International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: M. Sheikholeslami, S.A. Shehzad

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 106 (2017) 1261–1269

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Magnetohydrodynamic nanofluid convection in a porous enclosure

considering heat flux boundary condition
M. Sheikholeslami a, S.A. Shehzad b,⇑
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Babol University of Technology, Babol, Iran
Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Sahiwal 57000, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Magnetohydrodynamic CuO-water nanofluid flow in a porous semi annulus with constant heat flux is
Received 2 September 2016 studied by means of Control Volume based Finite Element Method. Koo-Kleinstreuer-Li correlation and
Received in revised form 16 October 2016 Darcy model are applied for nanofluid and porous media, respectively. Effective parameters are radius
Accepted 29 October 2016
of inner cylinder, CuO-water volume fraction, Hartmann and Rayleigh numbers for porous medium. A for-
Available online 5 November 2016
mula for Nuave is presented. Results revealed that heat transfer augmentation decreases with rise of buoy-
ancy forces. Influence of adding nanoparticle augments with increase of Lorentz forces. Increasing
Hartmann number leads to a reduction in temperature gradient.
Porous media
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Heat flux
Natural convection

1. Introduction mal radiation on convection heat transfer was analyzed by Hayat

et al. [10]. Sheikholeslami and Ellahi [11] selected LBM to simulate
Free convection in permeable media has been utilized for insu- Lorentz forces influence on nanofluid convective heat transfer.
lation for buildings, chemical catalytic, reactors, grain storage and They depicted that temperature gradient reduces with augment
etc. Innovative kinds of fluid required to reach more efficient per- of magnetic strength. Radial magnetic field impact on non-
formance in new days. Nanofluid was proposed as innovative way straight duct has been examined by Shehzad et al. [12]. They used
to enhance heat transfer. Mahanthesh et al. [1] examined the MHD slip condition.
nanofluid on a plate. They utilized heat flux boundary condition. Imtiaz et al. [13] examined the carbon nanotubes flow in exis-
Hussien et al. [2] studied heat transfer augmentation of nanofluid tence of thermal radiation. Influence of non-uniform Lorentz forces
in a mini channel. They illustrated the new uses of nanfluid in on nanofluid flow motion has been investigated by Sheikholeslami
micro channel. Sheikholeslami and Ganji [3] presented various Kandelousi [14]. He concluded that improvement in heat transfer
application of nanofluid in their review paper. Sheremet et al. [4] reduces with rise of Kelvin forces. Shehzad et al. [15] investigated
analyzed the unsteady MHD flow in an enclosure. They used the 3D Jeffery fluid motion. They utilized convective boundary con-
FDM to simulate that paper. Gireesha et al. [5] analyzed the Hall dition. Khan et al. [16] examined the inclined magnetic field influ-
impact on fluid motion in preamble media in existence of variable ence on nanofluid motion over a plate. MHD nanofluid thermal
heat generation. Sheremet et al. [6] examined the influence of cor- radiation was presented by Sheikholeslami et al. [17]. Their results
ner heater on nanofluid flow in permeable media in presence of showed that concentration gradient augments with increasing
Lorentz forces. Sheikholeslami and Chamkha [7] examined the radiation parameter. Sheikholeslami et al. [18] reported the impact
MHD Fe3O4-H2O heat transfer in an enclosure with moving and of inconstant Lorentz force on forced convection. They illustrated
wavy walls. Suganthi et al. [8] used ZnO–ethylene glycol as cool- that higher lid velocity has more sensible Kelvin forces effect. Lin
ants fluid. They showed that heat transfer improvement has direct et al. [19] described the role of radiation in convective flow of
relationship with thermal conductivity augmentation. Ramesh non-Newtonian nano liquid. In another investigation, Lin et al.
et al. [9] analyzed the impact of Lorentz forces on dusty fluid [20] presented an analysis to examine the unsteady pseudo-
motion on a plate with heat production. Impact of nonlinear ther- plastic nanofluid over a thin plate. Nanofluid heat transfer aug-
mentation was analyzed by several authors [21–37].
The goal of this article is to investigate impact of uniform mag-
⇑ Corresponding author.
netic field on nanofluid free convection in a porous media with
E-mail addresses: (M. Sheikholeslami), (S.A. Shehzad). sinusoidal hot cylinder. CVFEM is chosen to simulate this paper.
0017-9310/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1262 M. Sheikholeslami, S.A. Shehzad / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 106 (2017) 1261–1269


