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Clinical Biomechanics 34 (2016) 7–11

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The influence of the Peroneus Longus muscle on the foot under axial
loading: A CT evaluated dynamic cadaveric model study
K. Dullaert a,⁎, J. Hagen a, K. Klos b,c, B. Gueorguiev a, M. Lenz c, R.G. Richards a, P. Simons b
AO Research Institute Davos, Clavadelerstrasse 8, 7270 Davos, Switzerland
Catholic Clinic Mainz, Department of Foot and Ankle Surgery, KKM Mainz, An der Goldgrube 11, , 55131 Mainz, Germany
Department of Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital Jena, Bachstraße 18, 07743 Jena, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Subtle hypermobility of the first tarsometatarsal joint can occur concomitantly with other pathologies
Received 26 November 2015 and may be difficult to diagnose. Peroneus Longus muscle might influence stability of this joint. Collapse of the medial
Accepted 2 March 2016 longitudinal arch is common in flatfoot deformity and the muscle might also play a role in correcting Meary's angle.
Methods: A radiolucent frame was used to simulate weightbearing during CT examination. Eight pairs fresh-frozen
lower legs were imaged in neutral position under non-weightbearing (75 N), weightbearing (700 N) and with
First ray instability
15 kg weights hung from Peroneus Longus tendon. Measurements included first metatarsal rotation, intermetatarsal
Hallux valgus
Medial longitudinal arch
angle, first tarsometatarsal joint subluxation and Meary's angle.
Peroneus Longus function Findings: Weightbearing significantly increased Meary's angle and significantly decreased first tarsometatarsal joint
Biomechanical study subluxation (both P b 0.01). Pulling Peroneus Longus tendon significantly increased first metatarsal rotation
(P b 0.01), significantly decreased the intermetatarsal angle (P b 0.01) and increased non-significantly Meary's
angle (P = 0.52).
Interpretation: A considerable effect weightbearing has on the medial longitudinal arch and first tarsometatarsal joint
was observed. Pulling Peroneus Longus tendon improved first metatarsal subluxation but increased its rotation. The
study calls into question the importance of this tendon in maintaining the medial longitudinal arch and raises con-
cerns about rotational deformity of the first metatarsal following hallux valgus correction without first tarsometatarsal
Clinical relevance: Study outcomes will provide more insight in foot pathology.
What is known about the subject: Weightbearing affects anatomy of the foot. No reliable information is available
concerning the influence of the Peroneus muscle.
What this study adds to existing knowledge: This study investigates the influence of weightbearing and the impact the
Peroneus muscle on the anatomy of the foot.
© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction Subtle hypermobility of the first tarsometatarsal (TMT) joint can

occur concomitantly with other first ray pathology, such as hallux val-
The human foot is a complex structure able to resist great forces with gus, and can be difficult to diagnose clinically. Controversy exists
a dynamic interaction between forefoot, midfoot and hindfoot. The rest- about the role of the metatarsal instability (Dietze et al., 2013; Faber
ing position of the foot can vary greatly from the weightbearing position et al., 1999; van Beek and Greisberg, 2011) and how to diagnose it
and this can be dependent on bone morphology (Knupp et al., 2011; (Greisberg et al., 2010). The Peroneus Longus (PL) attaches at the base
Sarrafian, 1993) and pathology (Hayashi et al., 2008; Johnston et al., of the first metatarsal, and it is possible that activation of this tendon
1995; Rao and Joseph, 1992). Many pathologic conditions reveal can dynamically alter the first TMT joint (Faber et al., 1999) and also in-
themselves only in loaded position. fluence the intermetatarsal angle (Spinner et al., 1984). By pulling the
PL, the tendon acts in conjunction with the Tibialis Posterior muscle in
plantar flexing the foot and could influence the Meary's angle.
The objective of this study was to investigate two conditions that
might reveal themselves only in loaded foot position. Therefore, ex-
⁎ Corresponding author. vivo CT investigation was performed on the human foot in unloaded
E-mail addresses: (K. Dullaert),
(J. Hagen), (K. Klos),
condition and under defined axial loading to determine the impact of
(B. Gueorguiev), (M. Lenz), weightbearing on the first tarsometatarsal joint and the medial longitu-
(R.G. Richards), (P. Simons). dinal configuration. In addition, via tendon pulleys we investigated
0268-0033/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
8 K. Dullaert et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 34 (2016) 7–11

Fig. 1. Picture of the pressure-controlled custom made frame for axial loading.

the effect PL tendon actuation has on the position of the first

tarsometatarsal joint and its ability to restore the medial longitudinal
Fig. 3. Picture of the set-up for axial loading and scanning including the weight hung from
the PL tendon.

