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a short written description of your education,

Curriculum vitae qualifications, previous jobs, and sometimes

also your personal interests, which you send to
an employer when you are trying to get a job.
a form that you complete in order to apply for a
Application form job, a place on a course, etc. or to get something
such as a loan or a licence.
relating to a period of time when you are new to
Probationary period a job or activity and are being watched and
tested to see if you are suitable
a test that is designed to show someone's
Psychometric test personality, mental ability, opinions, etc., often
used by companies when they are deciding
whether or not to employ someone
a meeting in which someone asks you questions
Interview to see if you are suitable for a job or course
a letter that contains information about the thing
Covering letter it is sent with

a short written description of your education,

Curriculum vitae qualifications, previous jobs, and sometimes
also your personal interests, which you send to
an employer when you are trying to get a job.
a form that you complete in order to apply for a
Application form job, a place on a course, etc. or to get something
such as a loan or a licence.
relating to a period of time when you are new to
Probationary period a job or activity and are being watched and
tested to see if you are suitable
a test that is designed to show someone's
Psychometric test personality, mental ability, opinions, etc., often
used by companies when they are deciding
whether or not to employ someone
a meeting in which someone asks you questions
Interview to see if you are suitable for a job or course
a letter that contains information about the thing
Covering letter it is sent with
At work, appearance is more important than performance.
You should keep your private life totally separate from your work .
People don't change much during their working lives.
It is best to work for as few companies as possible.
Everybody should retire at 50.

to train to train to train to train

a vacancy/post a vacancy/post a vacancy/post a vacancy/post

to shortlist to shortlist to shortlist to shortlist

an interview panel an interview panel an interview panel an interview panel

to advertise to advertise to advertise to advertise

the candidates the candidates the candidates the candidates

to assemble to assemble to assemble to assemble

references references references references

to make to make to make to make

new staff new staff new staff new staff

to check to check to check to check

a job offer a job offer a job offer a job offer

something you enjoy doing on Sunday something you're afraid of doing
somebody you find very easy to talk to a sport, activity, or hobby you love doing,
but never have time for
something you are planning to do in the a job you'd love to do
a job you hate doing in the house somebody you wouldn't like to go on
holiday with

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