b Magnetic induction Greek symbols

r radius U dimensionless temperature
! heat transfer enhancement a thermal diffusivity
I electric current f rotation angle
K permeability of the porous medium X&w dimensionless vorticity & stream function
T fluid temperature b thermal expansion coefficient
Nu Nusselt number q fluid density
Hartmann number r electrical conductivity
g Gravitational acceleration vector l dynamic viscosity
Ra Rayleigh number
V, U Vertical and horizontal dimensionless velocity Subscripts
Y, X Vertical and horizontal space coordinates nf nanofluid
f base fluid
loc local
c cold

Impacts of CuO volume fraction, Hartmann and Rayleigh numbers 3. Governing equation and simulation
for permeable media on heat transfer treatment are considered.
3.1. Governing formulation
2. Problem definition
Two-dimensional steady convective flow of nanofluid in a
Fig. 1 shows the geometry, boundary condition and sample ele- porous media is considered in existence of constant horizontal
ment. The formula of inner cylinder is: magnetic field. The PDEs equations are:
 2n^  2n^
X Y !
þ ¼1 ð1Þ r: V ¼ 0 ð2Þ
a b
^ > 1 geometry is square when a = b.
where n

Fig. 1. (a) Geometry and the boundary conditions with (b) the mesh of Geometry considered in this work; (c) A sample triangular element and its corresponding Control
M. Sheikholeslami, S.A. Shehzad / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 106 (2017) 1261–1269 1263

Table 1 3
1 / qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 þ 5  104 g 0 ð/;T;dp Þ/qf cp;f jb T
knf ¼ 1 þ  f 
The coefficient values of CuO  Water nanofluid [40].
kp kp qp dp
þ2  1 /
Coefficient values CuO  Water kf kf

a1 26.593310846 g 0 ð/;T;dp Þ ¼ ða1 þ a2 Lnðdp Þ þ a3 Lnð/Þ þ a4 Lnð/Þ lnðdp Þ þ a5 Lnðdp Þ ÞLnðTÞ

a2 0.403818333
a3 33.3516805 þða6 þ a7 Lnðdp Þ þ a8 Lnð/Þ þ a9 lnðdp ÞLnð/Þ þ a10 Lnðdp Þ Þ
a4 1.915825591
Rf ¼ dp =kp;eff  dp =kp ;Rf ¼ 4  108 km =W
a5 6.421858466E-02 2
a6 48.40336955
a7 9.787756683 ð15Þ
a8 190.245610009
lf kBrownian lf
a9 10.9285386565
lnf ¼ 2:5
þ  ð16Þ
a10 ð1  /Þ kf Pr

lnf ! ! ! !
V¼ rp þ I  B þqnf g ð3Þ

ðqC p Þnf ðV rÞT ¼ knf r2 T ð4Þ

r I ¼0 ð5Þ
! !  !
rnf V  B ru ¼ I ð6Þ

In Eq. (3), Darcy model is utilized for porous medium. Eqs. (5) and
(6) reduce to r2u = 0 [38]. So electric field can be neglect [39].
Therefore the governing equations are:
@ v @u
þ ¼0 ð7Þ
@y @x

K @p rnf KB20
ðu sin c þ v sin c cos cÞ ¼ u
lnf @x lnf

K @p rnf KB20 ðqbÞnf K

  ðv cos2 c þ u sin c cos cÞ þ g ðT  T c Þ ¼ v
lnf @y lnf lnf
@T @T @2T @2T
ðqC p Þnf u þv ¼ knf þ ð10Þ
@x @y @x2 @y2

ðqC p Þnf ; ðqbÞnf ; qnf and rnf are defined as:

