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Madagascar (2005) is a great movie for kids & adults. It shown much lessons in
life of us people and animals. In the New York’s Central Park Zoo, there live many
different animals including Marty the Zebra. He was influenced by what the 4 penguins
told him. He lives where he has a job to do as an animal, but he wishes to run free in
the wilds, where Marty has no idea of what kind of living is there in the wild. It’s his
birthday and he only wishes to live in the wild. For him it just sounds fun. Marty has
good friends Alex the Lion, Melman the Giraffe and Gloria the Hippo. Marty told his
friends what he wished for but unluckily 3 of his friends got disappointed. They try to
convince him how great they have it at the zoo, they have all the food they want, the
attention of their adoring fans, and nothing to do but lie around all day. Alex is
particularly unwilling to give, because he’s pampered like the celebrity in the zoo.
However, when Marty has the chance to go free one night, they become all worried and
run towards to save him and turned out getting caught by human agencies, who decide
to send the animals off.
The animals was sent off but unfortunately, the vessel sinks, and all of them was
gotten to an island, where these two central societies are the lemurs and the lemur-
eating fossas. The situation emerges when Alex becomes hungry and starts to
hallucinate that his friends are spicy steaks on legs, but before he roars and assaults
them. When he understands what he’s feelings, he become humiliated but his instincts
are difficult to suppress. Finally these allies find a solution.
Despite the dissimilarity of the four creatures, the strength of their friendship and
communication still able to solve their problem in this film. All the companions go to
awesome lengths to assist each other, indeed to the point of imperiling themselves.
Marty, who would be the normal prey to Alex within the wild, denies to discard his lion
best friend, indeed when Alex progressively has inconvenience stifling his inward
predator. For his part, Alex sends himself into distressing oust instead of imperil his
friend Marty. The four zoo friends help the lemurs fend off a pack of foussa, catlike
carnivores native to Madagascar.
In this movie, it is with no doubt that communication plays a vital role in our lives.
It not just helps to ease this activity of sharing data and knowledge, but also assists to
improve relationships not only with us people but as well as animals. Marty the zebra
able to communicate with his friend Alex to solve the dilemma and cleared the
hallucinations of Alex towards him and his friends. And those moments that they have
misunderstandings, they able to solve it through communicating with each other. Also, I
noticed about how animals communicate their feelings to human. Sometimes, animals
are sick with those activity of humans that affecting them. Just like what the movie
portrayed, Marty is sick living in the zoo and wanted to be free.
Overall, the movie shows how a strong friendship and great communication with
each other can solve a difficult dilemma.

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