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FY MMS (2019-21)



Submitted by
Name – Rohit laxman Kerkar
Roll No : 27
Div : A

Submitted to
Prof.Renuka Morani
Consumer’s attitude towards online shopping refers to their psychological state in terms of
making purchases over the Internet. Online buying behavior process refers to the products
purchased online. Online shopping is the easy solution for busy life in today’s world. Online
shopping saves crucial time for modern people because they get so busy that they cannot or
unwilling to spend much time shopping. The main objective of this study is to understand the
customer shopping attitudes toward online shopping and their intention to shop on the Internet.

The student from division A (FY MMS) cannot be part of this Survey.

A structured and self-administered online survey was employed targeting online shoppers.
Sample size of 50 people were used to study the online buying attitude. Firstly questionnaire
was prepared based on
 How often people buy product online.
 Types of product purchased online.
 Concern about shopping online.
 How they feel about personal information being secure while online shopping.
 Different payment methods used.
 Privacy concerns which prevent them from buying products online.
 Which sites are preferable to buy products online?
Google form was prepared based on above topics and this form was circulated to family and
friends through Whatsapp and by email.

Parameter No. of Percentage

respondents %

Extremely often 14 28
Quite often 11 22
Moderately often 06 12
Slightly often 17 34
Not at all often 02 04

From above data, it is clear that the majority (34 %) of respondents are
slightly often and moderately often buying products online 12% and about
22% of respondents buy products online quite often while 28 % of
respondents buy products online extremely often and 4% are not at all often.

This question was an open-ended, so respondents have expressed their
different perspectives.
From above graph, we can observe that many of respondents typically buy
clothes, electronics, shoes, accessories, mobile, etc.
It is observed that respondents buy clothes and electronics through online
This question was an open-ended, so respondents have expressed their
different perspectives.
From above graph, we can observe that many of respondents typically buy
from online retailer such as Amazon, Flipkart, Rooftop, Myntra, etc.
It is observed that respondents buy products online through Amazon and
This question was an open-ended, so respondents have expressed their
different perspectives.
From above graph, we can observe that many of respondents have many
concerns while buying online.
Some of them are quality of product, faulty product, originality of product,
home delivery, safe online payment methods, refund policies, offers &
discounts, etc.
It is observed that respondents have biggest concern about quality of product,
and other concern is price of the product, return policies.
Parameter No. of Percentage
respondents %
Extremely comfortable 13 26
Quite comfortable 20 40
Moderately comfortable 08 16
Slightly comfortable 9 18
Not at all comfortable - -

From the above data, it is clear that the majority (40%) of respondents are
quite comfortable buying products online from the company they know and
16% of respondents are moderately comfortable buying products online and
about 26% of respondents are extremely comfortable while buying products
online while 18% of respondents are slightly comfortable about buying
products online.
Parameter No. of Percentage
respondents %
Extremely confident 08 16
Quite confident 18 36
Moderately confident 12 24
Slightly confident 09 18
Not at all confident 03 06

From the above data, the majority (36%) of respondents are quite confident
that personal information is kept confidential while buying products online
and 24% of respondents are moderately confident that personal information
is kept confidential while buying products online. Only 6% are not at all
confident that personal information is kept confidential while buying products

Parameter No. of Percentage

respondents %
Extremely confident 02 04
Quite confident 23 46
Moderately confident 11 22
Slightly confident 09 18
Not at all confident 05 10

From the above data, the majority (46 %) of respondents are quite confident
that payment information is kept secure while buying products online and
22% of respondents are moderately and 18% of respondents are slightly
confident that payment information is kept secure and 04% of respondents
are extremely confident that payment info is secure.
Parameter No. of Percentage
respondents %
Always 17 34
Most of the time 18 36
About half the time 12 24
Once in a while 02 04
Never 1 02

From the above data, the majority (36%) of respondents think that most of
the time privacy concern prevent them while buying products online and 24%
of respondents feel about half the time about privacy concerns and 04% of
respondents show that they think that privacy concern prevents them from
buying online once in a while .34% of respondent always feel that privacy
concern prevent them from buying products online and only 2% says that
privacy concern did not prevent them from shopping online.

Parameter No. of Percentage

respondents %
Debit card 18 36
Credit card 09 18
Paypal -- --
Google checkout 09 18
Other 14 28

From the above data, the majority (36 %) of respondents use the Debit card
as a payment method while buying products online and 28% of respondents
are using other payment methods and 18% of respondents are using Google
checkout payment method and only 18% of respondent use Credit card while
buying products online.

Parameter No. of Percentage

respondents %
eBay 13 26
Amazon Marketplace 29 58
uBid 04 08
eBid 01 02
Craigslist - -
Google Product Search - -
Other 03 06

From the above data, the majority (58%) of respondents find amazon
marketplace for comfortably buying products online from individuals they
don't know while 26% of respondents are comfortable buying through eBay
and 06% of respondents are using other sites.

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