ðqC p Þnf ¼ ðqC p Þf ð1  /Þ þ ðqC p Þs / ð11Þ

ðqbÞnf ¼ ðqbÞf ð1  /Þ þ ðqbÞs / ð12Þ

qnf ¼ qf ð1  /Þ þ qs / ð13Þ

rnf 3ðr  1Þ/
¼1þ f   ð14Þ
rf rs
þ 2  rs  1 /
rf rf

kn f ; ln f are obtained according to Koo–Kleinstreuer–Li (KKL) Fig. 2. Comparison of isotherms between the present work and experimental study
of (a) Kuehn and Goldstein [41]; (b) Comparison of the temperature on axial
model [40]: midline between the present results and numerical results obtained by Khanafer
et al. [42] for Gr ¼ 104 , / ¼ 0:1 and Pr ¼ 6:2ðCu  WaterÞ.

Table 2
Thermo physical properties of water and nanoparticles [40].

qðkg=m3 Þ C p ðj=kg kÞ kðW=m  kÞ b  105 ðK1 Þ dp ðnmÞ rðX  mÞ1

Water 997.1 4179 0.613 21 – 0:05
CuO 6500 540 18 29 29 1010
1264 M. Sheikholeslami, S.A. Shehzad / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 106 (2017) 1261–1269

Table 3
Average Nusselt number for different Grashof number under various strengths of the magnetic field at Pr = 0.733.

Ha Gr ¼ 2  104 Gr ¼ 2  105

Present Rudraiah et al. [43] Present Rudraiah et al. [43]

0 2.5665 2.5188 5.093205 4.9198
10 2.26626 2.2234 4.9047 4.8053
50 1.09954 1.0856 2.67911 2.8442
100 1.02218 1.011 1.46048 1.4317

Fig. 3. Isotherms (left) and streamlines (right) contours for different values of Rayleigh number and Hartmann number for porous medium when / ¼ 0:04; r in ¼ 0:2.

Table 4
Comparison of the average Nusselt number for different grid resolution at Ra ¼ 103 , r in ¼ 0:2; Ha ¼ 20 and / ¼ 0:04:.

Mesh size in radial direction  angular direction

61  181 71  211 81  241 91  271 101  301
5.707103 5.715321 5.717031 5.718164 5.719861
M. Sheikholeslami, S.A. Shehzad / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 106 (2017) 1261–1269 1265

All required coefficients and properties are illustrated in Tables 1 qnf ðqbÞnf l
A1 ¼ qf ; A3 ¼ ðqbÞf
; A5 ¼ lnf ;
and 2 [40].Introducing dimensionless quantities:
ðqC P Þnf knf r
A2 ¼ ðqC P Þf
; A4 ¼ ; A6 ¼ rnf
T  Tc kf f
W ¼ w=anf ; ðX; YÞ ¼ ðx; yÞ=L; h ¼ ð17Þ
Th  Tc and boundary conditions are:
By discarding the pressure, the final equations are: @h
h i ¼ 1:0 on inner wall ð21Þ
@ W 2
cÞ þ @@XW2 ðcos2 cÞ þ 2 @X@ @Y ðsin cÞ ðcos cÞ
þ @@YW2 ¼
@ W
2 2 2
@X 2
 AA65 Ha @Y 2
 AA34 AA25 @h
Ra h ¼ 0:0 on other wall

ð18Þ W ¼ 0:0 on all walls

@2h @2h @h @ W @h @ W Nulocal ; Nuav e over the inner cylinder and E can calculate as:
þ ¼  ð19Þ 
@Y 2
@X 2 @X @Y @Y @X Nuloc ¼ A4 1hinner wall
R 2p ð22Þ
g K ðqbÞf L DT r K B2 Nuav e ¼ 21p 0 Nuloc df
where Ra ¼ l f af and Ha ¼ f l 0 are the Rayleigh and Hartmann

numbers for the porous media. Also Ai ði ¼ 1:0:6Þ are constants Nuð/ ¼ 0:04Þ  NuðbasefluidÞ
parameters which are obtained as: E¼  100 ð23Þ

Fig. 4. Isotherms (left) and streamlines (right) contours for different values of Rayleigh number and Hartmann number for porous medium when / ¼ 0:04; r in ¼ 0:4.
1266 M. Sheikholeslami, S.A. Shehzad / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 106 (2017) 1261–1269