2. Methods
Measurements in the coronal plane using the CT scans included the
Eight pairs of fresh-frozen (− 20 °C) human cadaveric lower legs first metatarsal rotational angle, which is a novel way of measuring and
including the feet were used. The specimens with age of the donors be- was defined as the angle made up by the lateral cortex of the first
tween 59 and 91 years, mean 79.4 years, five males and three females, metatarsal and the horizon. For this purpose, the triangular base of the
all Caucasian, were visually checked for pathology or any prior surgery. first metatarsal on the coronal reformats was first identified. Then a line
Using computer tomography (CT), all specimens were checked for was drawn parallel to the lateral cortex and another line parallel to the
integrity of the joints. The tibia and fibula were cut at mid-tibia level horizon. The angle should open to the lateral edge of the foot (Fig. 4).
and potted in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA; SCS-Beracryl, Suter- The intermetatarsal angle between the first and second metatarsal bone
Kunststoffe AG, Fraubrunnen, Switzerland). was measured in the transverse plane (Fig. 5) (Spinner et al., 1984).
Weightbearing was simulated by an air pressure-controlled custom The measurements in the sagittal plane included first TMT joint sub-
made loading frame, while a 75 N or 700 N axial load was applied (Fig. luxation and lateral tarso-first metatarsal angle or Meary's angle. The
1). The 75 N load was defined asunloaded state, chosen to simulate the joint subluxation was measured by finding the CT slide in the sagittal
toe-touch weightbearing; this allowed the feet to sit flat and not claw. plane where the first TMT joint was the widest. The length of each side
The axial loading of 700 N, defined as loaded state, was selected to rep- of the joint was measured and its centre was marked. Then the vertical
licate single-legged stance of a 70 kg person (Knupp et al., 2011; distance between these two centre points was measured thus defining
Thordarson et al., 1995). the first tarsometatarsal joint subluxation (Fig. 6). A negative value indi-
The PL tendons were isolated proximally and secured with a metal cates dorsal translation of the metatarsal to the cuneiform bone, whereas
tendon grasper and sutures (Fig. 2). The grasper was held by a rope a positive value indicates plantar translation of the metatarsal.
running through a pulley and pulling the tendons was simulated by To measure the Meary's angle, the sagittal planes of the images were
hanging a 15 kg weight on the rope. A set-up with the feet flat was de- checked for cut(s) that demonstrated the axis of the talus and first
signed because the PL is active in foot flat position during gait metatarsal best. As this was not always a single cut, the angles between
(Louwerens et al., 1995). In prototype testing, a 15 kg weight provided the horizon and the axis of the talus and the first metatarsal were re-
enough force to visibly plantarflex the first ray during 700 N of axial corded on the respective slices, and then these two angles were
loading without causing rupture of the cadaveric tendon (Fig. 3). subtracted to obtain the true talotarsal (Meary's) angle (Figs. 7 and 8).
Neutral foot position was defined as aligning the tibial crest and sec-
ond metatarsal with the top of the CT gantry. Clinical CT scanning was
performed in toe-touch (75 N), under 700 N loading, and with a 15 kg
weight on the PL tendon. The tendon-actuated scans were performed
under loaded condition (700 N).

Fig. 4. Measurement of the first metatarsal rotational angle in an exemplified specimen

Fig. 2. Picture of the isolated Peroneus Longus tendon with metal grasper and sutures. (88.54°).
K. Dullaert et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 34 (2016) 7–11 9

Fig. 7. Measurement of the lateral angle of the first metatarsal in an exemplified specimen
(17.67°). Notice that the more proximal bones are not visible in this slice.

statistically compare the outcomes in the unloaded specimen's state

75 N, loaded state 700 N, and loaded state 700 N with the PL pulled.
Each measurement was performed twice to create an intra-observer
correlation coefficient by applying Pearson Correlation test. Level of
significance was set at P = 0.05 for all statistical tests.

