His ​brain’s the size of a pea.

(vi). I’ve ​killed a thousand mosquitoes​ since morning, but there are still some in the kitchen.

(vii). These ​shoes are killing me​.

(viii). I have a ​ton of assignments​ to do.

(ix). That runner’s ​faster than the speed of lightning.

(x). The lesson was ​taking forever​.

Beaconhouse School System

Q3. Explain the meaning of the following examples of hyperbole: (8 Marks)

(a). My parents are going to kill me when they find out.

​ his doesn't mean that the parents are going to kill him in real. It is an example of
exaggeration which means that when his parents would find out what he did, they will
be really mad at him and he is going to be in a big trouble.

(b). That was the easiest quiz in the world.

It is an example of exaggeration which means that the quiz was very easy to attempt as
it had simple questions which could be easily solved.

(c). I’m dying of starvation, when’s dinner?

This is another example of exaggeration which means that the person is very hungry ,
he is waiting impatiently for the dinner. It's been very long since he ate something and
is now starving.

(d). It’s so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.

It's an example of exaggeration which means that the weather was very hot and humid.
It doesn't actually mean that an egg could be fried on the sidewalk but indicates the
balmy day.

(e). The only thing that he ever wants to do is play that game.
This sentence is an example of hyperbole. This shows the person's love for that game
that he wants to badly play as this is his heartily wish.

(f). Tanya never stops talking.

This is an example of hyperbole. It doesn't actually mean that Tanya would talk
forever but indicates the talkative nature of Tanya. She is a girl who talks a lot and
wouldn't stop talking.

(g). I’ve told you a million times, pick up your dirty socks.
Beaconhouse School System

This is an example of hyperbole. It doesn't actually mean that the person told someone
a million times about picking up the dirty socks. This shows that the person had told
someone to pick the dirty socks a lot of times.

(h). I’m thirsty as a camel.

It is an example of hyperbole. Camels live in desert and do not get a lot of water to
drink. They usually store the water and use them in necessary situations. The sentence
shows that the person was very thirsty as it has been very long since he drank water.

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