Website Evaluation Assignment Faculty of Technology - Course Work Specification 2019-2020

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Website Evaluation Assignment

Faculty of Technology – Course work Specification 2019-2020

Module name: E-Commerce Computing
Module code: CTEC0703
Title of the Assignment: Website Evaluation Assignment
This coursework item is: (delete as appropriate) Summative Formative
This summative coursework will be marked anonymously Yes No
The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are:
Demonstrate an understanding of HCI and good design of websites through evaluation and research
This coursework is: (delete as appropriate) Individual Group

This coursework constitutes 10 % to the overall module mark.

Date Set: 13th January 2020
Date & Time Due: Tuesday 11th February 2020 by 4pm
Your marked coursework and feedback will be
available to you on:
If for any reason this is not forthcoming by the due date your 10/03/2020
module leader will let you know why and when it can be
expected. The Associate Professor Student Experience, should be informed of any
issues relating to the return of marked work and feedback. Note
that you should normally receive feedback on your phase test
by no later than four working weeks after the formal hand-in
date, provided that you met the submission deadline.
When completed you are required to submit your coursework to:
1. Turnitin submission link in Blackboard
Late submission of coursework policy: Late submissions will be processed in accordance
with current University regulations which state:
“the time period during which a student may submit a piece of work late without authorisation and
have the work capped at 40% [50% at PG level] if passed is 14 calendar days. Work submitted
unauthorised more than 14 calendar days after the original submission date will receive a mark of 0%.
These regulations apply to a student’s first attempt at coursework. Work submitted late without
authorisation which constitutes reassessment of a previously failed piece of coursework will always
receive a mark of 0%.”
Academic Offences and Bad Academic Practices:
These include plagiarism, cheating, collusion, copying work and reuse of your own work, poor
referencing or the passing off of somebody else's ideas as your own. If you are in any doubt about
what constitutes an academic offence or bad academic practice you must check with your tutor.
Further information and details of how DSU can support you, if needed, is available at:
offences.aspx and

Tasks to be undertaken: Review a given website and produce a written critical

evaluation in report format – see Tasks on page 2

Deliverables to be submitted for assessment: A word processed report

How the work will be marked: See attached marking scheme on page 4

Module leader/tutor name:

Contact details:

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Website Evaluation Assignment

There are thousands of Web sites with each site typically publishing many web pages. Usually, an
organisation that develops a presence on the Web does so to achieve some beneficial objectives. The
impression that a site creates on an individual will depend upon two major factors: the quality of the site
and expectations of the visiting individual. That individual may influence others and so that effect of the Web
presence ripples outwards.

Assignment Brief
Working in groups 3, choose an informative website that users visit for real practical reasons and that you
believe is moderately effective in meeting its objectives. If the site is large, restrict your focus to some logical
portion of the site of around 10 pages.

At the outset, you should discuss the type of site you want to study with your fellow group members and
your tutor. This is to ensure that no group is evaluating the same website. There are millions of websites to
choose from so overlap should be easy to avoid.

Your choice of website will need to be approved by your tutor before you begin the evaluation. You will
critically evaluate the performance of your chosen website and to present your findings in a report.


1. Using the link on the main menu of CTEC0703 module shell (Evaluation Groups) sign up to a group (3 in
a group) by the end of week 17 (Friday 5pm)

2. Discuss and agree the website your group want to evaluate and get it approved by your module tutor
by the end of week 17 (Friday 5pm)

3. If you haven’t met the deadline for tasks 1 and 2 your module tutor will assign you to a group and/or

4. Each group member should choose one of the following aspects and critically evaluate that aspect of
the website:
 Structure & Navigation
 Content & Audience
 Appearance & Style
5. Once you have completed task 4 you will bring your individual work together to create a single word
processed report to present your findings. Your report should include the following:
 Title page, contents page and introduction
 The main body (task 4)
 The conclusion (based on all sections of the main body)
 References
6. Your report should meet the following requirements:
 Numbered headings and sub headings should be used throughout the report
 Word count:
o Each individual evaluation section: 500 (+/-10%)
o Both the Introduction and conclusion combined: 300 (+/-10%)
o Include the word count at the end of each evaluation section

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Website Evaluation Assignment

o Include the word count for the introduction and conclusion at the end of the
 Page numbers should appear in the footer of each page
 Sub headings should be used in the reference section for each section of the main body
(so your tutor can identify individual references)
 Harvard style referencing to be used

Submission Requirements

1. Complete the declaration form (available on Blackboard in the Assignments folder) and copy and
paste the table on the last page of your report.

2. To be submitted through the Turnitin link on Blackboard in the Assignment folder by one member of
your group only

3. Deadline: Tuesday 11th February 2020 by 4pm

Marking Scheme
See marking scheme on the next page…
Critical Evaluation of a Website (10%) Mark Awarded
Group Mark - Report 25%
A group mark will be awarded for the final report format.
All group members will be given the same mark unless it has been identified in the declaration form that
one or more group members have contributed less.

Report should meet tasks 5 and 6 of the assignment brief. Report is

presented with clear headings/sub headings. Includes all relevant
sections such as title page, main body, references. Spell checked/proof 10%
read with good presentation and grammar. Word count met.
Introduction & Conclusion should meet the specified word count.
Introduction and Conclusion is based on all group members’ evaluation 10%
of their section. Well written, spell checked etc.
References (Individual Mark) A complete set of Harvard style
referencing that meets the requirements of tasks 5 & 6.
Individual Participation - Evaluation 75%
Individually, you have evaluated one aspect of the website which is either; Audience and Content, Structure
& Navigation or Appearance and Style. Each group member will receive marks for their contribution only.

Audience & Content – identified the target audience, their needs and
the purpose of the site. Evaluated the content against the target
audience, needs and purpose of the website. Identified and evaluated 75%
issues such as feedback, interactive features, reliability,
advertisements etc.

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Website Evaluation Assignment

Structure & Navigation – assessed the structure of the website and

evaluated issues such as whether the layout aids the user to navigate
throughout the site with ease, is able to find required information, has 75%
a clear sequence of pages, supports clear interaction and feedback to
the user etc.
Appearance & Style – assessed and evaluated the website to include
issues such as consistency between pages (both style and appearance),
does the website appearance and style suit the site purpose, is
important information easy to identify, are there distracting elements 75%
which make usability difficult, does the website allow inclusiveness for
all users, how does the style of the website portray the product or
corporate image etc.
Available Marks 100%
Final Mark
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3

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