3. Results

The intra-observer correlations had high coefficients for all measure-

ments: 0.98 (first metatarsal rotation), 0.87 (first metatarsal subluxa-
tion) and 0.92 (intermetatarsal angle). The talus-horizon angle and
the first metatarsal-horizon angle used for the calculation of the Meary's
angle both showed intra-observer correlation coefficients of 0.93.
The addition of an axial load had a significant effect on foot configu-
ration (Table 1). The first metatarsal was translated in plantar direction
Fig. 5. Measurement of the intermetatarsal angle in an exemplified specimen (10.23°). in unloaded state (75 N) and weightbearing (700 N) significantly de-
creased this translation (P b 0.01). The Meary's angle, the first metatar-
The images were analysed with three-dimensional Multi-Planar Re-
sal rotational angle and the intermetatarsal angle significantly increased
construction (3D-MPR) using image processing software (OsiriX MD,
during weightbearing (P b 0.01, P b 0.01 and P = 0.04, respectively).
Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland).
The first metatarsal rotational angle significantly increased after
All measurements were done by an orthopaedic trauma resident
pulling on the PL tendon in loaded state (P b0.01, Table 2). There was
with attending surgeon guidance.
a trend toward significance in restoring the first tarsometatarsal sublux-
ation to the unloaded state after pulling on the PL tendon (P = 0.07).
2.1. Statistical analysis Pulling the PL tendon was unable to restore the Meary's angle (P =
0.52). There was a significant decreasing effect of pulling the PL tendon
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software package on the intermetatarsal angle trending toward the unloaded state
(version 22, IBM SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). Data was screened for normal- (P b 0.01).
ity of distribution applying Shapiro–Wilk test. General Linear Model
Repeated Measures with Bonferroni post hoc test was applied to
4. Discussion

In the current study we were able to demonstrate a significant differ-

ence in the position of the medial longitudinal arch and first TMT joint

Fig. 6. Measurement of the first tarsometatarsal joint subluxation. Fig. 8. Measurement of the lateral angle of the talus in an exemplified specimen (28.72°).
10 K. Dullaert et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 34 (2016) 7–11

Table 1 hallux valgus, the intermetatarsal angle, is corrected by pulling the PL.
Effect of weightbearing on foot configuration (SD = standard deviation). This could be an argument for concomitant first TMT joint arthrodesis
Mean foot configuration Measurement P value† during hallux valgus correction, even in patients without obvious first
Unloaded state Loaded state
TMT joint instability in the sagittal plane. The findings of Bierman
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) et al. support this by describing an increased efficiency of the PL acting
on the medial column in cadaveric feet treated with Lapidus arthrodesis
Meary's angle (°) (normal b10° 6.84 (6.11) 9.16 (7.09) b0.01
(Chi et al., 1999; Pedowitz (Bierman et al., 2001).
and Kovatis, 1995))a Our data suggests that when assessing the quantity of first TMT joint
First metatarsal rotation (°) 84.8 (12.49) 87.69 (11.32) b0.01 mobility in clinical daily practice the function of the PL should also be
First TMT joint subluxation (mm) 2.79 (1.40) 2.21 (1.47) b0.01 taken into account.
Intermetatarsal angle (°) 11.33 (3.26) 12.61 (3.28) 0.04
(normal b9° (Hardy and
Furthermore, the findings of the current study may help in implicat-
Clapham, 1951; Steel ing a conservative treatment protocol for hallux valgus with strengthen-
et al., 1980))a ing the PL to restore medial column stability.