3.2. Numerical procedure The flow rates are

qf 1 ¼ v  n Ajf 1 ¼ v fx1 Dy! f 1  v fy1 Dy! f 1

In CVFEM, the building block is triangular elements. Linear ð30Þ
interpolation is used to estimate the values of scalars. A close qf 2 ¼ v  n Ajf 2 ¼ v fx2 Dy! f 2  v fy2 Dy! f 2
polygonal cell is generated by connecting the middle of each ele-
ment (see Fig. 1 (c)). Diffusion – advection formula for node (i) is kf1, kf2 are
Z Z Z 5 5 2
ðv  nÞ/ dA  kr/  n dA  Q dV ¼ 0 ð24Þ kf 1 ¼ ½N1 k1 þ N2 k2 þ N3 k3 f 1 ¼ k1 þ k2 þ k3 ð31Þ
12 12 12

or 5 2 5
kf 2 ¼ ½N1 k1 þ N2 k2 þ N3 k3 f 2 ¼ k1 þ k2 þ k3 ð32Þ
r  ðv /Þ  r  ðkr/Þ  Q ¼ 0 ð25Þ 12 12 12

It can rewrite according to CVFEM discrete equations

v fx1 ; v fy1 ; v fx2 ; v fy2 are given by
ni v fx1 ¼ 125 v x 1
þ 12
v x2 þ 122 v x3
½ai þ Qci þ Bci /i ¼ ai;j /Si;j þ Q Bi þ BBi ð26Þ ð33Þ
j¼1 v fy1 ¼ 125 v y 1
þ 12
v y2 þ 122 v y3
In Eq. (26), the index Si;j offers the number of nodes of the jth nodes,
the Q accounts for the source terms and B accounts for the boundary v fx2 ¼ 125 v x þ 12
v x2 þ 125 v x3
conditions. If Q = 0, we have: v fy2 ¼ 125 v y 1
þ 12
v y2 þ 125 v y3
ðak1 þ au1 Þ/i þ ðak2 þ au2 Þ/Si;3 þ ðak2 þ au2 Þ/Si;4 ¼ 0 ð27Þ The coefficients should be updated as:

Using upwind for the advection term leads to: ai ¼ ak1 þ ai

au1 ¼ max½qf 1 ; 0 þ max½qf 2 ; 0 ai;3 ¼ ak2 þ ai;3 ð35Þ
au2 ¼ max½qf 1 ; 0 ð28Þ ai;4 ¼ ak3 þ ai;4
au3 ¼ max½qf 2 ; 0
The distances of Eq. (30), can obtained as:
and the diffusion terms are defined by 2x3  
! ! ! !
Dx! f 1 ¼ 16  x12  x11 ; Dy! f 1 ¼ 16 2y13  y12  y11
ak1 ¼ kf 1 Dy f 1 N 1x þ kf 1 Dx f 1 N 1y þ Dx f 2 kf 2 N 1y  Dy f 2 kf 2 N 1x

ak2 ¼ kf 1 Dy! f 1 N2x þ kf 1 Dx! f 1 N2y þ Dx! f 2 kf 2 N 2y  Dy! f 2 kf 2 N2x Dx! f 2 ¼ 16  2x12 þ x13 þ x11 ; Dy! f 2 ¼ 16  2y12 þ y13 þ y11

ak2 ¼ kf 1 Dy! f 1 N3x þ kf 1 Dx! f 1 N3y þ Dx! f 2 kf 2 N 3y  Dy! f 2 kf 2 N3x and shape functions and volume of cell are:

Fig. 5. Effects of r in ; Ra and Ha for porous medium on local Nusselt number at / ¼ 0:04.
M. Sheikholeslami, S.A. Shehzad / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 106 (2017) 1261–1269 1267

N1x ¼ @N
¼ ðy2V
2 y3 Þ
ele ; N1y ¼ @N
¼ ðx2V
3 x2 Þ
ele 4. Code verification and Grid independency analysis

