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Module 1 is about an overview on sexuality, gender and society. There are a lot of things

in this module that I have learned just now. Like the real difference between sex and gender. I

learned that sex pertains to either if your male or female by the appearance of your genitalia or

reproductive organs. And by gender, it pertains to how a person appears physically. A person

who may have prominent muscle growth may be referred to as masculine, as opposed to a

person who is soft, built thin and lacks muscles, who we can refer to as feminine.

The module also talks about gender identity. Gender identity is much more complex

compared to sex and gender. As in gender identity, we take into perspective the ideas of an

individual. An individual may be a male and masculine, but in his mind, he might be the exact

opposite, gays for instance assume that they are a person inside a wrong body. In this case, we

the process of identifying whether what to label that person demands for extreme lengths.

Such topics are debated in researches and even on a juridical level.

Lastly, in this module, the roles of gender in a family setting was also discussed. Luckily, I

belong to a family, I had a lot of gist on how gender played its role within a family. Of course, it

was discussed as to why traditionally, the fathers in the family are the ones who are commonly

followed, while the mothers only take care of children and house chores. Well, this is because

the fathers are usually the bread winners, they are the ones who leave home and then return

with the “bread”, hence the word “breadwinner”. The father earns the money, at least,

traditionally. But today, gender roles proved to be dynamic, as mothers, or females in the
house hold are also expected to find a job and earn money for the family. Which is a good


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