P values reflecting the difference between unloaded and loaded state. Our experimental design has some limitations inherent to all cadav-
Note: the normal values from in vivo measurements. eric studies. The normal values in Table 1 are from in vivo
measurements whereas our measurements are not. The role of
that was created under weightbearing. These findings are consistent weightbearing imaging has already been validated in several studies
with other clinical studies where radiokinematic and pedobarographic (Ananthakrisnan et al., 1999; Arangio et al., 2006; Chadha et al., 1997;
analyses using both radiographs and multiplanar imaging detected in- Perry et al., 1992; Saltzman et al., 1994; Younger et al., 2005) although
fluence of weightbearing on such outcomes (Dietze et al., 2013; this was performed in clinical setting. A standardized axial load of
Haleem et al., 2014). This reinforces our belief in the clinically relevant 700 N is idealized single-legged stance weightbearing; as we had speci-
design of the current study. mens from just several female and male donors, this is not a true repre-
The behaviour of the first TMT joint was also interesting in this sentation of the load observed in each one individual specimen in vivo.
study. There is a significant amount of translation that occurs under We did not have time-of-death weight or height of the donors, so this
weightbearing, even in a specimen without obvious first ray pathology. could not be accommodated for. Nevertheless, the added value of this
Actuation of the PL did appear to pull the first TMT joint subluxation study is the investigation of the change in foot alignment in both loaded
back toward its unloaded state, although without reaching statistical and unloaded states, with the addition of a selected tendon influence.
significance. The rotation worsened, however, which is not surprising Another limitation of this study is the method of tendon actuation. A stat-
given the off-axis line of pull. The rotating effect of pulling the PL on ic pull of 15 kg on the tendons in isolation is a gross underestimation of
the medial column in the frontal plane was also described by Johnson the complex, dynamic balance of the forces seen around the foot during
and Christensen (1999). These authors hypothesised that the eversion ambulation. Although the deformation seen with the addition of the
of the PL is “locking” of the first ray against the rest of the foot. weight was consistent with the known action of the PL tendon, the
Although none of our specimens had obvious flatfoot deformity, we benefit of the current design is that we were able to study the impact
did see an increase in Meary's angle with the addition of weightbearing. of this tendon in isolation, which is not feasible in an in vivo study.
This did not decrease with PL actuation as we would expect, but showed
a tendency to further increase the angle. This is in contrast to the hy-
5. Conclusions
pothesis that the PL might be a dynamic stabilizer of the longitudinal
arch (Bierman et al., 2001). Kokubo et al. showed that activation of
The current study demonstrates in an ex vivo study model the signif-
the PL resulted in a decreased foot stiffness and increased the energy
icant effect weightbearing has on the medial longitudinal arch and first
stored in the foot (Kokubo et al., 2012). Otis et al. showed the effect
TMT joint positions. Pulling the PL tendon improved the first TMT joint
the PL has on both the Chopart joint and subtalar joint (Otis et al.,
sagittal plane subluxation and intermetatarsal angle, but ‘worsened’ the
2004). Taking into account this data and our results we may consider
first metatarsal rotation and did not reconstitute the arch. While clinical
that the PL stabilizes the TMT joint while destabilizing the hindfoot.
investigation is needed, the present study raises concern about persis-
The lessening effect of the PL actuation on the intermetatarsal angle
tent rotational deformity of the first metatarsal following hallux valgus
was significant, appearing to correct the angle to the unloaded state.
correction that does not incorporate first TMT joint arthrodesis and calls
Faber et al. found a stabilizing effect of the PL on the first TMT joint
into question the importance of the PL tendon in maintaining the longi-
with a much smaller amount of force (Faber et al., 1999). The implica-
tudinal arch during stance.
tions of the findings trending toward stabilization with worsened rota-
tion, specifically regarding hallux valgus pathology, are interesting. One
of the less discussed deformities in hallux valgus is rotation of the first Acknowledgements
metatarsal (Dayton et al., 2013). The first ray everts in this pathology,
and, according to our results, the PL actuation appears to apply a The authors were fully involved in the study and preparation of the
deforming force, yet at the same time another characteristic of the manuscript. They are not compensated and there are no other
institutional subsidies, corporate affiliations or funding sources
Table 2
supporting this work unless clearly documented and disclosed. This
Effect of tendon pulling on foot configuration (SD = standard deviation). investigation was performed with the assistance of the AO Foundation
via the AOTRAUMA Network (Grant No.: AR2014_02).

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