N2x ¼ @N
¼ ðy2V
3 y1 Þ
ele ; N2y ¼ @N
¼ ðx2V
1 x3 Þ
ele ð37Þ In order to verify the written code, we examine the accuracy of
that code for free convection and nanofluid heat transfer (Fig. 2)
N3x ¼ @N
¼ ðy2V
1 y2 Þ
ele ; N3y ¼ @N
¼ ðx2V
2 x1 Þ
ele ([41] and [42]). Table 3 depicts that our code is validated for mag-
netohydrodynamic heat transfer [43]. Different grids are investi-
y1 ðx3  x2 Þ  ðx3 y2  x2 y3 Þ  x1 ðy3  y2 Þ gated to access the grid independent out puts. As demonstrated
V ele ¼ ð38Þ
2 in Table 4, a grid size of 71  211 should be chosen for the further
Gauss-Seidel approach is selected to solve the obtained algebraic simulation.
equations. Boundary conditions can be applied as:
insulated boundary : BBi ¼ 0 and BC i ¼ 0 ð39Þ 5. Results and discussion

fixed Value Boundary : BBi ¼ /v alue  1016 and BC i ¼ 1016 ð40Þ Effect of Lorentz forces on CuO-water nanofluid flow in a porous
semi annulus with constant heat flux is examined using Control
where /v alue is the prescribed boundary value.Definition of source Volume based Finite Element Method. KKL and Darcy models are
terms is utilized to obtain governing equations. Numerical simulation are
elements presented for various amount of Rayleigh number for porous med-
Q dV  Q i V i ð41Þ ium (R a ¼ 102 ; 250 and 103 ), radius of inner cylinder (r in ¼ 0:2 to
j¼1 Vj
0:4), CuO-water volume fraction (/ = 0–0.04) and Hartmann num-
ber for porous medium (Ha = 0–20).
Q i V i ¼ Q Ci /i þ Q Bi ð42Þ
Figs. 3 and 4 illustrate the influence of rin ; Ra and Ha for porous
medium on isotherms and streamlines. At low Rayleigh number,

Fig. 6. Effects of /; rin ; Ra and Ha for porous medium on average Nusselt number.
1268 M. Sheikholeslami, S.A. Shehzad / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 106 (2017) 1261–1269

Fig. 6 (continued)

isotherms follow the shape of cylinders and one main vortex can be increase of buoyancy forces. Similar effect is observed for /; rin .
observed in streamline. As Rayleigh number augment, jWmax j Enhancing Lorentz force causes the nanofluid flow to retard and
enhances and center of the vortex moves upward. Also thermal Nusselt number reduces.
plume generates near f ¼ 90 . By applying magnetic forces, center Impacts of Ra and Ha on heat transfer improvement is depicted
of the vortex return to middle line and thermal plume vanishes. At in Fig. 7. Thermal conductivity has important role in conduction
high value of r in , there is no enough space for nanofluid to rotate, so mode and in turn adding nanoparticles is more sensible in this con-
conduction mode becomes dominant. dition. According to this fact, heat transfer improvement augments
Figs. 5 and 6 illustrate the influence of /; r in ; Ra and Ha on with rise of Lorentz forces and it reduces with enhance of buoy-
Nuloc ; Nuav e . The correlation for Nuav e corresponding effective ancy forces.
parameters is:

Nuav e ¼ 2:17 þ 3:7  104 Ra þ 12:85r in þ 13:42/  0:018Ha  4:5  104 Rar in
3:82  104 Ra/  1:45  105 RaHa þ 3:45r in / þ 0:04r in Ha þ 0:036/Ha 6. Conclusions
þ5:6  108 Ra2 þ 9:44r2in þ 27:9/2 þ 3:47104 Ha2
Control Volume based Finite Element Method is applied to ana-
lyze magnetohydrodynamic nanofluid convection in a porous
The number of extremum in Nuloc profile is matching to existence of enclosure. KKL and Darcy models are utilized for nanofluid and
thermal plume. Influence of adding magnetic field is more pro- porous media, respectively. Nusselt number, Isotherms and
nounced in lower values of r in . As buoyancy force augments, tem- streamlines are depicted for /; r in ; Ra and Ha for porous medium.
perature gradient augments and in turn Nuav e enhances with Results indicate that Nuav e augments with enhance of /; rin ; Ra
M. Sheikholeslami, S.A. Shehzad / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 106 (2017) 1261–1269 1269

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