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Lesson 4: Mathematics as Language

Answer each question.

1. Find other names for the number “12” using the following symbols.
a. ______7+5______________________________
b. ____36÷3_______________________________
c. _____√ 144_______________________________
2. Identify the verb in each sentence. Determine whether the sentence is true or false.
a. EDSA is the longest road in Metro Manila.
Verb ______is_______ True or False __True___
b. The capital of Metro Manila is Quezon City.
Verb _______is______ True or False ___False___
c. 8(2) – 6 = √ 100
Verb _____=______ True or False ____True____

d. π < 3
Verb ____<_____ True or False ____False____
e. 4–5=5–4
Verb _____=______ True or False ___False___
3. Classify if each item is an expression (E) or a sentence (S).
a. pretty girl ______E_______

b. 3 + 4 = 4 + 3 _____S______

c. The word “vowel” starts with a consonant. _____S______

d. 5 × 3 _____E______

e. 5 × 3 = 3 × 5 ____S____

f. Hayward got injured in the game. _____S_____

g. You and I ____E_____

h. 3x = 3 ____S_____

i. 3x + 4y ____E_____
j. 1(5) = 5 _____S_____

k. x ≤ 5 _____S_____

l. Math is a language. _____S_____

Lesson 5 : Sets
For numbers 1 to 6, use the roster method to represent each given set.
1. The set of counting numbers greater than –1 and less than 9 C = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
2. The set of integers satisfying x – 2 ≤ 5 R = {7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...}
3. The first names of all the members of the group One Direction O = {Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall,
4. The set of months of a year ending with the letters “ber” M = {September, October,
November, December}
5. The set of cities in Metro Manila that start with the letter P M = {Pasay, Paranaque, Pasig}
6. The set of positive numbers that are divisible by 3 and less than or equal to 12 L = {3, 6, 9,
For numbers 7 to 10, use the set-builder notation to represent each given set.
7. The set of natural numbers that are less than 7. S = {x: x is N <7}
8. The set of composite numbers that are divisible by 4 and less than 18. S = {x: x is a composite
number(s) divisible by 4 and x<18}
9. {1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49} U = {x: x is n2 where 1≤ n < 8}
10. {8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18} S = {x: x is 2n where 4 ≤ n ≤ 9}
Lesson 5: Functions
For numbers 1 and 2, determine which is a function from x to y.
1. {(d, a), (a, a), (e, b), (b, c)} Df = {a,b,d,e}, Rf = {a,b,c}
2. {(2, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3), (6, 4)} Df = {2,5,6}, Rf = {1,2,3,4}

For numbers 3 and 4, list the ordered pairs for each function using the given domain. Also,
find the range.
3. f(x) = x – 3, with domain {4, 8, 12, 16}. f = {(4,1), (8,5), (12,9), (16,13)}
Rf = {1,5, 9, 13}
4. with domain {3, 4, 5} Rf = {0,1,2,}, f = {(3,0), (4,1), (5,2)}
For numbers 5 to 7, determine if each statement represents a function.
5. Each person is assigned a birth date. Function
6. Each course in a degree program is assigned a tuition fee. Function
7. Each unit in a condominium is assigned to only one particular parking slot. Function

Lesson 6: Binary Operations

Determine if the specified operation is a binary operation on the given set. Justify your
1. The operation subtraction on the set of natural numbers N Not Binary (Because in
subtraction, when the subtrahend and minuend exchange places, the answer to the
number sentence changes.)
2. The operation * defined by on the set of rational numbers Q except 0 Binary (all real
numbers are binary)
3. The operation * defined by on the set of real numbers R Binary (all real numbers are
Lesson 7: Propositional Logic
Formalize the given statements using the following propositions.
p: Paul is happy.
q: Queenie is Happy.
r: Paul plays the guitar.
1. Both Paul and Queenie are happy. p^q
2. Paul plays the guitar provided that he is happy. rp
3. If Paul is happy and plays the guitar, then Queenie is not happy. p^q~q
Let M: Mark is English and L: Lem is German. Translate the following logic symbols into
4. M ∨ L Mark is English or Lem is German
5. ∼L Lem is not a German
6. M → ∼L If Mark is English then Lem is not German
7. M ∧ (∼L) Mark is English and Lem is not German
8. M ∨ (∼M → L) Mark is English or if Mark is not English then Lem is German

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